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All I can say is that I've interviewed physic majors, but nothing stands out that they'd have problems in med school.

I have found that engineers have trouble with med school, because they have a different thinking modality.
For me, Physics seems like a difficult major, and if you can handle that, you can handle med school.
All I can say is that I've interviewed physic majors, but nothing stands out that they'd have problems in med school.

I have found that engineers have trouble with med school, because they have a different thinking modality.
Lol physics and engineering as disciplines are more similar in their thinking than the type that is required in med school, and physics and engineering as majors are more similar in terms of difficulty than biology or other life sciences.

tldr; tell me you didn't study physics, engineering, or medicine without telling me you didn't...
Lol physics and engineering as disciplines are more similar in their thinking than the type that is required in med school, and physics and engineering as majors are more similar in terms of difficulty than biology or other life sciences.

tldr; tell me you didn't study physics, engineering, or medicine without telling me you didn't...
I had one one former engineering student who was floundering and he kept telling me "But as an engineer, I was trained to think this way..."

He finally shut that up when my Pathology colleague said to him "your days as an engineer ended when you put on that white coat.

I'm not making the news, just reporting it.

English and music majors tend to do well at our school Don't know why.
I had one one former engineering student who was floundering and he kept telling me "But as an engineer, I was trained to think this way..."

He finally shut that up when my Pathology colleague said to him "your days as an engineer ended when you put on that white coat.

I'm not making the news, just reporting it.

English and music majors tend to do well at our school Don't know why.

I'm not saying you made it up, I'm saying your interpretation of scant anecdotal evidence is very superficial.
I would agree that the way engineers are taught to problem solve is different than the way doctors are taught to memorize and pattern recognize. I would group physics more like engineering (applied problem solving vs. theoretical problem solving) than medicine.
To say that physic majors would do well in medical school because it's a hard major seems like a non sequitur. I'm not saying it's not true, but it undermines what you said previously.
@Goro @Mr.Smile12 Do you have any advice for me? My undergrad GPA was 3.1 due to learning difficulties and some full withdrawals, but my master's GPA in Information systems is 3.5 which I won't finish until December.

I volunteer with hospice, HIV and cancer centers, etc. (My personal interests outside of school, not for application purposes), cancer research at my local hospital with no publication yet (this is a new office for the PI).

The research is a brand new thing that I've started as of last month.

My goal in life is to help HIV and cancer patients whether this is with medical school or not. My local HIV center deals with medical physicians, dentists, and pharmacists.

I don't know my chances, I've taken the MCAT before and that was a 492 a couple years ago. I started my master's online due to being rejected from the same school (medical school and PhD program) that I'm doing research for now.
Read my post on reinvention for premeds
@Goro @Mr.Smile12 Do you have any advice for me? My undergrad GPA was 3.1 due to learning difficulties and some full withdrawals, but my master's GPA in Information systems is 3.5 which I won't finish until December.
I started my master's online due to being rejected from the same school (medical school and PhD program) that I'm doing research for now.
Slow down. Read @Goro 's guide to reinvention.

So there's a story with being rejected from your Ph.D. program... what happened?
I have found that engineers have trouble with med school, because they have a different thinking modality.

I have found that engineers have trouble being good patients, because they have a different thinking modality.

No offense intended; I think like an engineer.
You can rest assured that physics majors go to medical school, as do engineers. So do humanities majors--my class has all of these (even accountants). In the end it's not about the major as much as it is about students themselves.
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