
  1. AAAmin

    DAT Sep 2020 Breakdown

    Hey everyone ! I just took my DAT today and while I was studying for it, these forums helped me a lot (Although sometimes it actually confused me !!) so I promised myself to post a thread when I was done so I can help another fellow at least. I'm just gonna cut right into the chase cuz I hate...
  2. P

    Is it still free to reschedule the DAT due to covid?

    Hello everyone, Anyone reschedule recently and didn't have to pay the fee? I have heard rumors that it was once free, but no longer is. Thanks.
  3. K

    Pre-Dent help!

    Hello All, I am a non-traditional student. I just finished my microbiology class at a community college and now transferring to a 4 year in January. I have all science classes left to finish.Biology I & II, Chem II,Organic I & II, Bio-Chem, Cell Bio, Genetics,Physics. I have it planned out to...