
  1. D

    Letter of Evaluation wasn't signed

    Despite reminding a letter writer twice, she still submitted it without a signature, is there a way that she can resubmit with a signature, has anyone run into this before?
  2. Punished Angeleno

    Letter of Recommendation Letterhead and Signature

    Hey everyone. So the general dentist I shadow just submitted my letter of recommendation on Interfolio and the website found that he did not include a letterhead or signature. Is this going to be a problem even though I already have his contact information in the "Experiences" section of my...
  3. UNCafDDS

    Issues with dentist LORs - no signature, no letterhead, no correct spelling

    I have two dentist LORs stored on Interfolio. I called Interfolio and found out that one letter lacks a signature and contact information (letter is not on letterhead). The other letter has my name misspelled. 1. I am afraid that the LOR that is lacking a signature and contact info will be...
  4. BlueBee20

    unsure if my letter writer signed the LOR...

    HELP - I asked for LOR's a LONG time ago because I thought I was on top of things. They have all already been submitted, and the last was submitted in late June. Most of them were submitted in May. I gave all of the letter writers that AMCAS PDF that explains how to upload the letter, etc...