Forum etiquette

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I've debated writing a thread like this because I don't want to be blasted for being elitist and a grammar snob, but I have just a couple of comments on spelling and the lack of proofreading.

Am I the only one or are there others who have a REALLY hard time reading posts where u = you, ur = your, etc? I know it might be habit, but it's a pain in the ass to read sometimes. Also, some posts are so mangled with errors it's impossible to understand what the poster is trying to say.

Please proofread what you're writing. If English isn't your proverbial "cup of tea", you should do your best to write more professionally in this forum. Doing so may help you gain a better comprehension of grammar, spelling, and writing techniques that you will use in the future. The importance of technique, when writing your admissions essays, cannot be under-emphasized.

Good writing takes practice, so let's all start practicing! :D :D

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AmandaRxs said:
Please proofread what you're writing. If English isn't your proverbial "cup of tea", you should do your best to write more professionally in this forum. Doing so may help you gain a better comprehension of grammar, spelling, and writing techniques that you will use in the future. The importance of technique, when writing your admissions essays, cannot be under-emphasized.

Good writing takes practice, so let's all start practicing! :D :D

I second that! :thumbup:
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Another thing to remember: We don't know who ELSE reads these forums. It's not that hard to figure out who Amanda, Dana, etc are if you're their professor/admissions counselor/interviewer/etc. :hardy:
On the other hand, this place isn't Professional Communications, but just a forum for idea exchange. Sometimes, "creative" grammar and usage would be appropriate for the occasion.

That being written, I shudder at the ghastly attempts at counseling that some of the PS1, PS2, and even PS3's fumble out. Organizing your thoughts and keeping them that way can cut down on the stupid pharmacist errors that we make.
Come on guys this is a freaking internet message board. It is informal! Some people see "creative" spelling and grammar usage on the internet as a way to show some personality. I think we should all try to communicate like the adults that we are, but I don't think that it's necessary to call in the grammar gestapo!

Shanana said:
Come on guys this is a freaking internet message board. It is informal! Some people see "creative" spelling and grammar usage on the internet as a way to show some personality. I think we should all try to communicate like the adults that we are, but I don't think that it's necessary to call in the grammar gestapo!


While it is an internet message board, I have to say that it isn't that difficult to type out a few more keystrokes so that a word is spelled correctly. ;) Also, I have to agree with jdpharmd? about others "outside" of this forum reading this. I wouldn't doubt that professors, interviewers, academic committee members, etc. browse through here once in a while.

For me, it's a pet peeve. You won't find me using "u," "ur," or any other abbreviation of that ilk. I generally find it harder to read something written like that, and I don't find it professional, regardless "if it's just an internet forum." I would want to convey myself on here as if I were writing my essay for a pharmacy school, but that's just who I am. :)
If we impose upon people to spell correctly, then we lose the spirit of this forum. It gives the impression of being too structured.
The idea isn't to police the spelling and grammar on the board. There is no gestapo. The point of AmandaRx's post is to prevent "i it r got in 2 da skewl is u in too??@#". There is nothing wrong with misspelling "acetaminophen" or using a dangling preposition. ;)
Spelling and grammar errors in posts don't bother me. I can figure out what they're trying to say, and if I don't feel like reading it, I'll move on. I understand that English is not the first language of a lot of people on this board, but they're trying. I surely don't know two languages well enough to read and write in both, so I admire their effort.

What I do have a problem with is when someone doesn't search the forum for answers to their questions before posting. It shows a lack of respect for those on this board who have taken the time in the past to write long detailed replies to the exact same question. If you can't find what you're looking for, by all means ask, but don't just disregard the value of others' time. If you don't have the time to search, then why should anyone spend time answering your question?
Shanana said:
Come on guys this is a freaking internet message board. It is informal! Some people see "creative" spelling and grammar usage on the internet as a way to show some personality. I think we should all try to communicate like the adults that we are, but I don't think that it's necessary to call in the grammar gestapo!


I don't know...typing something like "u r 2 LeEt" might show personality...but that personality is either Prince or a 12 year old phreaking in a PM to another 12 year old.
Guess i gotta say that if it bothers you to read posts w/spelling errors and occasional grammar liberties then you should avoid my posts. This isn't a professional forum (notice the little smily things you can add and our dumb screen names) it's a forum dedicated to a profession. Very diff't animals.

And I completely agree w/karma, that what gets my goat is ppl that ask redundant questions w/o searching. To me that's missing half the beauty of this board. The stuff old members talked about last year when we were applying are just as pertinent.
Triangulation said:
And I completely agree w/karma, that what gets my goat is ppl that ask redundant questions w/o searching. To me that's missing half the beauty of this board. The stuff old members talked about last year when we were applying are just as pertinent.

Totally agree on this. After a while it gets tiring and bothersome to answer the same questions over and over again, especially when there have been hundreds of other threads just like it.
It's not that people are ignoring your threads if you write one inquiring about certain subjects, just be sure to look it up before you ask. Probably 99% of the time you will find your answer in an old thread, if not then feel free to ask.
Triangulation said:
Guess i gotta say that if it bothers you to read posts w/spelling errors and occasional grammar liberties then you should avoid my posts. This isn't a professional forum (notice the little smily things you can add and our dumb screen names) it's a forum dedicated to a profession. Very diff't animals.

I don't have a problem if you misspell words.....big deal. Like everyone's said, it's the teeny bopper language of an AOL chat room that I find annoying. I think we all know the kind of posters we're talking about here.

I'm not against creativity and I'm not saying we have to be super professional all of the time, hell, I swear in my posts a lot of the time. I'm all for having fun on SDN, getting great advice, giving good advice, telling jokes, sharing stories, oh yeah and using the little smiley things ;) :p .
Some solutions?

1. If you can't read someone's posts, skip 'em or respond asking them to clarify.

2. Use the "Ignore User" function.

3. Realize that we all are human and far from perfect. Life is too short to be hung up on spelling mistakes, etc. You cannot control human nature or individual's a complete waste of your valuable time.

Nevertheless, I agree about the "teenybopper chat crap". We could start a thread on "Who Is Most Annoying" to shut them up. You can start by adding my name to the list! :laugh: :laugh:
FutureRxGal (and others):

What do you think is the solution to the teenybopper chat crap?
****!! Am i guilty of teenie-bopper chat crap? Now you guys have me all worried about this.;)

You have been found "guilty" of teenybopper chat crap. I sentence you to a continuous rotation in the locked psych ward of a hospital of your choice. You will be required to elicit drug histories/allergies from your patients ad nauseum.

I hope you will learn the error of your ways. :laugh:
yeah i can't even spell 'teeny bopper' right. :mad: