Medical Should I disclose prescription medication to medical school?

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Feb 21, 2002
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I am legally rxed low-dose Vyvanse for managing my binge eating disorder and I am very weary to disclose that information on my matriculation packet and drug test due to being judged and treated differently by the school and residency programs. I am looking for advice on whether or not I should disclose this info and also wondering how often schools/rotations drug test you. I only take the vyvanse 2-3 times per week and I can pass a drug test with a couple days notice. I have seen horror stories on twitter of residents/students being treated differently after disclosing they have a mental illness and I am scared of the same fate. pls advise :)
Without making this an overtell, no you will not if the laboratory really wants to test. You have just never been through some of the more serious screenings (follicle analysis). You have the med for a clinically indicated reason. Yes, you should disclose if asked, and unfortunately, that is easier to deal with than getting a positive when you were not candid about it.

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At my school, you take the test and if you come up hot for a substance they have an MRO (medical review officer) which is an independent party from the school contact you. At that point, you are given an opportunity to document that you have a prescription for anything you test positive for, which is simply sending in a pic of the prescription bottle. I have lots of friends on ADHD meds that have done this and it really isn't a big deal. They never ask why the person is taking the drug, only that they have a valid prescription. Anything else gets into ADA territory.
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