cbse studying

  1. H

    Cbse Study Plan - 7 months

    Hello all, I am planning on taking the cbse in February (July as well if need be) What has been the plan of attack for a competitive score. I know first aid, pathoma, and uworld are a must, but how do you go about learning and understanding the material. Currently am watching boot camp videos...

    CBSE time crunch

    Hi guys, I have a bit of a time crunch for CBSE. Haven't been as productive as I would have liked for the last few months TBH. Im down to 22 days, and want to review only the most high yield stuff/resources. Would it be best to go thru World or to keep watching and memorizing boards and beyonds...
  3. D

    CBSE vs UWorld (posted in the wrong subgroup I think..?)

    Posted this in the "Dental Residents" subthread, but am not sure if that was the right place to do so. Wanted to get some friendly convo going so figured I'd post it on this subthread as well! Hey everyone! So were about 3 months out from the CBSE, and I just had a few questions with regards...
  4. D

    CBSE vs UWorld

    Hey everyone! So were about 3 months out from the CBSE, and I just had a few questions with regards to UWorld vs CBSE. Just curious, but for those that broke 70 on CBSE, what percentages were you getting on random UWorld blocks? I'm just curious if those correlate at all as a way to judge how...
  5. A

    Better route for Oral Surgery application: Retake CBSE or Internship after dental school?

    To all my fellow Oral & Maxillofacial maniacs (students, residents, practicing doctors) Main question: If you do poorly on your CBSE and don’t get in first time appplying, would you be more competitive if you do an internship after dental school or if you retake the CBSE and aim for a 70+...
  6. Cito

    Studying during the last few weeks before CBSE

    So I have an externship next week for 1 week so I'm a bit limited there with studying time during the day; however, the next test date is August 17th. I have a total of 1830 questions left on Uworld but since I'm focusing on higher yield sections like pathophys, micro, path, immuno, anatomy...