Technology 1GB micro SD card problem

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Apr 28, 2007
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I have an LG CU500 (AT&T) that can handle up to a 1GB micro SD. I've been having problems off and on where I've had to jumpstart the card in the phone (a known and very prevalent problem). Today at the gym, using my phone as an MP3 player, I got a few errors of "Unsupported Media" for standard MP3 files. Tired of the problems, I tried to format the card using SD Formatter which appeared to work. However, my computer didn't recognize the card now so I reformatted with XP. XP completely removed the rest of data, but failed to successfully reformat. Now, my card doesn't work. When I attempt to format I get a write-protected error but the micro SD doesn't have a write-protect switch on it. I tried the card in the adaptor for a normal size SD card with write-protect off and had the same problem. I tried using disk manager to format the card (with the manager acknowledging the proper size of the card) in addition to Kill Disk and Swiss Knife. Nothing works. The drive is labeled as RAW format right now and I can't do anything with it. Any ideas for help or is the card dead? Four fixes used and nothing works. I am going to write SanDisk and see if I can get a replacement.

LG and AT&T have sent customers back and forth so their support isn't really supportive with this issue.

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