dental anesthesia

  1. shplenectomy

    CBSE for OMFS vs Anesthesia

    I have briefly seen some threads regarding this but haven’t really come across any clear answers. I’m a D2 interested in OMFS and taking the CBSE this upcoming February (2025). However, I have been having arthritis in my non-dominant wrist and cubital tunnel syndrome in my dominant elbow that...
  2. C

    Dental Anesthesia Board

    Hello, I'm wondering if there is anyone out there who has recently taken the NDBA Board Exam? Or is anyone interested in taking the one in Chicago this year - looking for study partners. NDBA (National Dental Board of Anesthesia) ADSA (American Dental Society...
  3. H

    CBSE and Externships for Dental Anesthesiology

    Which programs require CBSE? I only know OSU requires it. It’s seems like the majority of the programs don’t require it. Should I take the test? Or is it better to have a score even though the schools don’t require it? I want to avoid spending so much time, money, and efforts to take the test...
  4. H

    **Official 2020 Dental Anesthesiology PASS/Interviews/Match**

    I don't see one yet, so time to get this thread started! Hello fellow applicants.