RANT HERE thread

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Anyone else here on Anti-anxiety/anti-depressants?

I just told me boyfriend yesterday that I need to get on some anti-anxiety drugs lol... this waiting crap is KILLING ME! He agreed... he's tired of dealing with me being neurotic :scared::laugh:
I used to take Xanax through a rough period in my life and I loved how it knocked me out and let me forget and sleep. I could never take it if I needed to function though! :p

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I am not normally a ranter but something has been bugging me. Sorry, this is long.

I work part time on a dairy farm milking 340 ish cows. I share responsibilities with one other person. We usually split the parlour in half and go to'er. Most of the people I work with are very good to the cows and the owners of the farm treat their animals very fairly.

One evening per week I work with this guy. He has his own farm but also works on this farm part time. He is just horribly mean to the cows. He yells at them and is constantly swearing at them. The whole time I'm milking (4-5 hour shift) I have to listen to him yelling and it makes for a very unenjoyable shift.

Furthermore, he needlessly hits the cows. I can walk through the herd and move them along quietly and just touching them with my hand. They in turn, move quietly and are curious about me and sniff and lick at me. When he moves them around he's constantly swinging his cane at them and just yelling. In turn, the cows get nervous and they normally don't go where he wants them to which makes him even more angrier. The cows do everything they can to stay away from him.

Last night, a just fresh first time heifer kept kicking off the milker. He lost it. He beat that poor cow's legs over and over until he got it out of his system. This was by no means to correct the cow but just simply release his anger. I know if the owners saw the things I see on a regular basis they wouldn't be too pleased. I want to say something but this guy intimidates the crap out of me and I wouldn't want to have to work a shift alone with him once he knew I said something.

I think I will talk to one of the owners regarding his behaviour and let them know that I am unwilling to work with him. If they want to talk to him about how he's treating their cows great. But I can't stand to see it anymore.

ETA: The owners of the farm are quite buddy-buddy with this guy but I know they don't see the things that I do.
I just told me boyfriend yesterday that I need to get on some anti-anxiety drugs lol... this waiting crap is KILLING ME! He agreed... he's tired of dealing with me being neurotic :scared::laugh:

Yeah, I have a xanax-type drug that I keep on hand for panic attacks. But i'm on celexa for like everyday anxiety/panic. It was real bad for a while. I don't know if I could deal without it... even with just everyday stuff, not to mention all of this admissions crap. BTW, just got my first rejection- Purdue :(
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Yeah, I have a xanax-type drug that I keep on hand for panic attacks. But i'm on celexa for like everyday anxiety/panic. It was real bad for a while. I don't know if I could deal without it... even with just everyday stuff, not to mention all of this admissions crap. BTW, just got my first rejection- Purdue :(

I'm sorry to hear that :(. How many more schools did you apply to?
I'm sorry to hear that :(. How many more schools did you apply to?

6 others. i feel like this is the first of all 7 though. not to be pessimistic lol.
I feel super yucky because they didn't even wait to reject me until after interviews...:(
6 others. i feel like this is the first of all 7 though. not to be pessimistic lol.
I feel super yucky because they didn't even wait to reject me until after interviews...:(
Ugh, at least you have 6 more. It's ok to be pessimistic, I'm a total pessimist. You should see the post I just put up on the "The Support Group....." thread lol. It makes it easier to accept rejection I think. But keep your head up, you never know until that 7th one! I applied to 12 schools hoping SOMEONE will want me. Maybe it's overkill, but I don't care. I started with 6, and last minute crept up to 12 lol. I hope to hear some good news from you soon!
Ugh, at least you have 6 more. It's ok to be pessimistic, I'm a total pessimist. You should see the post I just put up on the "The Support Group....." thread lol. It makes it easier to accept rejection I think. But keep your head up, you never know until that 7th one! I applied to 12 schools hoping SOMEONE will want me. Maybe it's overkill, but I don't care. I started with 6, and last minute crept up to 12 lol. I hope to hear some good news from you soon!

Thanks! Me too! As a pessimist, you're always ready for the worst! Not a bad way to be... I'll check out the post... good luck to you too :luck:
I am not normally a ranter but something has been bugging me. Sorry, this is long.

I work part time on a dairy farm milking 340 ish cows. I share responsibilities with one other person. We usually split the parlour in half and go to'er. Most of the people I work with are very good to the cows and the owners of the farm treat their animals very fairly.

One evening per week I work with this guy. He has his own farm but also works on this farm part time. He is just horribly mean to the cows. He yells at them and is constantly swearing at them. The whole time I'm milking (4-5 hour shift) I have to listen to him yelling and it makes for a very unenjoyable shift.

Furthermore, he needlessly hits the cows. I can walk through the herd and move them along quietly and just touching them with my hand. They in turn, move quietly and are curious about me and sniff and lick at me. When he moves them around he's constantly swinging his cane at them and just yelling. In turn, the cows get nervous and they normally don't go where he wants them to which makes him even more angrier. The cows do everything they can to stay away from him.

Last night, a just fresh first time heifer kept kicking off the milker. He lost it. He beat that poor cow's legs over and over until he got it out of his system. This was by no means to correct the cow but just simply release his anger. I know if the owners saw the things I see on a regular basis they wouldn't be too pleased. I want to say something but this guy intimidates the crap out of me and I wouldn't want to have to work a shift alone with him once he knew I said something.

I think I will talk to one of the owners regarding his behaviour and let them know that I am unwilling to work with him. If they want to talk to him about how he's treating their cows great. But I can't stand to see it anymore.

ETA: The owners of the farm are quite buddy-buddy with this guy but I know they don't see the things that I do.

That's terrible. I hate that there are so many people in the animal industry just because they like to control animals. I understand your worries about alerting the managers, but at the same time it is not fair to the cows to let him continue to work there.
I know a guy who is a vet tech, that has luckily not gotten into vet school yet (though he has applied 7 times!), who drags the dogs to the back for shots by their leash.
It is never OK to take out you anger on animals and in my opinion it makes these guys less of men.
I am not normally a ranter but something has been bugging me. Sorry, this is long.

I work part time on a dairy farm milking 340 ish cows. I share responsibilities with one other person. We usually split the parlour in half and go to'er. Most of the people I work with are very good to the cows and the owners of the farm treat their animals very fairly.

One evening per week I work with this guy. He has his own farm but also works on this farm part time. He is just horribly mean to the cows. He yells at them and is constantly swearing at them. The whole time I'm milking (4-5 hour shift) I have to listen to him yelling and it makes for a very unenjoyable shift.

Furthermore, he needlessly hits the cows. I can walk through the herd and move them along quietly and just touching them with my hand. They in turn, move quietly and are curious about me and sniff and lick at me. When he moves them around he's constantly swinging his cane at them and just yelling. In turn, the cows get nervous and they normally don't go where he wants them to which makes him even more angrier. The cows do everything they can to stay away from him.

Last night, a just fresh first time heifer kept kicking off the milker. He lost it. He beat that poor cow's legs over and over until he got it out of his system. This was by no means to correct the cow but just simply release his anger. I know if the owners saw the things I see on a regular basis they wouldn't be too pleased. I want to say something but this guy intimidates the crap out of me and I wouldn't want to have to work a shift alone with him once he knew I said something.

I think I will talk to one of the owners regarding his behaviour and let them know that I am unwilling to work with him. If they want to talk to him about how he's treating their cows great. But I can't stand to see it anymore.

ETA: The owners of the farm are quite buddy-buddy with this guy but I know they don't see the things that I do.
Did you ever see the movie "Water for Elephants"? Your story about him being mean and them not cooperating, and you being calm and them listening just reminded me of it! Such a great movie!
I am not normally a ranter but something has been bugging me. Sorry, this is long.

I work part time on a dairy farm milking 340 ish cows. I share responsibilities with one other person. We usually split the parlour in half and go to'er. Most of the people I work with are very good to the cows and the owners of the farm treat their animals very fairly.

One evening per week I work with this guy. He has his own farm but also works on this farm part time. He is just horribly mean to the cows. He yells at them and is constantly swearing at them. The whole time I'm milking (4-5 hour shift) I have to listen to him yelling and it makes for a very unenjoyable shift.

Furthermore, he needlessly hits the cows. I can walk through the herd and move them along quietly and just touching them with my hand. They in turn, move quietly and are curious about me and sniff and lick at me. When he moves them around he's constantly swinging his cane at them and just yelling. In turn, the cows get nervous and they normally don't go where he wants them to which makes him even more angrier. The cows do everything they can to stay away from him.

Last night, a just fresh first time heifer kept kicking off the milker. He lost it. He beat that poor cow's legs over and over until he got it out of his system. This was by no means to correct the cow but just simply release his anger. I know if the owners saw the things I see on a regular basis they wouldn't be too pleased. I want to say something but this guy intimidates the crap out of me and I wouldn't want to have to work a shift alone with him once he knew I said something.

I think I will talk to one of the owners regarding his behaviour and let them know that I am unwilling to work with him. If they want to talk to him about how he's treating their cows great. But I can't stand to see it anymore.

ETA: The owners of the farm are quite buddy-buddy with this guy but I know they don't see the things that I do.

I'm sorry that you're having to work with this guy. He sounds like a real gem. Please do say something to the owners. If they really care for their animals they will put an end to his abusive behavior or get rid of him altogether. A quick cell phone video of his antics might persuade them to see his dark side.

Whatever you decide just be careful around this guy. It's likely that his anger issues might not be reserved only for the bovine.
Yesterday, while frantically studying with my pre-med friend for our immunology final, he brought up grades. "I want to get a 4.0 in this class because I want to bring my 3.7 up to a 3.8." I told him that a 3.7 is a great GPA and that he shouldn't be worried, especially since a 3 credit class won't really change your GPA when you are a senior with 90+ credits. He then told me that he thought his 3.7 wasn't good enough. I then told him that I had a GPA in the 3.7's. "Oh, well, I still want a 3.8." I AM VERY PROUD AND GRATEFUL FOR MY 3.7 GPA THANK YOU VERY MUCH AND I DON'T CARE WHAT YOU THINK. Seriously, if he only understood how much effort I put into getting that GPA. I feel very fortunate to have done well enough to get a 3.7. I'm sorry if this upsets anyone, because I know we don't like to talk about grades...but this really got to me. :mad:

I have come to realize that while grades are important, there are so many more important things in life, like actually being alive and enjoying life, rather than freaking out about getting a 4.0 over a 3.5. I still always put in the maximum effort, though, I just don't transcend into a large panic attack about grades and exams. I wish I would have realized this a long time ago!

Good luck to those who still have finals left to take! I have two- toxicology and food chemistry.
starting to feel like I should start asking people to review my PS for next year already...
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Rough week :/ I felt prepared for all my finals, and completely fell apart during them. I needed an 87 to get an A- in genetics, got a 84. Needed an 80 to get an A in Ecology, got a 74. Pretty sure I epic-ly belly flopped on Parasitology too, at this point I'm praying for a B. And for Biostat, I needed a 90 for a B+ or a 98 for an A- (comical), Pretty sure I just got a B+ on the exam.

Story of my life, so close, but yet so far away. I'm terrified that my not being able to pull through during finals is gonna keep my gpa low enough to get me rejected from vet school. gahhhhh. I hate being mediocre at life. GRE, GPA, yuck.

Pity party for one please.

From now on, B is for BAD***! hah, come onnn positive attitude.
From now on, B is for BAD***! hah, come onnn positive attitude.

Well if that's the case, I'm having a very BAD*** semester.
Going into most of my finals with grades that can't change, so I can't complain too much. But it really sucks to have an 87-88 going into the final, and that's still not close enough to an A to be able to raise it- even if I were capable of getting 100% on the final.
So yeah, didn't study at all for my parasit exam, and probably not going to study much for infectious on Friday.
So yeah, didn't study at all for my parasit exam, and probably not going to study much for infectious on Friday.
Just be careful though. Sometimes you can get yourself in trouble thinking like that.

Last semester I had a class where I needed to do really well for an A, but due to weightings would end up with a B unless I got a really bad grade on Final. It was the last exam of the semester, was burnt out and didn't work as hard as usual.
It turned out to be a challenging final and I just squeaked through with a B by 1 or 2 points:eek:.
Just be careful though. Sometimes you can get yourself in trouble thinking like that.

Last semester I had a class where I needed to do really well for an A, but due to weightings would end up with a B unless I got a really bad grade on Final. It was the last exam of the semester, was burnt out and didn't work as hard as usual.
It turned out to be a challenging final and I just squeaked through with a B by 1 or 2 points:eek:.

I calculated. I can't raise or drop my grade by more than 2-3 points. I need 112% on the exam to get an A....
As long as I get ~20%, I can keep my current grade. That's professor-confirmed- he yelled at me for "slacking off" for the third exam and "ruining his hopes for me" :laugh:

(I do agree to be careful, but I ran all the numbers in this case!)
Just be careful though. Sometimes you can get yourself in trouble thinking like that.

Last semester I had a class where I needed to do really well for an A, but due to weightings would end up with a B unless I got a really bad grade on Final. It was the last exam of the semester, was burnt out and didn't work as hard as usual.
It turned out to be a challenging final and I just squeaked through with a B by 1 or 2 points:eek:.

Same for calc today kind of. Needed an 87 for an A, 92 for an A and could have still gotten a B with a 70. I studied, but that final sure kicked my butt. It was very hard. Much worse than everything else I did in that class. I am very worried now..
On a completely unrelated note: This year there are mice coming into my house. Not sure why all of a sudden they are coming in (and can't figure out from where!) but it is horrible, not to mention making one of my dogs absolutely crazy. I don't want to kill them but the live traps have not worked at all and there must be a zillion of them now. I have seriously only caught 3 and I know that can't be all there are.... Any ideas?
On a completely unrelated note: This year there are mice coming into my house. Not sure why all of a sudden they are coming in (and can't figure out from where!) but it is horrible, not to mention making one of my dogs absolutely crazy. I don't want to kill them but the live traps have not worked at all and there must be a zillion of them now. I have seriously only caught 3 and I know that can't be all there are.... Any ideas?

Get a new dog? One with a hunting instinct?
I just got out of my orgo final and it was HORRIBLE I tell you - HORRIBLE!!!


Is a B-/C in orgo bad? I know that sounds like a stupid question, but you're all really intelligent here and I just need to know that being a non-trad and not having a full course load WITH a B- and possibly an A-/B+ in labs all in one semester is okay. I need an honest answer.

Ughh I feel like crappppppp.
Same for calc today kind of. Needed an 87 for an A, 92 for an A and could have still gotten a B with a 70. I studied, but that final sure kicked my butt. It was very hard. Much worse than everything else I did in that class. I am very worried now..

Something similar happened to me in physics.

I studied, but not as much as usual because physics is one of my better classes (even though I hate it). I only needed a 70% to get a B+, but that test was awful, even the things that were from older tests that I did well on I had problems with. It was definately my worst test in there by far. It kind of sucks that I put in enough work into the class so that I should have been able to get an A, but ruined it at the end (not that I think a B is bad at all).
My grandmother just had two heart attacks and I am going to visit her tomorrow in OH. I've been promising her that I would record a Christmas cd (I sing) for the past 3 years and have never done it, and now I feel terrible. I am trying to record one last minute, and its sounding like fecal matter and it's pissing me off! I want to make sure I get it done since it might be her last Christmas :(.... Why can't my voice just WORK right now?!?!!?:mad:
I just got out of my orgo final and it was HORRIBLE I tell you - HORRIBLE!!!


Is a B-/C in orgo bad? I know that sounds like a stupid question, but you're all really intelligent here and I just need to know that being a non-trad and not having a full course load WITH a B- and possibly an A-/B+ in labs all in one semester is okay. I need an honest answer.

Ughh I feel like crappppppp.

Those were my O Chem grades (B- in O Chem I and C in O Chem II with A's or A-'s in lab) and no one brought it up during interviews last year. They didn't even bring up the fact that I withdrew from Gen Chem freshman year either. I think as long as it isn't the norm, you'll be okay. For some reason, I always panic during Chemistry tests and my mind goes completely blank. The loss of of one of my classmates, who was going to become a close friend since we were going abroad together, in a murder-suicide incident two weeks before finals didn't really help either. Shook up the entire campus.
I just got out of my orgo final and it was HORRIBLE I tell you - HORRIBLE!!!


Is a B-/C in orgo bad? I know that sounds like a stupid question, but you're all really intelligent here and I just need to know that being a non-trad and not having a full course load WITH a B- and possibly an A-/B+ in labs all in one semester is okay. I need an honest answer.

Ughh I feel like crappppppp.

I got C's in Orgo I & Orgo II and have 2 interviews this cycle, so I wouldn't freak out too much (I'm also "non-traditional"...does 28 count?) They know Orgo is difficult...the C grade cutoff is there for a reason, I think. We had like 2 people in our class who got A's, and I'm pretty sure my professor used some "fuzzy math" to get my grade! :laugh:

Don't freak out about it too much...relax, you're DONE with it!:cool:
On a completely unrelated note: This year there are mice coming into my house. Not sure why all of a sudden they are coming in (and can't figure out from where!) but it is horrible, not to mention making one of my dogs absolutely crazy. I don't want to kill them but the live traps have not worked at all and there must be a zillion of them now. I have seriously only caught 3 and I know that can't be all there are.... Any ideas?

I hate mice...
What worked for me is figuring out where they are getting in and blocking it off with that foam expanding spray stuff.

ETA: If you rent, the landlord is generally legally obligated to deal with it for you.
My grandmother just had two heart attacks and I am going to visit her tomorrow in OH. I've been promising her that I would record a Christmas cd (I sing) for the past 3 years and have never done it, and now I feel terrible. I am trying to record one last minute, and its sounding like fecal matter and it's pissing me off! I want to make sure I get it done since it might be her last Christmas :(.... Why can't my voice just WORK right now?!?!!?:mad:

Emiloo, I'm so sorry to hear about your grandma. Try not to feel to guilty. She was your age once an understands you are a busy young person... I'm sure you are feeling very emotional, thus the difficulty in trying to sing well. I sing too. Take several deep breaths and try redirecting that emotion into the song. Im sure it will come out beautifully....
On a completely unrelated note: This year there are mice coming into my house. Not sure why all of a sudden they are coming in (and can't figure out from where!) but it is horrible, not to mention making one of my dogs absolutely crazy. I don't want to kill them but the live traps have not worked at all and there must be a zillion of them now. I have seriously only caught 3 and I know that can't be all there are.... Any ideas?
Get a mouser! One good cat and your mouse problems are gone forever, and plus it will probably train your dog not to be crazy!
Welp.. I guess my rant would be that my boyfriend broke up with me out of the blue yesterday.. couldn't give me a reason or anything. And today I got my first rejection (from Purdue)... crappy week.
Welp.. I guess my rant would be that my boyfriend broke up with me out of the blue yesterday.. couldn't give me a reason or anything. And today I got my first rejection (from Purdue)... crappy week.

I'm sorry spoon, that sucks majorly :thumbdown:

It sounds like he didn't deserve you anyway. Purdue doesn't deserve you either. Their loss, not yours.
I'm sorry there are such bad things happening for when it should be a merry time of the year.

Spoondiggity - Try to get a positive perspective on the rejection and the break up....you can now narrow things down and know where you will not be next year and who you will not be with. There are better places and better people awaiting you.

EmmieLoo -Grandmothers are special in our lives, so I know how you must feel. Both of mine are long gone, but I think of them often. I feel like I only knew them as grandmothers and never thought much about their lives outside of grandmotherhood...who they really were in this world. I hope you get the time, over the break, to spend some time with your grandmother. Make it special.
I'm sorry there are such bad things happening for when it should be a merry time of the year.

Spoondiggity - Try to get a positive perspective on the rejection and the break up....you can now narrow things down and know where you will not be next year and who you will not be with. There are better places and better people awaiting you.

EmmieLoo -Grandmothers are special in our lives, so I know how you must feel. Both of mine are long gone, but I think of them often. I feel like I only knew them as grandmothers and never thought much about their lives outside of grandmotherhood...who they really were in this world. I hope you get the time, over the break, to spend some time with your grandmother. Make it special.
Thank you, I will :)
Emiloo, I'm so sorry to hear about your grandma. Try not to feel to guilty. She was your age once an understands you are a busy young person... I'm sure you are feeling very emotional, thus the difficulty in trying to sing well. I sing too. Take several deep breaths and try redirecting that emotion into the song. Im sure it will come out beautifully....
Oh cool. What kind of stuff do you usually sing?
grrrrargh. I am sooooooo low energy lately. Probably has something to do with the fact that I haven't exercised in about 2-3 months. Wow- I feel like such a lazy-lame-ass!

On the other hand, I think my medication has something to do with it too. Anyone else here on Anti-anxiety/anti-depressants? I take mine for anxiety, so naturally, it has a calming sort of effect, thus explaining the low energy feeling.
But gawwwwd, it sucks so bad :( wish I could feel normal...

Yep, I'm on an SNRI for anxiety. It's never made me MORE tired though-I don't think the "calming" effect it has is supposed to be in a sedative sort of way. If you've been on your medication for a while and it's never made you tired before, I'd be willing to guess that it has something to do with your change in routine (i.e. not exercising, I'm totally guilty of that lately too!) and the stress of applications. Remember it's not supposed to completely eliminate your anxiety (and fatigue is a symptom/by-product of anxiety) but just rather bring it down to a "normal," manageable level.
I am not normally a ranter but something has been bugging me. Sorry, this is long.

I work part time on a dairy farm milking 340 ish cows. I share responsibilities with one other person. We usually split the parlour in half and go to'er. Most of the people I work with are very good to the cows and the owners of the farm treat their animals very fairly.

One evening per week I work with this guy. He has his own farm but also works on this farm part time. He is just horribly mean to the cows. He yells at them and is constantly swearing at them. The whole time I'm milking (4-5 hour shift) I have to listen to him yelling and it makes for a very unenjoyable shift.

Furthermore, he needlessly hits the cows. I can walk through the herd and move them along quietly and just touching them with my hand. They in turn, move quietly and are curious about me and sniff and lick at me. When he moves them around he's constantly swinging his cane at them and just yelling. In turn, the cows get nervous and they normally don't go where he wants them to which makes him even more angrier. The cows do everything they can to stay away from him.

Last night, a just fresh first time heifer kept kicking off the milker. He lost it. He beat that poor cow's legs over and over until he got it out of his system. This was by no means to correct the cow but just simply release his anger. I know if the owners saw the things I see on a regular basis they wouldn't be too pleased. I want to say something but this guy intimidates the crap out of me and I wouldn't want to have to work a shift alone with him once he knew I said something.

I think I will talk to one of the owners regarding his behaviour and let them know that I am unwilling to work with him. If they want to talk to him about how he's treating their cows great. But I can't stand to see it anymore.

ETA: The owners of the farm are quite buddy-buddy with this guy but I know they don't see the things that I do.

Here's the deal. Besides being cruel and completely unacceptable, this worker's behavior is costing the farm owners money. This man is clearly stressing these animals out (even his yelling can be very stressful for them) and when dairy cows are stressed their production goes down. I bet the owner would be interested in knowing what this man is doing, if only on a purely economic level. This is the kind of person who makes the entirety of animal agriculture look bad-the kind of person who gives HSUS and PETA their ammo. PLEASE, for the sake of everyone involved, and especially these animals, tell somebody. If the owner won't do anything about it, find someone who will. Just reading about this makes my stomach turn. This man doesn't deserve to be protected for any reason and needs to be exposed.
so nervous for my interview on friday that i STILL cannot sleep, thus browsing and perusing facebook and SDN :(

have to be on a plane to boston in ~12 hours! wheeeee
I am not normally a ranter but something has been bugging me. Sorry, this is long.

I work part time on a dairy farm milking 340 ish cows. I share responsibilities with one other person. We usually split the parlour in half and go to'er. Most of the people I work with are very good to the cows and the owners of the farm treat their animals very fairly.

One evening per week I work with this guy. He has his own farm but also works on this farm part time. He is just horribly mean to the cows. He yells at them and is constantly swearing at them. The whole time I'm milking (4-5 hour shift) I have to listen to him yelling and it makes for a very unenjoyable shift.

Furthermore, he needlessly hits the cows. I can walk through the herd and move them along quietly and just touching them with my hand. They in turn, move quietly and are curious about me and sniff and lick at me. When he moves them around he's constantly swinging his cane at them and just yelling. In turn, the cows get nervous and they normally don't go where he wants them to which makes him even more angrier. The cows do everything they can to stay away from him.

Last night, a just fresh first time heifer kept kicking off the milker. He lost it. He beat that poor cow's legs over and over until he got it out of his system. This was by no means to correct the cow but just simply release his anger. I know if the owners saw the things I see on a regular basis they wouldn't be too pleased. I want to say something but this guy intimidates the crap out of me and I wouldn't want to have to work a shift alone with him once he knew I said something.

I think I will talk to one of the owners regarding his behaviour and let them know that I am unwilling to work with him. If they want to talk to him about how he's treating their cows great. But I can't stand to see it anymore.

ETA: The owners of the farm are quite buddy-buddy with this guy but I know they don't see the things that I do.

I work at a beef cattle farm and this is my first cattle experience. My boss/owner of the farm sounds like that guy you work with. He has a really different and 'old fashioned' way of dealing with animals- in fact I think the truth is he's been hurt by them too many times and is now nervous around them (maybe this is what happened to your guy too?). He's a pretty nice guy and easy to get along with, but when he's around the cows he just changes. When they're cooperating everything goes smoothly, but when something goes wrong (i.e. they won't go into a yard), he goes completely psycho. Including a few weeks ago when he decided to 'educate them' using a quad bike. This consisted of driving the quad and hitting the cows at 20-40km/h and even breaking a leg clean below the hock. He had to shoot her after, and of course I had the glamorous job of dragging her behind the truck to the dump.

Since I started the job, people have been asking me "Oh.. whats it like over at X farm with Y? He does things a bit different eh? Seems to have his own way of doing things- some you can disagree with!?"... I didn't get it at first, but now I do.

Another instance one of the horses wouldn't get on the trailer. These are work horses, and so on this particular day the bottom line was we just needed to get the thing on the trailer, drive down the property and hop on and go. In my world, I would have just got a bucket of grain and maybe slapped her on the arse. It doesn't matter who 'wins' or 'loses'- just get the thing on now, and we can deal with the trailer issue later on since we had to go bring some cattle in. My boss and coworker ("old cowboys") did it their way- hit her continuously on the belly with the cane, while having her head tied to one of the bars on the trailer. What happened next? Well she broke the rope twice, and flipped over backwards twice, and about 30 minutes later finally got onto the truck- and later on in the day massive hematoma-like welts formed all over her belly. Maybe a bucket of grain would have let her 'win'- but good luck getting her on the truck next time...

Anyways I sympathize with you and your situation. I'm trying to find some dairy work as I've heard the cattle are treated 'nicer' . Generally, I think I've had it with his methods....But I guess you'll find that in any animal industry... the psychos that go wack on the animals!
when it rains, it pours on SDN. Geez, gang, we need to hold it together. :( Even though it's raining now, it can't rain forever. (Or can it? This weather has me stumped lately....)

Rant: Hai chronic migraine condition. I've been avoiding stress as best as I can and you STILL need to crash into my skull like a jackhammer. WHAT GIVES?!
Yep, I'm on an SNRI for anxiety. It's never made me MORE tired though-I don't think the "calming" effect it has is supposed to be in a sedative sort of way. If you've been on your medication for a while and it's never made you tired before, I'd be willing to guess that it has something to do with your change in routine (i.e. not exercising, I'm totally guilty of that lately too!) and the stress of applications. Remember it's not supposed to completely eliminate your anxiety (and fatigue is a symptom/by-product of anxiety) but just rather bring it down to a "normal," manageable level.

You're probably right. I've been on it for 2 years now. I tend to "blame" my medication for lots of things. I guess I should be more proactive :rolleyes:. I'm sure if I just lit a fire under my a** and worked out, I would be posting on the RAVE thread instead of here all the time! :laugh: And yeah, if I wasn't on anything right now during this horrific process, I probably would be unable to leave the house for fear of constant panic attacks.... Which one are you on, EllieGirl? (If you don't mind me asking).
Well, I was in choir through high school and college, but now it's pretty much limited to my car and house :p
haha I know the feeling. My car is my studio of choice ;). I have a macbook with some easy recording equipment, but nothing fancy. I tend to sing at weddings a lot, and love to jam out to some Miranda Lambert lol... it helps relieve the stress of this vet school CRAP!
You're probably right. I've been on it for 2 years now. I tend to "blame" my medication for lots of things. I guess I should be more proactive :rolleyes:. I'm sure if I just lit a fire under my a** and worked out, I would be posting on the RAVE thread instead of here all the time! :laugh: And yeah, if I wasn't on anything right now during this horrific process, I probably would be unable to leave the house for fear of constant panic attacks.... Which one are you on, EllieGirl? (If you don't mind me asking).

Haha yeah, my doc actually doubled my dose when I started vet school (I was on a pretty low dose to start with) and I'm really glad I've had it during this huge transition in my life. I'm on Effexor XR. It's worked really, really well for me (Zoloft did absolutely nothing) but if I accidentally miss a dose, forget it. The withdrawal symptoms for Effexor are well-known and pretty awful-think the worst headache ever, nausea, and disorientation/feeling like the earth is shifting under your feet. Super weird. But as long as I remember to take it, it's really, really helped me function a lot better.
Haha yeah, my doc actually doubled my dose when I started vet school (I was on a pretty low dose to start with) and I'm really glad I've had it during this huge transition in my life. I'm on Effexor XR. It's worked really, really well for me (Zoloft did absolutely nothing) but if I accidentally miss a dose, forget it. The withdrawal symptoms for Effexor are well-known and pretty awful-think the worst headache ever, nausea, and disorientation/feeling like the earth is shifting under your feet. Super weird. But as long as I remember to take it, it's really, really helped me function a lot better.

I'm on a pretty low dose of Celexa and man, it has helped me TREMENDOUSLY. It's quite amazing, really. I went from being afraid to go to work to feeling totally normal. I always think about what will happen if I ever have to go off of it, and it scares me to death... but for now, it's awesome. I take mine at night and once in a great while, forget to take it. I don't have crazy side effects, just a little more anxiety and occasional heart palpitations. One thing I HATE about the med though, is that it has made my hair significantly thinner :eek:, which is a total bummer. Not like, balding by any means :laugh: but still!! Anyway, glad to know I'm not alone on the psycho-anxiety roller coaster :p
Meds always zombie-d me out. So I worked around the anxiety and depression to get it to a more manageable level. It's untraditional. But I like it better this way. (Plus, soooo many meds have been....unsuccessful for me. Maybe it's cause I didn't believe in their effects enough......hm. A troubling thought.):rolleyes:

Rant-turned-rave: my magic medicine broke the migraine. Phew.

jemappellejane: you're never alone. Ever:)
Meds always zombie-d me out. So I worked around the anxiety and depression to get it to a more manageable level. It's untraditional. But I like it better this way. (Plus, soooo many meds have been....unsuccessful for me. Maybe it's cause I didn't believe in their effects enough......hm. A troubling thought.):rolleyes:

Rant-turned-rave: my magic medicine broke the migraine. Phew.

jemappellejane: you're never alone. Ever:)

Hey, whatever works for you, kaydubs. When I was in high school, I just had talk therapy, which worked pretty well for me then. But now it's not so much "stuff" I need to talk about, it's more that I definitely have a chemical mix-up and I realized that it doesn't HAVE to be that way. I don't always have to be worried and full of anxiety, I don't have to be set off by all the little things, I don't have to walk around feeling like I'm going to cry all the time. Now I get stressed, I worry about stuff, I get angry, but it's not unreasonable. I can let the little things go. I can take a deep breath and manage my stressors. I feel like I enjoy life so much more now and it's great =)
This is such a petty rant compared to what you all are dealing with, but I've decided to leave my dog here while I go home on break. She's old and I know it would stress her the hell out to schlep 18hrs down then 18hrs back two weeks later, plus I wouldn't even be with her back home all of the time since I'm traveling some over break. She's been healthy (knock on wood) the last week since finishing up her meds and I know it'll be best for her to stay here in her own little house with the neighbors she knows (and that spoil her!) but I just feel so awful leaving her for two weeks :(
SOV - I like mice when they stay outside or they are pet mice. I don't like when they come from outside and put their filthy feet on my stuff!!
Now I get stressed, I worry about stuff, I get angry, but it's not unreasonable. I can let the little things go. I can take a deep breath and manage my stressors. I feel like I enjoy life so much more now and it's great =)

Ditto! It doesn't change who I am, it just makes my life tolerable and normal... I still get anxious, but it doesn't get out of control like it used to. :)

jemappellejane: you're never alone. Ever:)

You're the sweetest. Ever. :p