poster presentation

  1. D


  2. nothisispatrick

    MD Citing Poster Presentation on CV

    I was named an author in a poster presentation that was presented on "Cardiovascular Research Day". This research day was within the medical school itself. I did not present this poster, but it won the research day conference. However, my main concern is that there is no online documentation of...
  3. L

    How to cite posters of abstracts you are a co-author on but did not present?

    Hi Everyone! I did research prior to medical school and was a co-author on a publication. That abstract is being presented at two different conferences this year by the primary author. I know that a lot of students present posters throughout med school and that this looks good when applying to...

    Abstract = Self Plagiarism?

    I am a first year Clinical Psychology student. During my master's program I wrote an abstract that was accepted at a conference. Unfortunately, I ended up not being able to go to the conference and present the poster. I withdrew my submission and neither I nor my poster attended. I am...
  5. Welshman

    National Conference Poster Presentation

    Hey everyone, so I just found out that the abstract from my senior thesis has been accepted for a poster presentation at the NASPGHAN conference in November. THe only problem is that I'm currently living and working in the UK so it would be very hard and expensive for me to get to Las Vegas to...