sf match

  1. S

    Position Wanted Fully DOD Funded Applicant for PGY2 Ophthalmology Position

    Greetings, I am a current United States Navy flight surgeon serving active duty with orders until July 2025. The bureau of Navy medicine has granted me the ability to apply through the SF match for ophthalmology programs to start July 2025. This means Navy ophthalmology needs exceed current DOD...
  2. P

    Ophthalmology Pre-Residency Fellowship at Pacific Clear Vision Institute/Oregon Eye Consultants: Dr. Ambati & Dr. Hunter

    Hello everyone! I want to inform you all about a fantastic opportunity for medical students or recent MD/DO graduates. We are looking for students with a gap year or those who did not match this cycle. Pre-Residency Research Fellowship at Pacific Clear Vision Institute (PCVI) and Oregon Eye...
  3. Piglet2020

    Low Step 1 - Risk not matching or dual apply?

    Hi all, I'm pretty committed to ophtho but my step 1 score is a major hurdle. Step 1 in low 220s, Step 2 near 250. My school advisor wants me to dual apply to play it safe since it's unusual for someone with a low step 1 to match something as competitive as Ophtho. However, I just cant...
  4. O

    Applying two different subspecialties on SF - Match ?

    My question is, how possible to apply to different sub-specialties on SF Match? Technically it is possible but if I would like to write a powerful personal statement and upload subspecialty related LORs so it seems almost impossible doing it with same PS and LORs. On the other hand, if I write...
  5. L

    Ophthalmology residency application

    Hello, I was just wondering; are we allowed to apply for Ophthalmology and for another residency program simultaneously? For example, apply for Ophthalmology through the SF match and apply for Anesthesiology/Radiology/Neurology/Internal Medicine etc through ERAS? Or does one exclude the...
  6. D

    Ophthalmology Match 2018-2019

    Getting closer to that time, figured I'd start this. Also started a new google sheet! (copy and paste but replace the two * with .) docs*google*com/spreadsheets/d/1DCcmc4cQ8cdb27AcDIA_IH6vHg-MYvRDPabmmuxEfi0/edit?usp=sharing For last years sheet...
  7. J

    Standardized LOR for SF Match used for ERAS TY/Prelim applications?

    Hi guys, So I know this new Standardized letter is just a pilot this year but I have a question. My dean of student affairs pretty much told me to give my letter writers the option to writer either a traditional or standardized version for CAS. And I know most people use their ophtho letters for...
  8. B

    Timing of Step 2

    Hey guys, Quick question, I did really well on my Step 1 (267) and have been trying to figure out timing of Step 2. When should I be taking it, I have 3 weeks to study after my internal med rotation in June which would be pretty prime but I've had a few people tell me to push it til October...
  9. Y

    SF Match stats question re "Avg. # offers per applicant"?

    Hey all, on the SF match website is says Avg. # offers per applicant is 4.4 is this the average number of interview offers per applicant or something else?