*** 2013-2014 MD/PhD Application Interview Invites ***

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Albert Einstein - BigFatCat (C: 8/5, II: 9/10, I:?); Member011 (C: 8/5, II: 9/10, I:10/18); jumbo91 (C: 8/6, II: 9/11, I: 11/1); mTORC (C: 8/23, II: 9/11, I: 10/18); Orokami (C: 8/1, II: 9/16, I: 11/22); oxfordian (C: 8/30, II: 10/2, I: 11/22)
Baylor - NigelVermooth (C: 8/2, II: 9/18, I: ?); pittpanter (C: 7/15, II: 9/18, I: 10/17-19)
Boston University - pittpanther (C: 7/15, II: 9/10, I:?); NigelVermooth (C: 7/29, II: 9/10, I:?); Otsdarva(C: 7/26, II: 9/13, I: 10/18); mynameistoolong (C: 7/26, II: 9/16, I: 11/1); Regeneration (C: 8/20, II:9/20, I: TBD); gogosart (C:7/20, II:10/1, I:10/18); Orokami (C:8/10; II: 10/1; I 1/10); Penguino92 (C: 8/20, II: 09/30, I: 11/08)
Case Western Reserve - plumazul (C: 7/20, II: 8/7, I: 12/12-13); Solarium90 (C: 7/9,II: 8/10, I:9/26); zippyziggy (C: 8/8, II: 8/29, I: 12/12-13); Member011 (C: 8/19, II: 9/4, I: 10/24-25);
Columbia University - plumazul (C: 7/13, II: 8/23, I: 10/23); Reckoner (C: 7/17, II: 8/23, I: 10/8);
Duke University - zippyziggy (C: 7/15, II: 8/29, I: 11/7-8); plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 8/29, I: 11/7-8); quebaldy (C: 7/28, II: 9/9, I: 11/14-15); NigelVermooth (C: 7/24, II: 9/9, I: 10/24-25);
Emory - pittpanther (C:7/21, II:9/30, I:11/7-8); zippyziggy (C: 7/13, II: 10/2, I: 12/5-6);
Indiana University- mooser0956 (C:7/12, II: 8/9, I:TBD); regeneration (C:7/11, II: 8/12, I:TBD); TheShaker (C: 7/19, II: 9/5, I: 11/13); gogosart (C:7/24, II:8/21, I:TBD)
Jefferson - mynameistoolong (C: 8/28, II: 9/9, I: 11/19-20); cpi89 (C: 9/17, II: 9/20, I: 11/19-20) Penguino92 (C: 08/09, II: 09/05, I: 11/13)
Johns Hopkins - plumazul (C: 7/23, II: 8/29, I: 9/25-26);
Medical University of South Carolina - Reckoner (C: 8/8, II: 8/23, I: 10/11); Member011 (C: 8/19, II: 9/7, I: 10/11); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 9/27, I: 10/18)
Miller School of Medicine, Miami - Orokami (C: 8/1, II: 10/3, I: 11/1)
Mount Sinai - zippyziggy (C: 7/17, II: 9/6, I: 11/4-5); Member011 (C: 8/12, II: 9/6, I: 10/28-29); plumazul (C: 7/23, II: 9/12, I: 10/28-29); mynameistoolong (C: 7/25, II: 9/16, I: 11/4-5); Solarium90 (C: 8/3,II: 9/12, I:10/28-29);
New Jersey Medical School - Otsdarva (C: 7/20, II: 9/24, I: 10/15)
Northwestern - BigFatCat (C: 8/26, II: 9/9, I: ?); Solarium90 (C: 8/28,II: 9/10, I:11/6-7);
NYU - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); Reckoner (C: 7/17, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); BigFatCat (C: 8/1, II: 8/28, I: 10/18); oxfordian (C: 9/9, II: 9/16, I: 11/8)
Ohio State University - Solarium90(C: 7/9, II:8/14, I: 10/10); zippyziggy (C: 7/27, II: 8/20, I: 10/10-12); Otsdarva(C: 7/30, II: 8/29, I: 10/31);
Oregon Health and Science University - zippyziggy (C: 9/16, II: 9/17, I: 12/18-19);
Penn State - TheShaker (C: 8/10, II: 10/1, I: 12/9); mynameistoolong (C: 8/8, II: 10/2, I: 11/18)
Robert Wood Johnson - pittpanther (C: ~7/23, II:8/9 I:9/16); Otsdarva(C: 7/25, II: 8/9, I: 9/16)
Rochester University - regeneration (C: ~7/19, II:8/23 I:9/26); Orokami (C:~7/30, II: 8/25 I: 10/17); mTORC (C: 8/19, II: 8/29, I: ?)
Stanford - NigelVermooth (C: 8/3, II: 8/15, I:10/2-3); quebaldy (C:8/4, II: 8/15, I: 10/2-3);
Stony Brook University - Reckoner (C: 7/31, II: 9/25, I: 10/23); plumazul (C: 7/25, II: 9/25, I: --)
SUNY Upstate - mynameistoolong (C: 9/4, II: 9/2x, I: ?);
Texas A&M HSC - NigelVermooth (C: 7/1, II: 7/29, I: 9/11-12);
Texas Tech HSC - NigelVermooth (C: 7/18, II: 8/19, I: 9/6);
Tri-Institutional(C/R/SK) - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 8/21, I: 10/31); Solarium90 (C: 7/4, II: 8/21, I: 10/31);
Tufts- penguino92 (C: 08/21, II, 10/04,I:?)
University of Alabama, Birmingham - mTORC (C:8/28/13, II: 9/12/13, I: 12/4-12/6); zippyziggy (C: 8/2, II: 9/12, I: 12/3-5); pittpanther (C: 8/6, II: 9/12, I: ?); Solarium90 (C: 8/15,II: 9/18, I:12/4-6);
University of California, Irvine - TheShaker (C: 7/25, II: 9/7, I: 10/21), regeneration (C: 7/25, II: 9/07, I: 10/21), Vitor1192 (C:8/12, II: 9/22, I: 10/21)
University of California, Los Angeles - quebaldy (C: 8/11, II: 9/26, I: ??)
University of Chicago Pritzker - plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 7/23, I: 10/8-9); NigelVermooth (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: 10/8-9); quebaldy (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: 10/8-10/9); jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 8/9, I: 10/8-10/9); leish63(C:~8/5, II: 8/9, I: ?); oxfordian (C: 9/3?, II: 9/6, I: 12/9-12/11);
University of Cincinnati - Cpi89 (C: 8/26, II: 10/2, I: 10/17-19)
University of Colorado - zippyziggy (C: 9/18, II: 10/3, I:?);
University of Illinois at Chicago - jumbo91 (C: ~7/30, II: 9/18, I: 11/4); Reckoner (C: 7/30, II 9/18, I: 11/4)
University of Iowa - TheShaker (C: ~7/20, II: 10/2, I: 10/31 - 11/1); Reckoner (C: 8/8, II: 10/2, I: 10/31-11/1)
University of Kentucky- Penguino92 (C: 08/06, II: 09/30, I: 10/21)
University of Louisville - mooser0956 (C:8/21, II: 9/12, I:10/9); Penguino92 (C: 8/20, II: 09/02, I: 11/04-05)
University of Maryland - plumazul (C: 7/25, II: 9/13, I: 1/8-9); Member011 (C: 8/16, II: 9/13, I: 11/20-21)
University of Massachusetts - NigelVermooth (C: 7/22, II: 9/13, I:?);
University of Michigan mooser0956 (C:7/29, II:8/26, I:11/14-15); gogosart (C:8/4, II:8/23, I:10/24-25); Reckoner (C: 7/16, II: 9/27, I: 11/14-15)
University of Minnesota regeneration (C: 8/15 II: 9/23, I: TBD)
University of Nebraska gogosart (C:7/24, II:8/5, I:11/20)
University of Pennsylvania - NigelVermooth (C: 7/29, II: 9/4, I:?); plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 9/4, I: 12/5-6); Regeneration (C:8/19; II: 9/8; I: 11/22); mTORC (C: 9/2, II: 9/10, I: 11/7)
University of Pittsburgh - leish63 (C: ~7/25, II: 8/5, I: 8/22-8/23); pittpanther (C:7/23, II: 8/8, I:8/26-8/27); mooser0956 (C:8/15, II:8/23, I:9/26-27); mTORC (C:~8/20, II: 9/9, I: 10/10-10/11)
University of Southern California - Orokami (C:~8/1; II:9/5; I: 10/24), jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 9/5; I: 12/5-6), BigFatCat (C:8/7, II: 9/5, I: 9/26-27);
University of Texas Houston - NigelVermooth (C: 7/23, II: 9/16, I: ?);
University of Texas HSCSA - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 7/15, I: 8/25-27); NigelVermooth (C: 7/23, II 7/28, I: 9/9-10); TheShaker (C: 7/23, II: 8/5/13, I: 9/23-24); Orokami (C: 7/16, II: 8/5, I: 8/25-27); mTORC (C: 8/15, II: 8/16, I: 8/25-27); cpi89 (C: 8/19, II: 8/22, I: 10/7-8)
University of Texas Southwestern - Reckoner (C: 8/9, II: 8/23, I: 9/27); BigFatCat (C: 7/23, II: 8/23, I: 10/11); NigelVermooth (C: 8/12, II: 9/4, I: ?);
University of Virginia - plumazul (C: 7/22, II: 8/23, I: 9/19-20); zippyziggy (C: 7/6, II: 8/23, I: 9/19-20); mTORC (C: 9:5, II: 9:14, I: ?)
University of Wisconsin-Madison pittpanther (C:7/18, II:8/27, I:10/3-6); TheShaker (C:7/19, II: 8/27, I: 10/3-6); mTORC (C: 8/22, II: 9/25, I: ??)
University of Washington-Seattle pittpanther (C:~8/3, II:9/9 I:1/9-11); mTORC (C: 9/6, II: 9/30, I: ??)
Washington University - premed660 (C: ~7/30 II: 8/7 I:9/26-9/28); leish63 (C: 8/2, II: 8/20, I:9/26-9/28); NigelVermooth (C: 8/2, II: 8/21, I:9/26-28); quebaldy (C: 8/6, II: 8/21, I: 10/10-12); plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 8/29, I: 10/10-12); mTORC (C: 8/16, II: 9/14, I: 10/31-11/2); BigFatCat (C: 8/9, II: 9/23, I: 11/7-9); oxfordian (C: 8/30?, II: 9/30, I: 11/14-16)
Yale University - Prion13 (C: 8/13, II: 9/13, I:12/9-10); mTORC (C: 9/9, II: 9/25, I: ??)

C: Complete
II: Interview Invite date
I: Interview date

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Albert Einstein - BigFatCat (C: 8/5, II: 9/10, I:?); Member011 (C: 8/5, II: 9/10, I:10/18); jumbo91 (C: 8/6, II: 9/11, I: 11/1); mTORC (C: 8/23, II: 9/11, I: 10/18); Orokami (C: 8/1, II: 9/16, I: 11/22); oxfordian (C: 8/30, II: 10/2, I: 11/22)
Baylor - NigelVermooth (C: 8/2, II: 9/18, I: ?); pittpanter (C: 7/15, II: 9/18, I: 10/17-19)
Boston University - pittpanther (C: 7/15, II: 9/10, I:?); NigelVermooth (C: 7/29, II: 9/10, I:?); Otsdarva(C: 7/26, II: 9/13, I: 10/18); mynameistoolong (C: 7/26, II: 9/16, I: 11/1); Regeneration (C: 8/20, II:9/20, I: TBD); gogosart (C:7/20, II:10/1, I:10/18); Orokami (C:8/10; II: 10/1; I 1/10); Penguino92 (C: 8/20, II: 09/30, I: 11/08)
Case Western Reserve - plumazul (C: 7/20, II: 8/7, I: 12/12-13); Solarium90 (C: 7/9,II: 8/10, I:9/26); zippyziggy (C: 8/8, II: 8/29, I: 12/12-13); Member011 (C: 8/19, II: 9/4, I: 10/24-25);
Columbia University - plumazul (C: 7/13, II: 8/23, I: 10/23); Reckoner (C: 7/17, II: 8/23, I: 10/8);
Duke University - zippyziggy (C: 7/15, II: 8/29, I: 11/7-8); plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 8/29, I: 11/7-8); quebaldy (C: 7/28, II: 9/9, I: 11/14-15); NigelVermooth (C: 7/24, II: 9/9, I: 10/24-25);
Emory - pittpanther (C:7/21, II:9/30, I:11/7-8); zippyziggy (C: 7/13, II: 10/2, I: 12/5-6);
Indiana University- mooser0956 (C:7/12, II: 8/9, I:TBD); regeneration (C:7/11, II: 8/12, I:TBD); TheShaker (C: 7/19, II: 9/5, I: 11/13); gogosart (C:7/24, II:8/21, I:TBD)
Jefferson - mynameistoolong (C: 8/28, II: 9/9, I: 11/19-20); cpi89 (C: 9/17, II: 9/20, I: 11/19-20) Penguino92 (C: 08/09, II: 09/05, I: 11/13)
Johns Hopkins - plumazul (C: 7/23, II: 8/29, I: 9/25-26);
Medical University of South Carolina - Reckoner (C: 8/8, II: 8/23, I: 10/11); Member011 (C: 8/19, II: 9/7, I: 10/11); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 9/27, I: 10/18)
Miller School of Medicine, Miami - Orokami (C: 8/1, II: 10/3, I: 11/1)
Mount Sinai - zippyziggy (C: 7/17, II: 9/6, I: 11/4-5); Member011 (C: 8/12, II: 9/6, I: 10/28-29); plumazul (C: 7/23, II: 9/12, I: 10/28-29); mynameistoolong (C: 7/25, II: 9/16, I: 11/4-5); Solarium90 (C: 8/3,II: 9/12, I:10/28-29);
New Jersey Medical School - Otsdarva (C: 7/20, II: 9/24, I: 10/15)
Northwestern - BigFatCat (C: 8/26, II: 9/9, I: ?); Solarium90 (C: 8/28,II: 9/10, I:11/6-7);
NYU - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); Reckoner (C: 7/17, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); BigFatCat (C: 8/1, II: 8/28, I: 10/18); oxfordian (C: 9/9, II: 9/16, I: 11/8)
Ohio State University - Solarium90(C: 7/9, II:8/14, I: 10/10); zippyziggy (C: 7/27, II: 8/20, I: 10/10-12); Otsdarva(C: 7/30, II: 8/29, I: 10/31);
Oregon Health and Science University - zippyziggy (C: 9/16, II: 9/17, I: 12/18-19);
Penn State - TheShaker (C: 8/10, II: 10/1, I: 12/9); mynameistoolong (C: 8/8, II: 10/2, I: 11/18)
Robert Wood Johnson - pittpanther (C: ~7/23, II:8/9 I:9/16); Otsdarva(C: 7/25, II: 8/9, I: 9/16)
Rochester University - regeneration (C: ~7/19, II:8/23 I:9/26); Orokami (C:~7/30, II: 8/25 I: 10/17); mTORC (C: 8/19, II: 8/29, I: ?)
Stanford - NigelVermooth (C: 8/3, II: 8/15, I:10/2-3); quebaldy (C:8/4, II: 8/15, I: 10/2-3);
Stony Brook University - Reckoner (C: 7/31, II: 9/25, I: 10/23); plumazul (C: 7/25, II: 9/25, I: --)
SUNY Upstate - mynameistoolong (C: 9/4, II: 9/2x, I: ?);
Texas A&M HSC - NigelVermooth (C: 7/1, II: 7/29, I: 9/11-12);
Texas Tech HSC - NigelVermooth (C: 7/18, II: 8/19, I: 9/6);
Tri-Institutional(C/R/SK) - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 8/21, I: 10/31); Solarium90 (C: 7/4, II: 8/21, I: 10/31);
Tufts- penguino92 (C: 08/21, II, 10/04,I:?), Member011 (C: 8/9, II: 10/4, I: 11/13)
University of Alabama, Birmingham - mTORC (C:8/28/13, II: 9/12/13, I: 12/4-12/6); zippyziggy (C: 8/2, II: 9/12, I: 12/3-5); pittpanther (C: 8/6, II: 9/12, I: ?); Solarium90 (C: 8/15,II: 9/18, I:12/4-6);
University of California, Irvine - TheShaker (C: 7/25, II: 9/7, I: 10/21), regeneration (C: 7/25, II: 9/07, I: 10/21), Vitor1192 (C:8/12, II: 9/22, I: 10/21)
University of California, Los Angeles - quebaldy (C: 8/11, II: 9/26, I: ??)
University of Chicago Pritzker - plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 7/23, I: 10/8-9); NigelVermooth (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: 10/8-9); quebaldy (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: 10/8-10/9); jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 8/9, I: 10/8-10/9); leish63(C:~8/5, II: 8/9, I: ?); oxfordian (C: 9/3?, II: 9/6, I: 12/9-12/11);
University of Cincinnati - Cpi89 (C: 8/26, II: 10/2, I: 10/17-19)
University of Colorado - zippyziggy (C: 9/18, II: 10/3, I:?);
University of Illinois at Chicago - jumbo91 (C: ~7/30, II: 9/18, I: 11/4); Reckoner (C: 7/30, II 9/18, I: 11/4)
University of Iowa - TheShaker (C: ~7/20, II: 10/2, I: 10/31 - 11/1); Reckoner (C: 8/8, II: 10/2, I: 10/31-11/1)
University of Kentucky- Penguino92 (C: 08/06, II: 09/30, I: 10/21)
University of Louisville - mooser0956 (C:8/21, II: 9/12, I:10/9); Penguino92 (C: 8/20, II: 09/02, I: 11/04-05)
University of Maryland - plumazul (C: 7/25, II: 9/13, I: 1/8-9); Member011 (C: 8/16, II: 9/13, I: 11/20-21)
University of Massachusetts - NigelVermooth (C: 7/22, II: 9/13, I:?);
University of Michigan mooser0956 (C:7/29, II:8/26, I:11/14-15); gogosart (C:8/4, II:8/23, I:10/24-25); Reckoner (C: 7/16, II: 9/27, I: 11/14-15)
University of Minnesota regeneration (C: 8/15 II: 9/23, I: TBD)
University of Nebraska gogosart (C:7/24, II:8/5, I:11/20)
University of Pennsylvania - NigelVermooth (C: 7/29, II: 9/4, I:?); plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 9/4, I: 12/5-6); Regeneration (C:8/19; II: 9/8; I: 11/22); mTORC (C: 9/2, II: 9/10, I: 11/7)
University of Pittsburgh - leish63 (C: ~7/25, II: 8/5, I: 8/22-8/23); pittpanther (C:7/23, II: 8/8, I:8/26-8/27); mooser0956 (C:8/15, II:8/23, I:9/26-27); mTORC (C:~8/20, II: 9/9, I: 10/10-10/11)
University of Southern California - Orokami (C:~8/1; II:9/5; I: 10/24), jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 9/5; I: 12/5-6), BigFatCat (C:8/7, II: 9/5, I: 9/26-27);
University of Texas Houston - NigelVermooth (C: 7/23, II: 9/16, I: ?);
University of Texas HSCSA - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 7/15, I: 8/25-27); NigelVermooth (C: 7/23, II 7/28, I: 9/9-10); TheShaker (C: 7/23, II: 8/5/13, I: 9/23-24); Orokami (C: 7/16, II: 8/5, I: 8/25-27); mTORC (C: 8/15, II: 8/16, I: 8/25-27); cpi89 (C: 8/19, II: 8/22, I: 10/7-8)
University of Texas Southwestern - Reckoner (C: 8/9, II: 8/23, I: 9/27); BigFatCat (C: 7/23, II: 8/23, I: 10/11); NigelVermooth (C: 8/12, II: 9/4, I: ?);
University of Virginia - plumazul (C: 7/22, II: 8/23, I: 9/19-20); zippyziggy (C: 7/6, II: 8/23, I: 9/19-20); mTORC (C: 9:5, II: 9:14, I: ?)
University of Wisconsin-Madison pittpanther (C:7/18, II:8/27, I:10/3-6); TheShaker (C:7/19, II: 8/27, I: 10/3-6); mTORC (C: 8/22, II: 9/25, I: ??)
University of Washington-Seattle pittpanther (C:~8/3, II:9/9 I:1/9-11); mTORC (C: 9/6, II: 9/30, I: ??)
Washington University - premed660 (C: ~7/30 II: 8/7 I:9/26-9/28); leish63 (C: 8/2, II: 8/20, I:9/26-9/28); NigelVermooth (C: 8/2, II: 8/21, I:9/26-28); quebaldy (C: 8/6, II: 8/21, I: 10/10-12); plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 8/29, I: 10/10-12); mTORC (C: 8/16, II: 9/14, I: 10/31-11/2); BigFatCat (C: 8/9, II: 9/23, I: 11/7-9); oxfordian (C: 8/30?, II: 9/30, I: 11/14-16)
Yale University - Prion13 (C: 8/13, II: 9/13, I:12/9-10); mTORC (C: 9/9, II: 9/25, I: ??)

C: Complete
II: Interview Invite date
I: Interview date
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2) delete the "
" tags on the top and bottom
3) add your user name, ( complete date, interview invite date, interview date, any other pertinent info, and if needed, add the school name to the list
4) Enter the name(s) of the school(s) where you are adding data into the "Title" box (at the top) so that your changes can be easily located.
5) Enter Submit and prepare for your interviews

Albert Einstein - BigFatCat (C: 8/5, II: 9/10, I:?); Member011 (C: 8/5, II: 9/10, I:10/18); jumbo91 (C: 8/6, II: 9/11, I: 11/1); mTORC (C: 8/23, II: 9/11, I: 10/18); Orokami (C: 8/1, II: 9/16, I: 11/22); oxfordian (C: 8/30, II: 10/2, I: 11/22)
Baylor - NigelVermooth (C: 8/2, II: 9/18, I: ?); pittpanter (C: 7/15, II: 9/18, I: 10/17-19)
Boston University - pittpanther (C: 7/15, II: 9/10, I:?); NigelVermooth (C: 7/29, II: 9/10, I:?); Otsdarva(C: 7/26, II: 9/13, I: 10/18); mynameistoolong (C: 7/26, II: 9/16, I: 11/1); Regeneration (C: 8/20, II:9/20, I: TBD); gogosart (C:7/20, II:10/1, I:10/18); Orokami (C:8/10; II: 10/1; I 1/10); Penguino92 (C: 8/20, II: 09/30, I: 11/08)
Case Western Reserve - plumazul (C: 7/20, II: 8/7, I: 12/12-13); Solarium90 (C: 7/9,II: 8/10, I:9/26); zippyziggy (C: 8/8, II: 8/29, I: 12/12-13); Member011 (C: 8/19, II: 9/4, I: 10/24-25);
Columbia University - plumazul (C: 7/13, II: 8/23, I: 10/23); Reckoner (C: 7/17, II: 8/23, I: 10/8);
Duke University - zippyziggy (C: 7/15, II: 8/29, I: 11/7-8); plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 8/29, I: 11/7-8); quebaldy (C: 7/28, II: 9/9, I: 11/14-15); NigelVermooth (C: 7/24, II: 9/9, I: 10/24-25);
Emory - pittpanther (C:7/21, II:9/30, I:11/7-8); zippyziggy (C: 7/13, II: 10/2, I: 12/5-6);
Indiana University- mooser0956 (C:7/12, II: 8/9, I:TBD); regeneration (C:7/11, II: 8/12, I:TBD); TheShaker (C: 7/19, II: 9/5, I: 11/13); gogosart (C:7/24, II:8/21, I:TBD)
Jefferson - mynameistoolong (C: 8/28, II: 9/9, I: 11/19-20); cpi89 (C: 9/17, II: 9/20, I: 11/19-20) Penguino92 (C: 08/09, II: 09/05, I: 11/13)
Johns Hopkins - plumazul (C: 7/23, II: 8/29, I: 9/25-26);
Medical University of South Carolina - Reckoner (C: 8/8, II: 8/23, I: 10/11); Member011 (C: 8/19, II: 9/7, I: 10/11); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 9/27, I: 10/18)
Miller School of Medicine, Miami - Orokami (C: 8/1, II: 10/3, I: 11/1)
Mount Sinai - zippyziggy (C: 7/17, II: 9/6, I: 11/4-5); Member011 (C: 8/12, II: 9/6, I: 10/28-29); plumazul (C: 7/23, II: 9/12, I: 10/28-29); mynameistoolong (C: 7/25, II: 9/16, I: 11/4-5); Solarium90 (C: 8/3,II: 9/12, I:10/28-29);
New Jersey Medical School - Otsdarva (C: 7/20, II: 9/24, I: 10/15)
Northwestern - BigFatCat (C: 8/26, II: 9/9, I: ?); Solarium90 (C: 8/28,II: 9/10, I:11/6-7);
NYU - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); Reckoner (C: 7/17, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); BigFatCat (C: 8/1, II: 8/28, I: 10/18); oxfordian (C: 9/9, II: 9/16, I: 11/8)
Ohio State University - Solarium90(C: 7/9, II:8/14, I: 10/10); zippyziggy (C: 7/27, II: 8/20, I: 10/10-12); Otsdarva(C: 7/30, II: 8/29, I: 10/31);
Oregon Health and Science University - zippyziggy (C: 9/16, II: 9/17, I: 12/18-19);
Penn State - TheShaker (C: 8/10, II: 10/1, I: 12/9); mynameistoolong (C: 8/8, II: 10/2, I: 11/18)
Robert Wood Johnson - pittpanther (C: ~7/23, II:8/9 I:9/16); Otsdarva(C: 7/25, II: 8/9, I: 9/16)
Rochester University - regeneration (C: ~7/19, II:8/23 I:9/26); Orokami (C:~7/30, II: 8/25 I: 10/17); mTORC (C: 8/19, II: 8/29, I: ?)
Stanford - NigelVermooth (C: 8/3, II: 8/15, I:10/2-3); quebaldy (C:8/4, II: 8/15, I: 10/2-3);
Stony Brook University - Reckoner (C: 7/31, II: 9/25, I: 10/23); plumazul (C: 7/25, II: 9/25, I: --)
SUNY Upstate - mynameistoolong (C: 9/4, II: 9/2x, I: ?);
Texas A&M HSC - NigelVermooth (C: 7/1, II: 7/29, I: 9/11-12);
Texas Tech HSC - NigelVermooth (C: 7/18, II: 8/19, I: 9/6);
Tri-Institutional(C/R/SK) - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 8/21, I: 10/31); Solarium90 (C: 7/4, II: 8/21, I: 10/31);
Tufts- penguino92 (C: 08/21, II, 10/04,I:?), Member011 (C: 8/9, II: 10/4, I: 11/13)
University of Alabama, Birmingham - mTORC (C:8/28/13, II: 9/12/13, I: 12/4-12/6); zippyziggy (C: 8/2, II: 9/12, I: 12/3-5); pittpanther (C: 8/6, II: 9/12, I: ?); Solarium90 (C: 8/15,II: 9/18, I:12/4-6);
University of California, Irvine - TheShaker (C: 7/25, II: 9/7, I: 10/21), regeneration (C: 7/25, II: 9/07, I: 10/21), Vitor1192 (C:8/12, II: 9/22, I: 10/21)
University of California, Los Angeles - quebaldy (C: 8/11, II: 9/26, I: ??)
University of Chicago Pritzker - plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 7/23, I: 10/8-9); NigelVermooth (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: 10/8-9); quebaldy (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: 10/8-10/9); jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 8/9, I: 10/8-10/9); leish63(C:~8/5, II: 8/9, I: ?); oxfordian (C: 9/3?, II: 9/6, I: 12/9-12/11);
University of Cincinnati - Cpi89 (C: 8/26, II: 10/2, I: 10/17-19)
University of Colorado - zippyziggy (C: 9/18, II: 10/3, I:?);
University of Illinois at Chicago - jumbo91 (C: ~7/30, II: 9/18, I: 11/4); Reckoner (C: 7/30, II 9/18, I: 11/4)
University of Iowa - TheShaker (C: ~7/20, II: 10/2, I: 10/31 - 11/1); Reckoner (C: 8/8, II: 10/2, I: 10/31-11/1); mTORC (C: 8/30, II: 10/4, I: ??)
University of Kentucky- Penguino92 (C: 08/06, II: 09/30, I: 10/21)
University of Louisville - mooser0956 (C:8/21, II: 9/12, I:10/9); Penguino92 (C: 8/20, II: 09/02, I: 11/04-05)
University of Maryland - plumazul (C: 7/25, II: 9/13, I: 1/8-9); Member011 (C: 8/16, II: 9/13, I: 11/20-21)
University of Massachusetts - NigelVermooth (C: 7/22, II: 9/13, I:?);
University of Michigan mooser0956 (C:7/29, II:8/26, I:11/14-15); gogosart (C:8/4, II:8/23, I:10/24-25); Reckoner (C: 7/16, II: 9/27, I: 11/14-15)
University of Minnesota regeneration (C: 8/15 II: 9/23, I: TBD)
University of Nebraska gogosart (C:7/24, II:8/5, I:11/20)
University of Pennsylvania - NigelVermooth (C: 7/29, II: 9/4, I:?); plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 9/4, I: 12/5-6); Regeneration (C:8/19; II: 9/8; I: 11/22); mTORC (C: 9/2, II: 9/10, I: 11/7)
University of Pittsburgh - leish63 (C: ~7/25, II: 8/5, I: 8/22-8/23); pittpanther (C:7/23, II: 8/8, I:8/26-8/27); mooser0956 (C:8/15, II:8/23, I:9/26-27); mTORC (C:~8/20, II: 9/9, I: 10/10-10/11)
University of Southern California - Orokami (C:~8/1; II:9/5; I: 10/24), jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 9/5; I: 12/5-6), BigFatCat (C:8/7, II: 9/5, I: 9/26-27);
University of Texas Houston - NigelVermooth (C: 7/23, II: 9/16, I: ?);
University of Texas HSCSA - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 7/15, I: 8/25-27); NigelVermooth (C: 7/23, II 7/28, I: 9/9-10); TheShaker (C: 7/23, II: 8/5/13, I: 9/23-24); Orokami (C: 7/16, II: 8/5, I: 8/25-27); mTORC (C: 8/15, II: 8/16, I: 8/25-27); cpi89 (C: 8/19, II: 8/22, I: 10/7-8)
University of Texas Southwestern - Reckoner (C: 8/9, II: 8/23, I: 9/27); BigFatCat (C: 7/23, II: 8/23, I: 10/11); NigelVermooth (C: 8/12, II: 9/4, I: ?);
University of Virginia - plumazul (C: 7/22, II: 8/23, I: 9/19-20); zippyziggy (C: 7/6, II: 8/23, I: 9/19-20); mTORC (C: 9:5, II: 9:14, I: ?)
University of Wisconsin-Madison pittpanther (C:7/18, II:8/27, I:10/3-6); TheShaker (C:7/19, II: 8/27, I: 10/3-6); mTORC (C: 8/22, II: 9/25, I: ??)
University of Washington-Seattle pittpanther (C:~8/3, II:9/9 I:1/9-11); mTORC (C: 9/6, II: 9/30, I: ??)
Washington University - premed660 (C: ~7/30 II: 8/7 I:9/26-9/28); leish63 (C: 8/2, II: 8/20, I:9/26-9/28); NigelVermooth (C: 8/2, II: 8/21, I:9/26-28); quebaldy (C: 8/6, II: 8/21, I: 10/10-12); plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 8/29, I: 10/10-12); mTORC (C: 8/16, II: 9/14, I: 10/31-11/2); BigFatCat (C: 8/9, II: 9/23, I: 11/7-9); oxfordian (C: 8/30?, II: 9/30, I: 11/14-16)
Yale University - Prion13 (C: 8/13, II: 9/13, I:12/9-10); mTORC (C: 9/9, II: 9/25, I: ??)

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Albert Einstein - BigFatCat (C: 8/5, II: 9/10, I:?); Member011 (C: 8/5, II: 9/10, I:10/18); jumbo91 (C: 8/6, II: 9/11, I: 11/1); mTORC (C: 8/23, II: 9/11, I: 10/18); Orokami (C: 8/1, II: 9/16, I: 11/22); oxfordian (C: 8/30, II: 10/2, I: 11/22)
Baylor - NigelVermooth (C: 8/2, II: 9/18, I: ?); pittpanter (C: 7/15, II: 9/18, I: 10/17-19)
Boston University - pittpanther (C: 7/15, II: 9/10, I:?); NigelVermooth (C: 7/29, II: 9/10, I: 10/18); Otsdarva(C: 7/26, II: 9/13, I: 10/18); mynameistoolong (C: 7/26, II: 9/16, I: 11/1); Regeneration (C: 8/20, II:9/20, I: TBD); gogosart (C:7/20, II:10/1, I:10/18); Orokami (C:8/10; II: 10/1; I 1/10); Penguino92 (C: 8/20, II: 09/30, I: 11/08)
Case Western Reserve - plumazul (C: 7/20, II: 8/7, I: 12/12-13); Solarium90 (C: 7/9,II: 8/10, I:9/26); zippyziggy (C: 8/8, II: 8/29, I: 12/12-13); Member011 (C: 8/19, II: 9/4, I: 10/24-25);
Columbia University - plumazul (C: 7/13, II: 8/23, I: 10/23); Reckoner (C: 7/17, II: 8/23, I: 10/8);
Duke University - zippyziggy (C: 7/15, II: 8/29, I: 11/7-8); plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 8/29, I: 11/7-8); quebaldy (C: 7/28, II: 9/9, I: 11/14-15); NigelVermooth (C: 7/24, II: 9/9, I: 10/24-25);
Emory - pittpanther (C:7/21, II:9/30, I:11/7-8); zippyziggy (C: 7/13, II: 10/2, I: 12/5-6);
Indiana University- mooser0956 (C:7/12, II: 8/9, I:TBD); regeneration (C:7/11, II: 8/12, I:TBD); TheShaker (C: 7/19, II: 9/5, I: 11/13); gogosart (C:7/24, II:8/21, I:TBD)
Jefferson - mynameistoolong (C: 8/28, II: 9/9, I: 11/19-20); cpi89 (C: 9/17, II: 9/20, I: 11/19-20) Penguino92 (C: 08/09, II: 09/05, I: 11/13)
Johns Hopkins - plumazul (C: 7/23, II: 8/29, I: 9/25-26);
Medical University of South Carolina - Reckoner (C: 8/8, II: 8/23, I: 10/11); Member011 (C: 8/19, II: 9/7, I: 10/11); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 9/27, I: 10/18)
Miller School of Medicine, Miami - Orokami (C: 8/1, II: 10/3, I: 11/1)
Mount Sinai - zippyziggy (C: 7/17, II: 9/6, I: 11/4-5); Member011 (C: 8/12, II: 9/6, I: 10/28-29); plumazul (C: 7/23, II: 9/12, I: 10/28-29); mynameistoolong (C: 7/25, II: 9/16, I: 11/4-5); Solarium90 (C: 8/3,II: 9/12, I:10/28-29);
New Jersey Medical School - Otsdarva (C: 7/20, II: 9/24, I: 10/15)
Northwestern - BigFatCat (C: 8/26, II: 9/9, I: ?); Solarium90 (C: 8/28,II: 9/10, I:11/6-7);
NYU - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); Reckoner (C: 7/17, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); BigFatCat (C: 8/1, II: 8/28, I: 10/18); oxfordian (C: 9/9, II: 9/16, I: 11/8)
Ohio State University - Solarium90(C: 7/9, II:8/14, I: 10/10); zippyziggy (C: 7/27, II: 8/20, I: 10/10-12); Otsdarva(C: 7/30, II: 8/29, I: 10/31);
Oregon Health and Science University - zippyziggy (C: 9/16, II: 9/17, I: 12/18-19);
Penn State - TheShaker (C: 8/10, II: 10/1, I: 12/9); mynameistoolong (C: 8/8, II: 10/2, I: 11/18)
Robert Wood Johnson - pittpanther (C: ~7/23, II:8/9 I:9/16); Otsdarva(C: 7/25, II: 8/9, I: 9/16)
Rochester University - regeneration (C: ~7/19, II:8/23 I:9/26); Orokami (C:~7/30, II: 8/25 I: 10/17); mTORC (C: 8/19, II: 8/29, I: ?)
Stanford - NigelVermooth (C: 8/3, II: 8/15, I:10/2-3); quebaldy (C:8/4, II: 8/15, I: 10/2-3);
Stony Brook University - Reckoner (C: 7/31, II: 9/25, I: 10/23); plumazul (C: 7/25, II: 9/25, I: --)
SUNY Upstate - mynameistoolong (C: 9/4, II: 9/2x, I: ?);
Texas A&M HSC - NigelVermooth (C: 7/1, II: 7/29, I: 9/11-12);
Texas Tech HSC - NigelVermooth (C: 7/18, II: 8/19, I: 9/6);
Tri-Institutional(C/R/SK) - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 8/21, I: 10/31); Solarium90 (C: 7/4, II: 8/21, I: 10/31);
Tufts- penguino92 (C: 08/21, II, 10/04,I:?), Member011 (C: 8/9, II: 10/4, I: 11/13)
University of Alabama, Birmingham - mTORC (C:8/28/13, II: 9/12/13, I: 12/4-12/6); zippyziggy (C: 8/2, II: 9/12, I: 12/3-5); pittpanther (C: 8/6, II: 9/12, I: ?); Solarium90 (C: 8/15,II: 9/18, I:12/4-6);
University of California, Irvine - TheShaker (C: 7/25, II: 9/7, I: 10/21), regeneration (C: 7/25, II: 9/07, I: 10/21), Vitor1192 (C:8/12, II: 9/22, I: 10/21)
University of California, Los Angeles - quebaldy (C: 8/11, II: 9/26, I: ??)
University of Chicago Pritzker - plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 7/23, I: 10/8-9); NigelVermooth (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: 10/8-9); quebaldy (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: 10/8-10/9); jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 8/9, I: 10/8-10/9); leish63(C:~8/5, II: 8/9, I: ?); oxfordian (C: 9/3?, II: 9/6, I: 12/9-12/11);
University of Cincinnati - Cpi89 (C: 8/26, II: 10/2, I: 10/17-19)
University of Colorado - zippyziggy (C: 9/18, II: 10/3, I:?);
University of Illinois at Chicago - jumbo91 (C: ~7/30, II: 9/18, I: 11/4); Reckoner (C: 7/30, II 9/18, I: 11/4)
University of Iowa - TheShaker (C: ~7/20, II: 10/2, I: 10/31 - 11/1); Reckoner (C: 8/8, II: 10/2, I: 10/31-11/1); mTORC (C: 8/30, II: 10/4, I: ??)
University of Kentucky- Penguino92 (C: 08/06, II: 09/30, I: 10/21)
University of Louisville - mooser0956 (C:8/21, II: 9/12, I:10/9); Penguino92 (C: 8/20, II: 09/02, I: 11/04-05)
University of Maryland - plumazul (C: 7/25, II: 9/13, I: 1/8-9); Member011 (C: 8/16, II: 9/13, I: 11/20-21)
University of Massachusetts - NigelVermooth (C: 7/22, II: 9/13, I: 1/19);
University of Michigan mooser0956 (C:7/29, II:8/26, I:11/14-15); gogosart (C:8/4, II:8/23, I:10/24-25); Reckoner (C: 7/16, II: 9/27, I: 11/14-15)
University of Minnesota regeneration (C: 8/15 II: 9/23, I: TBD)
University of Nebraska gogosart (C:7/24, II:8/5, I:11/20)
University of Pennsylvania - NigelVermooth (C: 7/29, II: 9/4, I: 11/7); plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 9/4, I: 12/5-6); Regeneration (C:8/19; II: 9/8; I: 11/22); mTORC (C: 9/2, II: 9/10, I: 11/7)
University of Pittsburgh - leish63 (C: ~7/25, II: 8/5, I: 8/22-8/23); pittpanther (C:7/23, II: 8/8, I:8/26-8/27); mooser0956 (C:8/15, II:8/23, I:9/26-27); mTORC (C:~8/20, II: 9/9, I: 10/10-10/11)
University of Southern California - Orokami (C:~8/1; II:9/5; I: 10/24), jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 9/5; I: 12/5-6), BigFatCat (C:8/7, II: 9/5, I: 9/26-27);
University of Texas Houston - NigelVermooth (C: 7/23, II: 9/16, I: 12/19);
University of Texas HSCSA - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 7/15, I: 8/25-27); NigelVermooth (C: 7/23, II 7/28, I: 9/9-10); TheShaker (C: 7/23, II: 8/5/13, I: 9/23-24); Orokami (C: 7/16, II: 8/5, I: 8/25-27); mTORC (C: 8/15, II: 8/16, I: 8/25-27); cpi89 (C: 8/19, II: 8/22, I: 10/7-8)
University of Texas Southwestern - Reckoner (C: 8/9, II: 8/23, I: 9/27); BigFatCat (C: 7/23, II: 8/23, I: 10/11); NigelVermooth (C: 8/12, II: 9/4, I: 11/2);
University of Virginia - plumazul (C: 7/22, II: 8/23, I: 9/19-20); zippyziggy (C: 7/6, II: 8/23, I: 9/19-20); mTORC (C: 9:5, II: 9:14, I: ?)
University of Wisconsin-Madison pittpanther (C:7/18, II:8/27, I:10/3-6); TheShaker (C:7/19, II: 8/27, I: 10/3-6); mTORC (C: 8/22, II: 9/25, I: ??)
University of Washington-Seattle pittpanther (C:~8/3, II:9/9 I:1/9-11); mTORC (C: 9/6, II: 9/30, I: ??)
Washington University - premed660 (C: ~7/30 II: 8/7 I:9/26-9/28); leish63 (C: 8/2, II: 8/20, I:9/26-9/28); NigelVermooth (C: 8/2, II: 8/21, I:9/26-28); quebaldy (C: 8/6, II: 8/21, I: 10/10-12); plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 8/29, I: 10/10-12); mTORC (C: 8/16, II: 9/14, I: 10/31-11/2); BigFatCat (C: 8/9, II: 9/23, I: 11/7-9); oxfordian (C: 8/30?, II: 9/30, I: 11/14-16)
Yale University - Prion13 (C: 8/13, II: 9/13, I:12/9-10); mTORC (C: 9/9, II: 9/25, I: ??), NigelVermooth (C: 8/23, II: 10/3, I: ?);

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II: Interview Invite date
I: Interview date
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4) Enter the name(s) of the school(s) where you are adding data into the "Title" box (at the top) so that your changes can be easily located.
5) Enter Submit and prepare for your interviews

Albert Einstein - BigFatCat (C: 8/5, II: 9/10, I:?); Member011 (C: 8/5, II: 9/10, I:10/18); jumbo91 (C: 8/6, II: 9/11, I: 11/1); mTORC (C: 8/23, II: 9/11, I: 10/18); Orokami (C: 8/1, II: 9/16, I: 11/22); oxfordian (C: 8/30, II: 10/2, I: 11/22)
Baylor - NigelVermooth (C: 8/2, II: 9/18, I: ?); pittpanter (C: 7/15, II: 9/18, I: 10/17-19)
Boston University - pittpanther (C: 7/15, II: 9/10, I:?); NigelVermooth (C: 7/29, II: 9/10, I:?); Otsdarva(C: 7/26, II: 9/13, I: 10/18); mynameistoolong (C: 7/26, II: 9/16, I: 11/1); Regeneration (C: 8/20, II:9/20, I: TBD); gogosart (C:7/20, II:10/1, I:10/18); Orokami (C:8/10; II: 10/1; I 1/10); Penguino92 (C: 8/20, II: 09/30, I: 11/08)
Case Western Reserve - plumazul (C: 7/20, II: 8/7, I: 12/12-13); Solarium90 (C: 7/9,II: 8/10, I:9/26); zippyziggy (C: 8/8, II: 8/29, I: 12/12-13); Member011 (C: 8/19, II: 9/4, I: 10/24-25);
Columbia University - plumazul (C: 7/13, II: 8/23, I: 10/23); Reckoner (C: 7/17, II: 8/23, I: 10/8);
Duke University - zippyziggy (C: 7/15, II: 8/29, I: 11/7-8); plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 8/29, I: 11/7-8); quebaldy (C: 7/28, II: 9/9, I: 11/14-15); NigelVermooth (C: 7/24, II: 9/9, I: 10/24-25);
Emory - pittpanther (C:7/21, II:9/30, I:11/7-8); zippyziggy (C: 7/13, II: 10/2, I: 12/5-6);
Indiana University- mooser0956 (C:7/12, II: 8/9, I:TBD); regeneration (C:7/11, II: 8/12, I:TBD); TheShaker (C: 7/19, II: 9/5, I: 11/13); gogosart (C:7/24, II:8/21, I:TBD)
Jefferson - mynameistoolong (C: 8/28, II: 9/9, I: 11/19-20); cpi89 (C: 9/17, II: 9/20, I: 11/19-20) Penguino92 (C: 08/09, II: 09/05, I: 11/13)
Johns Hopkins - plumazul (C: 7/23, II: 8/29, I: 9/25-26);
Medical University of South Carolina - Reckoner (C: 8/8, II: 8/23, I: 10/11); Member011 (C: 8/19, II: 9/7, I: 10/11); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 9/27, I: 10/18)
Miller School of Medicine, Miami - Orokami (C: 8/1, II: 10/3, I: 11/1)
Mount Sinai - zippyziggy (C: 7/17, II: 9/6, I: 11/4-5); Member011 (C: 8/12, II: 9/6, I: 10/28-29); plumazul (C: 7/23, II: 9/12, I: 10/28-29); mynameistoolong (C: 7/25, II: 9/16, I: 11/4-5); Solarium90 (C: 8/3,II: 9/12, I:10/28-29);
New Jersey Medical School - Otsdarva (C: 7/20, II: 9/24, I: 10/15)
Northwestern - BigFatCat (C: 8/26, II: 9/9, I: ?); Solarium90 (C: 8/28,II: 9/10, I:11/6-7);
NYU - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); Reckoner (C: 7/17, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); BigFatCat (C: 8/1, II: 8/28, I: 10/18); oxfordian (C: 9/9, II: 9/16, I: 11/8)
Ohio State University - Solarium90(C: 7/9, II:8/14, I: 10/10); zippyziggy (C: 7/27, II: 8/20, I: 10/10-12); Otsdarva(C: 7/30, II: 8/29, I: 10/31);
Oregon Health and Science University - zippyziggy (C: 9/16, II: 9/17, I: 12/18-19);
Penn State - TheShaker (C: 8/10, II: 10/1, I: 12/9); mynameistoolong (C: 8/8, II: 10/2, I: 11/18)
Robert Wood Johnson - pittpanther (C: ~7/23, II:8/9 I:9/16); Otsdarva(C: 7/25, II: 8/9, I: 9/16)
Rochester University - regeneration (C: ~7/19, II:8/23 I:9/26); Orokami (C:~7/30, II: 8/25 I: 10/17); mTORC (C: 8/19, II: 8/29, I: ?)
Stanford - NigelVermooth (C: 8/3, II: 8/15, I:10/2-3); quebaldy (C:8/4, II: 8/15, I: 10/2-3);
Stony Brook University - Reckoner (C: 7/31, II: 9/25, I: 10/23); plumazul (C: 7/25, II: 9/25, I: --)
SUNY Upstate - mynameistoolong (C: 9/4, II: 9/2x, I: ?);
Texas A&M HSC - NigelVermooth (C: 7/1, II: 7/29, I: 9/11-12);
Texas Tech HSC - NigelVermooth (C: 7/18, II: 8/19, I: 9/6);
Tri-Institutional(C/R/SK) - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 8/21, I: 10/31); Solarium90 (C: 7/4, II: 8/21, I: 10/31);
Tufts- penguino92 (C: 08/21, II, 10/04,I:?), Member011 (C: 8/9, II: 10/4, I: 11/13)
University of Alabama, Birmingham - mTORC (C:8/28/13, II: 9/12/13, I: 12/4-12/6); zippyziggy (C: 8/2, II: 9/12, I: 12/3-5); pittpanther (C: 8/6, II: 9/12, I: ?); Solarium90 (C: 8/15,II: 9/18, I:12/4-6);
University of California, Irvine - TheShaker (C: 7/25, II: 9/7, I: 10/21), regeneration (C: 7/25, II: 9/07, I: 10/21), Vitor1192 (C:8/12, II: 9/22, I: 10/21)
University of California, Los Angeles - quebaldy (C: 8/11, II: 9/26, I: ??)
University of Chicago Pritzker - plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 7/23, I: 10/8-9); NigelVermooth (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: 10/8-9); quebaldy (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: 10/8-10/9); jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 8/9, I: 10/8-10/9); leish63(C:~8/5, II: 8/9, I: ?); oxfordian (C: 9/3?, II: 9/6, I: 12/9-12/11);
University of Cincinnati - Cpi89 (C: 8/26, II: 10/2, I: 10/17-19); zippyziggy (C: 7/10, II: 10/4, I: ?)
University of Colorado - zippyziggy (C: 9/18, II: 10/3, I: 1/23-24);
University of Illinois at Chicago - jumbo91 (C: ~7/30, II: 9/18, I: 11/4); Reckoner (C: 7/30, II 9/18, I: 11/4)
University of Iowa - TheShaker (C: ~7/20, II: 10/2, I: 10/31 - 11/1); Reckoner (C: 8/8, II: 10/2, I: 10/31-11/1)
University of Kentucky- Penguino92 (C: 08/06, II: 09/30, I: 10/21)
University of Louisville - mooser0956 (C:8/21, II: 9/12, I:10/9); Penguino92 (C: 8/20, II: 09/02, I: 11/04-05)
University of Maryland - plumazul (C: 7/25, II: 9/13, I: 1/8-9); Member011 (C: 8/16, II: 9/13, I: 11/20-21)
University of Massachusetts - NigelVermooth (C: 7/22, II: 9/13, I:?);
University of Michigan mooser0956 (C:7/29, II:8/26, I:11/14-15); gogosart (C:8/4, II:8/23, I:10/24-25); Reckoner (C: 7/16, II: 9/27, I: 11/14-15)
University of Minnesota regeneration (C: 8/15 II: 9/23, I: TBD)
University of Nebraska gogosart (C:7/24, II:8/5, I:11/20)
University of Pennsylvania - NigelVermooth (C: 7/29, II: 9/4, I:?); plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 9/4, I: 12/5-6); Regeneration (C:8/19; II: 9/8; I: 11/22); mTORC (C: 9/2, II: 9/10, I: 11/7)
University of Pittsburgh - leish63 (C: ~7/25, II: 8/5, I: 8/22-8/23); pittpanther (C:7/23, II: 8/8, I:8/26-8/27); mooser0956 (C:8/15, II:8/23, I:9/26-27); mTORC (C:~8/20, II: 9/9, I: 10/10-10/11)
University of Southern California - Orokami (C:~8/1; II:9/5; I: 10/24), jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 9/5; I: 12/5-6), BigFatCat (C:8/7, II: 9/5, I: 9/26-27);
University of Texas Houston - NigelVermooth (C: 7/23, II: 9/16, I: ?);
University of Texas HSCSA - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 7/15, I: 8/25-27); NigelVermooth (C: 7/23, II 7/28, I: 9/9-10); TheShaker (C: 7/23, II: 8/5/13, I: 9/23-24); Orokami (C: 7/16, II: 8/5, I: 8/25-27); mTORC (C: 8/15, II: 8/16, I: 8/25-27); cpi89 (C: 8/19, II: 8/22, I: 10/7-8)
University of Texas Southwestern - Reckoner (C: 8/9, II: 8/23, I: 9/27); BigFatCat (C: 7/23, II: 8/23, I: 10/11); NigelVermooth (C: 8/12, II: 9/4, I: ?);
University of Virginia - plumazul (C: 7/22, II: 8/23, I: 9/19-20); zippyziggy (C: 7/6, II: 8/23, I: 9/19-20); mTORC (C: 9:5, II: 9:14, I: ?)
University of Wisconsin-Madison pittpanther (C:7/18, II:8/27, I:10/3-6); TheShaker (C:7/19, II: 8/27, I: 10/3-6); mTORC (C: 8/22, II: 9/25, I: ??)
University of Washington-Seattle pittpanther (C:~8/3, II:9/9 I:1/9-11); mTORC (C: 9/6, II: 9/30, I: ??)
Washington University - premed660 (C: ~7/30 II: 8/7 I:9/26-9/28); leish63 (C: 8/2, II: 8/20, I:9/26-9/28); NigelVermooth (C: 8/2, II: 8/21, I:9/26-28); quebaldy (C: 8/6, II: 8/21, I: 10/10-12); plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 8/29, I: 10/10-12); mTORC (C: 8/16, II: 9/14, I: 10/31-11/2); BigFatCat (C: 8/9, II: 9/23, I: 11/7-9); oxfordian (C: 8/30?, II: 9/30, I: 11/14-16)
Yale University - Prion13 (C: 8/13, II: 9/13, I:12/9-10); mTORC (C: 9/9, II: 9/25, I: ??)

C: Complete
II: Interview Invite date
I: Interview date
Question re: WUStL MSTP....

My application was complete during the first week of September, and that's when I got an email from WUStL MSTP asking me to put in my keywords / research interests. According to the email: "Once you complete this step, your MSTP application will be assigned to reviewers, and the evaluation process will begin."

Of course, I submitted my key words right away, and assumed that my application status would be "complete" as of then, early September.

I just got another email this week (early October), saying "We are pleased to inform you that your Medical Scientist Training Program application is complete and is now under consideration by the Washington University MSTP Committee."

Does this mean that my application wasn't considered complete / under review until now?
I'm wondering where I would fall within this timeline: http://mstp.wustl.edu/admissions/Pages/Timeline.aspx

Initial review? Secondary review? Final review?
1) click quote on the most recent list
2) delete the "
" tags on the top and bottom
3) add your user name, ( complete date, interview invite date, interview date, any other pertinent info, and if needed, add the school name to the list
4) Enter the name(s) of the school(s) where you are adding data into the "Title" box (at the top) so that your changes can be easily located.
5) Enter Submit and prepare for your interviews

Albert Einstein - BigFatCat (C: 8/5, II: 9/10, I:?); Member011 (C: 8/5, II: 9/10, I:10/18); jumbo91 (C: 8/6, II: 9/11, I: 11/1); mTORC (C: 8/23, II: 9/11, I: 10/18); Orokami (C: 8/1, II: 9/16, I: 11/22); oxfordian (C: 8/30, II: 10/2, I: 11/22)
Baylor - NigelVermooth (C: 8/2, II: 9/18, I: ?); pittpanter (C: 7/15, II: 9/18, I: 10/17-19)
Boston University - pittpanther (C: 7/15, II: 9/10, I:?); NigelVermooth (C: 7/29, II: 9/10, I:?); Otsdarva(C: 7/26, II: 9/13, I: 10/18); mynameistoolong (C: 7/26, II: 9/16, I: 11/1); Regeneration (C: 8/20, II:9/20, I: TBD); gogosart (C:7/20, II:10/1, I:10/18); Orokami (C:8/10; II: 10/1; I 1/10); Penguino92 (C: 8/20, II: 09/30, I: 11/08)
Case Western Reserve - plumazul (C: 7/20, II: 8/7, I: 12/12-13); Solarium90 (C: 7/9,II: 8/10, I:9/26); zippyziggy (C: 8/8, II: 8/29, I: 12/12-13); Member011 (C: 8/19, II: 9/4, I: 10/24-25);
Columbia University - plumazul (C: 7/13, II: 8/23, I: 10/23); Reckoner (C: 7/17, II: 8/23, I: 10/8);
Duke University - zippyziggy (C: 7/15, II: 8/29, I: 11/7-8); plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 8/29, I: 11/7-8); quebaldy (C: 7/28, II: 9/9, I: 11/14-15); NigelVermooth (C: 7/24, II: 9/9, I: 10/24-25);
Emory - pittpanther (C:7/21, II:9/30, I:11/7-8); zippyziggy (C: 7/13, II: 10/2, I: 12/5-6);
Indiana University- mooser0956 (C:7/12, II: 8/9, I:TBD); regeneration (C:7/11, II: 8/12, I:TBD); TheShaker (C: 7/19, II: 9/5, I: 11/13); gogosart (C:7/24, II:8/21, I:TBD)
Jefferson - mynameistoolong (C: 8/28, II: 9/9, I: 11/19-20); cpi89 (C: 9/17, II: 9/20, I: 11/19-20) Penguino92 (C: 08/09, II: 09/05, I: 11/13)
Johns Hopkins - plumazul (C: 7/23, II: 8/29, I: 9/25-26);
Medical University of South Carolina - Reckoner (C: 8/8, II: 8/23, I: 10/11); Member011 (C: 8/19, II: 9/7, I: 10/11); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 9/27, I: 10/18)
Miller School of Medicine, Miami - Orokami (C: 8/1, II: 10/3, I: 11/1)
Mount Sinai - zippyziggy (C: 7/17, II: 9/6, I: 11/4-5); Member011 (C: 8/12, II: 9/6, I: 10/28-29); plumazul (C: 7/23, II: 9/12, I: 10/28-29); mynameistoolong (C: 7/25, II: 9/16, I: 11/4-5); Solarium90 (C: 8/3,II: 9/12, I:10/28-29);
New Jersey Medical School - Otsdarva (C: 7/20, II: 9/24, I: 10/15)
Northwestern - BigFatCat (C: 8/26, II: 9/9, I: ?); Solarium90 (C: 8/28,II: 9/10, I:11/6-7);
NYU - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); Reckoner (C: 7/17, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); BigFatCat (C: 8/1, II: 8/28, I: 10/18); oxfordian (C: 9/9, II: 9/16, I: 11/8)
Ohio State University - Solarium90(C: 7/9, II:8/14, I: 10/10); zippyziggy (C: 7/27, II: 8/20, I: 10/10-12); Otsdarva(C: 7/30, II: 8/29, I: 10/31);
Oregon Health and Science University - zippyziggy (C: 9/16, II: 9/17, I: 12/18-19);
Penn State - TheShaker (C: 8/10, II: 10/1, I: 12/9); mynameistoolong (C: 8/8, II: 10/2, I: 11/18)
Robert Wood Johnson - pittpanther (C: ~7/23, II:8/9 I:9/16); Otsdarva(C: 7/25, II: 8/9, I: 9/16)
Rochester University - regeneration (C: ~7/19, II:8/23 I:9/26); Orokami (C:~7/30, II: 8/25 I: 10/17); mTORC (C: 8/19, II: 8/29, I: ?)
Stanford - NigelVermooth (C: 8/3, II: 8/15, I:10/2-3); quebaldy (C:8/4, II: 8/15, I: 10/2-3);
Stony Brook University - Reckoner (C: 7/31, II: 9/25, I: 10/23); plumazul (C: 7/25, II: 9/25, I: --)
SUNY Upstate - mynameistoolong (C: 9/4, II: 9/2x, I: ?);
Texas A&M HSC - NigelVermooth (C: 7/1, II: 7/29, I: 9/11-12);
Texas Tech HSC - NigelVermooth (C: 7/18, II: 8/19, I: 9/6);
Tri-Institutional(C/R/SK) - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 8/21, I: 10/31); Solarium90 (C: 7/4, II: 8/21, I: 10/31);
Tufts- penguino92 (C: 08/21, II, 10/04,I:?), Member011 (C: 8/9, II: 10/4, I: 11/13), jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 10/4, I: 11/13)
University of Alabama, Birmingham - mTORC (C:8/28/13, II: 9/12/13, I: 12/4-12/6); zippyziggy (C: 8/2, II: 9/12, I: 12/3-5); pittpanther (C: 8/6, II: 9/12, I: ?); Solarium90 (C: 8/15,II: 9/18, I:12/4-6);
University of California, Irvine - TheShaker (C: 7/25, II: 9/7, I: 10/21), regeneration (C: 7/25, II: 9/07, I: 10/21), Vitor1192 (C:8/12, II: 9/22, I: 10/21)
University of California, Los Angeles - quebaldy (C: 8/11, II: 9/26, I: ??)
University of Chicago Pritzker - plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 7/23, I: 10/8-9); NigelVermooth (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: 10/8-9); quebaldy (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: 10/8-10/9); jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 8/9, I: 10/8-10/9); leish63(C:~8/5, II: 8/9, I: ?); oxfordian (C: 9/3?, II: 9/6, I: 12/9-12/11);
University of Cincinnati - Cpi89 (C: 8/26, II: 10/2, I: 10/17-19); zippyziggy (C: 7/10, II: 10/4, I: ?)
University of Colorado - zippyziggy (C: 9/18, II: 10/3, I: 1/23-24);
University of Illinois at Chicago - jumbo91 (C: ~7/30, II: 9/18, I: 11/4); Reckoner (C: 7/30, II 9/18, I: 11/4)
University of Iowa - TheShaker (C: ~7/20, II: 10/2, I: 10/31 - 11/1); Reckoner (C: 8/8, II: 10/2, I: 10/31-11/1)
University of Kentucky- Penguino92 (C: 08/06, II: 09/30, I: 10/21)
University of Louisville - mooser0956 (C:8/21, II: 9/12, I:10/9); Penguino92 (C: 8/20, II: 09/02, I: 11/04-05)
University of Maryland - plumazul (C: 7/25, II: 9/13, I: 1/8-9); Member011 (C: 8/16, II: 9/13, I: 11/20-21)
University of Massachusetts - NigelVermooth (C: 7/22, II: 9/13, I:?);
University of Michigan mooser0956 (C:7/29, II:8/26, I:11/14-15); gogosart (C:8/4, II:8/23, I:10/24-25); Reckoner (C: 7/16, II: 9/27, I: 11/14-15)
University of Minnesota regeneration (C: 8/15 II: 9/23, I: TBD)
University of Nebraska gogosart (C:7/24, II:8/5, I:11/20)
University of Pennsylvania - NigelVermooth (C: 7/29, II: 9/4, I:?); plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 9/4, I: 12/5-6); Regeneration (C:8/19; II: 9/8; I: 11/22); mTORC (C: 9/2, II: 9/10, I: 11/7)
University of Pittsburgh - leish63 (C: ~7/25, II: 8/5, I: 8/22-8/23); pittpanther (C:7/23, II: 8/8, I:8/26-8/27); mooser0956 (C:8/15, II:8/23, I:9/26-27); mTORC (C:~8/20, II: 9/9, I: 10/10-10/11)
University of Southern California - Orokami (C:~8/1; II:9/5; I: 10/24), jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 9/5; I: 12/5-6), BigFatCat (C:8/7, II: 9/5, I: 9/26-27);
University of Texas Houston - NigelVermooth (C: 7/23, II: 9/16, I: ?);
University of Texas HSCSA - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 7/15, I: 8/25-27); NigelVermooth (C: 7/23, II 7/28, I: 9/9-10); TheShaker (C: 7/23, II: 8/5/13, I: 9/23-24); Orokami (C: 7/16, II: 8/5, I: 8/25-27); mTORC (C: 8/15, II: 8/16, I: 8/25-27); cpi89 (C: 8/19, II: 8/22, I: 10/7-8)
University of Texas Southwestern - Reckoner (C: 8/9, II: 8/23, I: 9/27); BigFatCat (C: 7/23, II: 8/23, I: 10/11); NigelVermooth (C: 8/12, II: 9/4, I: ?);
University of Virginia - plumazul (C: 7/22, II: 8/23, I: 9/19-20); zippyziggy (C: 7/6, II: 8/23, I: 9/19-20); mTORC (C: 9:5, II: 9:14, I: ?)
University of Wisconsin-Madison pittpanther (C:7/18, II:8/27, I:10/3-6); TheShaker (C:7/19, II: 8/27, I: 10/3-6); mTORC (C: 8/22, II: 9/25, I: ??)
University of Washington-Seattle pittpanther (C:~8/3, II:9/9 I:1/9-11); mTORC (C: 9/6, II: 9/30, I: ??)
Washington University - premed660 (C: ~7/30 II: 8/7 I:9/26-9/28); leish63 (C: 8/2, II: 8/20, I:9/26-9/28); NigelVermooth (C: 8/2, II: 8/21, I:9/26-28); quebaldy (C: 8/6, II: 8/21, I: 10/10-12); plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 8/29, I: 10/10-12); mTORC (C: 8/16, II: 9/14, I: 10/31-11/2); BigFatCat (C: 8/9, II: 9/23, I: 11/7-9); oxfordian (C: 8/30?, II: 9/30, I: 11/14-16)
Yale University - Prion13 (C: 8/13, II: 9/13, I:12/9-10); mTORC (C: 9/9, II: 9/25, I: ??)

C: Complete
II: Interview Invite date
I: Interview date
Question re: WUStL MSTP....

My application was complete during the first week of September, and that's when I got an email from WUStL MSTP asking me to put in my keywords / research interests. According to the email: "Once you complete this step, your MSTP application will be assigned to reviewers, and the evaluation process will begin."

Of course, I submitted my key words right away, and assumed that my application status would be "complete" as of then, early September.

I just got another email this week (early October), saying "We are pleased to inform you that your Medical Scientist Training Program application is complete and is now under consideration by the Washington University MSTP Committee."

Does this mean that my application wasn't considered complete / under review until now?
I'm wondering where I would fall within this timeline: http://mstp.wustl.edu/admissions/Pages/Timeline.aspx

Initial review? Secondary review? Final review?

Hi Stannislaus,

I think it means you're ready to begin initial review, but they don't make clear if you're in a different part of the review since no one is sure if they ask everyone for their research interests. But it has taken them quite some time and it was out of your hands. Your place in the queue is probably based when you submitted, although schools differ. I wouldn't worry too much. It took quite a while for me to be complete after I submitted my research interests as well. If you look at the interview invite and also the rejection thread, it seems to take them about 1-1.5 months to get back to you from your initial secondary submission. Let the fates handle this one, since you can't do anything about it. Good luck.
1) click quote on the most recent list
2) delete the "
" tags on the top and bottom
3) add your user name, ( complete date, interview invite date, interview date, any other pertinent info, and if needed, add the school name to the list
4) Enter the name(s) of the school(s) where you are adding data into the "Title" box (at the top) so that your changes can be easily located.
5) Enter Submit and prepare for your interviews

Albert Einstein - BigFatCat (C: 8/5, II: 9/10, I:?); Member011 (C: 8/5, II: 9/10, I:10/18); jumbo91 (C: 8/6, II: 9/11, I: 11/1); mTORC (C: 8/23, II: 9/11, I: 10/18); Orokami (C: 8/1, II: 9/16, I: 11/22); oxfordian (C: 8/30, II: 10/2, I: 11/22)
Baylor - NigelVermooth (C: 8/2, II: 9/18, I: ?); pittpanter (C: 7/15, II: 9/18, I: 10/17-19)
Boston University - pittpanther (C: 7/15, II: 9/10, I:?); NigelVermooth (C: 7/29, II: 9/10, I:?); Otsdarva(C: 7/26, II: 9/13, I: 10/18); mynameistoolong (C: 7/26, II: 9/16, I: 11/1); Regeneration (C: 8/20, II:9/20, I: TBD); gogosart (C:7/20, II:10/1, I:10/18); Orokami (C:8/10; II: 10/1; I 1/10); Penguino92 (C: 8/20, II: 09/30, I: 11/08)
Case Western Reserve - plumazul (C: 7/20, II: 8/7, I: 12/12-13); Solarium90 (C: 7/9,II: 8/10, I:9/26); zippyziggy (C: 8/8, II: 8/29, I: 12/12-13); Member011 (C: 8/19, II: 9/4, I: 10/24-25);
Columbia University - plumazul (C: 7/13, II: 8/23, I: 10/23); Reckoner (C: 7/17, II: 8/23, I: 10/8);
Duke University - zippyziggy (C: 7/15, II: 8/29, I: 11/7-8); plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 8/29, I: 11/7-8); quebaldy (C: 7/28, II: 9/9, I: 11/14-15); NigelVermooth (C: 7/24, II: 9/9, I: 10/24-25);
Emory - pittpanther (C:7/21, II:9/30, I:11/7-8); zippyziggy (C: 7/13, II: 10/2, I: 12/5-6);
Indiana University- mooser0956 (C:7/12, II: 8/9, I:TBD); regeneration (C:7/11, II: 8/12, I:TBD); TheShaker (C: 7/19, II: 9/5, I: 11/13); gogosart (C:7/24, II:8/21, I:TBD)
Jefferson - mynameistoolong (C: 8/28, II: 9/9, I: 11/19-20); cpi89 (C: 9/17, II: 9/20, I: 11/19-20) Penguino92 (C: 08/09, II: 09/05, I: 11/13)
Johns Hopkins - plumazul (C: 7/23, II: 8/29, I: 9/25-26);
Medical University of South Carolina - Reckoner (C: 8/8, II: 8/23, I: 10/11); Member011 (C: 8/19, II: 9/7, I: 10/11); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 9/27, I: 10/18)
Miller School of Medicine, Miami - Orokami (C: 8/1, II: 10/3, I: 11/1)
Mount Sinai - zippyziggy (C: 7/17, II: 9/6, I: 11/4-5); Member011 (C: 8/12, II: 9/6, I: 10/28-29); plumazul (C: 7/23, II: 9/12, I: 10/28-29); mynameistoolong (C: 7/25, II: 9/16, I: 11/4-5); Solarium90 (C: 8/3,II: 9/12, I:10/28-29);
New Jersey Medical School - Otsdarva (C: 7/20, II: 9/24, I: 10/15)
Northwestern - BigFatCat (C: 8/26, II: 9/9, I: ?); Solarium90 (C: 8/28,II: 9/10, I:11/6-7);
NYU - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); Reckoner (C: 7/17, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); BigFatCat (C: 8/1, II: 8/28, I: 10/18); oxfordian (C: 9/9, II: 9/16, I: 11/8)
Ohio State University - Solarium90(C: 7/9, II:8/14, I: 10/10); zippyziggy (C: 7/27, II: 8/20, I: 10/10-12); Otsdarva(C: 7/30, II: 8/29, I: 10/31);
Oregon Health and Science University - zippyziggy (C: 9/16, II: 9/17, I: 12/18-19);
Penn State - TheShaker (C: 8/10, II: 10/1, I: 12/9); mynameistoolong (C: 8/8, II: 10/2, I: 11/18)
Robert Wood Johnson - pittpanther (C: ~7/23, II:8/9 I:9/16); Otsdarva(C: 7/25, II: 8/9, I: 9/16)
Rochester University - regeneration (C: ~7/19, II:8/23 I:9/26); Orokami (C:~7/30, II: 8/25 I: 10/17); mTORC (C: 8/19, II: 8/29, I: ?)
Stanford - NigelVermooth (C: 8/3, II: 8/15, I:10/2-3); quebaldy (C:8/4, II: 8/15, I: 10/2-3);
Stony Brook University - Reckoner (C: 7/31, II: 9/25, I: 10/23); plumazul (C: 7/25, II: 9/25, I: --)
SUNY Upstate - mynameistoolong (C: 9/4, II: 9/2x, I: ?);
Texas A&M HSC - NigelVermooth (C: 7/1, II: 7/29, I: 9/11-12);
Texas Tech HSC - NigelVermooth (C: 7/18, II: 8/19, I: 9/6);
Tri-Institutional(C/R/SK) - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 8/21, I: 10/31); Solarium90 (C: 7/4, II: 8/21, I: 10/31);
Tufts- penguino92 (C: 08/21, II, 10/04,I:?), Member011 (C: 8/9, II: 10/4, I: 11/13), jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 10/4, I: 11/13)
University of Alabama, Birmingham - mTORC (C:8/28/13, II: 9/12/13, I: 12/4-12/6); zippyziggy (C: 8/2, II: 9/12, I: 12/3-5); pittpanther (C: 8/6, II: 9/12, I: ?); Solarium90 (C: 8/15,II: 9/18, I:12/4-6);
University of California, Irvine - TheShaker (C: 7/25, II: 9/7, I: 10/21), regeneration (C: 7/25, II: 9/07, I: 10/21), Vitor1192 (C:8/12, II: 9/22, I: 10/21)
University of California, Los Angeles - quebaldy (C: 8/11, II: 9/26, I: ??), Vitor1192 (C:8/10, II: 9/26, I: 10/24)
University of Chicago Pritzker - plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 7/23, I: 10/8-9); NigelVermooth (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: 10/8-9); quebaldy (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: 10/8-10/9); jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 8/9, I: 10/8-10/9); leish63(C:~8/5, II: 8/9, I: ?); oxfordian (C: 9/3?, II: 9/6, I: 12/9-12/11);
University of Cincinnati - Cpi89 (C: 8/26, II: 10/2, I: 10/17-19); zippyziggy (C: 7/10, II: 10/4, I: ?)
University of Colorado - zippyziggy (C: 9/18, II: 10/3, I: 1/23-24);
University of Illinois at Chicago - jumbo91 (C: ~7/30, II: 9/18, I: 11/4); Reckoner (C: 7/30, II 9/18, I: 11/4)
University of Iowa - TheShaker (C: ~7/20, II: 10/2, I: 10/31 - 11/1); Reckoner (C: 8/8, II: 10/2, I: 10/31-11/1)
University of Kentucky- Penguino92 (C: 08/06, II: 09/30, I: 10/21)
University of Louisville - mooser0956 (C:8/21, II: 9/12, I:10/9); Penguino92 (C: 8/20, II: 09/02, I: 11/04-05)
University of Maryland - plumazul (C: 7/25, II: 9/13, I: 1/8-9); Member011 (C: 8/16, II: 9/13, I: 11/20-21)
University of Massachusetts - NigelVermooth (C: 7/22, II: 9/13, I:?);
University of Michigan mooser0956 (C:7/29, II:8/26, I:11/14-15); gogosart (C:8/4, II:8/23, I:10/24-25); Reckoner (C: 7/16, II: 9/27, I: 11/14-15)
University of Minnesota regeneration (C: 8/15 II: 9/23, I: TBD)
University of Nebraska gogosart (C:7/24, II:8/5, I:11/20)
University of Pennsylvania - NigelVermooth (C: 7/29, II: 9/4, I:?); plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 9/4, I: 12/5-6); Regeneration (C:8/19; II: 9/8; I: 11/22); mTORC (C: 9/2, II: 9/10, I: 11/7)
University of Pittsburgh - leish63 (C: ~7/25, II: 8/5, I: 8/22-8/23); pittpanther (C:7/23, II: 8/8, I:8/26-8/27); mooser0956 (C:8/15, II:8/23, I:9/26-27); mTORC (C:~8/20, II: 9/9, I: 10/10-10/11)
University of Southern California - Orokami (C:~8/1; II:9/5; I: 10/24), jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 9/5; I: 12/5-6), BigFatCat (C:8/7, II: 9/5, I: 9/26-27);
University of Texas Houston - NigelVermooth (C: 7/23, II: 9/16, I: ?);
University of Texas HSCSA - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 7/15, I: 8/25-27); NigelVermooth (C: 7/23, II 7/28, I: 9/9-10); TheShaker (C: 7/23, II: 8/5/13, I: 9/23-24); Orokami (C: 7/16, II: 8/5, I: 8/25-27); mTORC (C: 8/15, II: 8/16, I: 8/25-27); cpi89 (C: 8/19, II: 8/22, I: 10/7-8)
University of Texas Southwestern - Reckoner (C: 8/9, II: 8/23, I: 9/27); BigFatCat (C: 7/23, II: 8/23, I: 10/11); NigelVermooth (C: 8/12, II: 9/4, I: ?);
University of Virginia - plumazul (C: 7/22, II: 8/23, I: 9/19-20); zippyziggy (C: 7/6, II: 8/23, I: 9/19-20); mTORC (C: 9:5, II: 9:14, I: ?)
University of Wisconsin-Madison pittpanther (C:7/18, II:8/27, I:10/3-6); TheShaker (C:7/19, II: 8/27, I: 10/3-6); mTORC (C: 8/22, II: 9/25, I: ??)
University of Washington-Seattle pittpanther (C:~8/3, II:9/9 I:1/9-11); mTORC (C: 9/6, II: 9/30, I: ??)
Washington University - premed660 (C: ~7/30 II: 8/7 I:9/26-9/28); leish63 (C: 8/2, II: 8/20, I:9/26-9/28); NigelVermooth (C: 8/2, II: 8/21, I:9/26-28); quebaldy (C: 8/6, II: 8/21, I: 10/10-12); plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 8/29, I: 10/10-12); mTORC (C: 8/16, II: 9/14, I: 10/31-11/2); BigFatCat (C: 8/9, II: 9/23, I: 11/7-9); oxfordian (C: 8/30?, II: 9/30, I: 11/14-16)
Yale University - Prion13 (C: 8/13, II: 9/13, I:12/9-10); mTORC (C: 9/9, II: 9/25, I: ??)

C: Complete
II: Interview Invite date
I: Interview date
1) click quote on the most recent list
2) delete the "
" tags on the top and bottom
3) add your user name, ( complete date, interview invite date, interview date, any other pertinent info, and if needed, add the school name to the list
4) Enter the name(s) of the school(s) where you are adding data into the "Title" box (at the top) so that your changes can be easily located.
5) Enter Submit and prepare for your interviews

Albert Einstein - BigFatCat (C: 8/5, II: 9/10, I:?); Member011 (C: 8/5, II: 9/10, I:10/18); jumbo91 (C: 8/6, II: 9/11, I: 11/1); mTORC (C: 8/23, II: 9/11, I: 10/18); Orokami (C: 8/1, II: 9/16, I: 11/22); oxfordian (C: 8/30, II: 10/2, I: 11/22)
Baylor - NigelVermooth (C: 8/2, II: 9/18, I: ?); pittpanter (C: 7/15, II: 9/18, I: 10/17-19)
Boston University - pittpanther (C: 7/15, II: 9/10, I:?); NigelVermooth (C: 7/29, II: 9/10, I:?); Otsdarva(C: 7/26, II: 9/13, I: 10/18); mynameistoolong (C: 7/26, II: 9/16, I: 11/1); Regeneration (C: 8/20, II:9/20, I: TBD); gogosart (C:7/20, II:10/1, I:10/18); Orokami (C:8/10; II: 10/1; I 1/10); Penguino92 (C: 8/20, II: 09/30, I: 11/08)
Case Western Reserve - plumazul (C: 7/20, II: 8/7, I: 12/12-13); Solarium90 (C: 7/9,II: 8/10, I:9/26); zippyziggy (C: 8/8, II: 8/29, I: 12/12-13); Member011 (C: 8/19, II: 9/4, I: 10/24-25);
Columbia University - plumazul (C: 7/13, II: 8/23, I: 10/23); Reckoner (C: 7/17, II: 8/23, I: 10/8);
Duke University - zippyziggy (C: 7/15, II: 8/29, I: 11/7-8); plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 8/29, I: 11/7-8); quebaldy (C: 7/28, II: 9/9, I: 11/14-15); NigelVermooth (C: 7/24, II: 9/9, I: 10/24-25);
Emory - pittpanther (C:7/21, II:9/30, I:11/7-8); zippyziggy (C: 7/13, II: 10/2, I: 12/5-6);
Indiana University- mooser0956 (C:7/12, II: 8/9, I:TBD); regeneration (C:7/11, II: 8/12, I:TBD); TheShaker (C: 7/19, II: 9/5, I: 11/13); gogosart (C:7/24, II:8/21, I:TBD)
Jefferson - mynameistoolong (C: 8/28, II: 9/9, I: 11/19-20); cpi89 (C: 9/17, II: 9/20, I: 11/19-20) Penguino92 (C: 08/09, II: 09/05, I: 11/13)
Johns Hopkins - plumazul (C: 7/23, II: 8/29, I: 9/25-26);
Medical University of South Carolina - Reckoner (C: 8/8, II: 8/23, I: 10/11); Member011 (C: 8/19, II: 9/7, I: 10/11); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 9/27, I: 10/18)
Miller School of Medicine, Miami - Orokami (C: 8/1, II: 10/3, I: 11/1)
Mount Sinai - zippyziggy (C: 7/17, II: 9/6, I: 11/4-5); Member011 (C: 8/12, II: 9/6, I: 10/28-29); plumazul (C: 7/23, II: 9/12, I: 10/28-29); mynameistoolong (C: 7/25, II: 9/16, I: 11/4-5); Solarium90 (C: 8/3,II: 9/12, I:10/28-29);
New Jersey Medical School - Otsdarva (C: 7/20, II: 9/24, I: 10/15)
Northwestern - BigFatCat (C: 8/26, II: 9/9, I: ?); Solarium90 (C: 8/28,II: 9/10, I:11/6-7);
NYU - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); Reckoner (C: 7/17, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); BigFatCat (C: 8/1, II: 8/28, I: 10/18); oxfordian (C: 9/9, II: 9/16, I: 11/8)
Ohio State University - Solarium90(C: 7/9, II:8/14, I: 10/10); zippyziggy (C: 7/27, II: 8/20, I: 10/10-12); Otsdarva(C: 7/30, II: 8/29, I: 10/31);
Oregon Health and Science University - zippyziggy (C: 9/16, II: 9/17, I: 12/18-19);
Penn State - TheShaker (C: 8/10, II: 10/1, I: 12/9); mynameistoolong (C: 8/8, II: 10/2, I: 11/18)
Robert Wood Johnson - pittpanther (C: ~7/23, II:8/9 I:9/16); Otsdarva(C: 7/25, II: 8/9, I: 9/16)
Rochester University - regeneration (C: ~7/19, II:8/23 I:9/26); Orokami (C:~7/30, II: 8/25 I: 10/17); mTORC (C: 8/19, II: 8/29, I: ?)
Stanford - NigelVermooth (C: 8/3, II: 8/15, I:10/2-3); quebaldy (C:8/4, II: 8/15, I: 10/2-3);
Stony Brook University - Reckoner (C: 7/31, II: 9/25, I: 10/23); plumazul (C: 7/25, II: 9/25, I: --)
SUNY Upstate - mynameistoolong (C: 9/4, II: 9/2x, I: ?);
Texas A&M HSC - NigelVermooth (C: 7/1, II: 7/29, I: 9/11-12);
Texas Tech HSC - NigelVermooth (C: 7/18, II: 8/19, I: 9/6);
Tri-Institutional(C/R/SK) - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 8/21, I: 10/31); Solarium90 (C: 7/4, II: 8/21, I: 10/31);
Tufts- penguino92 (C: 08/21, II, 10/04,I:?), Member011 (C: 8/9, II: 10/4, I: 11/13), jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 10/4, I: 11/13)
University of Alabama, Birmingham - mTORC (C:8/28/13, II: 9/12/13, I: 12/4-12/6); zippyziggy (C: 8/2, II: 9/12, I: 12/3-5); pittpanther (C: 8/6, II: 9/12, I: ?); Solarium90 (C: 8/15,II: 9/18, I:12/4-6);
University of California, Irvine - TheShaker (C: 7/25, II: 9/7, I: 10/21), regeneration (C: 7/25, II: 9/07, I: 10/21), Vitor1192 (C:8/12, II: 9/22, I: 10/21)
University of California, Los Angeles - quebaldy (C: 8/11, II: 9/26, I: ??), Vitor1192 (C:8/10, II: 9/26, I: 10/24)
University of California, San Diego - mTORC (C: 9/2, II: 10/7, I: 1/16)
University of Chicago Pritzker - plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 7/23, I: 10/8-9); NigelVermooth (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: 10/8-9); quebaldy (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: 10/8-10/9); jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 8/9, I: 10/8-10/9); leish63(C:~8/5, II: 8/9, I: ?); oxfordian (C: 9/3?, II: 9/6, I: 12/9-12/11);
University of Cincinnati - Cpi89 (C: 8/26, II: 10/2, I: 10/17-19); zippyziggy (C: 7/10, II: 10/4, I: ?)
University of Colorado - zippyziggy (C: 9/18, II: 10/3, I: 1/23-24);
University of Illinois at Chicago - jumbo91 (C: ~7/30, II: 9/18, I: 11/4); Reckoner (C: 7/30, II 9/18, I: 11/4)
University of Iowa - TheShaker (C: ~7/20, II: 10/2, I: 10/31 - 11/1); Reckoner (C: 8/8, II: 10/2, I: 10/31-11/1)
University of Kentucky- Penguino92 (C: 08/06, II: 09/30, I: 10/21)
University of Louisville - mooser0956 (C:8/21, II: 9/12, I:10/9); Penguino92 (C: 8/20, II: 09/02, I: 11/04-05)
University of Maryland - plumazul (C: 7/25, II: 9/13, I: 1/8-9); Member011 (C: 8/16, II: 9/13, I: 11/20-21)
University of Massachusetts - NigelVermooth (C: 7/22, II: 9/13, I:?);
University of Michigan mooser0956 (C:7/29, II:8/26, I:11/14-15); gogosart (C:8/4, II:8/23, I:10/24-25); Reckoner (C: 7/16, II: 9/27, I: 11/14-15)
University of Minnesota regeneration (C: 8/15 II: 9/23, I: TBD)
University of Nebraska gogosart (C:7/24, II:8/5, I:11/20)
University of Pennsylvania - NigelVermooth (C: 7/29, II: 9/4, I:?); plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 9/4, I: 12/5-6); Regeneration (C:8/19; II: 9/8; I: 11/22); mTORC (C: 9/2, II: 9/10, I: 11/7)
University of Pittsburgh - leish63 (C: ~7/25, II: 8/5, I: 8/22-8/23); pittpanther (C:7/23, II: 8/8, I:8/26-8/27); mooser0956 (C:8/15, II:8/23, I:9/26-27); mTORC (C:~8/20, II: 9/9, I: 10/10-10/11)
University of Southern California - Orokami (C:~8/1; II:9/5; I: 10/24), jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 9/5; I: 12/5-6), BigFatCat (C:8/7, II: 9/5, I: 9/26-27);
University of Texas Houston - NigelVermooth (C: 7/23, II: 9/16, I: ?);
University of Texas HSCSA - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 7/15, I: 8/25-27); NigelVermooth (C: 7/23, II 7/28, I: 9/9-10); TheShaker (C: 7/23, II: 8/5/13, I: 9/23-24); Orokami (C: 7/16, II: 8/5, I: 8/25-27); mTORC (C: 8/15, II: 8/16, I: 8/25-27); cpi89 (C: 8/19, II: 8/22, I: 10/7-8)
University of Texas Southwestern - Reckoner (C: 8/9, II: 8/23, I: 9/27); BigFatCat (C: 7/23, II: 8/23, I: 10/11); NigelVermooth (C: 8/12, II: 9/4, I: ?);
University of Virginia - plumazul (C: 7/22, II: 8/23, I: 9/19-20); zippyziggy (C: 7/6, II: 8/23, I: 9/19-20); mTORC (C: 9:5, II: 9:14, I: ?)
University of Wisconsin-Madison pittpanther (C:7/18, II:8/27, I:10/3-6); TheShaker (C:7/19, II: 8/27, I: 10/3-6); mTORC (C: 8/22, II: 9/25, I: ??)
University of Washington-Seattle pittpanther (C:~8/3, II:9/9 I:1/9-11); mTORC (C: 9/6, II: 9/30, I: ??)
Washington University - premed660 (C: ~7/30 II: 8/7 I:9/26-9/28); leish63 (C: 8/2, II: 8/20, I:9/26-9/28); NigelVermooth (C: 8/2, II: 8/21, I:9/26-28); quebaldy (C: 8/6, II: 8/21, I: 10/10-12); plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 8/29, I: 10/10-12); mTORC (C: 8/16, II: 9/14, I: 10/31-11/2); BigFatCat (C: 8/9, II: 9/23, I: 11/7-9); oxfordian (C: 8/30?, II: 9/30, I: 11/14-16)
Yale University - Prion13 (C: 8/13, II: 9/13, I:12/9-10); mTORC (C: 9/9, II: 9/25, I: ??)

C: Complete
II: Interview Invite date
I: Interview date
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2) delete the "
" tags on the top and bottom
3) add your user name, ( complete date, interview invite date, interview date, any other pertinent info, and if needed, add the school name to the list
4) Enter the name(s) of the school(s) where you are adding data into the "Title" box (at the top) so that your changes can be easily located.
5) Enter Submit and prepare for your interviews

Albert Einstein - BigFatCat (C: 8/5, II: 9/10, I:?); Member011 (C: 8/5, II: 9/10, I:10/18); jumbo91 (C: 8/6, II: 9/11, I: 11/1); mTORC (C: 8/23, II: 9/11, I: 10/18); Orokami (C: 8/1, II: 9/16, I: 11/22); oxfordian (C: 8/30, II: 10/2, I: 11/22)
Baylor - NigelVermooth (C: 8/2, II: 9/18, I: ?); pittpanter (C: 7/15, II: 9/18, I: 10/17-19)
Boston University - pittpanther (C: 7/15, II: 9/10, I:?); NigelVermooth (C: 7/29, II: 9/10, I:?); Otsdarva(C: 7/26, II: 9/13, I: 10/18); mynameistoolong (C: 7/26, II: 9/16, I: 11/1); Regeneration (C: 8/20, II:9/20, I: TBD); gogosart (C:7/20, II:10/1, I:10/18); Orokami (C:8/10; II: 10/1; I 1/10); Penguino92 (C: 8/20, II: 09/30, I: 11/08)
Case Western Reserve - plumazul (C: 7/20, II: 8/7, I: 12/12-13); Solarium90 (C: 7/9,II: 8/10, I:9/26); zippyziggy (C: 8/8, II: 8/29, I: 12/12-13); Member011 (C: 8/19, II: 9/4, I: 10/24-25);
Columbia University - plumazul (C: 7/13, II: 8/23, I: 10/23); Reckoner (C: 7/17, II: 8/23, I: 10/8);
Duke University - zippyziggy (C: 7/15, II: 8/29, I: 11/7-8); plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 8/29, I: 11/7-8); quebaldy (C: 7/28, II: 9/9, I: 11/14-15); NigelVermooth (C: 7/24, II: 9/9, I: 10/24-25);
Emory - pittpanther (C:7/21, II:9/30, I:11/7-8); zippyziggy (C: 7/13, II: 10/2, I: 12/5-6);
Indiana University- mooser0956 (C:7/12, II: 8/9, I:TBD); regeneration (C:7/11, II: 8/12, I:TBD); TheShaker (C: 7/19, II: 9/5, I: 11/13); gogosart (C:7/24, II:8/21, I:TBD)
Jefferson - mynameistoolong (C: 8/28, II: 9/9, I: 11/19-20); cpi89 (C: 9/17, II: 9/20, I: 11/19-20) Penguino92 (C: 08/09, II: 09/05, I: 11/13)
Johns Hopkins - plumazul (C: 7/23, II: 8/29, I: 9/25-26);
Medical University of South Carolina - Reckoner (C: 8/8, II: 8/23, I: 10/11); Member011 (C: 8/19, II: 9/7, I: 10/11); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 9/27, I: 10/18)
Miller School of Medicine, Miami - Orokami (C: 8/1, II: 10/3, I: 11/1)
Mount Sinai - zippyziggy (C: 7/17, II: 9/6, I: 11/4-5); Member011 (C: 8/12, II: 9/6, I: 10/28-29); plumazul (C: 7/23, II: 9/12, I: 10/28-29); mynameistoolong (C: 7/25, II: 9/16, I: 11/4-5); Solarium90 (C: 8/3,II: 9/12, I:10/28-29);
New Jersey Medical School - Otsdarva (C: 7/20, II: 9/24, I: 10/15)
Northwestern - BigFatCat (C: 8/26, II: 9/9, I: ?); Solarium90 (C: 8/28,II: 9/10, I:11/6-7);
NYU - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); Reckoner (C: 7/17, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); BigFatCat (C: 8/1, II: 8/28, I: 10/18); oxfordian (C: 9/9, II: 9/16, I: 11/8)
Ohio State University - Solarium90(C: 7/9, II:8/14, I: 10/10); zippyziggy (C: 7/27, II: 8/20, I: 10/10-12); Otsdarva(C: 7/30, II: 8/29, I: 10/31);
Oregon Health and Science University - zippyziggy (C: 9/16, II: 9/17, I: 12/18-19);
Penn State - TheShaker (C: 8/10, II: 10/1, I: 12/9); mynameistoolong (C: 8/8, II: 10/2, I: 11/18)
Robert Wood Johnson - pittpanther (C: ~7/23, II:8/9 I:9/16); Otsdarva(C: 7/25, II: 8/9, I: 9/16)
Rochester University - regeneration (C: ~7/19, II:8/23 I:9/26); Orokami (C:~7/30, II: 8/25 I: 10/17); mTORC (C: 8/19, II: 8/29, I: ?)
Stanford - NigelVermooth (C: 8/3, II: 8/15, I:10/2-3); quebaldy (C:8/4, II: 8/15, I: 10/2-3);
Stony Brook University - Reckoner (C: 7/31, II: 9/25, I: 10/23); plumazul (C: 7/25, II: 9/25, I: --)
SUNY Upstate - mynameistoolong (C: 9/4, II: 9/2x, I: ?);
Texas A&M HSC - NigelVermooth (C: 7/1, II: 7/29, I: 9/11-12);
Texas Tech HSC - NigelVermooth (C: 7/18, II: 8/19, I: 9/6);
Tri-Institutional(C/R/SK) - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 8/21, I: 10/31); Solarium90 (C: 7/4, II: 8/21, I: 10/31);
Tufts- penguino92 (C: 08/21, II, 10/04,I:?), Member011 (C: 8/9, II: 10/4, I: 11/13), jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 10/4, I: 11/13)
University of Alabama, Birmingham - mTORC (C:8/28/13, II: 9/12/13, I: 12/4-12/6); zippyziggy (C: 8/2, II: 9/12, I: 12/3-5); pittpanther (C: 8/6, II: 9/12, I: ?); Solarium90 (C: 8/15,II: 9/18, I:12/4-6);
University of California, Irvine - TheShaker (C: 7/25, II: 9/7, I: 10/21), regeneration (C: 7/25, II: 9/07, I: 10/21), Vitor1192 (C:8/12, II: 9/22, I: 10/21)
University of California, Los Angeles - quebaldy (C: 8/11, II: 9/26, I: ??), Vitor1192 (C:8/10, II: 9/26, I: 10/24)
University of California, San Diego - mTORC (C: 9/2, II: 10/7, I: 1/16)
University of Chicago Pritzker - plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 7/23, I: 10/8-9); NigelVermooth (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: 10/8-9); quebaldy (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: 10/8-10/9); jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 8/9, I: 10/8-10/9); leish63(C:~8/5, II: 8/9, I: ?); oxfordian (C: 9/3?, II: 9/6, I: 12/9-12/11);
University of Cincinnati - Cpi89 (C: 8/26, II: 10/2, I: 10/17-19); zippyziggy (C: 7/10, II: 10/4, I: ?)
University of Colorado - zippyziggy (C: 9/18, II: 10/3, I: 1/23-24);
University of Illinois at Chicago - jumbo91 (C: ~7/30, II: 9/18, I: 11/4); Reckoner (C: 7/30, II 9/18, I: 11/4)
University of Iowa - TheShaker (C: ~7/20, II: 10/2, I: 10/31 - 11/1); Reckoner (C: 8/8, II: 10/2, I: 10/31-11/1)
University of Kentucky- Penguino92 (C: 08/06, II: 09/30, I: 10/21)
University of Louisville - mooser0956 (C:8/21, II: 9/12, I:10/9); Penguino92 (C: 8/20, II: 09/02, I: 11/04-05)
University of Maryland - plumazul (C: 7/25, II: 9/13, I: 1/8-9); Member011 (C: 8/16, II: 9/13, I: 11/20-21)
University of Massachusetts - NigelVermooth (C: 7/22, II: 9/13, I:?);
University of Michigan mooser0956 (C:7/29, II:8/26, I:11/14-15); gogosart (C:8/4, II:8/23, I:10/24-25); Reckoner (C: 7/16, II: 9/27, I: 11/14-15)
University of Minnesota regeneration (C: 8/15 II: 9/23, I: TBD)
University of Nebraska gogosart (C:7/24, II:8/5, I:11/20)
University of Pennsylvania - NigelVermooth (C: 7/29, II: 9/4, I:?); plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 9/4, I: 12/5-6); Regeneration (C:8/19; II: 9/8; I: 11/22); mTORC (C: 9/2, II: 9/10, I: 11/7); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/2, I: 12/5-6)
University of Pittsburgh - leish63 (C: ~7/25, II: 8/5, I: 8/22-8/23); pittpanther (C:7/23, II: 8/8, I:8/26-8/27); mooser0956 (C:8/15, II:8/23, I:9/26-27); mTORC (C:~8/20, II: 9/9, I: 10/10-10/11)
University of Southern California - Orokami (C:~8/1; II:9/5; I: 10/24), jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 9/5; I: 12/5-6), BigFatCat (C:8/7, II: 9/5, I: 9/26-27);
University of Texas Houston - NigelVermooth (C: 7/23, II: 9/16, I: ?);
University of Texas HSCSA - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 7/15, I: 8/25-27); NigelVermooth (C: 7/23, II 7/28, I: 9/9-10); TheShaker (C: 7/23, II: 8/5/13, I: 9/23-24); Orokami (C: 7/16, II: 8/5, I: 8/25-27); mTORC (C: 8/15, II: 8/16, I: 8/25-27); cpi89 (C: 8/19, II: 8/22, I: 10/7-8)
University of Texas Southwestern - Reckoner (C: 8/9, II: 8/23, I: 9/27); BigFatCat (C: 7/23, II: 8/23, I: 10/11); NigelVermooth (C: 8/12, II: 9/4, I: ?);
University of Virginia - plumazul (C: 7/22, II: 8/23, I: 9/19-20); zippyziggy (C: 7/6, II: 8/23, I: 9/19-20); mTORC (C: 9:5, II: 9:14, I: ?)
University of Wisconsin-Madison pittpanther (C:7/18, II:8/27, I:10/3-6); TheShaker (C:7/19, II: 8/27, I: 10/3-6); mTORC (C: 8/22, II: 9/25, I: ??)
University of Washington-Seattle pittpanther (C:~8/3, II:9/9 I:1/9-11); mTORC (C: 9/6, II: 9/30, I: ??)
Washington University - premed660 (C: ~7/30 II: 8/7 I:9/26-9/28); leish63 (C: 8/2, II: 8/20, I:9/26-9/28); NigelVermooth (C: 8/2, II: 8/21, I:9/26-28); quebaldy (C: 8/6, II: 8/21, I: 10/10-12); plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 8/29, I: 10/10-12); mTORC (C: 8/16, II: 9/14, I: 10/31-11/2); BigFatCat (C: 8/9, II: 9/23, I: 11/7-9); oxfordian (C: 8/30?, II: 9/30, I: 11/14-16)
Yale University - Prion13 (C: 8/13, II: 9/13, I:12/9-10); mTORC (C: 9/9, II: 9/25, I: ??)

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II: Interview Invite date
I: Interview date
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" tags on the top and bottom
3) add your user name, ( complete date, interview invite date, interview date, any other pertinent info, and if needed, add the school name to the list
4) Enter the name(s) of the school(s) where you are adding data into the "Title" box (at the top) so that your changes can be easily located.
5) Enter Submit and prepare for your interviews

Albert Einstein - BigFatCat (C: 8/5, II: 9/10, I:?); Member011 (C: 8/5, II: 9/10, I:10/18); jumbo91 (C: 8/6, II: 9/11, I: 11/1); mTORC (C: 8/23, II: 9/11, I: 10/18); Orokami (C: 8/1, II: 9/16, I: 11/22); oxfordian (C: 8/30, II: 10/2, I: 11/22)
Baylor - NigelVermooth (C: 8/2, II: 9/18, I: ?); pittpanter (C: 7/15, II: 9/18, I: 10/17-19); mTORC (C: 8/21, II: 10/8, I:?)
Boston University - pittpanther (C: 7/15, II: 9/10, I:?); NigelVermooth (C: 7/29, II: 9/10, I:?); Otsdarva(C: 7/26, II: 9/13, I: 10/18); mynameistoolong (C: 7/26, II: 9/16, I: 11/1); Regeneration (C: 8/20, II:9/20, I: TBD); gogosart (C:7/20, II:10/1, I:10/18); Orokami (C:8/10; II: 10/1; I 1/10); Penguino92 (C: 8/20, II: 09/30, I: 11/08)
Case Western Reserve - plumazul (C: 7/20, II: 8/7, I: 12/12-13); Solarium90 (C: 7/9,II: 8/10, I:9/26); zippyziggy (C: 8/8, II: 8/29, I: 12/12-13); Member011 (C: 8/19, II: 9/4, I: 10/24-25);
Columbia University - plumazul (C: 7/13, II: 8/23, I: 10/23); Reckoner (C: 7/17, II: 8/23, I: 10/8);
Duke University - zippyziggy (C: 7/15, II: 8/29, I: 11/7-8); plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 8/29, I: 11/7-8); quebaldy (C: 7/28, II: 9/9, I: 11/14-15); NigelVermooth (C: 7/24, II: 9/9, I: 10/24-25);
Emory - pittpanther (C:7/21, II:9/30, I:11/7-8); zippyziggy (C: 7/13, II: 10/2, I: 12/5-6);
Indiana University- mooser0956 (C:7/12, II: 8/9, I:TBD); regeneration (C:7/11, II: 8/12, I:TBD); TheShaker (C: 7/19, II: 9/5, I: 11/13); gogosart (C:7/24, II:8/21, I:TBD)
Jefferson - mynameistoolong (C: 8/28, II: 9/9, I: 11/19-20); cpi89 (C: 9/17, II: 9/20, I: 11/19-20) Penguino92 (C: 08/09, II: 09/05, I: 11/13)
Johns Hopkins - plumazul (C: 7/23, II: 8/29, I: 9/25-26);
Medical University of South Carolina - Reckoner (C: 8/8, II: 8/23, I: 10/11); Member011 (C: 8/19, II: 9/7, I: 10/11); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 9/27, I: 10/18)
Miller School of Medicine, Miami - Orokami (C: 8/1, II: 10/3, I: 11/1)
Mount Sinai - zippyziggy (C: 7/17, II: 9/6, I: 11/4-5); Member011 (C: 8/12, II: 9/6, I: 10/28-29); plumazul (C: 7/23, II: 9/12, I: 10/28-29); mynameistoolong (C: 7/25, II: 9/16, I: 11/4-5); Solarium90 (C: 8/3,II: 9/12, I:10/28-29);
New Jersey Medical School - Otsdarva (C: 7/20, II: 9/24, I: 10/15)
Northwestern - BigFatCat (C: 8/26, II: 9/9, I: ?); Solarium90 (C: 8/28,II: 9/10, I:11/6-7);
NYU - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); Reckoner (C: 7/17, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); BigFatCat (C: 8/1, II: 8/28, I: 10/18); oxfordian (C: 9/9, II: 9/16, I: 11/8)
Ohio State University - Solarium90(C: 7/9, II:8/14, I: 10/10); zippyziggy (C: 7/27, II: 8/20, I: 10/10-12); Otsdarva(C: 7/30, II: 8/29, I: 10/31);
Oregon Health and Science University - zippyziggy (C: 9/16, II: 9/17, I: 12/18-19);
Penn State - TheShaker (C: 8/10, II: 10/1, I: 12/9); mynameistoolong (C: 8/8, II: 10/2, I: 11/18)
Robert Wood Johnson - pittpanther (C: ~7/23, II:8/9 I:9/16); Otsdarva(C: 7/25, II: 8/9, I: 9/16)
Rochester University - regeneration (C: ~7/19, II:8/23 I:9/26); Orokami (C:~7/30, II: 8/25 I: 10/17); mTORC (C: 8/19, II: 8/29, I: ?)
Stanford - NigelVermooth (C: 8/3, II: 8/15, I:10/2-3); quebaldy (C:8/4, II: 8/15, I: 10/2-3);
Stony Brook University - Reckoner (C: 7/31, II: 9/25, I: 10/23); plumazul (C: 7/25, II: 9/25, I: --)
SUNY Upstate - mynameistoolong (C: 9/4, II: 9/2x, I: ?);
Texas A&M HSC - NigelVermooth (C: 7/1, II: 7/29, I: 9/11-12);
Texas Tech HSC - NigelVermooth (C: 7/18, II: 8/19, I: 9/6);
Tri-Institutional(C/R/SK) - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 8/21, I: 10/31); Solarium90 (C: 7/4, II: 8/21, I: 10/31);
Tufts- penguino92 (C: 08/21, II, 10/04,I:?), Member011 (C: 8/9, II: 10/4, I: 11/13), jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 10/4, I: 11/13)
University of Alabama, Birmingham - mTORC (C:8/28/13, II: 9/12/13, I: 12/4-12/6); zippyziggy (C: 8/2, II: 9/12, I: 12/3-5); pittpanther (C: 8/6, II: 9/12, I: ?); Solarium90 (C: 8/15,II: 9/18, I:12/4-6);
University of California, Irvine - TheShaker (C: 7/25, II: 9/7, I: 10/21), regeneration (C: 7/25, II: 9/07, I: 10/21), Vitor1192 (C:8/12, II: 9/22, I: 10/21)
University of California, Los Angeles - quebaldy (C: 8/11, II: 9/26, I: ??), Vitor1192 (C:8/10, II: 9/26, I: 10/24)
University of California, San Diego - mTORC (C: 9/2, II: 10/7, I: 1/16)
University of Chicago Pritzker - plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 7/23, I: 10/8-9); NigelVermooth (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: 10/8-9); quebaldy (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: 10/8-10/9); jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 8/9, I: 10/8-10/9); leish63(C:~8/5, II: 8/9, I: ?); oxfordian (C: 9/3?, II: 9/6, I: 12/9-12/11);
University of Cincinnati - Cpi89 (C: 8/26, II: 10/2, I: 10/17-19); zippyziggy (C: 7/10, II: 10/4, I: ?)
University of Colorado - zippyziggy (C: 9/18, II: 10/3, I: 1/23-24);
University of Illinois at Chicago - jumbo91 (C: ~7/30, II: 9/18, I: 11/4); Reckoner (C: 7/30, II 9/18, I: 11/4)
University of Iowa - TheShaker (C: ~7/20, II: 10/2, I: 10/31 - 11/1); Reckoner (C: 8/8, II: 10/2, I: 10/31-11/1)
University of Kentucky- Penguino92 (C: 08/06, II: 09/30, I: 10/21)
University of Louisville - mooser0956 (C:8/21, II: 9/12, I:10/9); Penguino92 (C: 8/20, II: 09/02, I: 11/04-05)
University of Maryland - plumazul (C: 7/25, II: 9/13, I: 1/8-9); Member011 (C: 8/16, II: 9/13, I: 11/20-21)
University of Massachusetts - NigelVermooth (C: 7/22, II: 9/13, I:?);
University of Michigan mooser0956 (C:7/29, II:8/26, I:11/14-15); gogosart (C:8/4, II:8/23, I:10/24-25); Reckoner (C: 7/16, II: 9/27, I: 11/14-15)
University of Minnesota regeneration (C: 8/15 II: 9/23, I: TBD)
University of Nebraska gogosart (C:7/24, II:8/5, I:11/20)
University of Pennsylvania - NigelVermooth (C: 7/29, II: 9/4, I:?); plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 9/4, I: 12/5-6); Regeneration (C:8/19; II: 9/8; I: 11/22); mTORC (C: 9/2, II: 9/10, I: 11/7); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/2, I: 12/5-6)
University of Pittsburgh - leish63 (C: ~7/25, II: 8/5, I: 8/22-8/23); pittpanther (C:7/23, II: 8/8, I:8/26-8/27); mooser0956 (C:8/15, II:8/23, I:9/26-27); mTORC (C:~8/20, II: 9/9, I: 10/10-10/11)
University of Southern California - Orokami (C:~8/1; II:9/5; I: 10/24), jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 9/5; I: 12/5-6), BigFatCat (C:8/7, II: 9/5, I: 9/26-27);
University of Texas Houston - NigelVermooth (C: 7/23, II: 9/16, I: ?);
University of Texas HSCSA - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 7/15, I: 8/25-27); NigelVermooth (C: 7/23, II 7/28, I: 9/9-10); TheShaker (C: 7/23, II: 8/5/13, I: 9/23-24); Orokami (C: 7/16, II: 8/5, I: 8/25-27); mTORC (C: 8/15, II: 8/16, I: 8/25-27); cpi89 (C: 8/19, II: 8/22, I: 10/7-8)
University of Texas Southwestern - Reckoner (C: 8/9, II: 8/23, I: 9/27); BigFatCat (C: 7/23, II: 8/23, I: 10/11); NigelVermooth (C: 8/12, II: 9/4, I: ?);
University of Virginia - plumazul (C: 7/22, II: 8/23, I: 9/19-20); zippyziggy (C: 7/6, II: 8/23, I: 9/19-20); mTORC (C: 9:5, II: 9:14, I: ?)
University of Wisconsin-Madison pittpanther (C:7/18, II:8/27, I:10/3-6); TheShaker (C:7/19, II: 8/27, I: 10/3-6); mTORC (C: 8/22, II: 9/25, I: ??)
University of Washington-Seattle pittpanther (C:~8/3, II:9/9 I:1/9-11); mTORC (C: 9/6, II: 9/30, I: ??)
Washington University - premed660 (C: ~7/30 II: 8/7 I:9/26-9/28); leish63 (C: 8/2, II: 8/20, I:9/26-9/28); NigelVermooth (C: 8/2, II: 8/21, I:9/26-28); quebaldy (C: 8/6, II: 8/21, I: 10/10-12); plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 8/29, I: 10/10-12); mTORC (C: 8/16, II: 9/14, I: 10/31-11/2); BigFatCat (C: 8/9, II: 9/23, I: 11/7-9); oxfordian (C: 8/30?, II: 9/30, I: 11/14-16)
Yale University - Prion13 (C: 8/13, II: 9/13, I:12/9-10); mTORC (C: 9/9, II: 9/25, I: ??)

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II: Interview Invite date
I: Interview date
1) click quote on the most recent list
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3) add your user name, ( complete date, interview invite date, interview date, any other pertinent info, and if needed, add the school name to the list
4) Enter the name(s) of the school(s) where you are adding data into the "Title" box (at the top) so that your changes can be easily located.
5) Enter Submit and prepare for your interviews

Albert Einstein - BigFatCat (C: 8/5, II: 9/10, I:?); Member011 (C: 8/5, II: 9/10, I:10/18); jumbo91 (C: 8/6, II: 9/11, I: 11/1); mTORC (C: 8/23, II: 9/11, I: 10/18); Orokami (C: 8/1, II: 9/16, I: 11/22); oxfordian (C: 8/30, II: 10/2, I: 11/22)
Baylor - NigelVermooth (C: 8/2, II: 9/18, I: ?); pittpanter (C: 7/15, II: 9/18, I: 10/17-19); mTORC (C: 8/21, II: 10/8, I:?)
Boston University - pittpanther (C: 7/15, II: 9/10, I:?); NigelVermooth (C: 7/29, II: 9/10, I:?); Otsdarva(C: 7/26, II: 9/13, I: 10/18); mynameistoolong (C: 7/26, II: 9/16, I: 11/1); Regeneration (C: 8/20, II:9/20, I: TBD); gogosart (C:7/20, II:10/1, I:10/18); Orokami (C:8/10; II: 10/1; I 1/10); Penguino92 (C: 8/20, II: 09/30, I: 11/08)
Case Western Reserve - plumazul (C: 7/20, II: 8/7, I: 12/12-13); Solarium90 (C: 7/9,II: 8/10, I:9/26); zippyziggy (C: 8/8, II: 8/29, I: 12/12-13); Member011 (C: 8/19, II: 9/4, I: 10/24-25);
Columbia University - plumazul (C: 7/13, II: 8/23, I: 10/23); Reckoner (C: 7/17, II: 8/23, I: 10/8);
Duke University - zippyziggy (C: 7/15, II: 8/29, I: 11/7-8); plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 8/29, I: 11/7-8); quebaldy (C: 7/28, II: 9/9, I: 11/14-15); NigelVermooth (C: 7/24, II: 9/9, I: 10/24-25);
Emory - pittpanther (C:7/21, II:9/30, I:11/7-8); zippyziggy (C: 7/13, II: 10/2, I: 12/5-6); jumbo91 (C: 8/23, II: 10/8, I:?)
Indiana University- mooser0956 (C:7/12, II: 8/9, I:TBD); regeneration (C:7/11, II: 8/12, I:TBD); TheShaker (C: 7/19, II: 9/5, I: 11/13); gogosart (C:7/24, II:8/21, I:TBD)
Jefferson - mynameistoolong (C: 8/28, II: 9/9, I: 11/19-20); cpi89 (C: 9/17, II: 9/20, I: 11/19-20) Penguino92 (C: 08/09, II: 09/05, I: 11/13)
Johns Hopkins - plumazul (C: 7/23, II: 8/29, I: 9/25-26);
Medical University of South Carolina - Reckoner (C: 8/8, II: 8/23, I: 10/11); Member011 (C: 8/19, II: 9/7, I: 10/11); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 9/27, I: 10/18)
Miller School of Medicine, Miami - Orokami (C: 8/1, II: 10/3, I: 11/1)
Mount Sinai - zippyziggy (C: 7/17, II: 9/6, I: 11/4-5); Member011 (C: 8/12, II: 9/6, I: 10/28-29); plumazul (C: 7/23, II: 9/12, I: 10/28-29); mynameistoolong (C: 7/25, II: 9/16, I: 11/4-5); Solarium90 (C: 8/3,II: 9/12, I:10/28-29);
New Jersey Medical School - Otsdarva (C: 7/20, II: 9/24, I: 10/15)
Northwestern - BigFatCat (C: 8/26, II: 9/9, I: ?); Solarium90 (C: 8/28,II: 9/10, I:11/6-7);
NYU - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); Reckoner (C: 7/17, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); BigFatCat (C: 8/1, II: 8/28, I: 10/18); oxfordian (C: 9/9, II: 9/16, I: 11/8)
Ohio State University - Solarium90(C: 7/9, II:8/14, I: 10/10); zippyziggy (C: 7/27, II: 8/20, I: 10/10-12); Otsdarva(C: 7/30, II: 8/29, I: 10/31);
Oregon Health and Science University - zippyziggy (C: 9/16, II: 9/17, I: 12/18-19);
Penn State - TheShaker (C: 8/10, II: 10/1, I: 12/9); mynameistoolong (C: 8/8, II: 10/2, I: 11/18)
Robert Wood Johnson - pittpanther (C: ~7/23, II:8/9 I:9/16); Otsdarva(C: 7/25, II: 8/9, I: 9/16)
Rochester University - regeneration (C: ~7/19, II:8/23 I:9/26); Orokami (C:~7/30, II: 8/25 I: 10/17); mTORC (C: 8/19, II: 8/29, I: ?)
Stanford - NigelVermooth (C: 8/3, II: 8/15, I:10/2-3); quebaldy (C:8/4, II: 8/15, I: 10/2-3);
Stony Brook University - Reckoner (C: 7/31, II: 9/25, I: 10/23); plumazul (C: 7/25, II: 9/25, I: --)
SUNY Upstate - mynameistoolong (C: 9/4, II: 9/2x, I: ?);
Texas A&M HSC - NigelVermooth (C: 7/1, II: 7/29, I: 9/11-12);
Texas Tech HSC - NigelVermooth (C: 7/18, II: 8/19, I: 9/6);
Tri-Institutional(C/R/SK) - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 8/21, I: 10/31); Solarium90 (C: 7/4, II: 8/21, I: 10/31);
Tufts- penguino92 (C: 08/21, II, 10/04,I:?), Member011 (C: 8/9, II: 10/4, I: 11/13), jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 10/4, I: 11/13)
University of Alabama, Birmingham - mTORC (C:8/28/13, II: 9/12/13, I: 12/4-12/6); zippyziggy (C: 8/2, II: 9/12, I: 12/3-5); pittpanther (C: 8/6, II: 9/12, I: ?); Solarium90 (C: 8/15,II: 9/18, I:12/4-6);
University of California, Irvine - TheShaker (C: 7/25, II: 9/7, I: 10/21), regeneration (C: 7/25, II: 9/07, I: 10/21), Vitor1192 (C:8/12, II: 9/22, I: 10/21)
University of California, Los Angeles - quebaldy (C: 8/11, II: 9/26, I: ??), Vitor1192 (C:8/10, II: 9/26, I: 10/24)
University of California, San Diego - mTORC (C: 9/2, II: 10/7, I: 1/16)
University of Chicago Pritzker - plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 7/23, I: 10/8-9); NigelVermooth (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: 10/8-9); quebaldy (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: 10/8-10/9); jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 8/9, I: 10/8-10/9); leish63(C:~8/5, II: 8/9, I: ?); oxfordian (C: 9/3?, II: 9/6, I: 12/9-12/11);
University of Cincinnati - Cpi89 (C: 8/26, II: 10/2, I: 10/17-19); zippyziggy (C: 7/10, II: 10/4, I: ?)
University of Colorado - zippyziggy (C: 9/18, II: 10/3, I: 1/23-24);
University of Illinois at Chicago - jumbo91 (C: ~7/30, II: 9/18, I: 11/4); Reckoner (C: 7/30, II 9/18, I: 11/4)
University of Iowa - TheShaker (C: ~7/20, II: 10/2, I: 10/31 - 11/1); Reckoner (C: 8/8, II: 10/2, I: 10/31-11/1)
University of Kentucky- Penguino92 (C: 08/06, II: 09/30, I: 10/21)
University of Louisville - mooser0956 (C:8/21, II: 9/12, I:10/9); Penguino92 (C: 8/20, II: 09/02, I: 11/04-05)
University of Maryland - plumazul (C: 7/25, II: 9/13, I: 1/8-9); Member011 (C: 8/16, II: 9/13, I: 11/20-21)
University of Massachusetts - NigelVermooth (C: 7/22, II: 9/13, I:?);
University of Michigan mooser0956 (C:7/29, II:8/26, I:11/14-15); gogosart (C:8/4, II:8/23, I:10/24-25); Reckoner (C: 7/16, II: 9/27, I: 11/14-15)
University of Minnesota regeneration (C: 8/15 II: 9/23, I: TBD)
University of Nebraska gogosart (C:7/24, II:8/5, I:11/20)
University of Pennsylvania - NigelVermooth (C: 7/29, II: 9/4, I:?); plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 9/4, I: 12/5-6); Regeneration (C:8/19; II: 9/8; I: 11/22); mTORC (C: 9/2, II: 9/10, I: 11/7); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/2, I: 12/5-6)
University of Pittsburgh - leish63 (C: ~7/25, II: 8/5, I: 8/22-8/23); pittpanther (C:7/23, II: 8/8, I:8/26-8/27); mooser0956 (C:8/15, II:8/23, I:9/26-27); mTORC (C:~8/20, II: 9/9, I: 10/10-10/11)
University of Southern California - Orokami (C:~8/1; II:9/5; I: 10/24), jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 9/5; I: 12/5-6), BigFatCat (C:8/7, II: 9/5, I: 9/26-27);
University of Texas Houston - NigelVermooth (C: 7/23, II: 9/16, I: ?);
University of Texas HSCSA - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 7/15, I: 8/25-27); NigelVermooth (C: 7/23, II 7/28, I: 9/9-10); TheShaker (C: 7/23, II: 8/5/13, I: 9/23-24); Orokami (C: 7/16, II: 8/5, I: 8/25-27); mTORC (C: 8/15, II: 8/16, I: 8/25-27); cpi89 (C: 8/19, II: 8/22, I: 10/7-8)
University of Texas Southwestern - Reckoner (C: 8/9, II: 8/23, I: 9/27); BigFatCat (C: 7/23, II: 8/23, I: 10/11); NigelVermooth (C: 8/12, II: 9/4, I: ?);
University of Virginia - plumazul (C: 7/22, II: 8/23, I: 9/19-20); zippyziggy (C: 7/6, II: 8/23, I: 9/19-20); mTORC (C: 9:5, II: 9:14, I: ?)
University of Wisconsin-Madison pittpanther (C:7/18, II:8/27, I:10/3-6); TheShaker (C:7/19, II: 8/27, I: 10/3-6); mTORC (C: 8/22, II: 9/25, I: ??)
University of Washington-Seattle pittpanther (C:~8/3, II:9/9 I:1/9-11); mTORC (C: 9/6, II: 9/30, I: ??)
Washington University - premed660 (C: ~7/30 II: 8/7 I:9/26-9/28); leish63 (C: 8/2, II: 8/20, I:9/26-9/28); NigelVermooth (C: 8/2, II: 8/21, I:9/26-28); quebaldy (C: 8/6, II: 8/21, I: 10/10-12); plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 8/29, I: 10/10-12); mTORC (C: 8/16, II: 9/14, I: 10/31-11/2); BigFatCat (C: 8/9, II: 9/23, I: 11/7-9); oxfordian (C: 8/30?, II: 9/30, I: 11/14-16)
Yale University - Prion13 (C: 8/13, II: 9/13, I:12/9-10); mTORC (C: 9/9, II: 9/25, I: ??)

C: Complete
II: Interview Invite date
I: Interview date
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just got ucsf tonight, but i'm posting all my II's to date!

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5) Enter Submit and prepare for your interviews

Albert Einstein - BigFatCat (C: 8/5, II: 9/10, I:?); Member011 (C: 8/5, II: 9/10, I:10/18); jumbo91 (C: 8/6, II: 9/11, I: 11/1); mTORC (C: 8/23, II: 9/11, I: 10/18); Orokami (C: 8/1, II: 9/16, I: 11/22); oxfordian (C: 8/30, II: 10/2, I: 11/22)
Baylor - NigelVermooth (C: 8/2, II: 9/18, I: ?); pittpanter (C: 7/15, II: 9/18, I: 10/17-19); mTORC (C: 8/21, II: 10/8, I:?)
Boston University - pittpanther (C: 7/15, II: 9/10, I:?); NigelVermooth (C: 7/29, II: 9/10, I:?); Otsdarva(C: 7/26, II: 9/13, I: 10/18); mynameistoolong (C: 7/26, II: 9/16, I: 11/1); Regeneration (C: 8/20, II:9/20, I: TBD); gogosart (C:7/20, II:10/1, I:10/18); Orokami (C:8/10; II: 10/1; I 1/10); Penguino92 (C: 8/20, II: 09/30, I: 11/08)
Case Western Reserve - plumazul (C: 7/20, II: 8/7, I: 12/12-13); Solarium90 (C: 7/9,II: 8/10, I:9/26); zippyziggy (C: 8/8, II: 8/29, I: 12/12-13); Member011 (C: 8/19, II: 9/4, I: 10/24-25);
Columbia University - plumazul (C: 7/13, II: 8/23, I: 10/23); Reckoner (C: 7/17, II: 8/23, I: 10/8); ytterium (C: 8/16, II: 9/11, I:11/22)
Duke University - zippyziggy (C: 7/15, II: 8/29, I: 11/7-8); plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 8/29, I: 11/7-8); quebaldy (C: 7/28, II: 9/9, I: 11/14-15); NigelVermooth (C: 7/24, II: 9/9, I: 10/24-25); ytterium (C: 8/16, II: 9/27, I: 12/5-6)
Emory - pittpanther (C:7/21, II:9/30, I:11/7-8); zippyziggy (C: 7/13, II: 10/2, I: 12/5-6); jumbo91 (C: 8/23, II: 10/8, I:?)
Indiana University- mooser0956 (C:7/12, II: 8/9, I:TBD); regeneration (C:7/11, II: 8/12, I:TBD); TheShaker (C: 7/19, II: 9/5, I: 11/13); gogosart (C:7/24, II:8/21, I:TBD)
Jefferson - mynameistoolong (C: 8/28, II: 9/9, I: 11/19-20); cpi89 (C: 9/17, II: 9/20, I: 11/19-20) Penguino92 (C: 08/09, II: 09/05, I: 11/13)
Johns Hopkins - plumazul (C: 7/23, II: 8/29, I: 9/25-26);
Medical University of South Carolina - Reckoner (C: 8/8, II: 8/23, I: 10/11); Member011 (C: 8/19, II: 9/7, I: 10/11); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 9/27, I: 10/18)
Miller School of Medicine, Miami - Orokami (C: 8/1, II: 10/3, I: 11/1)
Mount Sinai - zippyziggy (C: 7/17, II: 9/6, I: 11/4-5); Member011 (C: 8/12, II: 9/6, I: 10/28-29); plumazul (C: 7/23, II: 9/12, I: 10/28-29); mynameistoolong (C: 7/25, II: 9/16, I: 11/4-5); Solarium90 (C: 8/3,II: 9/12, I:10/28-29);
New Jersey Medical School - Otsdarva (C: 7/20, II: 9/24, I: 10/15)
Northwestern - BigFatCat (C: 8/26, II: 9/9, I: ?); Solarium90 (C: 8/28,II: 9/10, I:11/6-7);
NYU - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); Reckoner (C: 7/17, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); BigFatCat (C: 8/1, II: 8/28, I: 10/18); oxfordian (C: 9/9, II: 9/16, I: 11/8)
Ohio State University - Solarium90(C: 7/9, II:8/14, I: 10/10); zippyziggy (C: 7/27, II: 8/20, I: 10/10-12); Otsdarva(C: 7/30, II: 8/29, I: 10/31);
Oregon Health and Science University - zippyziggy (C: 9/16, II: 9/17, I: 12/18-19);
Penn State - TheShaker (C: 8/10, II: 10/1, I: 12/9); mynameistoolong (C: 8/8, II: 10/2, I: 11/18)
Robert Wood Johnson - pittpanther (C: ~7/23, II:8/9 I:9/16); Otsdarva(C: 7/25, II: 8/9, I: 9/16)
Rochester University - regeneration (C: ~7/19, II:8/23 I:9/26); Orokami (C:~7/30, II: 8/25 I: 10/17); mTORC (C: 8/19, II: 8/29, I: ?)
Stanford - NigelVermooth (C: 8/3, II: 8/15, I:10/2-3); quebaldy (C:8/4, II: 8/15, I: 10/2-3); ytterium (C:8/16, II:9/6, I:10/2-3);
Stony Brook University - Reckoner (C: 7/31, II: 9/25, I: 10/23); plumazul (C: 7/25, II: 9/25, I: --)
SUNY Upstate - mynameistoolong (C: 9/4, II: 9/2x, I: ?);
Texas A&M HSC - NigelVermooth (C: 7/1, II: 7/29, I: 9/11-12);
Texas Tech HSC - NigelVermooth (C: 7/18, II: 8/19, I: 9/6);
Tri-Institutional(C/R/SK) - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 8/21, I: 10/31); Solarium90 (C: 7/4, II: 8/21, I: 10/31);
Tufts- penguino92 (C: 08/21, II, 10/04,I:?), Member011 (C: 8/9, II: 10/4, I: 11/13), jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 10/4, I: 11/13)
University of Alabama, Birmingham - mTORC (C:8/28/13, II: 9/12/13, I: 12/4-12/6); zippyziggy (C: 8/2, II: 9/12, I: 12/3-5); pittpanther (C: 8/6, II: 9/12, I: ?); Solarium90 (C: 8/15,II: 9/18, I:12/4-6);
University of California, Irvine - TheShaker (C: 7/25, II: 9/7, I: 10/21), regeneration (C: 7/25, II: 9/07, I: 10/21), Vitor1192 (C:8/12, II: 9/22, I: 10/21)
University of California, Los Angeles - quebaldy (C: 8/11, II: 9/26, I: ??), Vitor1192 (C:8/10, II: 9/26, I: 10/24), ytterium (C: 8/24, II: 9/26, I: 11/14);
University of California, San Diego - mTORC (C: 9/2, II: 10/7, I: 1/16)
University of California, San Francisco - ytterium (C: 9/20, II: 10/8, I: ??);
University of Chicago Pritzker - plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 7/23, I: 10/8-9); NigelVermooth (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: 10/8-9); quebaldy (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: 10/8-10/9); jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 8/9, I: 10/8-10/9); leish63(C:~8/5, II: 8/9, I: ?); oxfordian (C: 9/3?, II: 9/6, I: 12/9-12/11);
University of Cincinnati - Cpi89 (C: 8/26, II: 10/2, I: 10/17-19); zippyziggy (C: 7/10, II: 10/4, I: ?)
University of Colorado - zippyziggy (C: 9/18, II: 10/3, I: 1/23-24);
University of Illinois at Chicago - jumbo91 (C: ~7/30, II: 9/18, I: 11/4); Reckoner (C: 7/30, II 9/18, I: 11/4)
University of Iowa - TheShaker (C: ~7/20, II: 10/2, I: 10/31 - 11/1); Reckoner (C: 8/8, II: 10/2, I: 10/31-11/1)
University of Kentucky- Penguino92 (C: 08/06, II: 09/30, I: 10/21)
University of Louisville - mooser0956 (C:8/21, II: 9/12, I:10/9); Penguino92 (C: 8/20, II: 09/02, I: 11/04-05)
University of Maryland - plumazul (C: 7/25, II: 9/13, I: 1/8-9); Member011 (C: 8/16, II: 9/13, I: 11/20-21)
University of Massachusetts - NigelVermooth (C: 7/22, II: 9/13, I:?);
University of Michigan mooser0956 (C:7/29, II:8/26, I:11/14-15); gogosart (C:8/4, II:8/23, I:10/24-25); Reckoner (C: 7/16, II: 9/27, I: 11/14-15)
University of Minnesota regeneration (C: 8/15 II: 9/23, I: TBD)
University of Nebraska gogosart (C:7/24, II:8/5, I:11/20)
University of Pennsylvania - NigelVermooth (C: 7/29, II: 9/4, I:?); plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 9/4, I: 12/5-6); Regeneration (C:8/19; II: 9/8; I: 11/22); mTORC (C: 9/2, II: 9/10, I: 11/7); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/2, I: 12/5-6); ytterium (C: 8/16; II: 9/6; I: 1/9);
University of Pittsburgh - leish63 (C: ~7/25, II: 8/5, I: 8/22-8/23); pittpanther (C:7/23, II: 8/8, I:8/26-8/27); mooser0956 (C:8/15, II:8/23, I:9/26-27); mTORC (C:~8/20, II: 9/9, I: 10/10-10/11)
University of Southern California - Orokami (C:~8/1; II:9/5; I: 10/24), jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 9/5; I: 12/5-6), BigFatCat (C:8/7, II: 9/5, I: 9/26-27);
University of Texas Houston - NigelVermooth (C: 7/23, II: 9/16, I: ?);
University of Texas HSCSA - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 7/15, I: 8/25-27); NigelVermooth (C: 7/23, II 7/28, I: 9/9-10); TheShaker (C: 7/23, II: 8/5/13, I: 9/23-24); Orokami (C: 7/16, II: 8/5, I: 8/25-27); mTORC (C: 8/15, II: 8/16, I: 8/25-27); cpi89 (C: 8/19, II: 8/22, I: 10/7-8)
University of Texas Southwestern - Reckoner (C: 8/9, II: 8/23, I: 9/27); BigFatCat (C: 7/23, II: 8/23, I: 10/11); NigelVermooth (C: 8/12, II: 9/4, I: ?);
University of Virginia - plumazul (C: 7/22, II: 8/23, I: 9/19-20); zippyziggy (C: 7/6, II: 8/23, I: 9/19-20); mTORC (C: 9:5, II: 9:14, I: ?)
University of Wisconsin-Madison pittpanther (C:7/18, II:8/27, I:10/3-6); TheShaker (C:7/19, II: 8/27, I: 10/3-6); mTORC (C: 8/22, II: 9/25, I: ??)
University of Washington-Seattle pittpanther (C:~8/3, II:9/9 I:1/9-11); mTORC (C: 9/6, II: 9/30, I: ??)
Washington University - premed660 (C: ~7/30 II: 8/7 I:9/26-9/28); leish63 (C: 8/2, II: 8/20, I:9/26-9/28); NigelVermooth (C: 8/2, II: 8/21, I:9/26-28); quebaldy (C: 8/6, II: 8/21, I: 10/10-12); plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 8/29, I: 10/10-12); mTORC (C: 8/16, II: 9/14, I: 10/31-11/2); BigFatCat (C: 8/9, II: 9/23, I: 11/7-9); oxfordian (C: 8/30?, II: 9/30, I: 11/14-16)
Yale University - Prion13 (C: 8/13, II: 9/13, I:12/9-10); mTORC (C: 9/9, II: 9/25, I: ??); ytterium (C: 8/16, II: 9/13, I: ??);

C: Complete
II: Interview Invite date
I: Interview date
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3) add your user name, ( complete date, interview invite date, interview date, any other pertinent info, and if needed, add the school name to the list
4) Enter the name(s) of the school(s) where you are adding data into the "Title" box (at the top) so that your changes can be easily located.
5) Enter Submit and prepare for your interviews

Albert Einstein - BigFatCat (C: 8/5, II: 9/10, I:?); Member011 (C: 8/5, II: 9/10, I:10/18); jumbo91 (C: 8/6, II: 9/11, I: 11/1); mTORC (C: 8/23, II: 9/11, I: 10/18); Orokami (C: 8/1, II: 9/16, I: 11/22); oxfordian (C: 8/30, II: 10/2, I: 11/22)
Baylor - NigelVermooth (C: 8/2, II: 9/18, I: ?); pittpanter (C: 7/15, II: 9/18, I: 10/17-19); mTORC (C: 8/21, II: 10/8, I:?)
Boston University - pittpanther (C: 7/15, II: 9/10, I:?); NigelVermooth (C: 7/29, II: 9/10, I:?); Otsdarva(C: 7/26, II: 9/13, I: 10/18); mynameistoolong (C: 7/26, II: 9/16, I: 11/1); Regeneration (C: 8/20, II:9/20, I: TBD); gogosart (C:7/20, II:10/1, I:10/18); Orokami (C:8/10; II: 10/1; I 1/10); Penguino92 (C: 8/20, II: 09/30, I: 11/08)
Case Western Reserve - plumazul (C: 7/20, II: 8/7, I: 12/12-13); Solarium90 (C: 7/9,II: 8/10, I:9/26); zippyziggy (C: 8/8, II: 8/29, I: 12/12-13); Member011 (C: 8/19, II: 9/4, I: 10/24-25);
Columbia University - plumazul (C: 7/13, II: 8/23, I: 10/23); Reckoner (C: 7/17, II: 8/23, I: 10/8); ytterium (C: 8/16, II: 9/11, I:11/22)
Duke University - zippyziggy (C: 7/15, II: 8/29, I: 11/7-8); plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 8/29, I: 11/7-8); quebaldy (C: 7/28, II: 9/9, I: 11/14-15); NigelVermooth (C: 7/24, II: 9/9, I: 10/24-25); ytterium (C: 8/16, II: 9/27, I: 12/5-6)
Emory - pittpanther (C:7/21, II:9/30, I:11/7-8); zippyziggy (C: 7/13, II: 10/2, I: 12/5-6); jumbo91 (C: 8/23, II: 10/8, I:?)
Indiana University- mooser0956 (C:7/12, II: 8/9, I:TBD); regeneration (C:7/11, II: 8/12, I:TBD); TheShaker (C: 7/19, II: 9/5, I: 11/13); gogosart (C:7/24, II:8/21, I:TBD)
Jefferson - mynameistoolong (C: 8/28, II: 9/9, I: 11/19-20); cpi89 (C: 9/17, II: 9/20, I: 11/19-20) Penguino92 (C: 08/09, II: 09/05, I: 11/13)
Johns Hopkins - plumazul (C: 7/23, II: 8/29, I: 9/25-26);
Medical University of South Carolina - Reckoner (C: 8/8, II: 8/23, I: 10/11); Member011 (C: 8/19, II: 9/7, I: 10/11); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 9/27, I: 10/18)
Miller School of Medicine, Miami - Orokami (C: 8/1, II: 10/3, I: 11/1)
Mount Sinai - zippyziggy (C: 7/17, II: 9/6, I: 11/4-5); Member011 (C: 8/12, II: 9/6, I: 10/28-29); plumazul (C: 7/23, II: 9/12, I: 10/28-29); mynameistoolong (C: 7/25, II: 9/16, I: 11/4-5); Solarium90 (C: 8/3,II: 9/12, I:10/28-29);
New Jersey Medical School - Otsdarva (C: 7/20, II: 9/24, I: 10/15)
Northwestern - BigFatCat (C: 8/26, II: 9/9, I: ?); Solarium90 (C: 8/28,II: 9/10, I:11/6-7);
NYU - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); Reckoner (C: 7/17, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); BigFatCat (C: 8/1, II: 8/28, I: 10/18); oxfordian (C: 9/9, II: 9/16, I: 11/8)
Ohio State University - Solarium90(C: 7/9, II:8/14, I: 10/10); zippyziggy (C: 7/27, II: 8/20, I: 10/10-12); Otsdarva(C: 7/30, II: 8/29, I: 10/31);
Oregon Health and Science University - zippyziggy (C: 9/16, II: 9/17, I: 12/18-19);
Penn State - TheShaker (C: 8/10, II: 10/1, I: 12/9); mynameistoolong (C: 8/8, II: 10/2, I: 11/18)
Robert Wood Johnson - pittpanther (C: ~7/23, II:8/9 I:9/16); Otsdarva(C: 7/25, II: 8/9, I: 9/16)
Rochester University - regeneration (C: ~7/19, II:8/23 I:9/26); Orokami (C:~7/30, II: 8/25 I: 10/17); mTORC (C: 8/19, II: 8/29, I: ?)
Stanford - NigelVermooth (C: 8/3, II: 8/15, I:10/2-3); quebaldy (C:8/4, II: 8/15, I: 10/2-3); ytterium (C:8/16, II:9/6, I:10/2-3);
Stony Brook University - Reckoner (C: 7/31, II: 9/25, I: 10/23); plumazul (C: 7/25, II: 9/25, I: --)
SUNY Upstate - mynameistoolong (C: 9/4, II: 9/2x, I: ?);
Texas A&M HSC - NigelVermooth (C: 7/1, II: 7/29, I: 9/11-12);
Texas Tech HSC - NigelVermooth (C: 7/18, II: 8/19, I: 9/6);
Tri-Institutional(C/R/SK) - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 8/21, I: 10/31); Solarium90 (C: 7/4, II: 8/21, I: 10/31); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/9, I: 11/21)
Tufts- penguino92 (C: 08/21, II, 10/04,I:?), Member011 (C: 8/9, II: 10/4, I: 11/13), jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 10/4, I: 11/13)
University of Alabama, Birmingham - mTORC (C:8/28/13, II: 9/12/13, I: 12/4-12/6); zippyziggy (C: 8/2, II: 9/12, I: 12/3-5); pittpanther (C: 8/6, II: 9/12, I: ?); Solarium90 (C: 8/15,II: 9/18, I:12/4-6);
University of California, Irvine - TheShaker (C: 7/25, II: 9/7, I: 10/21), regeneration (C: 7/25, II: 9/07, I: 10/21), Vitor1192 (C:8/12, II: 9/22, I: 10/21)
University of California, Los Angeles - quebaldy (C: 8/11, II: 9/26, I: ??), Vitor1192 (C:8/10, II: 9/26, I: 10/24), ytterium (C: 8/24, II: 9/26, I: 11/14);
University of California, San Diego - mTORC (C: 9/2, II: 10/7, I: 1/16)
University of California, San Francisco - ytterium (C: 9/20, II: 10/8, I: ??);
University of Chicago Pritzker - plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 7/23, I: 10/8-9); NigelVermooth (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: 10/8-9); quebaldy (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: 10/8-10/9); jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 8/9, I: 10/8-10/9); leish63(C:~8/5, II: 8/9, I: ?); oxfordian (C: 9/3?, II: 9/6, I: 12/9-12/11);
University of Cincinnati - Cpi89 (C: 8/26, II: 10/2, I: 10/17-19); zippyziggy (C: 7/10, II: 10/4, I: ?)
University of Colorado - zippyziggy (C: 9/18, II: 10/3, I: 1/23-24);
University of Illinois at Chicago - jumbo91 (C: ~7/30, II: 9/18, I: 11/4); Reckoner (C: 7/30, II 9/18, I: 11/4)
University of Iowa - TheShaker (C: ~7/20, II: 10/2, I: 10/31 - 11/1); Reckoner (C: 8/8, II: 10/2, I: 10/31-11/1)
University of Kentucky- Penguino92 (C: 08/06, II: 09/30, I: 10/21)
University of Louisville - mooser0956 (C:8/21, II: 9/12, I:10/9); Penguino92 (C: 8/20, II: 09/02, I: 11/04-05)
University of Maryland - plumazul (C: 7/25, II: 9/13, I: 1/8-9); Member011 (C: 8/16, II: 9/13, I: 11/20-21)
University of Massachusetts - NigelVermooth (C: 7/22, II: 9/13, I:?);
University of Michigan mooser0956 (C:7/29, II:8/26, I:11/14-15); gogosart (C:8/4, II:8/23, I:10/24-25); Reckoner (C: 7/16, II: 9/27, I: 11/14-15)
University of Minnesota regeneration (C: 8/15 II: 9/23, I: TBD)
University of Nebraska gogosart (C:7/24, II:8/5, I:11/20)
University of Pennsylvania - NigelVermooth (C: 7/29, II: 9/4, I:?); plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 9/4, I: 12/5-6); Regeneration (C:8/19; II: 9/8; I: 11/22); mTORC (C: 9/2, II: 9/10, I: 11/7); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/2, I: 12/5-6); ytterium (C: 8/16; II: 9/6; I: 1/9);
University of Pittsburgh - leish63 (C: ~7/25, II: 8/5, I: 8/22-8/23); pittpanther (C:7/23, II: 8/8, I:8/26-8/27); mooser0956 (C:8/15, II:8/23, I:9/26-27); mTORC (C:~8/20, II: 9/9, I: 10/10-10/11)
University of Southern California - Orokami (C:~8/1; II:9/5; I: 10/24), jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 9/5; I: 12/5-6), BigFatCat (C:8/7, II: 9/5, I: 9/26-27);
University of Texas Houston - NigelVermooth (C: 7/23, II: 9/16, I: ?);
University of Texas HSCSA - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 7/15, I: 8/25-27); NigelVermooth (C: 7/23, II 7/28, I: 9/9-10); TheShaker (C: 7/23, II: 8/5/13, I: 9/23-24); Orokami (C: 7/16, II: 8/5, I: 8/25-27); mTORC (C: 8/15, II: 8/16, I: 8/25-27); cpi89 (C: 8/19, II: 8/22, I: 10/7-8)
University of Texas Southwestern - Reckoner (C: 8/9, II: 8/23, I: 9/27); BigFatCat (C: 7/23, II: 8/23, I: 10/11); NigelVermooth (C: 8/12, II: 9/4, I: ?);
University of Virginia - plumazul (C: 7/22, II: 8/23, I: 9/19-20); zippyziggy (C: 7/6, II: 8/23, I: 9/19-20); mTORC (C: 9:5, II: 9:14, I: ?)
University of Wisconsin-Madison pittpanther (C:7/18, II:8/27, I:10/3-6); TheShaker (C:7/19, II: 8/27, I: 10/3-6); mTORC (C: 8/22, II: 9/25, I: ??)
University of Washington-Seattle pittpanther (C:~8/3, II:9/9 I:1/9-11); mTORC (C: 9/6, II: 9/30, I: ??)
Washington University - premed660 (C: ~7/30 II: 8/7 I:9/26-9/28); leish63 (C: 8/2, II: 8/20, I:9/26-9/28); NigelVermooth (C: 8/2, II: 8/21, I:9/26-28); quebaldy (C: 8/6, II: 8/21, I: 10/10-12); plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 8/29, I: 10/10-12); mTORC (C: 8/16, II: 9/14, I: 10/31-11/2); BigFatCat (C: 8/9, II: 9/23, I: 11/7-9); oxfordian (C: 8/30?, II: 9/30, I: 11/14-16)
Yale University - Prion13 (C: 8/13, II: 9/13, I:12/9-10); mTORC (C: 9/9, II: 9/25, I: ??); ytterium (C: 8/16, II: 9/13, I: ??);

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II: Interview Invite date
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4) Enter the name(s) of the school(s) where you are adding data into the "Title" box (at the top) so that your changes can be easily located.
5) Enter Submit and prepare for your interviews

Albert Einstein - BigFatCat (C: 8/5, II: 9/10, I:?); Member011 (C: 8/5, II: 9/10, I:10/18); jumbo91 (C: 8/6, II: 9/11, I: 11/1); mTORC (C: 8/23, II: 9/11, I: 10/18); Orokami (C: 8/1, II: 9/16, I: 11/22); oxfordian (C: 8/30, II: 10/2, I: 11/22)
Baylor - NigelVermooth (C: 8/2, II: 9/18, I: ?); pittpanter (C: 7/15, II: 9/18, I: 10/17-19); mTORC (C: 8/21, II: 10/8, I:?)
Boston University - pittpanther (C: 7/15, II: 9/10, I:?); NigelVermooth (C: 7/29, II: 9/10, I: 10/18); Otsdarva(C: 7/26, II: 9/13, I: 10/18); mynameistoolong (C: 7/26, II: 9/16, I: 11/1); Regeneration (C: 8/20, II:9/20, I: TBD); gogosart (C:7/20, II:10/1, I:10/18); Orokami (C:8/10; II: 10/1; I 1/10); Penguino92 (C: 8/20, II: 09/30, I: 11/08)
Case Western Reserve - plumazul (C: 7/20, II: 8/7, I: 12/12-13); Solarium90 (C: 7/9,II: 8/10, I:9/26); zippyziggy (C: 8/8, II: 8/29, I: 12/12-13); Member011 (C: 8/19, II: 9/4, I: 10/24-25);
Columbia University - plumazul (C: 7/13, II: 8/23, I: 10/23); Reckoner (C: 7/17, II: 8/23, I: 10/8); ytterium (C: 8/16, II: 9/11, I:11/22)
Duke University - zippyziggy (C: 7/15, II: 8/29, I: 11/7-8); plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 8/29, I: 11/7-8); quebaldy (C: 7/28, II: 9/9, I: 11/14-15); NigelVermooth (C: 7/24, II: 9/9, I: 10/24-25); ytterium (C: 8/16, II: 9/27, I: 12/5-6)
Emory - pittpanther (C:7/21, II:9/30, I:11/7-8); zippyziggy (C: 7/13, II: 10/2, I: 12/5-6); jumbo91 (C: 8/23, II: 10/8, I:?)
Harvard University- NigelVermooth (C: 8/20, II: 10/8, I: ?);
Indiana University- mooser0956 (C:7/12, II: 8/9, I:TBD); regeneration (C:7/11, II: 8/12, I:TBD); TheShaker (C: 7/19, II: 9/5, I: 11/13); gogosart (C:7/24, II:8/21, I:TBD)
Jefferson - mynameistoolong (C: 8/28, II: 9/9, I: 11/19-20); cpi89 (C: 9/17, II: 9/20, I: 11/19-20) Penguino92 (C: 08/09, II: 09/05, I: 11/13)
Johns Hopkins - plumazul (C: 7/23, II: 8/29, I: 9/25-26);
Medical University of South Carolina - Reckoner (C: 8/8, II: 8/23, I: 10/11); Member011 (C: 8/19, II: 9/7, I: 10/11); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 9/27, I: 10/18)
Miller School of Medicine, Miami - Orokami (C: 8/1, II: 10/3, I: 11/1)
Mount Sinai - zippyziggy (C: 7/17, II: 9/6, I: 11/4-5); Member011 (C: 8/12, II: 9/6, I: 10/28-29); plumazul (C: 7/23, II: 9/12, I: 10/28-29); mynameistoolong (C: 7/25, II: 9/16, I: 11/4-5); Solarium90 (C: 8/3,II: 9/12, I:10/28-29);
New Jersey Medical School - Otsdarva (C: 7/20, II: 9/24, I: 10/15)
Northwestern - BigFatCat (C: 8/26, II: 9/9, I: ?); Solarium90 (C: 8/28,II: 9/10, I:11/6-7);
NYU - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); Reckoner (C: 7/17, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); BigFatCat (C: 8/1, II: 8/28, I: 10/18); oxfordian (C: 9/9, II: 9/16, I: 11/8)
Ohio State University - Solarium90(C: 7/9, II:8/14, I: 10/10); zippyziggy (C: 7/27, II: 8/20, I: 10/10-12); Otsdarva(C: 7/30, II: 8/29, I: 10/31);
Oregon Health and Science University - zippyziggy (C: 9/16, II: 9/17, I: 12/18-19);
Penn State - TheShaker (C: 8/10, II: 10/1, I: 12/9); mynameistoolong (C: 8/8, II: 10/2, I: 11/18)
Robert Wood Johnson - pittpanther (C: ~7/23, II:8/9 I:9/16); Otsdarva(C: 7/25, II: 8/9, I: 9/16)
Rochester University - regeneration (C: ~7/19, II:8/23 I:9/26); Orokami (C:~7/30, II: 8/25 I: 10/17); mTORC (C: 8/19, II: 8/29, I: ?)
Stanford - NigelVermooth (C: 8/3, II: 8/15, I:10/2-3); quebaldy (C:8/4, II: 8/15, I: 10/2-3); ytterium (C:8/16, II:9/6, I:10/2-3);
Stony Brook University - Reckoner (C: 7/31, II: 9/25, I: 10/23); plumazul (C: 7/25, II: 9/25, I: --)
SUNY Upstate - mynameistoolong (C: 9/4, II: 9/2x, I: ?);
Texas A&M HSC - NigelVermooth (C: 7/1, II: 7/29, I: 9/11-12);
Texas Tech HSC - NigelVermooth (C: 7/18, II: 8/19, I: 9/6);
Tri-Institutional(C/R/SK) - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 8/21, I: 10/31); Solarium90 (C: 7/4, II: 8/21, I: 10/31); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/9, I: 11/21)
Tufts- penguino92 (C: 08/21, II, 10/04,I:?), Member011 (C: 8/9, II: 10/4, I: 11/13), jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 10/4, I: 11/13)
University of Alabama, Birmingham - mTORC (C:8/28/13, II: 9/12/13, I: 12/4-12/6); zippyziggy (C: 8/2, II: 9/12, I: 12/3-5); pittpanther (C: 8/6, II: 9/12, I: ?); Solarium90 (C: 8/15,II: 9/18, I:12/4-6);
University of California, Irvine - TheShaker (C: 7/25, II: 9/7, I: 10/21), regeneration (C: 7/25, II: 9/07, I: 10/21), Vitor1192 (C:8/12, II: 9/22, I: 10/21)
University of California, Los Angeles - quebaldy (C: 8/11, II: 9/26, I: ??), Vitor1192 (C:8/10, II: 9/26, I: 10/24), ytterium (C: 8/24, II: 9/26, I: 11/14);
University of California, San Diego - mTORC (C: 9/2, II: 10/7, I: 1/16)
University of California, San Francisco - ytterium (C: 9/20, II: 10/8, I: ??);
University of Chicago Pritzker - plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 7/23, I: 10/8-9); NigelVermooth (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: 10/8-9); quebaldy (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: 10/8-10/9); jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 8/9, I: 10/8-10/9); leish63(C:~8/5, II: 8/9, I: ?); oxfordian (C: 9/3?, II: 9/6, I: 12/9-12/11);
University of Cincinnati - Cpi89 (C: 8/26, II: 10/2, I: 10/17-19); zippyziggy (C: 7/10, II: 10/4, I: ?)
University of Colorado - zippyziggy (C: 9/18, II: 10/3, I: 1/23-24);
University of Illinois at Chicago - jumbo91 (C: ~7/30, II: 9/18, I: 11/4); Reckoner (C: 7/30, II 9/18, I: 11/4)
University of Iowa - TheShaker (C: ~7/20, II: 10/2, I: 10/31 - 11/1); Reckoner (C: 8/8, II: 10/2, I: 10/31-11/1)
University of Kentucky- Penguino92 (C: 08/06, II: 09/30, I: 10/21)
University of Louisville - mooser0956 (C:8/21, II: 9/12, I:10/9); Penguino92 (C: 8/20, II: 09/02, I: 11/04-05)
University of Maryland - plumazul (C: 7/25, II: 9/13, I: 1/8-9); Member011 (C: 8/16, II: 9/13, I: 11/20-21)
University of Massachusetts - NigelVermooth (C: 7/22, II: 9/13, I:?);
University of Michigan mooser0956 (C:7/29, II:8/26, I:11/14-15); gogosart (C:8/4, II:8/23, I:10/24-25); Reckoner (C: 7/16, II: 9/27, I: 11/14-15)
University of Minnesota regeneration (C: 8/15 II: 9/23, I: TBD)
University of Nebraska gogosart (C:7/24, II:8/5, I:11/20)
University of Pennsylvania - NigelVermooth (C: 7/2, II: 9/4, I: 11/7-8); plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 9/4, I: 12/5-6); Regeneration (C:8/19; II: 9/8; I: 11/22); mTORC (C: 9/2, II: 9/10, I: 11/7); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/2, I: 12/5-6); ytterium (C: 8/16; II: 9/6; I: 1/9);
University of Pittsburgh - leish63 (C: ~7/25, II: 8/5, I: 8/22-8/23); pittpanther (C:7/23, II: 8/8, I:8/26-8/27); mooser0956 (C:8/15, II:8/23, I:9/26-27); mTORC (C:~8/20, II: 9/9, I: 10/10-10/11)
University of Southern California - Orokami (C:~8/1; II:9/5; I: 10/24), jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 9/5; I: 12/5-6), BigFatCat (C:8/7, II: 9/5, I: 9/26-27);
University of Texas Houston - NigelVermooth (C: 7/23, II: 9/16, I: 12/19);
University of Texas HSCSA - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 7/15, I: 8/25-27); NigelVermooth (C: 7/23, II 7/28, I: 9/9-10); TheShaker (C: 7/23, II: 8/5/13, I: 9/23-24); Orokami (C: 7/16, II: 8/5, I: 8/25-27); mTORC (C: 8/15, II: 8/16, I: 8/25-27); cpi89 (C: 8/19, II: 8/22, I: 10/7-8)
University of Texas Southwestern - Reckoner (C: 8/9, II: 8/23, I: 9/27); BigFatCat (C: 7/23, II: 8/23, I: 10/11); NigelVermooth (C: 8/12, II: 9/4, I: 11/2);
University of Virginia - plumazul (C: 7/22, II: 8/23, I: 9/19-20); zippyziggy (C: 7/6, II: 8/23, I: 9/19-20); mTORC (C: 9:5, II: 9:14, I: ?)
University of Wisconsin-Madison pittpanther (C:7/18, II:8/27, I:10/3-6); TheShaker (C:7/19, II: 8/27, I: 10/3-6); mTORC (C: 8/22, II: 9/25, I: ??)
University of Washington-Seattle pittpanther (C:~8/3, II:9/9 I:1/9-11); mTORC (C: 9/6, II: 9/30, I: ??)
Washington University - premed660 (C: ~7/30 II: 8/7 I:9/26-9/28); leish63 (C: 8/2, II: 8/20, I:9/26-9/28); NigelVermooth (C: 8/2, II: 8/21, I:9/26-28); quebaldy (C: 8/6, II: 8/21, I: 10/10-12); plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 8/29, I: 10/10-12); mTORC (C: 8/16, II: 9/14, I: 10/31-11/2); BigFatCat (C: 8/9, II: 9/23, I: 11/7-9); oxfordian (C: 8/30?, II: 9/30, I: 11/14-16)
Yale University - Prion13 (C: 8/13, II: 9/13, I:12/9-10); mTORC (C: 9/9, II: 9/25, I: ??); ytterium (C: 8/16, II: 9/13, I: ??); NigelVermooth (C: 8/23, II: 10/3, I: 11/4-5);

C: Complete
II: Interview Invite date
I: Interview date
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" tags on the top and bottom
3) add your user name, ( complete date, interview invite date, interview date, any other pertinent info, and if needed, add the school name to the list
4) Enter the name(s) of the school(s) where you are adding data into the "Title" box (at the top) so that your changes can be easily located.
5) Enter Submit and prepare for your interviews

Albert Einstein - BigFatCat (C: 8/5, II: 9/10, I:?); Member011 (C: 8/5, II: 9/10, I:10/18); jumbo91 (C: 8/6, II: 9/11, I: 11/1); mTORC (C: 8/23, II: 9/11, I: 10/18); Orokami (C: 8/1, II: 9/16, I: 11/22); oxfordian (C: 8/30, II: 10/2, I: 11/22)
Baylor - NigelVermooth (C: 8/2, II: 9/18, I: ?); pittpanter (C: 7/15, II: 9/18, I: 10/17-19); mTORC (C: 8/21, II: 10/8, I:?)
Boston University - pittpanther (C: 7/15, II: 9/10, I:?); NigelVermooth (C: 7/29, II: 9/10, I: 10/18); Otsdarva(C: 7/26, II: 9/13, I: 10/18); mynameistoolong (C: 7/26, II: 9/16, I: 11/1); Regeneration (C: 8/20, II:9/20, I: TBD); gogosart (C:7/20, II:10/1, I:10/18); Orokami (C:8/10; II: 10/1; I 1/10); Penguino92 (C: 8/20, II: 09/30, I: 11/08)
Case Western Reserve - plumazul (C: 7/20, II: 8/7, I: 12/12-13); Solarium90 (C: 7/9,II: 8/10, I:9/26); zippyziggy (C: 8/8, II: 8/29, I: 12/12-13); Member011 (C: 8/19, II: 9/4, I: 10/24-25);
Columbia University - plumazul (C: 7/13, II: 8/23, I: 10/23); Reckoner (C: 7/17, II: 8/23, I: 10/8); ytterium (C: 8/16, II: 9/11, I:11/22)
Duke University - zippyziggy (C: 7/15, II: 8/29, I: 11/7-8); plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 8/29, I: 11/7-8); quebaldy (C: 7/28, II: 9/9, I: 11/14-15); NigelVermooth (C: 7/24, II: 9/9, I: 10/24-25); ytterium (C: 8/16, II: 9/27, I: 12/5-6)
Emory - pittpanther (C:7/21, II:9/30, I:11/7-8); zippyziggy (C: 7/13, II: 10/2, I: 12/5-6); jumbo91 (C: 8/23, II: 10/8, I:?); Orokami (C 8/23, II: 10/12, I: 12/5-6)
Harvard University- NigelVermooth (C: 8/20, II: 10/8, I: ?);
Indiana University- mooser0956 (C:7/12, II: 8/9, I:TBD); regeneration (C:7/11, II: 8/12, I:TBD); TheShaker (C: 7/19, II: 9/5, I: 11/13); gogosart (C:7/24, II:8/21, I:TBD)
Jefferson - mynameistoolong (C: 8/28, II: 9/9, I: 11/19-20); cpi89 (C: 9/17, II: 9/20, I: 11/19-20) Penguino92 (C: 08/09, II: 09/05, I: 11/13)
Johns Hopkins - plumazul (C: 7/23, II: 8/29, I: 9/25-26);
Medical University of South Carolina - Reckoner (C: 8/8, II: 8/23, I: 10/11); Member011 (C: 8/19, II: 9/7, I: 10/11); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 9/27, I: 10/18)
Miller School of Medicine, Miami - Orokami (C: 8/1, II: 10/3, I: 11/1)
Mount Sinai - zippyziggy (C: 7/17, II: 9/6, I: 11/4-5); Member011 (C: 8/12, II: 9/6, I: 10/28-29); plumazul (C: 7/23, II: 9/12, I: 10/28-29); mynameistoolong (C: 7/25, II: 9/16, I: 11/4-5); Solarium90 (C: 8/3,II: 9/12, I:10/28-29);
New Jersey Medical School - Otsdarva (C: 7/20, II: 9/24, I: 10/15)
Northwestern - BigFatCat (C: 8/26, II: 9/9, I: ?); Solarium90 (C: 8/28,II: 9/10, I:11/6-7);
NYU - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); Reckoner (C: 7/17, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); BigFatCat (C: 8/1, II: 8/28, I: 10/18); oxfordian (C: 9/9, II: 9/16, I: 11/8)
Ohio State University - Solarium90(C: 7/9, II:8/14, I: 10/10); zippyziggy (C: 7/27, II: 8/20, I: 10/10-12); Otsdarva(C: 7/30, II: 8/29, I: 10/31);
Oregon Health and Science University - zippyziggy (C: 9/16, II: 9/17, I: 12/18-19);
Penn State - TheShaker (C: 8/10, II: 10/1, I: 12/9); mynameistoolong (C: 8/8, II: 10/2, I: 11/18)
Robert Wood Johnson - pittpanther (C: ~7/23, II:8/9 I:9/16); Otsdarva(C: 7/25, II: 8/9, I: 9/16)
Rochester University - regeneration (C: ~7/19, II:8/23 I:9/26); Orokami (C:~7/30, II: 8/25 I: 10/17); mTORC (C: 8/19, II: 8/29, I: ?)
Stanford - NigelVermooth (C: 8/3, II: 8/15, I:10/2-3); quebaldy (C:8/4, II: 8/15, I: 10/2-3); ytterium (C:8/16, II:9/6, I:10/2-3);
Stony Brook University - Reckoner (C: 7/31, II: 9/25, I: 10/23); plumazul (C: 7/25, II: 9/25, I: --)
SUNY Upstate - mynameistoolong (C: 9/4, II: 9/2x, I: ?);
Texas A&M HSC - NigelVermooth (C: 7/1, II: 7/29, I: 9/11-12);
Texas Tech HSC - NigelVermooth (C: 7/18, II: 8/19, I: 9/6);
Tri-Institutional(C/R/SK) - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 8/21, I: 10/31); Solarium90 (C: 7/4, II: 8/21, I: 10/31); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/9, I: 11/21)
Tufts- penguino92 (C: 08/21, II, 10/04,I:?), Member011 (C: 8/9, II: 10/4, I: 11/13), jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 10/4, I: 11/13)
University of Alabama, Birmingham - mTORC (C:8/28/13, II: 9/12/13, I: 12/4-12/6); zippyziggy (C: 8/2, II: 9/12, I: 12/3-5); pittpanther (C: 8/6, II: 9/12, I: ?); Solarium90 (C: 8/15,II: 9/18, I:12/4-6);
University of California, Irvine - TheShaker (C: 7/25, II: 9/7, I: 10/21), regeneration (C: 7/25, II: 9/07, I: 10/21), Vitor1192 (C:8/12, II: 9/22, I: 10/21)
University of California, Los Angeles - quebaldy (C: 8/11, II: 9/26, I: ??), Vitor1192 (C:8/10, II: 9/26, I: 10/24), ytterium (C: 8/24, II: 9/26, I: 11/14);
University of California, San Diego - mTORC (C: 9/2, II: 10/7, I: 1/16)
University of California, San Francisco - ytterium (C: 9/20, II: 10/8, I: ??);
University of Chicago Pritzker - plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 7/23, I: 10/8-9); NigelVermooth (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: 10/8-9); quebaldy (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: 10/8-10/9); jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 8/9, I: 10/8-10/9); leish63(C:~8/5, II: 8/9, I: ?); oxfordian (C: 9/3?, II: 9/6, I: 12/9-12/11);
University of Cincinnati - Cpi89 (C: 8/26, II: 10/2, I: 10/17-19); zippyziggy (C: 7/10, II: 10/4, I: ?)
University of Colorado - zippyziggy (C: 9/18, II: 10/3, I: 1/23-24);
University of Illinois at Chicago - jumbo91 (C: ~7/30, II: 9/18, I: 11/4); Reckoner (C: 7/30, II 9/18, I: 11/4)
University of Iowa - TheShaker (C: ~7/20, II: 10/2, I: 10/31 - 11/1); Reckoner (C: 8/8, II: 10/2, I: 10/31-11/1)
University of Kentucky- Penguino92 (C: 08/06, II: 09/30, I: 10/21)
University of Louisville - mooser0956 (C:8/21, II: 9/12, I:10/9); Penguino92 (C: 8/20, II: 09/02, I: 11/04-05)
University of Maryland - plumazul (C: 7/25, II: 9/13, I: 1/8-9); Member011 (C: 8/16, II: 9/13, I: 11/20-21)
University of Massachusetts - NigelVermooth (C: 7/22, II: 9/13, I:?);
University of Michigan mooser0956 (C:7/29, II:8/26, I:11/14-15); gogosart (C:8/4, II:8/23, I:10/24-25); Reckoner (C: 7/16, II: 9/27, I: 11/14-15)
University of Minnesota regeneration (C: 8/15 II: 9/23, I: TBD)
University of Nebraska gogosart (C:7/24, II:8/5, I:11/20)
University of Pennsylvania - NigelVermooth (C: 7/2, II: 9/4, I: 11/7-8); plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 9/4, I: 12/5-6); Regeneration (C:8/19; II: 9/8; I: 11/22); mTORC (C: 9/2, II: 9/10, I: 11/7); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/2, I: 12/5-6); ytterium (C: 8/16; II: 9/6; I: 1/9);
University of Pittsburgh - leish63 (C: ~7/25, II: 8/5, I: 8/22-8/23); pittpanther (C:7/23, II: 8/8, I:8/26-8/27); mooser0956 (C:8/15, II:8/23, I:9/26-27); mTORC (C:~8/20, II: 9/9, I: 10/10-10/11)
University of Southern California - Orokami (C:~8/1; II:9/5; I: 10/24), jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 9/5; I: 12/5-6), BigFatCat (C:8/7, II: 9/5, I: 9/26-27);
University of Texas Houston - NigelVermooth (C: 7/23, II: 9/16, I: 12/19);
University of Texas HSCSA - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 7/15, I: 8/25-27); NigelVermooth (C: 7/23, II 7/28, I: 9/9-10); TheShaker (C: 7/23, II: 8/5/13, I: 9/23-24); Orokami (C: 7/16, II: 8/5, I: 8/25-27); mTORC (C: 8/15, II: 8/16, I: 8/25-27); cpi89 (C: 8/19, II: 8/22, I: 10/7-8)
University of Texas Southwestern - Reckoner (C: 8/9, II: 8/23, I: 9/27); BigFatCat (C: 7/23, II: 8/23, I: 10/11); NigelVermooth (C: 8/12, II: 9/4, I: 11/2);
University of Virginia - plumazul (C: 7/22, II: 8/23, I: 9/19-20); zippyziggy (C: 7/6, II: 8/23, I: 9/19-20); mTORC (C: 9:5, II: 9:14, I: ?)
University of Wisconsin-Madison pittpanther (C:7/18, II:8/27, I:10/3-6); TheShaker (C:7/19, II: 8/27, I: 10/3-6); mTORC (C: 8/22, II: 9/25, I: ??)
University of Washington-Seattle pittpanther (C:~8/3, II:9/9 I:1/9-11); mTORC (C: 9/6, II: 9/30, I: ??)
Washington University - premed660 (C: ~7/30 II: 8/7 I:9/26-9/28); leish63 (C: 8/2, II: 8/20, I:9/26-9/28); NigelVermooth (C: 8/2, II: 8/21, I:9/26-28); quebaldy (C: 8/6, II: 8/21, I: 10/10-12); plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 8/29, I: 10/10-12); mTORC (C: 8/16, II: 9/14, I: 10/31-11/2); BigFatCat (C: 8/9, II: 9/23, I: 11/7-9); oxfordian (C: 8/30?, II: 9/30, I: 11/14-16)
Yale University - Prion13 (C: 8/13, II: 9/13, I:12/9-10); mTORC (C: 9/9, II: 9/25, I: ??); ytterium (C: 8/16, II: 9/13, I: ??); NigelVermooth (C: 8/23, II: 10/3, I: 11/4-5);

C: Complete
II: Interview Invite date
I: Interview date
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" tags on the top and bottom
3) add your user name, ( complete date, interview invite date, interview date, any other pertinent info, and if needed, add the school name to the list
4) Enter the name(s) of the school(s) where you are adding data into the "Title" box (at the top) so that your changes can be easily located.
5) Enter Submit and prepare for your interviews

Albert Einstein - BigFatCat (C: 8/5, II: 9/10, I:?); Member011 (C: 8/5, II: 9/10, I:10/18); jumbo91 (C: 8/6, II: 9/11, I: 11/1); mTORC (C: 8/23, II: 9/11, I: 10/18); Orokami (C: 8/1, II: 9/16, I: 11/22); oxfordian (C: 8/30, II: 10/2, I: 11/22)
Baylor - NigelVermooth (C: 8/2, II: 9/18, I: ?); pittpanter (C: 7/15, II: 9/18, I: 10/17-19); mTORC (C: 8/21, II: 10/8, I:?)
Boston University - pittpanther (C: 7/15, II: 9/10, I:?); NigelVermooth (C: 7/29, II: 9/10, I: 10/18); Otsdarva(C: 7/26, II: 9/13, I: 10/18); mynameistoolong (C: 7/26, II: 9/16, I: 11/1); Regeneration (C: 8/20, II:9/20, I: TBD); gogosart (C:7/20, II:10/1, I:10/18); Orokami (C:8/10; II: 10/1; I 1/10); Penguino92 (C: 8/20, II: 09/30, I: 11/08)
Case Western Reserve - plumazul (C: 7/20, II: 8/7, I: 12/12-13); Solarium90 (C: 7/9,II: 8/10, I:9/26); zippyziggy (C: 8/8, II: 8/29, I: 12/12-13); Member011 (C: 8/19, II: 9/4, I: 10/24-25);
Columbia University - plumazul (C: 7/13, II: 8/23, I: 10/23); Reckoner (C: 7/17, II: 8/23, I: 10/8); ytterium (C: 8/16, II: 9/11, I:11/22)
Duke University - zippyziggy (C: 7/15, II: 8/29, I: 11/7-8); plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 8/29, I: 11/7-8); quebaldy (C: 7/28, II: 9/9, I: 11/14-15); NigelVermooth (C: 7/24, II: 9/9, I: 10/24-25); ytterium (C: 8/16, II: 9/27, I: 12/5-6)
Emory - pittpanther (C:7/21, II:9/30, I:11/7-8); zippyziggy (C: 7/13, II: 10/2, I: 12/5-6); jumbo91 (C: 8/23, II: 10/8, I:?); Orokami (C 8/23, II: 10/12, I: 12/5-6)
Harvard University- NigelVermooth (C: 8/20, II: 10/8, I: ?);
Indiana University- mooser0956 (C:7/12, II: 8/9, I:TBD); regeneration (C:7/11, II: 8/12, I:TBD); TheShaker (C: 7/19, II: 9/5, I: 11/13); gogosart (C:7/24, II:8/21, I:TBD), cpi89 (C: 8/19, II: 10/7, I: ?)
Jefferson - mynameistoolong (C: 8/28, II: 9/9, I: 11/19-20); cpi89 (C: 9/17, II: 9/20, I: 11/19-20) Penguino92 (C: 08/09, II: 09/05, I: 11/13)
Johns Hopkins - plumazul (C: 7/23, II: 8/29, I: 9/25-26);
Medical University of South Carolina - Reckoner (C: 8/8, II: 8/23, I: 10/11); Member011 (C: 8/19, II: 9/7, I: 10/11); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 9/27, I: 10/18)
Miller School of Medicine, Miami - Orokami (C: 8/1, II: 10/3, I: 11/1)
Mount Sinai - zippyziggy (C: 7/17, II: 9/6, I: 11/4-5); Member011 (C: 8/12, II: 9/6, I: 10/28-29); plumazul (C: 7/23, II: 9/12, I: 10/28-29); mynameistoolong (C: 7/25, II: 9/16, I: 11/4-5); Solarium90 (C: 8/3,II: 9/12, I:10/28-29);
New Jersey Medical School - Otsdarva (C: 7/20, II: 9/24, I: 10/15)
Northwestern - BigFatCat (C: 8/26, II: 9/9, I: ?); Solarium90 (C: 8/28,II: 9/10, I:11/6-7);
NYU - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); Reckoner (C: 7/17, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); BigFatCat (C: 8/1, II: 8/28, I: 10/18); oxfordian (C: 9/9, II: 9/16, I: 11/8)
Ohio State University - Solarium90(C: 7/9, II:8/14, I: 10/10); zippyziggy (C: 7/27, II: 8/20, I: 10/10-12); Otsdarva(C: 7/30, II: 8/29, I: 10/31);
Oregon Health and Science University - zippyziggy (C: 9/16, II: 9/17, I: 12/18-19);
Penn State - TheShaker (C: 8/10, II: 10/1, I: 12/9); mynameistoolong (C: 8/8, II: 10/2, I: 11/18)
Robert Wood Johnson - pittpanther (C: ~7/23, II:8/9 I:9/16); Otsdarva(C: 7/25, II: 8/9, I: 9/16)
Rochester University - regeneration (C: ~7/19, II:8/23 I:9/26); Orokami (C:~7/30, II: 8/25 I: 10/17); mTORC (C: 8/19, II: 8/29, I: ?)
Stanford - NigelVermooth (C: 8/3, II: 8/15, I:10/2-3); quebaldy (C:8/4, II: 8/15, I: 10/2-3); ytterium (C:8/16, II:9/6, I:10/2-3);
Stony Brook University - Reckoner (C: 7/31, II: 9/25, I: 10/23); plumazul (C: 7/25, II: 9/25, I: --)
SUNY Upstate - mynameistoolong (C: 9/4, II: 9/2x, I: ?);
Texas A&M HSC - NigelVermooth (C: 7/1, II: 7/29, I: 9/11-12);
Texas Tech HSC - NigelVermooth (C: 7/18, II: 8/19, I: 9/6);
Tri-Institutional(C/R/SK) - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 8/21, I: 10/31); Solarium90 (C: 7/4, II: 8/21, I: 10/31); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/9, I: 11/21)
Tufts- penguino92 (C: 08/21, II, 10/04,I:?), Member011 (C: 8/9, II: 10/4, I: 11/13), jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 10/4, I: 11/13)
University of Alabama, Birmingham - mTORC (C:8/28/13, II: 9/12/13, I: 12/4-12/6); zippyziggy (C: 8/2, II: 9/12, I: 12/3-5); pittpanther (C: 8/6, II: 9/12, I: ?); Solarium90 (C: 8/15,II: 9/18, I:12/4-6);
University of California, Irvine - TheShaker (C: 7/25, II: 9/7, I: 10/21), regeneration (C: 7/25, II: 9/07, I: 10/21), Vitor1192 (C:8/12, II: 9/22, I: 10/21)
University of California, Los Angeles - quebaldy (C: 8/11, II: 9/26, I: ??), Vitor1192 (C:8/10, II: 9/26, I: 10/24), ytterium (C: 8/24, II: 9/26, I: 11/14);
University of California, San Diego - mTORC (C: 9/2, II: 10/7, I: 1/16)
University of California, San Francisco - ytterium (C: 9/20, II: 10/8, I: ??);
University of Chicago Pritzker - plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 7/23, I: 10/8-9); NigelVermooth (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: 10/8-9); quebaldy (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: 10/8-10/9); jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 8/9, I: 10/8-10/9); leish63(C:~8/5, II: 8/9, I: ?); oxfordian (C: 9/3?, II: 9/6, I: 12/9-12/11);
University of Cincinnati - Cpi89 (C: 8/26, II: 10/2, I: 10/17-19); zippyziggy (C: 7/10, II: 10/4, I: ?)
University of Colorado - zippyziggy (C: 9/18, II: 10/3, I: 1/23-24);
University of Illinois at Chicago - jumbo91 (C: ~7/30, II: 9/18, I: 11/4); Reckoner (C: 7/30, II 9/18, I: 11/4)
University of Iowa - TheShaker (C: ~7/20, II: 10/2, I: 10/31 - 11/1); Reckoner (C: 8/8, II: 10/2, I: 10/31-11/1)
University of Kentucky- Penguino92 (C: 08/06, II: 09/30, I: 10/21)
University of Louisville - mooser0956 (C:8/21, II: 9/12, I:10/9); Penguino92 (C: 8/20, II: 09/02, I: 11/04-05)
University of Maryland - plumazul (C: 7/25, II: 9/13, I: 1/8-9); Member011 (C: 8/16, II: 9/13, I: 11/20-21)
University of Massachusetts - NigelVermooth (C: 7/22, II: 9/13, I:?);
University of Michigan mooser0956 (C:7/29, II:8/26, I:11/14-15); gogosart (C:8/4, II:8/23, I:10/24-25); Reckoner (C: 7/16, II: 9/27, I: 11/14-15)
University of Minnesota regeneration (C: 8/15 II: 9/23, I: TBD)
University of Nebraska gogosart (C:7/24, II:8/5, I:11/20)
University of Pennsylvania - NigelVermooth (C: 7/2, II: 9/4, I: 11/7-8); plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 9/4, I: 12/5-6); Regeneration (C:8/19; II: 9/8; I: 11/22); mTORC (C: 9/2, II: 9/10, I: 11/7); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/2, I: 12/5-6); ytterium (C: 8/16; II: 9/6; I: 1/9);
University of Pittsburgh - leish63 (C: ~7/25, II: 8/5, I: 8/22-8/23); pittpanther (C:7/23, II: 8/8, I:8/26-8/27); mooser0956 (C:8/15, II:8/23, I:9/26-27); mTORC (C:~8/20, II: 9/9, I: 10/10-10/11)
University of Southern California - Orokami (C:~8/1; II:9/5; I: 10/24), jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 9/5; I: 12/5-6), BigFatCat (C:8/7, II: 9/5, I: 9/26-27);
University of Texas Houston - NigelVermooth (C: 7/23, II: 9/16, I: 12/19);
University of Texas HSCSA - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 7/15, I: 8/25-27); NigelVermooth (C: 7/23, II 7/28, I: 9/9-10); TheShaker (C: 7/23, II: 8/5/13, I: 9/23-24); Orokami (C: 7/16, II: 8/5, I: 8/25-27); mTORC (C: 8/15, II: 8/16, I: 8/25-27); cpi89 (C: 8/19, II: 8/22, I: 10/7-8)
University of Texas Medical Branch- cpi89 (C: 8/19, II: 10/7, I: ?)
University of Texas Southwestern - Reckoner (C: 8/9, II: 8/23, I: 9/27); BigFatCat (C: 7/23, II: 8/23, I: 10/11); NigelVermooth (C: 8/12, II: 9/4, I: 11/2);
University of Virginia - plumazul (C: 7/22, II: 8/23, I: 9/19-20); zippyziggy (C: 7/6, II: 8/23, I: 9/19-20); mTORC (C: 9:5, II: 9:14, I: ?)
University of Wisconsin-Madison pittpanther (C:7/18, II:8/27, I:10/3-6); TheShaker (C:7/19, II: 8/27, I: 10/3-6); mTORC (C: 8/22, II: 9/25, I: ??)
University of Washington-Seattle pittpanther (C:~8/3, II:9/9 I:1/9-11); mTORC (C: 9/6, II: 9/30, I: ??)
Washington University - premed660 (C: ~7/30 II: 8/7 I:9/26-9/28); leish63 (C: 8/2, II: 8/20, I:9/26-9/28); NigelVermooth (C: 8/2, II: 8/21, I:9/26-28); quebaldy (C: 8/6, II: 8/21, I: 10/10-12); plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 8/29, I: 10/10-12); mTORC (C: 8/16, II: 9/14, I: 10/31-11/2); BigFatCat (C: 8/9, II: 9/23, I: 11/7-9); oxfordian (C: 8/30?, II: 9/30, I: 11/14-16), cpi89 (C: 8/19, II: 10/10, I: 11/7)
Yale University - Prion13 (C: 8/13, II: 9/13, I:12/9-10); mTORC (C: 9/9, II: 9/25, I: ??); ytterium (C: 8/16, II: 9/13, I: ??); NigelVermooth (C: 8/23, II: 10/3, I: 11/4-5);

C: Complete
II: Interview Invite date
I: Interview date
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" tags on the top and bottom
3) add your user name, ( complete date, interview invite date, interview date, any other pertinent info, and if needed, add the school name to the list
4) Enter the name(s) of the school(s) where you are adding data into the "Title" box (at the top) so that your changes can be easily located.
5) Enter Submit and prepare for your interviews

Albert Einstein - BigFatCat (C: 8/5, II: 9/10, I:?); Member011 (C: 8/5, II: 9/10, I:10/18); jumbo91 (C: 8/6, II: 9/11, I: 11/1); mTORC (C: 8/23, II: 9/11, I: 10/18); Orokami (C: 8/1, II: 9/16, I: 11/22); oxfordian (C: 8/30, II: 10/2, I: 11/22)
Baylor - NigelVermooth (C: 8/2, II: 9/18, I: ?); pittpanter (C: 7/15, II: 9/18, I: 10/17-19); mTORC (C: 8/21, II: 10/8, I:?)
Boston University - pittpanther (C: 7/15, II: 9/10, I:?); NigelVermooth (C: 7/29, II: 9/10, I: 10/18); Otsdarva(C: 7/26, II: 9/13, I: 10/18); mynameistoolong (C: 7/26, II: 9/16, I: 11/1); Regeneration (C: 8/20, II:9/20, I: TBD); gogosart (C:7/20, II:10/1, I:10/18); Orokami (C:8/10; II: 10/1; I 1/10); Penguino92 (C: 8/20, II: 09/30, I: 11/08)
Case Western Reserve - plumazul (C: 7/20, II: 8/7, I: 12/12-13); Solarium90 (C: 7/9,II: 8/10, I:9/26); zippyziggy (C: 8/8, II: 8/29, I: 12/12-13); Member011 (C: 8/19, II: 9/4, I: 10/24-25);
Columbia University - plumazul (C: 7/13, II: 8/23, I: 10/23); Reckoner (C: 7/17, II: 8/23, I: 10/8); ytterium (C: 8/16, II: 9/11, I:11/22)
Duke University - zippyziggy (C: 7/15, II: 8/29, I: 11/7-8); plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 8/29, I: 11/7-8); quebaldy (C: 7/28, II: 9/9, I: 11/14-15); NigelVermooth (C: 7/24, II: 9/9, I: 10/24-25); ytterium (C: 8/16, II: 9/27, I: 12/5-6)
Emory - pittpanther (C:7/21, II:9/30, I:11/7-8); zippyziggy (C: 7/13, II: 10/2, I: 12/5-6); jumbo91 (C: 8/23, II: 10/8, I:?); Orokami (C 8/23, II: 10/12, I: 12/5-6)
Harvard University- NigelVermooth (C: 8/20, II: 10/8, I: ?);
Indiana University- mooser0956 (C:7/12, II: 8/9, I:TBD); regeneration (C:7/11, II: 8/12, I:TBD); TheShaker (C: 7/19, II: 9/5, I: 11/13); gogosart (C:7/24, II:8/21, I:TBD), cpi89 (C: 8/19, II: 10/7, I: ?)
Jefferson - mynameistoolong (C: 8/28, II: 9/9, I: 11/19-20); cpi89 (C: 9/17, II: 9/20, I: 11/19-20) Penguino92 (C: 08/09, II: 09/05, I: 11/13)
Johns Hopkins - plumazul (C: 7/23, II: 8/29, I: 9/25-26);
Medical University of South Carolina - Reckoner (C: 8/8, II: 8/23, I: 10/11); Member011 (C: 8/19, II: 9/7, I: 10/11); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 9/27, I: 10/18)
Miller School of Medicine, Miami - Orokami (C: 8/1, II: 10/3, I: 11/1)
Mount Sinai - zippyziggy (C: 7/17, II: 9/6, I: 11/4-5); Member011 (C: 8/12, II: 9/6, I: 10/28-29); plumazul (C: 7/23, II: 9/12, I: 10/28-29); mynameistoolong (C: 7/25, II: 9/16, I: 11/4-5); Solarium90 (C: 8/3,II: 9/12, I:10/28-29);
New Jersey Medical School - Otsdarva (C: 7/20, II: 9/24, I: 10/15)
Northwestern - BigFatCat (C: 8/26, II: 9/9, I: ?); Solarium90 (C: 8/28,II: 9/10, I:11/6-7);
NYU - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); Reckoner (C: 7/17, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); BigFatCat (C: 8/1, II: 8/28, I: 10/18); oxfordian (C: 9/9, II: 9/16, I: 11/8)
Ohio State University - Solarium90(C: 7/9, II:8/14, I: 10/10); zippyziggy (C: 7/27, II: 8/20, I: 10/10-12); Otsdarva(C: 7/30, II: 8/29, I: 10/31);
Oregon Health and Science University - zippyziggy (C: 9/16, II: 9/17, I: 12/18-19);
Penn State - TheShaker (C: 8/10, II: 10/1, I: 12/9); mynameistoolong (C: 8/8, II: 10/2, I: 11/18)
Robert Wood Johnson - pittpanther (C: ~7/23, II:8/9 I:9/16); Otsdarva(C: 7/25, II: 8/9, I: 9/16)
Rochester University - regeneration (C: ~7/19, II:8/23 I:9/26); Orokami (C:~7/30, II: 8/25 I: 10/17); mTORC (C: 8/19, II: 8/29, I: ?)
Stanford - NigelVermooth (C: 8/3, II: 8/15, I:10/2-3); quebaldy (C:8/4, II: 8/15, I: 10/2-3); ytterium (C:8/16, II:9/6, I:10/2-3);
Stony Brook University - Reckoner (C: 7/31, II: 9/25, I: 10/23); plumazul (C: 7/25, II: 9/25, I: --)
SUNY Upstate - mynameistoolong (C: 9/4, II: 9/2x, I: ?);
Texas A&M HSC - NigelVermooth (C: 7/1, II: 7/29, I: 9/11-12);
Texas Tech HSC - NigelVermooth (C: 7/18, II: 8/19, I: 9/6);
Tri-Institutional(C/R/SK) - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 8/21, I: 10/31); Solarium90 (C: 7/4, II: 8/21, I: 10/31); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/9, I: 11/21)
Tufts- penguino92 (C: 08/21, II, 10/04,I:?), Member011 (C: 8/9, II: 10/4, I: 11/13), jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 10/4, I: 11/13)
University of Alabama, Birmingham - mTORC (C:8/28/13, II: 9/12/13, I: 12/4-12/6); zippyziggy (C: 8/2, II: 9/12, I: 12/3-5); pittpanther (C: 8/6, II: 9/12, I: ?); Solarium90 (C: 8/15,II: 9/18, I:12/4-6);
University of California, Irvine - TheShaker (C: 7/25, II: 9/7, I: 10/21), regeneration (C: 7/25, II: 9/07, I: 10/21), Vitor1192 (C:8/12, II: 9/22, I: 10/21)
University of California, Los Angeles - quebaldy (C: 8/11, II: 9/26, I: ??), Vitor1192 (C:8/10, II: 9/26, I: 10/24), ytterium (C: 8/24, II: 9/26, I: 11/14);
University of California, San Diego - mTORC (C: 9/2, II: 10/7, I: 1/16)
University of California, San Francisco - ytterium (C: 9/20, II: 10/8, I: ??);
University of Chicago Pritzker - plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 7/23, I: 10/8-9); NigelVermooth (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: 10/8-9); quebaldy (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: 10/8-10/9); jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 8/9, I: 10/8-10/9); leish63(C:~8/5, II: 8/9, I: ?); oxfordian (C: 9/3?, II: 9/6, I: 12/9-12/11);
University of Cincinnati - Cpi89 (C: 8/26, II: 10/2, I: 10/17-19); zippyziggy (C: 7/10, II: 10/4, I: ?)
University of Colorado - zippyziggy (C: 9/18, II: 10/3, I: 1/23-24);
University of Illinois at Chicago - jumbo91 (C: ~7/30, II: 9/18, I: 11/4); Reckoner (C: 7/30, II 9/18, I: 11/4)
University of Iowa - TheShaker (C: ~7/20, II: 10/2, I: 10/31 - 11/1); Reckoner (C: 8/8, II: 10/2, I: 10/31-11/1)
University of Kentucky- Penguino92 (C: 08/06, II: 09/30, I: 10/21)
University of Louisville - mooser0956 (C:8/21, II: 9/12, I:10/9); Penguino92 (C: 8/20, II: 09/02, I: 11/04-05)
University of Maryland - plumazul (C: 7/25, II: 9/13, I: 1/8-9); Member011 (C: 8/16, II: 9/13, I: 11/20-21)
University of Massachusetts - NigelVermooth (C: 7/22, II: 9/13, I:?);
University of Michigan mooser0956 (C:7/29, II:8/26, I:11/14-15); gogosart (C:8/4, II:8/23, I:10/24-25); Reckoner (C: 7/16, II: 9/27, I: 11/14-15)
University of Minnesota regeneration (C: 8/15 II: 9/23, I: TBD)
University of Nebraska gogosart (C:7/24, II:8/5, I:11/20)
University of Pennsylvania - NigelVermooth (C: 7/2, II: 9/4, I: 11/7-8); plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 9/4, I: 12/5-6); Regeneration (C:8/19; II: 9/8; I: 11/22); mTORC (C: 9/2, II: 9/10, I: 11/7); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/2, I: 12/5-6); ytterium (C: 8/16; II: 9/6; I: 1/9);
University of Pittsburgh - leish63 (C: ~7/25, II: 8/5, I: 8/22-8/23); pittpanther (C:7/23, II: 8/8, I:8/26-8/27); mooser0956 (C:8/15, II:8/23, I:9/26-27); mTORC (C:~8/20, II: 9/9, I: 10/10-10/11)
University of Southern California - Orokami (C:~8/1; II:9/5; I: 10/24), jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 9/5; I: 12/5-6), BigFatCat (C:8/7, II: 9/5, I: 9/26-27);
University of Texas Houston - NigelVermooth (C: 7/23, II: 9/16, I: 12/19);
University of Texas HSCSA - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 7/15, I: 8/25-27); NigelVermooth (C: 7/23, II 7/28, I: 9/9-10); TheShaker (C: 7/23, II: 8/5/13, I: 9/23-24); Orokami (C: 7/16, II: 8/5, I: 8/25-27); mTORC (C: 8/15, II: 8/16, I: 8/25-27); cpi89 (C: 8/19, II: 8/22, I: 10/7-8)
University of Texas Medical Branch- cpi89 (C: 8/19, II: 10/7, I: ?)
University of Texas Southwestern - Reckoner (C: 8/9, II: 8/23, I: 9/27); BigFatCat (C: 7/23, II: 8/23, I: 10/11); NigelVermooth (C: 8/12, II: 9/4, I: 11/2);
University of Virginia - plumazul (C: 7/22, II: 8/23, I: 9/19-20); zippyziggy (C: 7/6, II: 8/23, I: 9/19-20); mTORC (C: 9:5, II: 9:14, I: ?)
University of Wisconsin-Madison pittpanther (C:7/18, II:8/27, I:10/3-6); TheShaker (C:7/19, II: 8/27, I: 10/3-6); mTORC (C: 8/22, II: 9/25, I: ??); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/11, I: ? - need to reschedule)
University of Washington-Seattle pittpanther (C:~8/3, II:9/9 I:1/9-11); mTORC (C: 9/6, II: 9/30, I: ??);
Washington University - premed660 (C: ~7/30 II: 8/7 I:9/26-9/28); leish63 (C: 8/2, II: 8/20, I:9/26-9/28); NigelVermooth (C: 8/2, II: 8/21, I:9/26-28); quebaldy (C: 8/6, II: 8/21, I: 10/10-12); plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 8/29, I: 10/10-12); mTORC (C: 8/16, II: 9/14, I: 10/31-11/2); BigFatCat (C: 8/9, II: 9/23, I: 11/7-9); oxfordian (C: 8/30?, II: 9/30, I: 11/14-16), cpi89 (C: 8/19, II: 10/10, I: 11/7)
Yale University - Prion13 (C: 8/13, II: 9/13, I:12/9-10); mTORC (C: 9/9, II: 9/25, I: ??); ytterium (C: 8/16, II: 9/13, I: ??); NigelVermooth (C: 8/23, II: 10/3, I: 11/4-5);

C: Complete
II: Interview Invite date
I: Interview date
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" tags on the top and bottom
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4) Enter the name(s) of the school(s) where you are adding data into the "Title" box (at the top) so that your changes can be easily located.
5) Enter Submit and prepare for your interviews

Albert Einstein - BigFatCat (C: 8/5, II: 9/10, I:?); Member011 (C: 8/5, II: 9/10, I:10/18); jumbo91 (C: 8/6, II: 9/11, I: 11/1); mTORC (C: 8/23, II: 9/11, I: 10/18); Orokami (C: 8/1, II: 9/16, I: 11/22); oxfordian (C: 8/30, II: 10/2, I: 11/22)
Baylor - NigelVermooth (C: 8/2, II: 9/18, I: ?); pittpanter (C: 7/15, II: 9/18, I: 10/17-19); mTORC (C: 8/21, II: 10/8, I:?)
Boston University - pittpanther (C: 7/15, II: 9/10, I:?); NigelVermooth (C: 7/29, II: 9/10, I: 10/18); Otsdarva(C: 7/26, II: 9/13, I: 10/18); mynameistoolong (C: 7/26, II: 9/16, I: 11/1); Regeneration (C: 8/20, II:9/20, I: TBD); gogosart (C:7/20, II:10/1, I:10/18); Orokami (C:8/10; II: 10/1; I 1/10); Penguino92 (C: 8/20, II: 09/30, I: 11/08)
Case Western Reserve - plumazul (C: 7/20, II: 8/7, I: 12/12-13); Solarium90 (C: 7/9,II: 8/10, I:9/26); zippyziggy (C: 8/8, II: 8/29, I: 12/12-13); Member011 (C: 8/19, II: 9/4, I: 10/24-25);
Columbia University - plumazul (C: 7/13, II: 8/23, I: 10/23); Reckoner (C: 7/17, II: 8/23, I: 10/8); ytterium (C: 8/16, II: 9/11, I:11/22)
Duke University - zippyziggy (C: 7/15, II: 8/29, I: 11/7-8); plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 8/29, I: 11/7-8); quebaldy (C: 7/28, II: 9/9, I: 11/14-15); NigelVermooth (C: 7/24, II: 9/9, I: 10/24-25); ytterium (C: 8/16, II: 9/27, I: 12/5-6)
Emory - pittpanther (C:7/21, II:9/30, I:11/7-8); zippyziggy (C: 7/13, II: 10/2, I: 12/5-6); jumbo91 (C: 8/23, II: 10/8, I:?); Orokami (C 8/23, II: 10/12, I: 12/5-6)
Harvard University- NigelVermooth (C: 8/20, II: 10/8, I: ?);
Indiana University- mooser0956 (C:7/12, II: 8/9, I:TBD); regeneration (C:7/11, II: 8/12, I:TBD); TheShaker (C: 7/19, II: 9/5, I: 11/13); gogosart (C:7/24, II:8/21, I:TBD), cpi89 (C: 8/19, II: 10/7, I: ?)
Jefferson - mynameistoolong (C: 8/28, II: 9/9, I: 11/19-20); cpi89 (C: 9/17, II: 9/20, I: 11/19-20) Penguino92 (C: 08/09, II: 09/05, I: 11/13)
Johns Hopkins - plumazul (C: 7/23, II: 8/29, I: 9/25-26);
Medical University of South Carolina - Reckoner (C: 8/8, II: 8/23, I: 10/11); Member011 (C: 8/19, II: 9/7, I: 10/11); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 9/27, I: 10/18)
Miller School of Medicine, Miami - Orokami (C: 8/1, II: 10/3, I: 11/1)
Mount Sinai - zippyziggy (C: 7/17, II: 9/6, I: 11/4-5); Member011 (C: 8/12, II: 9/6, I: 10/28-29); plumazul (C: 7/23, II: 9/12, I: 10/28-29); mynameistoolong (C: 7/25, II: 9/16, I: 11/4-5); Solarium90 (C: 8/3,II: 9/12, I:10/28-29);
New Jersey Medical School - Otsdarva (C: 7/20, II: 9/24, I: 10/15)
Northwestern - BigFatCat (C: 8/26, II: 9/9, I: ?); Solarium90 (C: 8/28,II: 9/10, I:11/6-7);
NYU - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); Reckoner (C: 7/17, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); BigFatCat (C: 8/1, II: 8/28, I: 10/18); oxfordian (C: 9/9, II: 9/16, I: 11/8)
Ohio State University - Solarium90(C: 7/9, II:8/14, I: 10/10); zippyziggy (C: 7/27, II: 8/20, I: 10/10-12); Otsdarva(C: 7/30, II: 8/29, I: 10/31);
Oregon Health and Science University - zippyziggy (C: 9/16, II: 9/17, I: 12/18-19);
Penn State - TheShaker (C: 8/10, II: 10/1, I: 12/9); mynameistoolong (C: 8/8, II: 10/2, I: 11/18)
Robert Wood Johnson - pittpanther (C: ~7/23, II:8/9 I:9/16); Otsdarva(C: 7/25, II: 8/9, I: 9/16)
Rochester University - regeneration (C: ~7/19, II:8/23 I:9/26); Orokami (C:~7/30, II: 8/25 I: 10/17); mTORC (C: 8/19, II: 8/29, I: ?)
Stanford - NigelVermooth (C: 8/3, II: 8/15, I:10/2-3); quebaldy (C:8/4, II: 8/15, I: 10/2-3); ytterium (C:8/16, II:9/6, I:10/2-3);
Stony Brook University - Reckoner (C: 7/31, II: 9/25, I: 10/23); plumazul (C: 7/25, II: 9/25, I: --)
SUNY Upstate - mynameistoolong (C: 9/4, II: 9/2x, I: ?);
Texas A&M HSC - NigelVermooth (C: 7/1, II: 7/29, I: 9/11-12);
Texas Tech HSC - NigelVermooth (C: 7/18, II: 8/19, I: 9/6);
Tri-Institutional(C/R/SK) - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 8/21, I: 10/31); Solarium90 (C: 7/4, II: 8/21, I: 10/31); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/9, I: 11/21)
Tufts- penguino92 (C: 08/21, II, 10/04,I:?), Member011 (C: 8/9, II: 10/4, I: 11/13), jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 10/4, I: 11/13)
University of Alabama, Birmingham - mTORC (C:8/28/13, II: 9/12/13, I: 12/4-12/6); zippyziggy (C: 8/2, II: 9/12, I: 12/3-5); pittpanther (C: 8/6, II: 9/12, I: ?); Solarium90 (C: 8/15,II: 9/18, I:12/4-6); oxfordian (C:9/15, II: 10/15, I: 12/11-13)
University of California, Irvine - TheShaker (C: 7/25, II: 9/7, I: 10/21), regeneration (C: 7/25, II: 9/07, I: 10/21), Vitor1192 (C:8/12, II: 9/22, I: 10/21)
University of California, Los Angeles - quebaldy (C: 8/11, II: 9/26, I: ??), Vitor1192 (C:8/10, II: 9/26, I: 10/24), ytterium (C: 8/24, II: 9/26, I: 11/14);
University of California, San Diego - mTORC (C: 9/2, II: 10/7, I: 1/16)
University of California, San Francisco - ytterium (C: 9/20, II: 10/8, I: ??);
University of Chicago Pritzker - plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 7/23, I: 10/8-9); NigelVermooth (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: 10/8-9); quebaldy (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: 10/8-10/9); jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 8/9, I: 10/8-10/9); leish63(C:~8/5, II: 8/9, I: ?); oxfordian (C: 9/3?, II: 9/6, I: 12/9-12/11);
University of Cincinnati - Cpi89 (C: 8/26, II: 10/2, I: 10/17-19); zippyziggy (C: 7/10, II: 10/4, I: ?)
University of Colorado - zippyziggy (C: 9/18, II: 10/3, I: 1/23-24);
University of Illinois at Chicago - jumbo91 (C: ~7/30, II: 9/18, I: 11/4); Reckoner (C: 7/30, II 9/18, I: 11/4)
University of Iowa - TheShaker (C: ~7/20, II: 10/2, I: 10/31 - 11/1); Reckoner (C: 8/8, II: 10/2, I: 10/31-11/1)
University of Kentucky- Penguino92 (C: 08/06, II: 09/30, I: 10/21)
University of Louisville - mooser0956 (C:8/21, II: 9/12, I:10/9); Penguino92 (C: 8/20, II: 09/02, I: 11/04-05)
University of Maryland - plumazul (C: 7/25, II: 9/13, I: 1/8-9); Member011 (C: 8/16, II: 9/13, I: 11/20-21)
University of Massachusetts - NigelVermooth (C: 7/22, II: 9/13, I:?);
University of Michigan mooser0956 (C:7/29, II:8/26, I:11/14-15); gogosart (C:8/4, II:8/23, I:10/24-25); Reckoner (C: 7/16, II: 9/27, I: 11/14-15)
University of Minnesota regeneration (C: 8/15 II: 9/23, I: TBD)
University of Nebraska gogosart (C:7/24, II:8/5, I:11/20)
University of Pennsylvania - NigelVermooth (C: 7/2, II: 9/4, I: 11/7-8); plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 9/4, I: 12/5-6); Regeneration (C:8/19; II: 9/8; I: 11/22); mTORC (C: 9/2, II: 9/10, I: 11/7); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/2, I: 12/5-6); ytterium (C: 8/16; II: 9/6; I: 1/9);
University of Pittsburgh - leish63 (C: ~7/25, II: 8/5, I: 8/22-8/23); pittpanther (C:7/23, II: 8/8, I:8/26-8/27); mooser0956 (C:8/15, II:8/23, I:9/26-27); mTORC (C:~8/20, II: 9/9, I: 10/10-10/11)
University of Southern California - Orokami (C:~8/1; II:9/5; I: 10/24), jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 9/5; I: 12/5-6), BigFatCat (C:8/7, II: 9/5, I: 9/26-27);
University of Texas Houston - NigelVermooth (C: 7/23, II: 9/16, I: 12/19);
University of Texas HSCSA - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 7/15, I: 8/25-27); NigelVermooth (C: 7/23, II 7/28, I: 9/9-10); TheShaker (C: 7/23, II: 8/5/13, I: 9/23-24); Orokami (C: 7/16, II: 8/5, I: 8/25-27); mTORC (C: 8/15, II: 8/16, I: 8/25-27); cpi89 (C: 8/19, II: 8/22, I: 10/7-8)
University of Texas Medical Branch- cpi89 (C: 8/19, II: 10/7, I: ?)
University of Texas Southwestern - Reckoner (C: 8/9, II: 8/23, I: 9/27); BigFatCat (C: 7/23, II: 8/23, I: 10/11); NigelVermooth (C: 8/12, II: 9/4, I: 11/2);
University of Virginia - plumazul (C: 7/22, II: 8/23, I: 9/19-20); zippyziggy (C: 7/6, II: 8/23, I: 9/19-20); mTORC (C: 9:5, II: 9:14, I: ?)
University of Wisconsin-Madison pittpanther (C:7/18, II:8/27, I:10/3-6); TheShaker (C:7/19, II: 8/27, I: 10/3-6); mTORC (C: 8/22, II: 9/25, I: ??); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/11, I: 1/9-12)
University of Washington-Seattle pittpanther (C:~8/3, II:9/9 I:1/9-11); mTORC (C: 9/6, II: 9/30, I: ??);
Washington University - premed660 (C: ~7/30 II: 8/7 I:9/26-9/28); leish63 (C: 8/2, II: 8/20, I:9/26-9/28); NigelVermooth (C: 8/2, II: 8/21, I:9/26-28); quebaldy (C: 8/6, II: 8/21, I: 10/10-12); plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 8/29, I: 10/10-12); mTORC (C: 8/16, II: 9/14, I: 10/31-11/2); BigFatCat (C: 8/9, II: 9/23, I: 11/7-9); oxfordian (C: 8/30?, II: 9/30, I: 11/14-16), cpi89 (C: 8/19, II: 10/10, I: 11/7)
Yale University - Prion13 (C: 8/13, II: 9/13, I:12/9-10); mTORC (C: 9/9, II: 9/25, I: ??); ytterium (C: 8/16, II: 9/13, I: ??); NigelVermooth (C: 8/23, II: 10/3, I: 11/4-5); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/14, I: 1/13-14)

C: Complete
II: Interview Invite date
I: Interview date
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Albert Einstein - BigFatCat (C: 8/5, II: 9/10, I:?); Member011 (C: 8/5, II: 9/10, I:10/18); jumbo91 (C: 8/6, II: 9/11, I: 11/1); mTORC (C: 8/23, II: 9/11, I: 10/18); Orokami (C: 8/1, II: 9/16, I: 11/22); oxfordian (C: 8/30, II: 10/2, I: 11/22)
Baylor - NigelVermooth (C: 8/2, II: 9/18, I: ?); pittpanter (C: 7/15, II: 9/18, I: 10/17-19); mTORC (C: 8/21, II: 10/8, I:?)
Boston University - pittpanther (C: 7/15, II: 9/10, I:?); NigelVermooth (C: 7/29, II: 9/10, I: 10/18); Otsdarva(C: 7/26, II: 9/13, I: 10/18); mynameistoolong (C: 7/26, II: 9/16, I: 11/1); Regeneration (C: 8/20, II:9/20, I: TBD); gogosart (C:7/20, II:10/1, I:10/18); Orokami (C:8/10; II: 10/1; I 1/10); Penguino92 (C: 8/20, II: 09/30, I: 11/08)
Case Western Reserve - plumazul (C: 7/20, II: 8/7, I: 12/12-13); Solarium90 (C: 7/9,II: 8/10, I:9/26); zippyziggy (C: 8/8, II: 8/29, I: 12/12-13); Member011 (C: 8/19, II: 9/4, I: 10/24-25);
Columbia University - plumazul (C: 7/13, II: 8/23, I: 10/23); Reckoner (C: 7/17, II: 8/23, I: 10/8); ytterium (C: 8/16, II: 9/11, I:11/22)
Duke University - zippyziggy (C: 7/15, II: 8/29, I: 11/7-8); plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 8/29, I: 11/7-8); quebaldy (C: 7/28, II: 9/9, I: 11/14-15); NigelVermooth (C: 7/24, II: 9/9, I: 10/24-25); ytterium (C: 8/16, II: 9/27, I: 12/5-6)
Emory - pittpanther (C:7/21, II:9/30, I:11/7-8); zippyziggy (C: 7/13, II: 10/2, I: 12/5-6); jumbo91 (C: 8/23, II: 10/8, I:?); Orokami (C 8/23, II: 10/12, I: 12/5-6)
Harvard University- NigelVermooth (C: 8/20, II: 10/8, I: ?);
Hofstra University- Yuyukachoo (C: 9/4, II: 10/16, I: 1/8)
Indiana University- mooser0956 (C:7/12, II: 8/9, I:TBD); regeneration (C:7/11, II: 8/12, I:TBD); TheShaker (C: 7/19, II: 9/5, I: 11/13); gogosart (C:7/24, II:8/21, I:TBD), cpi89 (C: 8/19, II: 10/7, I: ?)
Jefferson - mynameistoolong (C: 8/28, II: 9/9, I: 11/19-20); cpi89 (C: 9/17, II: 9/20, I: 11/19-20) Penguino92 (C: 08/09, II: 09/05, I: 11/13)
Johns Hopkins - plumazul (C: 7/23, II: 8/29, I: 9/25-26);
Medical University of South Carolina - Reckoner (C: 8/8, II: 8/23, I: 10/11); Member011 (C: 8/19, II: 9/7, I: 10/11); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 9/27, I: 10/18)
Miller School of Medicine, Miami - Orokami (C: 8/1, II: 10/3, I: 11/1)
Mount Sinai - zippyziggy (C: 7/17, II: 9/6, I: 11/4-5); Member011 (C: 8/12, II: 9/6, I: 10/28-29); plumazul (C: 7/23, II: 9/12, I: 10/28-29); mynameistoolong (C: 7/25, II: 9/16, I: 11/4-5); Solarium90 (C: 8/3,II: 9/12, I:10/28-29);
New Jersey Medical School - Otsdarva (C: 7/20, II: 9/24, I: 10/15)
Northwestern - BigFatCat (C: 8/26, II: 9/9, I: ?); Solarium90 (C: 8/28,II: 9/10, I:11/6-7);
NYU - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); Reckoner (C: 7/17, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); BigFatCat (C: 8/1, II: 8/28, I: 10/18); oxfordian (C: 9/9, II: 9/16, I: 11/8)
Ohio State University - Solarium90(C: 7/9, II:8/14, I: 10/10); zippyziggy (C: 7/27, II: 8/20, I: 10/10-12); Otsdarva(C: 7/30, II: 8/29, I: 10/31);
Oregon Health and Science University - zippyziggy (C: 9/16, II: 9/17, I: 12/18-19);
Penn State - TheShaker (C: 8/10, II: 10/1, I: 12/9); mynameistoolong (C: 8/8, II: 10/2, I: 11/18)
Robert Wood Johnson - pittpanther (C: ~7/23, II:8/9 I:9/16); Otsdarva(C: 7/25, II: 8/9, I: 9/16)
Rochester University - regeneration (C: ~7/19, II:8/23 I:9/26); Orokami (C:~7/30, II: 8/25 I: 10/17); mTORC (C: 8/19, II: 8/29, I: ?)
Stanford - NigelVermooth (C: 8/3, II: 8/15, I:10/2-3); quebaldy (C:8/4, II: 8/15, I: 10/2-3); ytterium (C:8/16, II:9/6, I:10/2-3);
Stony Brook University - Reckoner (C: 7/31, II: 9/25, I: 10/23); plumazul (C: 7/25, II: 9/25, I: --)
SUNY Upstate - mynameistoolong (C: 9/4, II: 9/2x, I: ?);
Texas A&M HSC - NigelVermooth (C: 7/1, II: 7/29, I: 9/11-12);
Texas Tech HSC - NigelVermooth (C: 7/18, II: 8/19, I: 9/6);
Tri-Institutional(C/R/SK) - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 8/21, I: 10/31); Solarium90 (C: 7/4, II: 8/21, I: 10/31); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/9, I: 11/21)
Tufts- penguino92 (C: 08/21, II, 10/04,I:?), Member011 (C: 8/9, II: 10/4, I: 11/13), jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 10/4, I: 11/13)
University of Alabama, Birmingham - mTORC (C:8/28/13, II: 9/12/13, I: 12/4-12/6); zippyziggy (C: 8/2, II: 9/12, I: 12/3-5); pittpanther (C: 8/6, II: 9/12, I: ?); Solarium90 (C: 8/15,II: 9/18, I:12/4-6); oxfordian (C:9/15, II: 10/15, I: 12/11-13)
University of California, Irvine - TheShaker (C: 7/25, II: 9/7, I: 10/21), regeneration (C: 7/25, II: 9/07, I: 10/21), Vitor1192 (C:8/12, II: 9/22, I: 10/21)
University of California, Los Angeles - quebaldy (C: 8/11, II: 9/26, I: ??), Vitor1192 (C:8/10, II: 9/26, I: 10/24), ytterium (C: 8/24, II: 9/26, I: 11/14);
University of California, San Diego - mTORC (C: 9/2, II: 10/7, I: 1/16)
University of California, San Francisco - ytterium (C: 9/20, II: 10/8, I: ??);
University of Chicago Pritzker - plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 7/23, I: 10/8-9); NigelVermooth (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: 10/8-9); quebaldy (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: 10/8-10/9); jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 8/9, I: 10/8-10/9); leish63(C:~8/5, II: 8/9, I: ?); oxfordian (C: 9/3?, II: 9/6, I: 12/9-12/11);
University of Cincinnati - Cpi89 (C: 8/26, II: 10/2, I: 10/17-19); zippyziggy (C: 7/10, II: 10/4, I: ?)
University of Colorado - zippyziggy (C: 9/18, II: 10/3, I: 1/23-24);
University of Illinois at Chicago - jumbo91 (C: ~7/30, II: 9/18, I: 11/4); Reckoner (C: 7/30, II 9/18, I: 11/4)
University of Iowa - TheShaker (C: ~7/20, II: 10/2, I: 10/31 - 11/1); Reckoner (C: 8/8, II: 10/2, I: 10/31-11/1)
University of Kentucky- Penguino92 (C: 08/06, II: 09/30, I: 10/21)
University of Louisville - mooser0956 (C:8/21, II: 9/12, I:10/9); Penguino92 (C: 8/20, II: 09/02, I: 11/04-05)
University of Maryland - plumazul (C: 7/25, II: 9/13, I: 1/8-9); Member011 (C: 8/16, II: 9/13, I: 11/20-21)
University of Massachusetts - NigelVermooth (C: 7/22, II: 9/13, I:?);
University of Michigan mooser0956 (C:7/29, II:8/26, I:11/14-15); gogosart (C:8/4, II:8/23, I:10/24-25); Reckoner (C: 7/16, II: 9/27, I: 11/14-15)
University of Minnesota regeneration (C: 8/15 II: 9/23, I: TBD)
University of Nebraska gogosart (C:7/24, II:8/5, I:11/20)
University of Pennsylvania - NigelVermooth (C: 7/2, II: 9/4, I: 11/7-8); plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 9/4, I: 12/5-6); Regeneration (C:8/19; II: 9/8; I: 11/22); mTORC (C: 9/2, II: 9/10, I: 11/7); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/2, I: 12/5-6); ytterium (C: 8/16; II: 9/6; I: 1/9);
University of Pittsburgh - leish63 (C: ~7/25, II: 8/5, I: 8/22-8/23); pittpanther (C:7/23, II: 8/8, I:8/26-8/27); mooser0956 (C:8/15, II:8/23, I:9/26-27); mTORC (C:~8/20, II: 9/9, I: 10/10-10/11)
University of Southern California - Orokami (C:~8/1; II:9/5; I: 10/24), jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 9/5; I: 12/5-6), BigFatCat (C:8/7, II: 9/5, I: 9/26-27);
University of Texas Houston - NigelVermooth (C: 7/23, II: 9/16, I: 12/19);
University of Texas HSCSA - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 7/15, I: 8/25-27); NigelVermooth (C: 7/23, II 7/28, I: 9/9-10); TheShaker (C: 7/23, II: 8/5/13, I: 9/23-24); Orokami (C: 7/16, II: 8/5, I: 8/25-27); mTORC (C: 8/15, II: 8/16, I: 8/25-27); cpi89 (C: 8/19, II: 8/22, I: 10/7-8)
University of Texas Medical Branch- cpi89 (C: 8/19, II: 10/7, I: ?)
University of Texas Southwestern - Reckoner (C: 8/9, II: 8/23, I: 9/27); BigFatCat (C: 7/23, II: 8/23, I: 10/11); NigelVermooth (C: 8/12, II: 9/4, I: 11/2);
University of Virginia - plumazul (C: 7/22, II: 8/23, I: 9/19-20); zippyziggy (C: 7/6, II: 8/23, I: 9/19-20); mTORC (C: 9:5, II: 9:14, I: ?)
University of Wisconsin-Madison pittpanther (C:7/18, II:8/27, I:10/3-6); TheShaker (C:7/19, II: 8/27, I: 10/3-6); mTORC (C: 8/22, II: 9/25, I: ??); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/11, I: 1/9-12)
University of Washington-Seattle pittpanther (C:~8/3, II:9/9 I:1/9-11); mTORC (C: 9/6, II: 9/30, I: ??);
Washington University - premed660 (C: ~7/30 II: 8/7 I:9/26-9/28); leish63 (C: 8/2, II: 8/20, I:9/26-9/28); NigelVermooth (C: 8/2, II: 8/21, I:9/26-28); quebaldy (C: 8/6, II: 8/21, I: 10/10-12); plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 8/29, I: 10/10-12); mTORC (C: 8/16, II: 9/14, I: 10/31-11/2); BigFatCat (C: 8/9, II: 9/23, I: 11/7-9); oxfordian (C: 8/30?, II: 9/30, I: 11/14-16), cpi89 (C: 8/19, II: 10/10, I: 11/7)
Yale University - Prion13 (C: 8/13, II: 9/13, I:12/9-10); mTORC (C: 9/9, II: 9/25, I: ??); ytterium (C: 8/16, II: 9/13, I: ??); NigelVermooth (C: 8/23, II: 10/3, I: 11/4-5); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/14, I: 1/13-14)

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II: Interview Invite date
I: Interview date
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4) Enter the name(s) of the school(s) where you are adding data into the "Title" box (at the top) so that your changes can be easily located.
5) Enter Submit and prepare for your interviews

Albert Einstein - BigFatCat (C: 8/5, II: 9/10, I:?); Member011 (C: 8/5, II: 9/10, I:10/18); jumbo91 (C: 8/6, II: 9/11, I: 11/22); mTORC (C: 8/23, II: 9/11, I: 10/18); Orokami (C: 8/1, II: 9/16, I: 11/22); oxfordian (C: 8/30, II: 10/2, I: 11/22)
Baylor - NigelVermooth (C: 8/2, II: 9/18, I: ?); pittpanter (C: 7/15, II: 9/18, I: 10/17-19); mTORC (C: 8/21, II: 10/8, I:?)
Boston University - pittpanther (C: 7/15, II: 9/10, I:?); NigelVermooth (C: 7/29, II: 9/10, I: 10/18); Otsdarva(C: 7/26, II: 9/13, I: 10/18); mynameistoolong (C: 7/26, II: 9/16, I: 11/1); Regeneration (C: 8/20, II:9/20, I: TBD); gogosart (C:7/20, II:10/1, I:10/18); Orokami (C:8/10; II: 10/1; I 1/10); Penguino92 (C: 8/20, II: 09/30, I: 11/08)
Case Western Reserve - plumazul (C: 7/20, II: 8/7, I: 12/12-13); Solarium90 (C: 7/9,II: 8/10, I:9/26); zippyziggy (C: 8/8, II: 8/29, I: 12/12-13); Member011 (C: 8/19, II: 9/4, I: 10/24-25);
Columbia University - plumazul (C: 7/13, II: 8/23, I: 10/23); Reckoner (C: 7/17, II: 8/23, I: 10/8); ytterium (C: 8/16, II: 9/11, I:11/22)
Dartmouth - jumbo91 (C: 7/30, II: 10/16, I: 10/30-31)
Duke University - zippyziggy (C: 7/15, II: 8/29, I: 11/7-8); plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 8/29, I: 11/7-8); quebaldy (C: 7/28, II: 9/9, I: 11/14-15); NigelVermooth (C: 7/24, II: 9/9, I: 10/24-25); ytterium (C: 8/16, II: 9/27, I: 12/5-6)
Emory - pittpanther (C:7/21, II:9/30, I:11/7-8); zippyziggy (C: 7/13, II: 10/2, I: 12/5-6); jumbo91 (C: 8/23, II: 10/8, I:12/5-6); Orokami (C 8/23, II: 10/12, I: 12/5-6)
Harvard University- NigelVermooth (C: 8/20, II: 10/8, I: ?);
Hofstra University- Yuyukachoo (C: 9/4, II: 10/16, I: 1/8)
Indiana University- mooser0956 (C:7/12, II: 8/9, I:TBD); regeneration (C:7/11, II: 8/12, I:TBD); TheShaker (C: 7/19, II: 9/5, I: 11/13); gogosart (C:7/24, II:8/21, I:TBD), cpi89 (C: 8/19, II: 10/7, I: ?)
Jefferson - mynameistoolong (C: 8/28, II: 9/9, I: 11/19-20); cpi89 (C: 9/17, II: 9/20, I: 11/19-20) Penguino92 (C: 08/09, II: 09/05, I: 11/13)
Johns Hopkins - plumazul (C: 7/23, II: 8/29, I: 9/25-26);
Medical University of South Carolina - Reckoner (C: 8/8, II: 8/23, I: 10/11); Member011 (C: 8/19, II: 9/7, I: 10/11); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 9/27, I: 10/18)
Miller School of Medicine, Miami - Orokami (C: 8/1, II: 10/3, I: 11/1)
Mount Sinai - zippyziggy (C: 7/17, II: 9/6, I: 11/4-5); Member011 (C: 8/12, II: 9/6, I: 10/28-29); plumazul (C: 7/23, II: 9/12, I: 10/28-29); mynameistoolong (C: 7/25, II: 9/16, I: 11/4-5); Solarium90 (C: 8/3,II: 9/12, I:10/28-29);
New Jersey Medical School - Otsdarva (C: 7/20, II: 9/24, I: 10/15)
Northwestern - BigFatCat (C: 8/26, II: 9/9, I: ?); Solarium90 (C: 8/28,II: 9/10, I:11/6-7);
NYU - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); Reckoner (C: 7/17, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); BigFatCat (C: 8/1, II: 8/28, I: 10/18); oxfordian (C: 9/9, II: 9/16, I: 11/8)
Ohio State University - Solarium90(C: 7/9, II:8/14, I: 10/10); zippyziggy (C: 7/27, II: 8/20, I: 10/10-12); Otsdarva(C: 7/30, II: 8/29, I: 10/31);
Oregon Health and Science University - zippyziggy (C: 9/16, II: 9/17, I: 12/18-19);
Penn State - TheShaker (C: 8/10, II: 10/1, I: 12/9); mynameistoolong (C: 8/8, II: 10/2, I: 11/18)
Robert Wood Johnson - pittpanther (C: ~7/23, II:8/9 I:9/16); Otsdarva(C: 7/25, II: 8/9, I: 9/16)
Rochester University - regeneration (C: ~7/19, II:8/23 I:9/26); Orokami (C:~7/30, II: 8/25 I: 10/17); mTORC (C: 8/19, II: 8/29, I: ?)
Stanford - NigelVermooth (C: 8/3, II: 8/15, I:10/2-3); quebaldy (C:8/4, II: 8/15, I: 10/2-3); ytterium (C:8/16, II:9/6, I:10/2-3);
Stony Brook University - Reckoner (C: 7/31, II: 9/25, I: 10/23); plumazul (C: 7/25, II: 9/25, I: --)
SUNY Upstate - mynameistoolong (C: 9/4, II: 9/2x, I: ?);
Texas A&M HSC - NigelVermooth (C: 7/1, II: 7/29, I: 9/11-12);
Texas Tech HSC - NigelVermooth (C: 7/18, II: 8/19, I: 9/6);
Tri-Institutional(C/R/SK) - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 8/21, I: 10/31); Solarium90 (C: 7/4, II: 8/21, I: 10/31); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/9, I: 11/21)
Tufts- penguino92 (C: 08/21, II, 10/04,I:?), Member011 (C: 8/9, II: 10/4, I: 11/13), jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 10/4, I: 11/13)
University of Alabama, Birmingham - mTORC (C:8/28/13, II: 9/12/13, I: 12/4-12/6); zippyziggy (C: 8/2, II: 9/12, I: 12/3-5); pittpanther (C: 8/6, II: 9/12, I: ?); Solarium90 (C: 8/15,II: 9/18, I:12/4-6); oxfordian (C:9/15, II: 10/15, I: 12/11-13)
University of California, Irvine - TheShaker (C: 7/25, II: 9/7, I: 10/21), regeneration (C: 7/25, II: 9/07, I: 10/21), Vitor1192 (C:8/12, II: 9/22, I: 10/21)
University of California, Los Angeles - quebaldy (C: 8/11, II: 9/26, I: ??), Vitor1192 (C:8/10, II: 9/26, I: 10/24), ytterium (C: 8/24, II: 9/26, I: 11/14);
University of California, San Diego - mTORC (C: 9/2, II: 10/7, I: 1/16)
University of California, San Francisco - ytterium (C: 9/20, II: 10/8, I: ??);
University of Chicago Pritzker - plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 7/23, I: 10/8-9); NigelVermooth (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: 10/8-9); quebaldy (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: 10/8-10/9); jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 8/9, I: 10/8-10/9); leish63(C:~8/5, II: 8/9, I: ?); oxfordian (C: 9/3?, II: 9/6, I: 12/9-12/11);
University of Cincinnati - Cpi89 (C: 8/26, II: 10/2, I: 10/17-19); zippyziggy (C: 7/10, II: 10/4, I: ?)
University of Colorado - zippyziggy (C: 9/18, II: 10/3, I: 1/23-24);
University of Illinois at Chicago - jumbo91 (C: ~7/30, II: 9/18, I: 11/4); Reckoner (C: 7/30, II 9/18, I: 11/4)
University of Iowa - TheShaker (C: ~7/20, II: 10/2, I: 10/31 - 11/1); Reckoner (C: 8/8, II: 10/2, I: 10/31-11/1)
University of Kentucky- Penguino92 (C: 08/06, II: 09/30, I: 10/21)
University of Louisville - mooser0956 (C:8/21, II: 9/12, I:10/9); Penguino92 (C: 8/20, II: 09/02, I: 11/04-05)
University of Maryland - plumazul (C: 7/25, II: 9/13, I: 1/8-9); Member011 (C: 8/16, II: 9/13, I: 11/20-21)
University of Massachusetts - NigelVermooth (C: 7/22, II: 9/13, I:?);
University of Michigan mooser0956 (C:7/29, II:8/26, I:11/14-15); gogosart (C:8/4, II:8/23, I:10/24-25); Reckoner (C: 7/16, II: 9/27, I: 11/14-15)
University of Minnesota regeneration (C: 8/15 II: 9/23, I: TBD)
University of Nebraska gogosart (C:7/24, II:8/5, I:11/20)
University of Pennsylvania - NigelVermooth (C: 7/2, II: 9/4, I: 11/7-8); plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 9/4, I: 12/5-6); Regeneration (C:8/19; II: 9/8; I: 11/22); mTORC (C: 9/2, II: 9/10, I: 11/7); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/2, I: 12/5-6); ytterium (C: 8/16; II: 9/6; I: 1/9);
University of Pittsburgh - leish63 (C: ~7/25, II: 8/5, I: 8/22-8/23); pittpanther (C:7/23, II: 8/8, I:8/26-8/27); mooser0956 (C:8/15, II:8/23, I:9/26-27); mTORC (C:~8/20, II: 9/9, I: 10/10-10/11)
University of Southern California - Orokami (C:~8/1; II:9/5; I: 10/24), jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 9/5; I: 1/9-10), BigFatCat (C:8/7, II: 9/5, I: 9/26-27);
University of Texas Houston - NigelVermooth (C: 7/23, II: 9/16, I: 12/19);
University of Texas HSCSA - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 7/15, I: 8/25-27); NigelVermooth (C: 7/23, II 7/28, I: 9/9-10); TheShaker (C: 7/23, II: 8/5/13, I: 9/23-24); Orokami (C: 7/16, II: 8/5, I: 8/25-27); mTORC (C: 8/15, II: 8/16, I: 8/25-27); cpi89 (C: 8/19, II: 8/22, I: 10/7-8)
University of Texas Medical Branch- cpi89 (C: 8/19, II: 10/7, I: ?)
University of Texas Southwestern - Reckoner (C: 8/9, II: 8/23, I: 9/27); BigFatCat (C: 7/23, II: 8/23, I: 10/11); NigelVermooth (C: 8/12, II: 9/4, I: 11/2);
University of Virginia - plumazul (C: 7/22, II: 8/23, I: 9/19-20); zippyziggy (C: 7/6, II: 8/23, I: 9/19-20); mTORC (C: 9:5, II: 9:14, I: ?)
University of Wisconsin-Madison pittpanther (C:7/18, II:8/27, I:10/3-6); TheShaker (C:7/19, II: 8/27, I: 10/3-6); mTORC (C: 8/22, II: 9/25, I: ??); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/11, I: 1/9-12)
University of Washington-Seattle pittpanther (C:~8/3, II:9/9 I:1/9-11); mTORC (C: 9/6, II: 9/30, I: ??);
Washington University - premed660 (C: ~7/30 II: 8/7 I:9/26-9/28); leish63 (C: 8/2, II: 8/20, I:9/26-9/28); NigelVermooth (C: 8/2, II: 8/21, I:9/26-28); quebaldy (C: 8/6, II: 8/21, I: 10/10-12); plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 8/29, I: 10/10-12); mTORC (C: 8/16, II: 9/14, I: 10/31-11/2); BigFatCat (C: 8/9, II: 9/23, I: 11/7-9); oxfordian (C: 8/30?, II: 9/30, I: 11/14-16), cpi89 (C: 8/19, II: 10/10, I: 11/7)
Yale University - Prion13 (C: 8/13, II: 9/13, I:12/9-10); mTORC (C: 9/9, II: 9/25, I: ??); ytterium (C: 8/16, II: 9/13, I: ??); NigelVermooth (C: 8/23, II: 10/3, I: 11/4-5); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/14, I: 1/13-14)

C: Complete
II: Interview Invite date
I: Interview date
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" tags on the top and bottom
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5) Enter Submit and prepare for your interviews

Albert Einstein - BigFatCat (C: 8/5, II: 9/10, I:?); Member011 (C: 8/5, II: 9/10, I:10/18); jumbo91 (C: 8/6, II: 9/11, I: 11/22); mTORC (C: 8/23, II: 9/11, I: 10/18); Orokami (C: 8/1, II: 9/16, I: 11/22); oxfordian (C: 8/30, II: 10/2, I: 11/22)
Baylor - NigelVermooth (C: 8/2, II: 9/18, I: ?); pittpanter (C: 7/15, II: 9/18, I: 10/17-19); mTORC (C: 8/21, II: 10/8, I:?)
Boston University - pittpanther (C: 7/15, II: 9/10, I:?); NigelVermooth (C: 7/29, II: 9/10, I: 10/18); Otsdarva(C: 7/26, II: 9/13, I: 10/18); mynameistoolong (C: 7/26, II: 9/16, I: 11/1); Regeneration (C: 8/20, II:9/20, I: TBD); gogosart (C:7/20, II:10/1, I:10/18); Orokami (C:8/10; II: 10/1; I 1/10); Penguino92 (C: 8/20, II: 09/30, I: 11/08)
Case Western Reserve - plumazul (C: 7/20, II: 8/7, I: 12/12-13); Solarium90 (C: 7/9,II: 8/10, I:9/26); zippyziggy (C: 8/8, II: 8/29, I: 12/12-13); Member011 (C: 8/19, II: 9/4, I: 10/24-25);
Columbia University - plumazul (C: 7/13, II: 8/23, I: 10/23); Reckoner (C: 7/17, II: 8/23, I: 10/8); ytterium (C: 8/16, II: 9/11, I:11/22)
Dartmouth - jumbo91 (C: 7/30, II: 10/16, I: 10/30-31)
Duke University - zippyziggy (C: 7/15, II: 8/29, I: 11/7-8); plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 8/29, I: 11/7-8); quebaldy (C: 7/28, II: 9/9, I: 11/14-15); NigelVermooth (C: 7/24, II: 9/9, I: 10/24-25); ytterium (C: 8/16, II: 9/27, I: 12/5-6)
Emory - pittpanther (C:7/21, II:9/30, I:11/7-8); zippyziggy (C: 7/13, II: 10/2, I: 12/5-6); jumbo91 (C: 8/23, II: 10/8, I:12/5-6); Orokami (C 8/23, II: 10/12, I: 12/5-6)
Harvard University- NigelVermooth (C: 8/20, II: 10/8, I: ?);
Hofstra University- Yuyukachoo (C: 9/4, II: 10/16, I: 1/8)
Indiana University- mooser0956 (C:7/12, II: 8/9, I:TBD); regeneration (C:7/11, II: 8/12, I:TBD); TheShaker (C: 7/19, II: 9/5, I: 11/13); gogosart (C:7/24, II:8/21, I:TBD), cpi89 (C: 8/19, II: 10/7, I: ?)
Jefferson - mynameistoolong (C: 8/28, II: 9/9, I: 11/19-20); cpi89 (C: 9/17, II: 9/20, I: 11/19-20) Penguino92 (C: 08/09, II: 09/05, I: 11/13)
Johns Hopkins - plumazul (C: 7/23, II: 8/29, I: 9/25-26);
Medical University of South Carolina - Reckoner (C: 8/8, II: 8/23, I: 10/11); Member011 (C: 8/19, II: 9/7, I: 10/11); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 9/27, I: 10/18)
Miller School of Medicine, Miami - Orokami (C: 8/1, II: 10/3, I: 11/1)
Mount Sinai - zippyziggy (C: 7/17, II: 9/6, I: 11/4-5); Member011 (C: 8/12, II: 9/6, I: 10/28-29); plumazul (C: 7/23, II: 9/12, I: 10/28-29); mynameistoolong (C: 7/25, II: 9/16, I: 11/4-5); Solarium90 (C: 8/3,II: 9/12, I:10/28-29);
New Jersey Medical School - Otsdarva (C: 7/20, II: 9/24, I: 10/15)
Northwestern - BigFatCat (C: 8/26, II: 9/9, I: ?); Solarium90 (C: 8/28,II: 9/10, I:11/6-7);
NYU - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); Reckoner (C: 7/17, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); BigFatCat (C: 8/1, II: 8/28, I: 10/18); oxfordian (C: 9/9, II: 9/16, I: 11/8)
Ohio State University - Solarium90(C: 7/9, II:8/14, I: 10/10); zippyziggy (C: 7/27, II: 8/20, I: 10/10-12); Otsdarva(C: 7/30, II: 8/29, I: 10/31);
Oregon Health and Science University - zippyziggy (C: 9/16, II: 9/17, I: 12/18-19);
Penn State - TheShaker (C: 8/10, II: 10/1, I: 12/9); mynameistoolong (C: 8/8, II: 10/2, I: 11/18)
Robert Wood Johnson - pittpanther (C: ~7/23, II:8/9 I:9/16); Otsdarva(C: 7/25, II: 8/9, I: 9/16)
Rochester University - regeneration (C: ~7/19, II:8/23 I:9/26); Orokami (C:~7/30, II: 8/25 I: 10/17); mTORC (C: 8/19, II: 8/29, I: ?)
Stanford - NigelVermooth (C: 8/3, II: 8/15, I:10/2-3); quebaldy (C:8/4, II: 8/15, I: 10/2-3); ytterium (C:8/16, II:9/6, I:10/2-3);
Stony Brook University - Reckoner (C: 7/31, II: 9/25, I: 10/23); plumazul (C: 7/25, II: 9/25, I: --)
SUNY Upstate - mynameistoolong (C: 9/4, II: 9/2x, I: ?);
Texas A&M HSC - NigelVermooth (C: 7/1, II: 7/29, I: 9/11-12);
Texas Tech HSC - NigelVermooth (C: 7/18, II: 8/19, I: 9/6);
Tri-Institutional(C/R/SK) - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 8/21, I: 10/31); Solarium90 (C: 7/4, II: 8/21, I: 10/31); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/9, I: 11/21)
Tufts- penguino92 (C: 08/21, II, 10/04,I:?), Member011 (C: 8/9, II: 10/4, I: 11/13), jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 10/4, I: 11/13)
University of Alabama, Birmingham - mTORC (C:8/28/13, II: 9/12/13, I: 12/4-12/6); zippyziggy (C: 8/2, II: 9/12, I: 12/3-5); pittpanther (C: 8/6, II: 9/12, I: ?); Solarium90 (C: 8/15,II: 9/18, I:12/4-6); oxfordian (C:9/15, II: 10/15, I: 12/11-13)
University of California, Irvine - TheShaker (C: 7/25, II: 9/7, I: 10/21), regeneration (C: 7/25, II: 9/07, I: 10/21), Vitor1192 (C:8/12, II: 9/22, I: 10/21)
University of California, Los Angeles - quebaldy (C: 8/11, II: 9/26, I: ??), Vitor1192 (C:8/10, II: 9/26, I: 10/24), ytterium (C: 8/24, II: 9/26, I: 11/14);
University of California, San Diego - mTORC (C: 9/2, II: 10/7, I: 1/16), Vitor1192 (C: 8/15, II: 10/16, I: 1/16-1/17)
University of California, San Francisco - ytterium (C: 9/20, II: 10/8, I: ??);
University of Chicago Pritzker - plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 7/23, I: 10/8-9); NigelVermooth (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: 10/8-9); quebaldy (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: 10/8-10/9); jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 8/9, I: 10/8-10/9); leish63(C:~8/5, II: 8/9, I: ?); oxfordian (C: 9/3?, II: 9/6, I: 12/9-12/11);
University of Cincinnati - Cpi89 (C: 8/26, II: 10/2, I: 10/17-19); zippyziggy (C: 7/10, II: 10/4, I: ?)
University of Colorado - zippyziggy (C: 9/18, II: 10/3, I: 1/23-24);
University of Illinois at Chicago - jumbo91 (C: ~7/30, II: 9/18, I: 11/4); Reckoner (C: 7/30, II 9/18, I: 11/4)
University of Iowa - TheShaker (C: ~7/20, II: 10/2, I: 10/31 - 11/1); Reckoner (C: 8/8, II: 10/2, I: 10/31-11/1)
University of Kentucky- Penguino92 (C: 08/06, II: 09/30, I: 10/21)
University of Louisville - mooser0956 (C:8/21, II: 9/12, I:10/9); Penguino92 (C: 8/20, II: 09/02, I: 11/04-05)
University of Maryland - plumazul (C: 7/25, II: 9/13, I: 1/8-9); Member011 (C: 8/16, II: 9/13, I: 11/20-21)
University of Massachusetts - NigelVermooth (C: 7/22, II: 9/13, I:?);
University of Michigan mooser0956 (C:7/29, II:8/26, I:11/14-15); gogosart (C:8/4, II:8/23, I:10/24-25); Reckoner (C: 7/16, II: 9/27, I: 11/14-15)
University of Minnesota regeneration (C: 8/15 II: 9/23, I: TBD)
University of Nebraska gogosart (C:7/24, II:8/5, I:11/20)
University of Pennsylvania - NigelVermooth (C: 7/2, II: 9/4, I: 11/7-8); plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 9/4, I: 12/5-6); Regeneration (C:8/19; II: 9/8; I: 11/22); mTORC (C: 9/2, II: 9/10, I: 11/7); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/2, I: 12/5-6); ytterium (C: 8/16; II: 9/6; I: 1/9);
University of Pittsburgh - leish63 (C: ~7/25, II: 8/5, I: 8/22-8/23); pittpanther (C:7/23, II: 8/8, I:8/26-8/27); mooser0956 (C:8/15, II:8/23, I:9/26-27); mTORC (C:~8/20, II: 9/9, I: 10/10-10/11)
University of Southern California - Orokami (C:~8/1; II:9/5; I: 10/24), jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 9/5; I: 1/9-10), BigFatCat (C:8/7, II: 9/5, I: 9/26-27);
University of Texas Houston - NigelVermooth (C: 7/23, II: 9/16, I: 12/19);
University of Texas HSCSA - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 7/15, I: 8/25-27); NigelVermooth (C: 7/23, II 7/28, I: 9/9-10); TheShaker (C: 7/23, II: 8/5/13, I: 9/23-24); Orokami (C: 7/16, II: 8/5, I: 8/25-27); mTORC (C: 8/15, II: 8/16, I: 8/25-27); cpi89 (C: 8/19, II: 8/22, I: 10/7-8)
University of Texas Medical Branch- cpi89 (C: 8/19, II: 10/7, I: ?)
University of Texas Southwestern - Reckoner (C: 8/9, II: 8/23, I: 9/27); BigFatCat (C: 7/23, II: 8/23, I: 10/11); NigelVermooth (C: 8/12, II: 9/4, I: 11/2);
University of Virginia - plumazul (C: 7/22, II: 8/23, I: 9/19-20); zippyziggy (C: 7/6, II: 8/23, I: 9/19-20); mTORC (C: 9:5, II: 9:14, I: ?)
University of Wisconsin-Madison pittpanther (C:7/18, II:8/27, I:10/3-6); TheShaker (C:7/19, II: 8/27, I: 10/3-6); mTORC (C: 8/22, II: 9/25, I: ??); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/11, I: 1/9-12)
University of Washington-Seattle pittpanther (C:~8/3, II:9/9 I:1/9-11); mTORC (C: 9/6, II: 9/30, I: ??);
Washington University - premed660 (C: ~7/30 II: 8/7 I:9/26-9/28); leish63 (C: 8/2, II: 8/20, I:9/26-9/28); NigelVermooth (C: 8/2, II: 8/21, I:9/26-28); quebaldy (C: 8/6, II: 8/21, I: 10/10-12); plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 8/29, I: 10/10-12); mTORC (C: 8/16, II: 9/14, I: 10/31-11/2); BigFatCat (C: 8/9, II: 9/23, I: 11/7-9); oxfordian (C: 8/30?, II: 9/30, I: 11/14-16), cpi89 (C: 8/19, II: 10/10, I: 11/7)
Yale University - Prion13 (C: 8/13, II: 9/13, I:12/9-10); mTORC (C: 9/9, II: 9/25, I: ??); ytterium (C: 8/16, II: 9/13, I: ??); NigelVermooth (C: 8/23, II: 10/3, I: 11/4-5); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/14, I: 1/13-14)

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II: Interview Invite date
I: Interview date
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3) add your user name, ( complete date, interview invite date, interview date, any other pertinent info, and if needed, add the school name to the list
4) Enter the name(s) of the school(s) where you are adding data into the "Title" box (at the top) so that your changes can be easily located.
5) Enter Submit and prepare for your interviews

Albert Einstein - BigFatCat (C: 8/5, II: 9/10, I:?); Member011 (C: 8/5, II: 9/10, I:10/18); jumbo91 (C: 8/6, II: 9/11, I: 11/22); mTORC (C: 8/23, II: 9/11, I: 10/18); Orokami (C: 8/1, II: 9/16, I: 11/22); oxfordian (C: 8/30, II: 10/2, I: 11/22)
Baylor - NigelVermooth (C: 8/2, II: 9/18, I: ?); pittpanter (C: 7/15, II: 9/18, I: 10/17-19); mTORC (C: 8/21, II: 10/8, I:?)
Boston University - pittpanther (C: 7/15, II: 9/10, I:?); NigelVermooth (C: 7/29, II: 9/10, I: 10/18); Otsdarva(C: 7/26, II: 9/13, I: 10/18); mynameistoolong (C: 7/26, II: 9/16, I: 11/1); Regeneration (C: 8/20, II:9/20, I: TBD); gogosart (C:7/20, II:10/1, I:10/18); Orokami (C:8/10; II: 10/1; I 1/10); Penguino92 (C: 8/20, II: 09/30, I: 11/08)
Case Western Reserve - plumazul (C: 7/20, II: 8/7, I: 12/12-13); Solarium90 (C: 7/9,II: 8/10, I:9/26); zippyziggy (C: 8/8, II: 8/29, I: 12/12-13); Member011 (C: 8/19, II: 9/4, I: 10/24-25);
Columbia University - plumazul (C: 7/13, II: 8/23, I: 10/23); Reckoner (C: 7/17, II: 8/23, I: 10/8); ytterium (C: 8/16, II: 9/11, I:11/22)
Dartmouth - jumbo91 (C: 7/30, II: 10/16, I: 10/30-31)
Duke University - zippyziggy (C: 7/15, II: 8/29, I: 11/7-8); plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 8/29, I: 11/7-8); quebaldy (C: 7/28, II: 9/9, I: 11/14-15); NigelVermooth (C: 7/24, II: 9/9, I: 10/24-25); ytterium (C: 8/16, II: 9/27, I: 12/5-6)
Emory - pittpanther (C:7/21, II:9/30, I:11/7-8); zippyziggy (C: 7/13, II: 10/2, I: 12/5-6); jumbo91 (C: 8/23, II: 10/8, I:12/5-6); Orokami (C 8/23, II: 10/12, I: 12/5-6)
Harvard University- NigelVermooth (C: 8/20, II: 10/8, I: ?);
Hofstra University- Yuyukachoo (C: 9/4, II: 10/16, I: 1/8)
Indiana University- mooser0956 (C:7/12, II: 8/9, I:TBD); regeneration (C:7/11, II: 8/12, I:TBD); TheShaker (C: 7/19, II: 9/5, I: 11/13); gogosart (C:7/24, II:8/21, I:TBD), cpi89 (C: 8/19, II: 10/7, I: ?)
Jefferson - mynameistoolong (C: 8/28, II: 9/9, I: 11/19-20); cpi89 (C: 9/17, II: 9/20, I: 11/19-20) Penguino92 (C: 08/09, II: 09/05, I: 11/13)
Johns Hopkins - plumazul (C: 7/23, II: 8/29, I: 9/25-26);
Medical University of South Carolina - Reckoner (C: 8/8, II: 8/23, I: 10/11); Member011 (C: 8/19, II: 9/7, I: 10/11); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 9/27, I: 10/18)
Miller School of Medicine, Miami - Orokami (C: 8/1, II: 10/3, I: 11/1), Vitor1192 (C: 8/8, II: 10/2, I: 11/1)
Mount Sinai - zippyziggy (C: 7/17, II: 9/6, I: 11/4-5); Member011 (C: 8/12, II: 9/6, I: 10/28-29); plumazul (C: 7/23, II: 9/12, I: 10/28-29); mynameistoolong (C: 7/25, II: 9/16, I: 11/4-5); Solarium90 (C: 8/3,II: 9/12, I:10/28-29);
New Jersey Medical School - Otsdarva (C: 7/20, II: 9/24, I: 10/15)
Northwestern - BigFatCat (C: 8/26, II: 9/9, I: ?); Solarium90 (C: 8/28,II: 9/10, I:11/6-7);
NYU - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); Reckoner (C: 7/17, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); BigFatCat (C: 8/1, II: 8/28, I: 10/18); oxfordian (C: 9/9, II: 9/16, I: 11/8)
Ohio State University - Solarium90(C: 7/9, II:8/14, I: 10/10); zippyziggy (C: 7/27, II: 8/20, I: 10/10-12); Otsdarva(C: 7/30, II: 8/29, I: 10/31);
Oregon Health and Science University - zippyziggy (C: 9/16, II: 9/17, I: 12/18-19);
Penn State - TheShaker (C: 8/10, II: 10/1, I: 12/9); mynameistoolong (C: 8/8, II: 10/2, I: 11/18)
Robert Wood Johnson - pittpanther (C: ~7/23, II:8/9 I:9/16); Otsdarva(C: 7/25, II: 8/9, I: 9/16)
Rochester University - regeneration (C: ~7/19, II:8/23 I:9/26); Orokami (C:~7/30, II: 8/25 I: 10/17); mTORC (C: 8/19, II: 8/29, I: ?)
Stanford - NigelVermooth (C: 8/3, II: 8/15, I:10/2-3); quebaldy (C:8/4, II: 8/15, I: 10/2-3); ytterium (C:8/16, II:9/6, I:10/2-3);
Stony Brook University - Reckoner (C: 7/31, II: 9/25, I: 10/23); plumazul (C: 7/25, II: 9/25, I: --)
SUNY Upstate - mynameistoolong (C: 9/4, II: 9/2x, I: ?);
Texas A&M HSC - NigelVermooth (C: 7/1, II: 7/29, I: 9/11-12);
Texas Tech HSC - NigelVermooth (C: 7/18, II: 8/19, I: 9/6);
Tri-Institutional(C/R/SK) - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 8/21, I: 10/31); Solarium90 (C: 7/4, II: 8/21, I: 10/31); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/9, I: 11/21)
Tufts- penguino92 (C: 08/21, II, 10/04,I:?), Member011 (C: 8/9, II: 10/4, I: 11/13), jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 10/4, I: 11/13)
University of Alabama, Birmingham - mTORC (C:8/28/13, II: 9/12/13, I: 12/4-12/6); zippyziggy (C: 8/2, II: 9/12, I: 12/3-5); pittpanther (C: 8/6, II: 9/12, I: ?); Solarium90 (C: 8/15,II: 9/18, I:12/4-6); oxfordian (C:9/15, II: 10/15, I: 12/11-13)
University of California, Irvine - TheShaker (C: 7/25, II: 9/7, I: 10/21), regeneration (C: 7/25, II: 9/07, I: 10/21), Vitor1192 (C:8/12, II: 9/22, I: 10/21)
University of California, Los Angeles - quebaldy (C: 8/11, II: 9/26, I: ??), Vitor1192 (C:8/10, II: 9/26, I: 10/24), ytterium (C: 8/24, II: 9/26, I: 11/14);
University of California, San Diego - mTORC (C: 9/2, II: 10/7, I: 1/16), Vitor1192 (C: 8/15, II: 10/16, I: 1/16-1/17)
University of California, San Francisco - ytterium (C: 9/20, II: 10/8, I: ??);
University of Chicago Pritzker - plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 7/23, I: 10/8-9); NigelVermooth (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: 10/8-9); quebaldy (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: 10/8-10/9); jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 8/9, I: 10/8-10/9); leish63(C:~8/5, II: 8/9, I: ?); oxfordian (C: 9/3?, II: 9/6, I: 12/9-12/11);
University of Cincinnati - Cpi89 (C: 8/26, II: 10/2, I: 10/17-19); zippyziggy (C: 7/10, II: 10/4, I: ?)
University of Colorado - zippyziggy (C: 9/18, II: 10/3, I: 1/23-24);
University of Illinois at Chicago - jumbo91 (C: ~7/30, II: 9/18, I: 11/4); Reckoner (C: 7/30, II 9/18, I: 11/4)
University of Iowa - TheShaker (C: ~7/20, II: 10/2, I: 10/31 - 11/1); Reckoner (C: 8/8, II: 10/2, I: 10/31-11/1)
University of Kentucky- Penguino92 (C: 08/06, II: 09/30, I: 10/21)
University of Louisville - mooser0956 (C:8/21, II: 9/12, I:10/9); Penguino92 (C: 8/20, II: 09/02, I: 11/04-05)
University of Maryland - plumazul (C: 7/25, II: 9/13, I: 1/8-9); Member011 (C: 8/16, II: 9/13, I: 11/20-21)
University of Massachusetts - NigelVermooth (C: 7/22, II: 9/13, I:?);
University of Michigan mooser0956 (C:7/29, II:8/26, I:11/14-15); gogosart (C:8/4, II:8/23, I:10/24-25); Reckoner (C: 7/16, II: 9/27, I: 11/14-15)
University of Minnesota regeneration (C: 8/15 II: 9/23, I: TBD)
University of Nebraska gogosart (C:7/24, II:8/5, I:11/20)
University of Pennsylvania - NigelVermooth (C: 7/2, II: 9/4, I: 11/7-8); plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 9/4, I: 12/5-6); Regeneration (C:8/19; II: 9/8; I: 11/22); mTORC (C: 9/2, II: 9/10, I: 11/7); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/2, I: 12/5-6); ytterium (C: 8/16; II: 9/6; I: 1/9);
University of Pittsburgh - leish63 (C: ~7/25, II: 8/5, I: 8/22-8/23); pittpanther (C:7/23, II: 8/8, I:8/26-8/27); mooser0956 (C:8/15, II:8/23, I:9/26-27); mTORC (C:~8/20, II: 9/9, I: 10/10-10/11)
University of Southern California - Orokami (C:~8/1; II:9/5; I: 10/24), jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 9/5; I: 1/9-10), BigFatCat (C:8/7, II: 9/5, I: 9/26-27);
University of Texas Houston - NigelVermooth (C: 7/23, II: 9/16, I: 12/19);
University of Texas HSCSA - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 7/15, I: 8/25-27); NigelVermooth (C: 7/23, II 7/28, I: 9/9-10); TheShaker (C: 7/23, II: 8/5/13, I: 9/23-24); Orokami (C: 7/16, II: 8/5, I: 8/25-27); mTORC (C: 8/15, II: 8/16, I: 8/25-27); cpi89 (C: 8/19, II: 8/22, I: 10/7-8)
University of Texas Medical Branch- cpi89 (C: 8/19, II: 10/7, I: ?)
University of Texas Southwestern - Reckoner (C: 8/9, II: 8/23, I: 9/27); BigFatCat (C: 7/23, II: 8/23, I: 10/11); NigelVermooth (C: 8/12, II: 9/4, I: 11/2);
University of Virginia - plumazul (C: 7/22, II: 8/23, I: 9/19-20); zippyziggy (C: 7/6, II: 8/23, I: 9/19-20); mTORC (C: 9:5, II: 9:14, I: ?)
University of Wisconsin-Madison pittpanther (C:7/18, II:8/27, I:10/3-6); TheShaker (C:7/19, II: 8/27, I: 10/3-6); mTORC (C: 8/22, II: 9/25, I: ??); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/11, I: 1/9-12)
University of Washington-Seattle pittpanther (C:~8/3, II:9/9 I:1/9-11); mTORC (C: 9/6, II: 9/30, I: ??);
Washington University - premed660 (C: ~7/30 II: 8/7 I:9/26-9/28); leish63 (C: 8/2, II: 8/20, I:9/26-9/28); NigelVermooth (C: 8/2, II: 8/21, I:9/26-28); quebaldy (C: 8/6, II: 8/21, I: 10/10-12); plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 8/29, I: 10/10-12); mTORC (C: 8/16, II: 9/14, I: 10/31-11/2); BigFatCat (C: 8/9, II: 9/23, I: 11/7-9); oxfordian (C: 8/30?, II: 9/30, I: 11/14-16), cpi89 (C: 8/19, II: 10/10, I: 11/7)
Yale University - Prion13 (C: 8/13, II: 9/13, I:12/9-10); mTORC (C: 9/9, II: 9/25, I: ??); ytterium (C: 8/16, II: 9/13, I: ??); NigelVermooth (C: 8/23, II: 10/3, I: 11/4-5); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/14, I: 1/13-14)

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Albert Einstein - BigFatCat (C: 8/5, II: 9/10, I:?); Member011 (C: 8/5, II: 9/10, I:10/18); jumbo91 (C: 8/6, II: 9/11, I: 11/22); mTORC (C: 8/23, II: 9/11, I: 10/18); Orokami (C: 8/1, II: 9/16, I: 11/22); oxfordian (C: 8/30, II: 10/2, I: 11/22)
Baylor - NigelVermooth (C: 8/2, II: 9/18, I: ?); pittpanter (C: 7/15, II: 9/18, I: 10/17-19); mTORC (C: 8/21, II: 10/8, I:?)
Boston University - pittpanther (C: 7/15, II: 9/10, I:?); NigelVermooth (C: 7/29, II: 9/10, I: 10/18); Otsdarva(C: 7/26, II: 9/13, I: 10/18); mynameistoolong (C: 7/26, II: 9/16, I: 11/1); Regeneration (C: 8/20, II:9/20, I: TBD); gogosart (C:7/20, II:10/1, I:10/18); Orokami (C:8/10; II: 10/1; I 1/10); Penguino92 (C: 8/20, II: 09/30, I: 11/08)
Case Western Reserve - plumazul (C: 7/20, II: 8/7, I: 12/12-13); Solarium90 (C: 7/9,II: 8/10, I:9/26); zippyziggy (C: 8/8, II: 8/29, I: 12/12-13); Member011 (C: 8/19, II: 9/4, I: 10/24-25);
Columbia University - plumazul (C: 7/13, II: 8/23, I: 10/23); Reckoner (C: 7/17, II: 8/23, I: 10/8); ytterium (C: 8/16, II: 9/11, I:11/22)
Dartmouth - jumbo91 (C: 7/30, II: 10/16, I: 10/30-31)
Duke University - zippyziggy (C: 7/15, II: 8/29, I: 11/7-8); plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 8/29, I: 11/7-8); quebaldy (C: 7/28, II: 9/9, I: 11/14-15); NigelVermooth (C: 7/24, II: 9/9, I: 10/24-25); ytterium (C: 8/16, II: 9/27, I: 12/5-6)
Emory - pittpanther (C:7/21, II:9/30, I:11/7-8); zippyziggy (C: 7/13, II: 10/2, I: 12/5-6); jumbo91 (C: 8/23, II: 10/8, I:12/5-6); Orokami (C 8/23, II: 10/12, I: 12/5-6)
Harvard University- NigelVermooth (C: 8/20, II: 10/8, I: ?);
Hofstra University- Yuyukachoo (C: 9/4, II: 10/16, I: 1/8)
Indiana University- mooser0956 (C:7/12, II: 8/9, I:TBD); regeneration (C:7/11, II: 8/12, I:TBD); TheShaker (C: 7/19, II: 9/5, I: 11/13); gogosart (C:7/24, II:8/21, I:TBD), cpi89 (C: 8/19, II: 10/7, I: ?)
Jefferson - mynameistoolong (C: 8/28, II: 9/9, I: 11/19-20); cpi89 (C: 9/17, II: 9/20, I: 11/19-20) Penguino92 (C: 08/09, II: 09/05, I: 11/13)
Johns Hopkins - plumazul (C: 7/23, II: 8/29, I: 9/25-26);
Medical University of South Carolina - Reckoner (C: 8/8, II: 8/23, I: 10/11); Member011 (C: 8/19, II: 9/7, I: 10/11); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 9/27, I: 10/18)
Miller School of Medicine, Miami - Orokami (C: 8/1, II: 10/3, I: 11/1), Vitor1192 (C: 8/8, II: 10/2, I: 11/1)
Mount Sinai - zippyziggy (C: 7/17, II: 9/6, I: 11/4-5); Member011 (C: 8/12, II: 9/6, I: 10/28-29); plumazul (C: 7/23, II: 9/12, I: 10/28-29); mynameistoolong (C: 7/25, II: 9/16, I: 11/4-5); Solarium90 (C: 8/3,II: 9/12, I:10/28-29);
New Jersey Medical School - Otsdarva (C: 7/20, II: 9/24, I: 10/15)
Northwestern - BigFatCat (C: 8/26, II: 9/9, I: ?); Solarium90 (C: 8/28,II: 9/10, I:11/6-7);
NYU - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); Reckoner (C: 7/17, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); BigFatCat (C: 8/1, II: 8/28, I: 10/18); oxfordian (C: 9/9, II: 9/16, I: 11/8)
Ohio State University - Solarium90(C: 7/9, II:8/14, I: 10/10); zippyziggy (C: 7/27, II: 8/20, I: 10/10-12); Otsdarva(C: 7/30, II: 8/29, I: 10/31);
Oregon Health and Science University - zippyziggy (C: 9/16, II: 9/17, I: 12/18-19);
Penn State - TheShaker (C: 8/10, II: 10/1, I: 12/9); mynameistoolong (C: 8/8, II: 10/2, I: 11/18)
Robert Wood Johnson - pittpanther (C: ~7/23, II:8/9 I:9/16); Otsdarva(C: 7/25, II: 8/9, I: 9/16)
Rochester University - regeneration (C: ~7/19, II:8/23 I:9/26); Orokami (C:~7/30, II: 8/25 I: 10/17); mTORC (C: 8/19, II: 8/29, I: ?)
Stanford - NigelVermooth (C: 8/3, II: 8/15, I:10/2-3); quebaldy (C:8/4, II: 8/15, I: 10/2-3); ytterium (C:8/16, II:9/6, I:10/2-3);
Stony Brook University - Reckoner (C: 7/31, II: 9/25, I: 10/23); plumazul (C: 7/25, II: 9/25, I: --)
SUNY Upstate - mynameistoolong (C: 9/4, II: 9/2x, I: ?);
Texas A&M HSC - NigelVermooth (C: 7/1, II: 7/29, I: 9/11-12);
Texas Tech HSC - NigelVermooth (C: 7/18, II: 8/19, I: 9/6);
Tri-Institutional(C/R/SK) - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 8/21, I: 10/31); Solarium90 (C: 7/4, II: 8/21, I: 10/31); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/9, I: 11/21)
Tufts- penguino92 (C: 08/21, II, 10/04,I:?), Member011 (C: 8/9, II: 10/4, I: 11/13), jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 10/4, I: 11/13)
University of Alabama, Birmingham - mTORC (C:8/28/13, II: 9/12/13, I: 12/4-12/6); zippyziggy (C: 8/2, II: 9/12, I: 12/3-5); pittpanther (C: 8/6, II: 9/12, I: ?); Solarium90 (C: 8/15,II: 9/18, I:12/4-6); oxfordian (C:9/15, II: 10/15, I: 12/11-13)
University of California, Irvine - TheShaker (C: 7/25, II: 9/7, I: 10/21), regeneration (C: 7/25, II: 9/07, I: 10/21), Vitor1192 (C:8/12, II: 9/22, I: 10/21)
University of California, Los Angeles - quebaldy (C: 8/11, II: 9/26, I: ??), Vitor1192 (C:8/10, II: 9/26, I: 10/24), ytterium (C: 8/24, II: 9/26, I: 11/14);
University of California, San Diego - mTORC (C: 9/2, II: 10/7, I: 1/16), Vitor1192 (C: 8/15, II: 10/16, I: 1/16-1/17), Orokami (C: 8/02, II: 10/18, I: 1/16-17)
University of California, San Francisco - ytterium (C: 9/20, II: 10/8, I: ??);
University of Chicago Pritzker - plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 7/23, I: 10/8-9); NigelVermooth (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: 10/8-9); quebaldy (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: 10/8-10/9); jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 8/9, I: 10/8-10/9); leish63(C:~8/5, II: 8/9, I: ?); oxfordian (C: 9/3?, II: 9/6, I: 12/9-12/11);
University of Cincinnati - Cpi89 (C: 8/26, II: 10/2, I: 10/17-19); zippyziggy (C: 7/10, II: 10/4, I: ?)
University of Colorado - zippyziggy (C: 9/18, II: 10/3, I: 1/23-24);
University of Illinois at Chicago - jumbo91 (C: ~7/30, II: 9/18, I: 11/4); Reckoner (C: 7/30, II 9/18, I: 11/4)
University of Iowa - TheShaker (C: ~7/20, II: 10/2, I: 10/31 - 11/1); Reckoner (C: 8/8, II: 10/2, I: 10/31-11/1)
University of Kentucky- Penguino92 (C: 08/06, II: 09/30, I: 10/21)
University of Louisville - mooser0956 (C:8/21, II: 9/12, I:10/9); Penguino92 (C: 8/20, II: 09/02, I: 11/04-05)
University of Maryland - plumazul (C: 7/25, II: 9/13, I: 1/8-9); Member011 (C: 8/16, II: 9/13, I: 11/20-21)
University of Massachusetts - NigelVermooth (C: 7/22, II: 9/13, I:?);
University of Michigan mooser0956 (C:7/29, II:8/26, I:11/14-15); gogosart (C:8/4, II:8/23, I:10/24-25); Reckoner (C: 7/16, II: 9/27, I: 11/14-15)
University of Minnesota regeneration (C: 8/15 II: 9/23, I: TBD)
University of Nebraska gogosart (C:7/24, II:8/5, I:11/20)
University of Pennsylvania - NigelVermooth (C: 7/2, II: 9/4, I: 11/7-8); plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 9/4, I: 12/5-6); Regeneration (C:8/19; II: 9/8; I: 11/22); mTORC (C: 9/2, II: 9/10, I: 11/7); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/2, I: 12/5-6); ytterium (C: 8/16; II: 9/6; I: 1/9);
University of Pittsburgh - leish63 (C: ~7/25, II: 8/5, I: 8/22-8/23); pittpanther (C:7/23, II: 8/8, I:8/26-8/27); mooser0956 (C:8/15, II:8/23, I:9/26-27); mTORC (C:~8/20, II: 9/9, I: 10/10-10/11)
University of Southern California - Orokami (C:~8/1; II:9/5; I: 10/24), jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 9/5; I: 1/9-10), BigFatCat (C:8/7, II: 9/5, I: 9/26-27);
University of Texas Houston - NigelVermooth (C: 7/23, II: 9/16, I: 12/19);
University of Texas HSCSA - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 7/15, I: 8/25-27); NigelVermooth (C: 7/23, II 7/28, I: 9/9-10); TheShaker (C: 7/23, II: 8/5/13, I: 9/23-24); Orokami (C: 7/16, II: 8/5, I: 8/25-27); mTORC (C: 8/15, II: 8/16, I: 8/25-27); cpi89 (C: 8/19, II: 8/22, I: 10/7-8)
University of Texas Medical Branch- cpi89 (C: 8/19, II: 10/7, I: ?)
University of Texas Southwestern - Reckoner (C: 8/9, II: 8/23, I: 9/27); BigFatCat (C: 7/23, II: 8/23, I: 10/11); NigelVermooth (C: 8/12, II: 9/4, I: 11/2);
University of Virginia - plumazul (C: 7/22, II: 8/23, I: 9/19-20); zippyziggy (C: 7/6, II: 8/23, I: 9/19-20); mTORC (C: 9:5, II: 9:14, I: ?)
University of Wisconsin-Madison pittpanther (C:7/18, II:8/27, I:10/3-6); TheShaker (C:7/19, II: 8/27, I: 10/3-6); mTORC (C: 8/22, II: 9/25, I: ??); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/11, I: 1/9-12)
University of Washington-Seattle pittpanther (C:~8/3, II:9/9 I:1/9-11); mTORC (C: 9/6, II: 9/30, I: ??);
Wake Forest University - Orokami (C: 8/10, II: 10/18, I: Cancelled)
Washington University - premed660 (C: ~7/30 II: 8/7 I:9/26-9/28); leish63 (C: 8/2, II: 8/20, I:9/26-9/28); NigelVermooth (C: 8/2, II: 8/21, I:9/26-28); quebaldy (C: 8/6, II: 8/21, I: 10/10-12); plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 8/29, I: 10/10-12); mTORC (C: 8/16, II: 9/14, I: 10/31-11/2); BigFatCat (C: 8/9, II: 9/23, I: 11/7-9); oxfordian (C: 8/30?, II: 9/30, I: 11/14-16), cpi89 (C: 8/19, II: 10/10, I: 11/7)
Yale University - Prion13 (C: 8/13, II: 9/13, I:12/9-10); mTORC (C: 9/9, II: 9/25, I: ??); ytterium (C: 8/16, II: 9/13, I: ??); NigelVermooth (C: 8/23, II: 10/3, I: 11/4-5); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/14, I: 1/13-14)

C: Complete
II: Interview Invite date
I: Interview date
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" tags on the top and bottom
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Albert Einstein - BigFatCat (C: 8/5, II: 9/10, I:?); Member011 (C: 8/5, II: 9/10, I:10/18); jumbo91 (C: 8/6, II: 9/11, I: 11/22); mTORC (C: 8/23, II: 9/11, I: 10/18); Orokami (C: 8/1, II: 9/16, I: 11/22); oxfordian (C: 8/30, II: 10/2, I: 11/22)
Baylor - NigelVermooth (C: 8/2, II: 9/18, I: ?); pittpanter (C: 7/15, II: 9/18, I: 10/17-19); mTORC (C: 8/21, II: 10/8, I:?)
Boston University - pittpanther (C: 7/15, II: 9/10, I:?); NigelVermooth (C: 7/29, II: 9/10, I: 10/18); Otsdarva(C: 7/26, II: 9/13, I: 10/18); mynameistoolong (C: 7/26, II: 9/16, I: 11/1); Regeneration (C: 8/20, II:9/20, I: TBD); gogosart (C:7/20, II:10/1, I:10/18); Orokami (C:8/10; II: 10/1; I 1/10); Penguino92 (C: 8/20, II: 09/30, I: 11/08)
Case Western Reserve - plumazul (C: 7/20, II: 8/7, I: 12/12-13); Solarium90 (C: 7/9,II: 8/10, I:9/26); zippyziggy (C: 8/8, II: 8/29, I: 12/12-13); Member011 (C: 8/19, II: 9/4, I: 10/24-25);
Columbia University - plumazul (C: 7/13, II: 8/23, I: 10/23); Reckoner (C: 7/17, II: 8/23, I: 10/8); ytterium (C: 8/16, II: 9/11, I:11/22)
Dartmouth - jumbo91 (C: 7/30, II: 10/16, I: 10/30-31)
Duke University - zippyziggy (C: 7/15, II: 8/29, I: 11/7-8); plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 8/29, I: 11/7-8); quebaldy (C: 7/28, II: 9/9, I: 11/14-15); NigelVermooth (C: 7/24, II: 9/9, I: 10/24-25); ytterium (C: 8/16, II: 9/27, I: 12/5-6)
Emory - pittpanther (C:7/21, II:9/30, I:11/7-8); zippyziggy (C: 7/13, II: 10/2, I: 12/5-6); jumbo91 (C: 8/23, II: 10/8, I:12/5-6); Orokami (C 8/23, II: 10/12, I: 12/5-6)
Harvard University- NigelVermooth (C: 8/20, II: 10/8, I: ?);
Hofstra University- Yuyukachoo (C: 9/4, II: 10/16, I: 1/8)
Indiana University- mooser0956 (C:7/12, II: 8/9, I:TBD); regeneration (C:7/11, II: 8/12, I:TBD); TheShaker (C: 7/19, II: 9/5, I: 11/13); gogosart (C:7/24, II:8/21, I:TBD), cpi89 (C: 8/19, II: 10/7, I: ?)
Jefferson - mynameistoolong (C: 8/28, II: 9/9, I: 11/19-20); cpi89 (C: 9/17, II: 9/20, I: 11/19-20) Penguino92 (C: 08/09, II: 09/05, I: 11/13)
Johns Hopkins - plumazul (C: 7/23, II: 8/29, I: 9/25-26);
Medical University of South Carolina - Reckoner (C: 8/8, II: 8/23, I: 10/11); Member011 (C: 8/19, II: 9/7, I: 10/11); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 9/27, I: 10/18)
Miller School of Medicine, Miami - Orokami (C: 8/1, II: 10/3, I: 11/1), Vitor1192 (C: 8/8, II: 10/2, I: 11/1)
Mount Sinai - zippyziggy (C: 7/17, II: 9/6, I: 11/4-5); Member011 (C: 8/12, II: 9/6, I: 10/28-29); plumazul (C: 7/23, II: 9/12, I: 10/28-29); mynameistoolong (C: 7/25, II: 9/16, I: 11/4-5); Solarium90 (C: 8/3,II: 9/12, I:10/28-29);
New Jersey Medical School - Otsdarva (C: 7/20, II: 9/24, I: 10/15)
Northwestern - BigFatCat (C: 8/26, II: 9/9, I: ?); Solarium90 (C: 8/28,II: 9/10, I:11/6-7);
NYU - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); Reckoner (C: 7/17, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); BigFatCat (C: 8/1, II: 8/28, I: 10/18); oxfordian (C: 9/9, II: 9/16, I: 11/8)
Ohio State University - Solarium90(C: 7/9, II:8/14, I: 10/10); zippyziggy (C: 7/27, II: 8/20, I: 10/10-12); Otsdarva(C: 7/30, II: 8/29, I: 10/31);
Oregon Health and Science University - zippyziggy (C: 9/16, II: 9/17, I: 12/18-19);
Penn State - TheShaker (C: 8/10, II: 10/1, I: 12/9); mynameistoolong (C: 8/8, II: 10/2, I: 11/18)
Robert Wood Johnson - pittpanther (C: ~7/23, II:8/9 I:9/16); Otsdarva(C: 7/25, II: 8/9, I: 9/16)
Rochester University - regeneration (C: ~7/19, II:8/23 I:9/26); Orokami (C:~7/30, II: 8/25 I: 10/17); mTORC (C: 8/19, II: 8/29, I: ?)
Stanford - NigelVermooth (C: 8/3, II: 8/15, I:10/2-3); quebaldy (C:8/4, II: 8/15, I: 10/2-3); ytterium (C:8/16, II:9/6, I:10/2-3);
Stony Brook University - Reckoner (C: 7/31, II: 9/25, I: 10/23); plumazul (C: 7/25, II: 9/25, I: --)
SUNY Upstate - mynameistoolong (C: 9/4, II: 9/2x, I: ?);
Texas A&M HSC - NigelVermooth (C: 7/1, II: 7/29, I: 9/11-12);
Texas Tech HSC - NigelVermooth (C: 7/18, II: 8/19, I: 9/6);
Tri-Institutional(C/R/SK) - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 8/21, I: 10/31); Solarium90 (C: 7/4, II: 8/21, I: 10/31); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/9, I: 11/21)
Tufts- penguino92 (C: 08/21, II, 10/04,I:?), Member011 (C: 8/9, II: 10/4, I: 11/13), jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 10/4, I: 11/13)
University of Alabama, Birmingham - mTORC (C:8/28/13, II: 9/12/13, I: 12/4-12/6); zippyziggy (C: 8/2, II: 9/12, I: 12/3-5); pittpanther (C: 8/6, II: 9/12, I: ?); Solarium90 (C: 8/15,II: 9/18, I:12/4-6); oxfordian (C:9/15, II: 10/15, I: 12/11-13)
University of California, Irvine - TheShaker (C: 7/25, II: 9/7, I: 10/21), regeneration (C: 7/25, II: 9/07, I: 10/21), Vitor1192 (C:8/12, II: 9/22, I: 10/21)
University of California, Los Angeles - quebaldy (C: 8/11, II: 9/26, I: ??), Vitor1192 (C:8/10, II: 9/26, I: 10/24), ytterium (C: 8/24, II: 9/26, I: 11/14);
University of California, San Diego - mTORC (C: 9/2, II: 10/7, I: 1/16), Vitor1192 (C: 8/15, II: 10/16, I: 1/16-1/17), Orokami (C: 8/02, II: 10/18, I: 1/16-17)
University of California, San Francisco - ytterium (C: 9/20, II: 10/8, I: ??);
University of Chicago Pritzker - plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 7/23, I: 10/8-9); NigelVermooth (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: 10/8-9); quebaldy (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: 10/8-10/9); jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 8/9, I: 10/8-10/9); leish63(C:~8/5, II: 8/9, I: ?); oxfordian (C: 9/3?, II: 9/6, I: 12/9-12/11);
University of Cincinnati - Cpi89 (C: 8/26, II: 10/2, I: 10/17-19); zippyziggy (C: 7/10, II: 10/4, I: ?)
University of Colorado - zippyziggy (C: 9/18, II: 10/3, I: 1/23-24);
University of Illinois at Chicago - jumbo91 (C: ~7/30, II: 9/18, I: 11/4); Reckoner (C: 7/30, II 9/18, I: 11/4); Member011 (C: ~8/5, II: 10/16, I: 1/13)
University of Iowa - TheShaker (C: ~7/20, II: 10/2, I: 10/31 - 11/1); Reckoner (C: 8/8, II: 10/2, I: 10/31-11/1)
University of Kentucky- Penguino92 (C: 08/06, II: 09/30, I: 10/21)
University of Louisville - mooser0956 (C:8/21, II: 9/12, I:10/9); Penguino92 (C: 8/20, II: 09/02, I: 11/04-05)
University of Maryland - plumazul (C: 7/25, II: 9/13, I: 1/8-9); Member011 (C: 8/16, II: 9/13, I: 11/20-21)
University of Massachusetts - NigelVermooth (C: 7/22, II: 9/13, I:?);
University of Michigan mooser0956 (C:7/29, II:8/26, I:11/14-15); gogosart (C:8/4, II:8/23, I:10/24-25); Reckoner (C: 7/16, II: 9/27, I: 11/14-15)
University of Minnesota regeneration (C: 8/15 II: 9/23, I: TBD)
University of Nebraska gogosart (C:7/24, II:8/5, I:11/20)
University of Pennsylvania - NigelVermooth (C: 7/2, II: 9/4, I: 11/7-8); plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 9/4, I: 12/5-6); Regeneration (C:8/19; II: 9/8; I: 11/22); mTORC (C: 9/2, II: 9/10, I: 11/7); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/2, I: 12/5-6); ytterium (C: 8/16; II: 9/6; I: 1/9);
University of Pittsburgh - leish63 (C: ~7/25, II: 8/5, I: 8/22-8/23); pittpanther (C:7/23, II: 8/8, I:8/26-8/27); mooser0956 (C:8/15, II:8/23, I:9/26-27); mTORC (C:~8/20, II: 9/9, I: 10/10-10/11)
University of Southern California - Orokami (C:~8/1; II:9/5; I: 10/24), jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 9/5; I: 1/9-10), BigFatCat (C:8/7, II: 9/5, I: 9/26-27);
University of Texas Houston - NigelVermooth (C: 7/23, II: 9/16, I: 12/19);
University of Texas HSCSA - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 7/15, I: 8/25-27); NigelVermooth (C: 7/23, II 7/28, I: 9/9-10); TheShaker (C: 7/23, II: 8/5/13, I: 9/23-24); Orokami (C: 7/16, II: 8/5, I: 8/25-27); mTORC (C: 8/15, II: 8/16, I: 8/25-27); cpi89 (C: 8/19, II: 8/22, I: 10/7-8)
University of Texas Medical Branch- cpi89 (C: 8/19, II: 10/7, I: ?)
University of Texas Southwestern - Reckoner (C: 8/9, II: 8/23, I: 9/27); BigFatCat (C: 7/23, II: 8/23, I: 10/11); NigelVermooth (C: 8/12, II: 9/4, I: 11/2);
University of Virginia - plumazul (C: 7/22, II: 8/23, I: 9/19-20); zippyziggy (C: 7/6, II: 8/23, I: 9/19-20); mTORC (C: 9:5, II: 9:14, I: ?)
University of Wisconsin-Madison pittpanther (C:7/18, II:8/27, I:10/3-6); TheShaker (C:7/19, II: 8/27, I: 10/3-6); mTORC (C: 8/22, II: 9/25, I: ??); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/11, I: 1/9-12)
University of Washington-Seattle pittpanther (C:~8/3, II:9/9 I:1/9-11); mTORC (C: 9/6, II: 9/30, I: ??);
Wake Forest University - Orokami (C: 8/10, II: 10/18, I:??)
Washington University - premed660 (C: ~7/30 II: 8/7 I:9/26-9/28); leish63 (C: 8/2, II: 8/20, I:9/26-9/28); NigelVermooth (C: 8/2, II: 8/21, I:9/26-28); quebaldy (C: 8/6, II: 8/21, I: 10/10-12); plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 8/29, I: 10/10-12); mTORC (C: 8/16, II: 9/14, I: 10/31-11/2); BigFatCat (C: 8/9, II: 9/23, I: 11/7-9); oxfordian (C: 8/30?, II: 9/30, I: 11/14-16), cpi89 (C: 8/19, II: 10/10, I: 11/7)
Yale University - Prion13 (C: 8/13, II: 9/13, I:12/9-10); mTORC (C: 9/9, II: 9/25, I: ??); ytterium (C: 8/16, II: 9/13, I: ??); NigelVermooth (C: 8/23, II: 10/3, I: 11/4-5); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/14, I: 1/13-14)

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II: Interview Invite date
I: Interview date
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4) Enter the name(s) of the school(s) where you are adding data into the "Title" box (at the top) so that your changes can be easily located.
5) Enter Submit and prepare for your interviews

Albert Einstein - BigFatCat (C: 8/5, II: 9/10, I:?); Member011 (C: 8/5, II: 9/10, I:10/18); jumbo91 (C: 8/6, II: 9/11, I: 11/22); mTORC (C: 8/23, II: 9/11, I: 10/18); Orokami (C: 8/1, II: 9/16, I: 11/22); oxfordian (C: 8/30, II: 10/2, I: 11/22)
Baylor - NigelVermooth (C: 8/2, II: 9/18, I: ?); pittpanter (C: 7/15, II: 9/18, I: 10/17-19); mTORC (C: 8/21, II: 10/8, I:?)
Boston University - pittpanther (C: 7/15, II: 9/10, I:?); NigelVermooth (C: 7/29, II: 9/10, I: 10/18); Otsdarva(C: 7/26, II: 9/13, I: 10/18); mynameistoolong (C: 7/26, II: 9/16, I: 11/1); Regeneration (C: 8/20, II:9/20, I: TBD); gogosart (C:7/20, II:10/1, I:10/18); Orokami (C:8/10; II: 10/1; I 1/10); Penguino92 (C: 8/20, II: 09/30, I: 11/08)
Case Western Reserve - plumazul (C: 7/20, II: 8/7, I: 12/12-13); Solarium90 (C: 7/9,II: 8/10, I:9/26); zippyziggy (C: 8/8, II: 8/29, I: 12/12-13); Member011 (C: 8/19, II: 9/4, I: 10/24-25);
Columbia University - plumazul (C: 7/13, II: 8/23, I: 10/23); Reckoner (C: 7/17, II: 8/23, I: 10/8); ytterium (C: 8/16, II: 9/11, I:11/22)
Dartmouth - jumbo91 (C: 7/30, II: 10/16, I: 10/30-31)
Duke University - zippyziggy (C: 7/15, II: 8/29, I: 11/7-8); plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 8/29, I: 11/7-8); quebaldy (C: 7/28, II: 9/9, I: 11/14-15); NigelVermooth (C: 7/24, II: 9/9, I: 10/24-25); ytterium (C: 8/16, II: 9/27, I: 12/5-6)
Emory - pittpanther (C:7/21, II:9/30, I:11/7-8); zippyziggy (C: 7/13, II: 10/2, I: 12/5-6); jumbo91 (C: 8/23, II: 10/8, I:12/5-6); Orokami (C 8/23, II: 10/12, I: 12/5-6)
Harvard University- NigelVermooth (C: 8/20, II: 10/8, I: ?);
Hofstra University- Yuyukachoo (C: 9/4, II: 10/16, I: 1/8)
Indiana University- mooser0956 (C:7/12, II: 8/9, I:TBD); regeneration (C:7/11, II: 8/12, I:TBD); TheShaker (C: 7/19, II: 9/5, I: 11/13); gogosart (C:7/24, II:8/21, I:TBD), cpi89 (C: 8/19, II: 10/7, I: ?)
Jefferson - mynameistoolong (C: 8/28, II: 9/9, I: 11/19-20); cpi89 (C: 9/17, II: 9/20, I: 11/19-20) Penguino92 (C: 08/09, II: 09/05, I: 11/13)
Johns Hopkins - plumazul (C: 7/23, II: 8/29, I: 9/25-26); BarcaFan (C: 8/28, II: 9/11, I: 10/23-24)
Medical University of South Carolina - Reckoner (C: 8/8, II: 8/23, I: 10/11); Member011 (C: 8/19, II: 9/7, I: 10/11); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 9/27, I: 10/18)
Miller School of Medicine, Miami - Orokami (C: 8/1, II: 10/3, I: 11/1), Vitor1192 (C: 8/8, II: 10/2, I: 11/1)
Mount Sinai - zippyziggy (C: 7/17, II: 9/6, I: 11/4-5); Member011 (C: 8/12, II: 9/6, I: 10/28-29); plumazul (C: 7/23, II: 9/12, I: 10/28-29); mynameistoolong (C: 7/25, II: 9/16, I: 11/4-5); Solarium90 (C: 8/3,II: 9/12, I:10/28-29);
New Jersey Medical School - Otsdarva (C: 7/20, II: 9/24, I: 10/15)
Northwestern - BigFatCat (C: 8/26, II: 9/9, I: ?); Solarium90 (C: 8/28,II: 9/10, I:11/6-7);
NYU - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); Reckoner (C: 7/17, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); BigFatCat (C: 8/1, II: 8/28, I: 10/18); oxfordian (C: 9/9, II: 9/16, I: 11/8)
Ohio State University - Solarium90(C: 7/9, II:8/14, I: 10/10); zippyziggy (C: 7/27, II: 8/20, I: 10/10-12); Otsdarva(C: 7/30, II: 8/29, I: 10/31);
Oregon Health and Science University - zippyziggy (C: 9/16, II: 9/17, I: 12/18-19);
Penn State - TheShaker (C: 8/10, II: 10/1, I: 12/9); mynameistoolong (C: 8/8, II: 10/2, I: 11/18)
Robert Wood Johnson - pittpanther (C: ~7/23, II:8/9 I:9/16); Otsdarva(C: 7/25, II: 8/9, I: 9/16)
Rochester University - regeneration (C: ~7/19, II:8/23 I:9/26); Orokami (C:~7/30, II: 8/25 I: 10/17); mTORC (C: 8/19, II: 8/29, I: ?)
Stanford - NigelVermooth (C: 8/3, II: 8/15, I:10/2-3); quebaldy (C:8/4, II: 8/15, I: 10/2-3); ytterium (C:8/16, II:9/6, I:10/2-3);
Stony Brook University - Reckoner (C: 7/31, II: 9/25, I: 10/23); plumazul (C: 7/25, II: 9/25, I: --)
SUNY Upstate - mynameistoolong (C: 9/4, II: 9/2x, I: ?);
Texas A&M HSC - NigelVermooth (C: 7/1, II: 7/29, I: 9/11-12);
Texas Tech HSC - NigelVermooth (C: 7/18, II: 8/19, I: 9/6);
Tri-Institutional(C/R/SK) - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 8/21, I: 10/31); Solarium90 (C: 7/4, II: 8/21, I: 10/31); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/9, I: 11/21)
Tufts- penguino92 (C: 08/21, II, 10/04,I:?), Member011 (C: 8/9, II: 10/4, I: 11/13), jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 10/4, I: 11/13)
University of Alabama, Birmingham - mTORC (C:8/28/13, II: 9/12/13, I: 12/4-12/6); zippyziggy (C: 8/2, II: 9/12, I: 12/3-5); pittpanther (C: 8/6, II: 9/12, I: ?); Solarium90 (C: 8/15,II: 9/18, I:12/4-6); oxfordian (C:9/15, II: 10/15, I: 12/11-13)
University of California, Irvine - TheShaker (C: 7/25, II: 9/7, I: 10/21), regeneration (C: 7/25, II: 9/07, I: 10/21), Vitor1192 (C:8/12, II: 9/22, I: 10/21)
University of California, Los Angeles - quebaldy (C: 8/11, II: 9/26, I: ??), Vitor1192 (C:8/10, II: 9/26, I: 10/24), ytterium (C: 8/24, II: 9/26, I: 11/14);
University of California, San Diego - mTORC (C: 9/2, II: 10/7, I: 1/16), Vitor1192 (C: 8/15, II: 10/16, I: 1/16-1/17), Orokami (C: 8/02, II: 10/18, I: 1/16-17)
University of California, San Francisco - ytterium (C: 9/20, II: 10/8, I: ??);
University of Chicago Pritzker - plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 7/23, I: 10/8-9); NigelVermooth (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: 10/8-9); quebaldy (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: 10/8-10/9); jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 8/9, I: 10/8-10/9); leish63(C:~8/5, II: 8/9, I: ?); oxfordian (C: 9/3?, II: 9/6, I: 12/9-12/11);
University of Cincinnati - Cpi89 (C: 8/26, II: 10/2, I: 10/17-19); zippyziggy (C: 7/10, II: 10/4, I: ?)
University of Colorado - zippyziggy (C: 9/18, II: 10/3, I: 1/23-24);
University of Illinois at Chicago - jumbo91 (C: ~7/30, II: 9/18, I: 11/4); Reckoner (C: 7/30, II 9/18, I: 11/4); Member011 (C: ~8/5, II: 10/16, I: 1/13)
University of Iowa - TheShaker (C: ~7/20, II: 10/2, I: 10/31 - 11/1); Reckoner (C: 8/8, II: 10/2, I: 10/31-11/1)
University of Kentucky- Penguino92 (C: 08/06, II: 09/30, I: 10/21)
University of Louisville - mooser0956 (C:8/21, II: 9/12, I:10/9); Penguino92 (C: 8/20, II: 09/02, I: 11/04-05); BarcaFan (C: 9/10, II: 9/17, I: 11/4)
University of Maryland - plumazul (C: 7/25, II: 9/13, I: 1/8-9); Member011 (C: 8/16, II: 9/13, I: 11/20-21)
University of Massachusetts - NigelVermooth (C: 7/22, II: 9/13, I:?);
University of Michigan mooser0956 (C:7/29, II:8/26, I:11/14-15); gogosart (C:8/4, II:8/23, I:10/24-25); Reckoner (C: 7/16, II: 9/27, I: 11/14-15)
University of Minnesota regeneration (C: 8/15 II: 9/23, I: TBD)
University of Nebraska gogosart (C:7/24, II:8/5, I:11/20)
University of Pennsylvania - NigelVermooth (C: 7/2, II: 9/4, I: 11/7-8); plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 9/4, I: 12/5-6); Regeneration (C:8/19; II: 9/8; I: 11/22); mTORC (C: 9/2, II: 9/10, I: 11/7); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/2, I: 12/5-6); ytterium (C: 8/16; II: 9/6; I: 1/9);
University of Pittsburgh - leish63 (C: ~7/25, II: 8/5, I: 8/22-8/23); pittpanther (C:7/23, II: 8/8, I:8/26-8/27); mooser0956 (C:8/15, II:8/23, I:9/26-27); mTORC (C:~8/20, II: 9/9, I: 10/10-10/11)
University of Southern California - Orokami (C:~8/1; II:9/5; I: 10/24), jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 9/5; I: 1/9-10), BigFatCat (C:8/7, II: 9/5, I: 9/26-27);
University of Texas Houston - NigelVermooth (C: 7/23, II: 9/16, I: 12/19);
University of Texas HSCSA - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 7/15, I: 8/25-27); NigelVermooth (C: 7/23, II 7/28, I: 9/9-10); TheShaker (C: 7/23, II: 8/5/13, I: 9/23-24); Orokami (C: 7/16, II: 8/5, I: 8/25-27); mTORC (C: 8/15, II: 8/16, I: 8/25-27); cpi89 (C: 8/19, II: 8/22, I: 10/7-8)
University of Texas Medical Branch- cpi89 (C: 8/19, II: 10/7, I: ?)
University of Texas Southwestern - Reckoner (C: 8/9, II: 8/23, I: 9/27); BigFatCat (C: 7/23, II: 8/23, I: 10/11); NigelVermooth (C: 8/12, II: 9/4, I: 11/2);
University of Virginia - plumazul (C: 7/22, II: 8/23, I: 9/19-20); zippyziggy (C: 7/6, II: 8/23, I: 9/19-20); mTORC (C: 9:5, II: 9:14, I: ?)
University of Wisconsin-Madison pittpanther (C:7/18, II:8/27, I:10/3-6); TheShaker (C:7/19, II: 8/27, I: 10/3-6); mTORC (C: 8/22, II: 9/25, I: ??); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/11, I: 1/9-12)
University of Washington-Seattle pittpanther (C:~8/3, II:9/9 I:1/9-11); mTORC (C: 9/6, II: 9/30, I: ??);
Wake Forest University - Orokami (C: 8/10, II: 10/18, I:??)
Washington University - premed660 (C: ~7/30 II: 8/7 I:9/26-9/28); leish63 (C: 8/2, II: 8/20, I:9/26-9/28); NigelVermooth (C: 8/2, II: 8/21, I:9/26-28); quebaldy (C: 8/6, II: 8/21, I: 10/10-12); plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 8/29, I: 10/10-12); mTORC (C: 8/16, II: 9/14, I: 10/31-11/2); BigFatCat (C: 8/9, II: 9/23, I: 11/7-9); oxfordian (C: 8/30?, II: 9/30, I: 11/14-16), cpi89 (C: 8/19, II: 10/10, I: 11/7)
Yale University - Prion13 (C: 8/13, II: 9/13, I:12/9-10); mTORC (C: 9/9, II: 9/25, I: ??); ytterium (C: 8/16, II: 9/13, I: ??); NigelVermooth (C: 8/23, II: 10/3, I: 11/4-5); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/14, I: 1/13-14); BarcaFan (C: 8/16, II: 9/13, I: 12/9-10)

C: Complete
II: Interview Invite date
I: Interview date
1) click quote on the most recent list
2) delete the "
" tags on the top and bottom
3) add your user name, ( complete date, interview invite date, interview date, any other pertinent info, and if needed, add the school name to the list
4) Enter the name(s) of the school(s) where you are adding data into the "Title" box (at the top) so that your changes can be easily located.
5) Enter Submit and prepare for your interviews

Albert Einstein - BigFatCat (C: 8/5, II: 9/10, I:?); Member011 (C: 8/5, II: 9/10, I:10/18); jumbo91 (C: 8/6, II: 9/11, I: 11/22); mTORC (C: 8/23, II: 9/11, I: 10/18); Orokami (C: 8/1, II: 9/16, I: 11/22); oxfordian (C: 8/30, II: 10/2, I: 11/22)
Baylor - NigelVermooth (C: 8/2, II: 9/18, I: ?); pittpanter (C: 7/15, II: 9/18, I: 10/17-19); mTORC (C: 8/21, II: 10/8, I:?)
Boston University - pittpanther (C: 7/15, II: 9/10, I:?); NigelVermooth (C: 7/29, II: 9/10, I: 10/18); Otsdarva(C: 7/26, II: 9/13, I: 10/18); mynameistoolong (C: 7/26, II: 9/16, I: 11/1); Regeneration (C: 8/20, II:9/20, I: TBD); gogosart (C:7/20, II:10/1, I:10/18); Orokami (C:8/10; II: 10/1; I 1/10); Penguino92 (C: 8/20, II: 09/30, I: 11/08)
Case Western Reserve - plumazul (C: 7/20, II: 8/7, I: 12/12-13); Solarium90 (C: 7/9,II: 8/10, I:9/26); zippyziggy (C: 8/8, II: 8/29, I: 12/12-13); Member011 (C: 8/19, II: 9/4, I: 10/24-25);
Columbia University - plumazul (C: 7/13, II: 8/23, I: 10/23); Reckoner (C: 7/17, II: 8/23, I: 10/8); ytterium (C: 8/16, II: 9/11, I:11/22)
Dartmouth - jumbo91 (C: 7/30, II: 10/16, I: 10/30-31)
Duke University - zippyziggy (C: 7/15, II: 8/29, I: 11/7-8); plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 8/29, I: 11/7-8); quebaldy (C: 7/28, II: 9/9, I: 11/14-15); NigelVermooth (C: 7/24, II: 9/9, I: 10/24-25); ytterium (C: 8/16, II: 9/27, I: 12/5-6)
Emory - pittpanther (C:7/21, II:9/30, I:11/7-8); zippyziggy (C: 7/13, II: 10/2, I: 12/5-6); jumbo91 (C: 8/23, II: 10/8, I:12/5-6); Orokami (C 8/23, II: 10/12, I: 12/5-6)
Harvard University- NigelVermooth (C: 8/20, II: 10/8, I: ?);
Hofstra University- Yuyukachoo (C: 9/4, II: 10/16, I: 1/8)
Indiana University- mooser0956 (C:7/12, II: 8/9, I:TBD); regeneration (C:7/11, II: 8/12, I:TBD); TheShaker (C: 7/19, II: 9/5, I: 11/13); gogosart (C:7/24, II:8/21, I:TBD), cpi89 (C: 8/19, II: 10/7, I: ?)
Jefferson - mynameistoolong (C: 8/28, II: 9/9, I: 11/19-20); cpi89 (C: 9/17, II: 9/20, I: 11/19-20) Penguino92 (C: 08/09, II: 09/05, I: 11/13)
Johns Hopkins - plumazul (C: 7/23, II: 8/29, I: 9/25-26); BarcaFan (C: 8/28, II: 9/11, I: 10/23-24)
Medical University of South Carolina - Reckoner (C: 8/8, II: 8/23, I: 10/11); Member011 (C: 8/19, II: 9/7, I: 10/11); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 9/27, I: 10/18)
Miller School of Medicine, Miami - Orokami (C: 8/1, II: 10/3, I: 11/1), Vitor1192 (C: 8/8, II: 10/2, I: 11/1)
Mount Sinai - zippyziggy (C: 7/17, II: 9/6, I: 11/4-5); Member011 (C: 8/12, II: 9/6, I: 10/28-29); plumazul (C: 7/23, II: 9/12, I: 10/28-29); mynameistoolong (C: 7/25, II: 9/16, I: 11/4-5); Solarium90 (C: 8/3,II: 9/12, I:10/28-29);
New Jersey Medical School - Otsdarva (C: 7/20, II: 9/24, I: 10/15)
Northwestern - BigFatCat (C: 8/26, II: 9/9, I: ?); Solarium90 (C: 8/28,II: 9/10, I:11/6-7);
NYU - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); Reckoner (C: 7/17, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); BigFatCat (C: 8/1, II: 8/28, I: 10/18); oxfordian (C: 9/9, II: 9/16, I: 11/8)
Ohio State University - Solarium90(C: 7/9, II:8/14, I: 10/10); zippyziggy (C: 7/27, II: 8/20, I: 10/10-12); Otsdarva(C: 7/30, II: 8/29, I: 10/31);
Oregon Health and Science University - zippyziggy (C: 9/16, II: 9/17, I: 12/18-19);
Penn State - TheShaker (C: 8/10, II: 10/1, I: 12/9); mynameistoolong (C: 8/8, II: 10/2, I: 11/18)
Robert Wood Johnson - pittpanther (C: ~7/23, II:8/9 I:9/16); Otsdarva(C: 7/25, II: 8/9, I: 9/16)
Rochester University - regeneration (C: ~7/19, II:8/23 I:9/26); Orokami (C:~7/30, II: 8/25 I: 10/17); mTORC (C: 8/19, II: 8/29, I: ?)
Stanford - NigelVermooth (C: 8/3, II: 8/15, I:10/2-3); quebaldy (C:8/4, II: 8/15, I: 10/2-3); ytterium (C:8/16, II:9/6, I:10/2-3);
Stony Brook University - Reckoner (C: 7/31, II: 9/25, I: 10/23); plumazul (C: 7/25, II: 9/25, I: --)
SUNY Upstate - mynameistoolong (C: 9/4, II: 9/2x, I: ?);
Texas A&M HSC - NigelVermooth (C: 7/1, II: 7/29, I: 9/11-12);
Texas Tech HSC - NigelVermooth (C: 7/18, II: 8/19, I: 9/6);
Tri-Institutional(C/R/SK) - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 8/21, I: 10/31); Solarium90 (C: 7/4, II: 8/21, I: 10/31); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/9, I: 11/21)
Tufts- penguino92 (C: 08/21, II, 10/04,I:?), Member011 (C: 8/9, II: 10/4, I: 11/13), jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 10/4, I: 11/13)
University of Alabama, Birmingham - mTORC (C:8/28/13, II: 9/12/13, I: 12/4-12/6); zippyziggy (C: 8/2, II: 9/12, I: 12/3-5); pittpanther (C: 8/6, II: 9/12, I: ?); Solarium90 (C: 8/15,II: 9/18, I:12/4-6); oxfordian (C:9/15, II: 10/15, I: 12/11-13)
University of California, Davis - jla1985 (C: 10/08, II: 10/17, I: ?)
University of California, Irvine - TheShaker (C: 7/25, II: 9/7, I: 10/21), regeneration (C: 7/25, II: 9/07, I: 10/21), Vitor1192 (C:8/12, II: 9/22, I: 10/21)
University of California, Los Angeles - quebaldy (C: 8/11, II: 9/26, I: ??), Vitor1192 (C:8/10, II: 9/26, I: 10/24), ytterium (C: 8/24, II: 9/26, I: 11/14);
University of California, San Diego - mTORC (C: 9/2, II: 10/7, I: 1/16), Vitor1192 (C: 8/15, II: 10/16, I: 1/16-1/17), Orokami (C: 8/02, II: 10/18, I: 1/16-17)
University of California, San Francisco - ytterium (C: 9/20, II: 10/8, I: ??);
University of Chicago Pritzker - plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 7/23, I: 10/8-9); NigelVermooth (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: 10/8-9); quebaldy (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: 10/8-10/9); jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 8/9, I: 10/8-10/9); leish63(C:~8/5, II: 8/9, I: ?); oxfordian (C: 9/3?, II: 9/6, I: 12/9-12/11);
University of Cincinnati - Cpi89 (C: 8/26, II: 10/2, I: 10/17-19); zippyziggy (C: 7/10, II: 10/4, I: ?)
University of Colorado - zippyziggy (C: 9/18, II: 10/3, I: 1/23-24);
University of Illinois at Chicago - jumbo91 (C: ~7/30, II: 9/18, I: 11/4); Reckoner (C: 7/30, II 9/18, I: 11/4); Member011 (C: ~8/5, II: 10/16, I: 1/13)
University of Iowa - TheShaker (C: ~7/20, II: 10/2, I: 10/31 - 11/1); Reckoner (C: 8/8, II: 10/2, I: 10/31-11/1)
University of Kentucky- Penguino92 (C: 08/06, II: 09/30, I: 10/21)
University of Louisville - mooser0956 (C:8/21, II: 9/12, I:10/9); Penguino92 (C: 8/20, II: 09/02, I: 11/04-05); BarcaFan (C: 9/10, II: 9/17, I: 11/4)
University of Maryland - plumazul (C: 7/25, II: 9/13, I: 1/8-9); Member011 (C: 8/16, II: 9/13, I: 11/20-21)
University of Massachusetts - NigelVermooth (C: 7/22, II: 9/13, I:?);
University of Michigan mooser0956 (C:7/29, II:8/26, I:11/14-15); gogosart (C:8/4, II:8/23, I:10/24-25); Reckoner (C: 7/16, II: 9/27, I: 11/14-15)
University of Minnesota regeneration (C: 8/15 II: 9/23, I: TBD)
University of Nebraska gogosart (C:7/24, II:8/5, I:11/20)
University of Pennsylvania - NigelVermooth (C: 7/2, II: 9/4, I: 11/7-8); plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 9/4, I: 12/5-6); Regeneration (C:8/19; II: 9/8; I: 11/22); mTORC (C: 9/2, II: 9/10, I: 11/7); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/2, I: 12/5-6); ytterium (C: 8/16; II: 9/6; I: 1/9);
University of Pittsburgh - leish63 (C: ~7/25, II: 8/5, I: 8/22-8/23); pittpanther (C:7/23, II: 8/8, I:8/26-8/27); mooser0956 (C:8/15, II:8/23, I:9/26-27); mTORC (C:~8/20, II: 9/9, I: 10/10-10/11)
University of Southern California - Orokami (C:~8/1; II:9/5; I: 10/24), jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 9/5; I: 1/9-10), BigFatCat (C:8/7, II: 9/5, I: 9/26-27);
University of Texas Houston - NigelVermooth (C: 7/23, II: 9/16, I: 12/19);
University of Texas HSCSA - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 7/15, I: 8/25-27); NigelVermooth (C: 7/23, II 7/28, I: 9/9-10); TheShaker (C: 7/23, II: 8/5/13, I: 9/23-24); Orokami (C: 7/16, II: 8/5, I: 8/25-27); mTORC (C: 8/15, II: 8/16, I: 8/25-27); cpi89 (C: 8/19, II: 8/22, I: 10/7-8)
University of Texas Medical Branch- cpi89 (C: 8/19, II: 10/7, I: ?)
University of Texas Southwestern - Reckoner (C: 8/9, II: 8/23, I: 9/27); BigFatCat (C: 7/23, II: 8/23, I: 10/11); NigelVermooth (C: 8/12, II: 9/4, I: 11/2);
University of Virginia - plumazul (C: 7/22, II: 8/23, I: 9/19-20); zippyziggy (C: 7/6, II: 8/23, I: 9/19-20); mTORC (C: 9:5, II: 9:14, I: ?)
University of Wisconsin-Madison pittpanther (C:7/18, II:8/27, I:10/3-6); TheShaker (C:7/19, II: 8/27, I: 10/3-6); mTORC (C: 8/22, II: 9/25, I: ??); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/11, I: 1/9-12)
University of Washington-Seattle pittpanther (C:~8/3, II:9/9 I:1/9-11); mTORC (C: 9/6, II: 9/30, I: ??);
Wake Forest University - Orokami (C: 8/10, II: 10/18, I:??)
Washington University - premed660 (C: ~7/30 II: 8/7 I:9/26-9/28); leish63 (C: 8/2, II: 8/20, I:9/26-9/28); NigelVermooth (C: 8/2, II: 8/21, I:9/26-28); quebaldy (C: 8/6, II: 8/21, I: 10/10-12); plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 8/29, I: 10/10-12); mTORC (C: 8/16, II: 9/14, I: 10/31-11/2); BigFatCat (C: 8/9, II: 9/23, I: 11/7-9); oxfordian (C: 8/30?, II: 9/30, I: 11/14-16), cpi89 (C: 8/19, II: 10/10, I: 11/7)
Yale University - Prion13 (C: 8/13, II: 9/13, I:12/9-10); mTORC (C: 9/9, II: 9/25, I: ??); ytterium (C: 8/16, II: 9/13, I: ??); NigelVermooth (C: 8/23, II: 10/3, I: 11/4-5); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/14, I: 1/13-14); BarcaFan (C: 8/16, II: 9/13, I: 12/9-10)

C: Complete
II: Interview Invite date
I: Interview date
1) click quote on the most recent list
2) delete the "
" tags on the top and bottom
3) add your user name, ( complete date, interview invite date, interview date, any other pertinent info, and if needed, add the school name to the list
4) Enter the name(s) of the school(s) where you are adding data into the "Title" box (at the top) so that your changes can be easily located.
5) Enter Submit and prepare for your interviews

Albert Einstein - BigFatCat (C: 8/5, II: 9/10, I:?); Member011 (C: 8/5, II: 9/10, I:10/18); jumbo91 (C: 8/6, II: 9/11, I: 11/22); mTORC (C: 8/23, II: 9/11, I: 10/18); Orokami (C: 8/1, II: 9/16, I: 11/22); oxfordian (C: 8/30, II: 10/2, I: 11/22)
Baylor - NigelVermooth (C: 8/2, II: 9/18, I: ?); pittpanter (C: 7/15, II: 9/18, I: 10/17-19); mTORC (C: 8/21, II: 10/8, I:?)
Boston University - pittpanther (C: 7/15, II: 9/10, I:?); NigelVermooth (C: 7/29, II: 9/10, I: 10/18); Otsdarva(C: 7/26, II: 9/13, I: 10/18); mynameistoolong (C: 7/26, II: 9/16, I: 11/1); Regeneration (C: 8/20, II:9/20, I: TBD); gogosart (C:7/20, II:10/1, I:10/18); Orokami (C:8/10; II: 10/1; I 1/10); Penguino92 (C: 8/20, II: 09/30, I: 11/08)
Case Western Reserve - plumazul (C: 7/20, II: 8/7, I: 12/12-13); Solarium90 (C: 7/9,II: 8/10, I:9/26); zippyziggy (C: 8/8, II: 8/29, I: 12/12-13); Member011 (C: 8/19, II: 9/4, I: 10/24-25);
Columbia University - plumazul (C: 7/13, II: 8/23, I: 10/23); Reckoner (C: 7/17, II: 8/23, I: 10/8); ytterium (C: 8/16, II: 9/11, I:11/22)
Dartmouth - jumbo91 (C: 7/30, II: 10/16, I: 10/30-31)
Duke University - zippyziggy (C: 7/15, II: 8/29, I: 11/7-8); plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 8/29, I: 11/7-8); quebaldy (C: 7/28, II: 9/9, I: 11/14-15); NigelVermooth (C: 7/24, II: 9/9, I: 10/24-25); ytterium (C: 8/16, II: 9/27, I: 12/5-6)
Emory - pittpanther (C:7/21, II:9/30, I:11/7-8); zippyziggy (C: 7/13, II: 10/2, I: 12/5-6); jumbo91 (C: 8/23, II: 10/8, I:12/5-6); Orokami (C 8/23, II: 10/12, I: 12/5-6)
Harvard University- NigelVermooth (C: 8/20, II: 10/8, I: ?);
Hofstra University- Yuyukachoo (C: 9/4, II: 10/16, I: 1/8)
Indiana University- mooser0956 (C:7/12, II: 8/9, I:TBD); regeneration (C:7/11, II: 8/12, I:TBD); TheShaker (C: 7/19, II: 9/5, I: 11/13); gogosart (C:7/24, II:8/21, I:TBD), cpi89 (C: 8/19, II: 10/7, I: ?)
Jefferson - mynameistoolong (C: 8/28, II: 9/9, I: 11/19-20); cpi89 (C: 9/17, II: 9/20, I: 11/19-20) Penguino92 (C: 08/09, II: 09/05, I: 11/13)
Johns Hopkins - plumazul (C: 7/23, II: 8/29, I: 9/25-26); BarcaFan (C: 8/28, II: 9/11, I: 10/23-24); ytterium (C: 8/21; II: 10/21, I: 11/20-11/21)
Medical University of South Carolina - Reckoner (C: 8/8, II: 8/23, I: 10/11); Member011 (C: 8/19, II: 9/7, I: 10/11); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 9/27, I: 10/18)
Miller School of Medicine, Miami - Orokami (C: 8/1, II: 10/3, I: 11/1), Vitor1192 (C: 8/8, II: 10/2, I: 11/1)
Mount Sinai - zippyziggy (C: 7/17, II: 9/6, I: 11/4-5); Member011 (C: 8/12, II: 9/6, I: 10/28-29); plumazul (C: 7/23, II: 9/12, I: 10/28-29); mynameistoolong (C: 7/25, II: 9/16, I: 11/4-5); Solarium90 (C: 8/3,II: 9/12, I:10/28-29);
New Jersey Medical School - Otsdarva (C: 7/20, II: 9/24, I: 10/15)
Northwestern - BigFatCat (C: 8/26, II: 9/9, I: ?); Solarium90 (C: 8/28,II: 9/10, I:11/6-7);
NYU - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); Reckoner (C: 7/17, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); BigFatCat (C: 8/1, II: 8/28, I: 10/18); oxfordian (C: 9/9, II: 9/16, I: 11/8)
Ohio State University - Solarium90(C: 7/9, II:8/14, I: 10/10); zippyziggy (C: 7/27, II: 8/20, I: 10/10-12); Otsdarva(C: 7/30, II: 8/29, I: 10/31);
Oregon Health and Science University - zippyziggy (C: 9/16, II: 9/17, I: 12/18-19);
Penn State - TheShaker (C: 8/10, II: 10/1, I: 12/9); mynameistoolong (C: 8/8, II: 10/2, I: 11/18)
Robert Wood Johnson - pittpanther (C: ~7/23, II:8/9 I:9/16); Otsdarva(C: 7/25, II: 8/9, I: 9/16)
Rochester University - regeneration (C: ~7/19, II:8/23 I:9/26); Orokami (C:~7/30, II: 8/25 I: 10/17); mTORC (C: 8/19, II: 8/29, I: ?)
Stanford - NigelVermooth (C: 8/3, II: 8/15, I:10/2-3); quebaldy (C:8/4, II: 8/15, I: 10/2-3); ytterium (C:8/16, II:9/6, I:10/2-3);
Stony Brook University - Reckoner (C: 7/31, II: 9/25, I: 10/23); plumazul (C: 7/25, II: 9/25, I: --)
SUNY Upstate - mynameistoolong (C: 9/4, II: 9/2x, I: ?);
Texas A&M HSC - NigelVermooth (C: 7/1, II: 7/29, I: 9/11-12);
Texas Tech HSC - NigelVermooth (C: 7/18, II: 8/19, I: 9/6);
Tri-Institutional(C/R/SK) - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 8/21, I: 10/31); Solarium90 (C: 7/4, II: 8/21, I: 10/31); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/9, I: 11/21)
Tufts- penguino92 (C: 08/21, II, 10/04,I:?), Member011 (C: 8/9, II: 10/4, I: 11/13), jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 10/4, I: 11/13)
University of Alabama, Birmingham - mTORC (C:8/28/13, II: 9/12/13, I: 12/4-12/6); zippyziggy (C: 8/2, II: 9/12, I: 12/3-5); pittpanther (C: 8/6, II: 9/12, I: ?); Solarium90 (C: 8/15,II: 9/18, I:12/4-6); oxfordian (C:9/15, II: 10/15, I: 12/11-13)
University of California, Davis - jla1985 (C: 10/08, II: 10/17, I: ?)
University of California, Irvine - TheShaker (C: 7/25, II: 9/7, I: 10/21), regeneration (C: 7/25, II: 9/07, I: 10/21), Vitor1192 (C:8/12, II: 9/22, I: 10/21)
University of California, Los Angeles - quebaldy (C: 8/11, II: 9/26, I: ??), Vitor1192 (C:8/10, II: 9/26, I: 10/24), ytterium (C: 8/24, II: 9/26, I: 11/14);
University of California, San Diego - mTORC (C: 9/2, II: 10/7, I: 1/16), Vitor1192 (C: 8/15, II: 10/16, I: 1/16-1/17), Orokami (C: 8/02, II: 10/18, I: 1/16-17)
University of California, San Francisco - ytterium (C: 9/20, II: 10/8, I: ??);
University of Chicago Pritzker - plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 7/23, I: 10/8-9); NigelVermooth (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: 10/8-9); quebaldy (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: 10/8-10/9); jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 8/9, I: 10/8-10/9); leish63(C:~8/5, II: 8/9, I: ?); oxfordian (C: 9/3?, II: 9/6, I: 12/9-12/11);
University of Cincinnati - Cpi89 (C: 8/26, II: 10/2, I: 10/17-19); zippyziggy (C: 7/10, II: 10/4, I: ?)
University of Colorado - zippyziggy (C: 9/18, II: 10/3, I: 1/23-24);
University of Illinois at Chicago - jumbo91 (C: ~7/30, II: 9/18, I: 11/4); Reckoner (C: 7/30, II 9/18, I: 11/4); Member011 (C: ~8/5, II: 10/16, I: 1/13)
University of Iowa - TheShaker (C: ~7/20, II: 10/2, I: 10/31 - 11/1); Reckoner (C: 8/8, II: 10/2, I: 10/31-11/1)
University of Kentucky- Penguino92 (C: 08/06, II: 09/30, I: 10/21)
University of Louisville - mooser0956 (C:8/21, II: 9/12, I:10/9); Penguino92 (C: 8/20, II: 09/02, I: 11/04-05); BarcaFan (C: 9/10, II: 9/17, I: 11/4)
University of Maryland - plumazul (C: 7/25, II: 9/13, I: 1/8-9); Member011 (C: 8/16, II: 9/13, I: 11/20-21)
University of Massachusetts - NigelVermooth (C: 7/22, II: 9/13, I:?);
University of Michigan mooser0956 (C:7/29, II:8/26, I:11/14-15); gogosart (C:8/4, II:8/23, I:10/24-25); Reckoner (C: 7/16, II: 9/27, I: 11/14-15)
University of Minnesota regeneration (C: 8/15 II: 9/23, I: TBD)
University of Nebraska gogosart (C:7/24, II:8/5, I:11/20)
University of Pennsylvania - NigelVermooth (C: 7/2, II: 9/4, I: 11/7-8); plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 9/4, I: 12/5-6); Regeneration (C:8/19; II: 9/8; I: 11/22); mTORC (C: 9/2, II: 9/10, I: 11/7); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/2, I: 12/5-6); ytterium (C: 8/16; II: 9/6; I: 1/9);
University of Pittsburgh - leish63 (C: ~7/25, II: 8/5, I: 8/22-8/23); pittpanther (C:7/23, II: 8/8, I:8/26-8/27); mooser0956 (C:8/15, II:8/23, I:9/26-27); mTORC (C:~8/20, II: 9/9, I: 10/10-10/11)
University of Southern California - Orokami (C:~8/1; II:9/5; I: 10/24), jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 9/5; I: 1/9-10), BigFatCat (C:8/7, II: 9/5, I: 9/26-27);
University of Texas Houston - NigelVermooth (C: 7/23, II: 9/16, I: 12/19);
University of Texas HSCSA - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 7/15, I: 8/25-27); NigelVermooth (C: 7/23, II 7/28, I: 9/9-10); TheShaker (C: 7/23, II: 8/5/13, I: 9/23-24); Orokami (C: 7/16, II: 8/5, I: 8/25-27); mTORC (C: 8/15, II: 8/16, I: 8/25-27); cpi89 (C: 8/19, II: 8/22, I: 10/7-8)
University of Texas Medical Branch- cpi89 (C: 8/19, II: 10/7, I: ?)
University of Texas Southwestern - Reckoner (C: 8/9, II: 8/23, I: 9/27); BigFatCat (C: 7/23, II: 8/23, I: 10/11); NigelVermooth (C: 8/12, II: 9/4, I: 11/2);
University of Virginia - plumazul (C: 7/22, II: 8/23, I: 9/19-20); zippyziggy (C: 7/6, II: 8/23, I: 9/19-20); mTORC (C: 9:5, II: 9:14, I: ?)
University of Wisconsin-Madison pittpanther (C:7/18, II:8/27, I:10/3-6); TheShaker (C:7/19, II: 8/27, I: 10/3-6); mTORC (C: 8/22, II: 9/25, I: ??); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/11, I: 1/9-12)
University of Washington-Seattle pittpanther (C:~8/3, II:9/9 I:1/9-11); mTORC (C: 9/6, II: 9/30, I: ??);
Wake Forest University - Orokami (C: 8/10, II: 10/18, I:??)
Washington University - premed660 (C: ~7/30 II: 8/7 I:9/26-9/28); leish63 (C: 8/2, II: 8/20, I:9/26-9/28); NigelVermooth (C: 8/2, II: 8/21, I:9/26-28); quebaldy (C: 8/6, II: 8/21, I: 10/10-12); plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 8/29, I: 10/10-12); mTORC (C: 8/16, II: 9/14, I: 10/31-11/2); BigFatCat (C: 8/9, II: 9/23, I: 11/7-9); oxfordian (C: 8/30?, II: 9/30, I: 11/14-16), cpi89 (C: 8/19, II: 10/10, I: 11/7)
Yale University - Prion13 (C: 8/13, II: 9/13, I:12/9-10); mTORC (C: 9/9, II: 9/25, I: ??); ytterium (C: 8/16, II: 9/13, I: ??); NigelVermooth (C: 8/23, II: 10/3, I: 11/4-5); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/14, I: 1/13-14); BarcaFan (C: 8/16, II: 9/13, I: 12/9-10)

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II: Interview Invite date
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" tags on the top and bottom
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Albert Einstein - BigFatCat (C: 8/5, II: 9/10, I:?); Member011 (C: 8/5, II: 9/10, I:10/18); jumbo91 (C: 8/6, II: 9/11, I: 11/22); mTORC (C: 8/23, II: 9/11, I: 10/18); Orokami (C: 8/1, II: 9/16, I: 11/22); oxfordian (C: 8/30, II: 10/2, I: 11/22)
Baylor - NigelVermooth (C: 8/2, II: 9/18, I: ?); pittpanter (C: 7/15, II: 9/18, I: 10/17-19); mTORC (C: 8/21, II: 10/8, I:?)
Boston University - pittpanther (C: 7/15, II: 9/10, I:?); NigelVermooth (C: 7/29, II: 9/10, I: 10/18); Otsdarva(C: 7/26, II: 9/13, I: 10/18); mynameistoolong (C: 7/26, II: 9/16, I: 11/1); Regeneration (C: 8/20, II:9/20, I: TBD); gogosart (C:7/20, II:10/1, I:10/18); Orokami (C:8/10; II: 10/1; I 1/10); Penguino92 (C: 8/20, II: 09/30, I: 11/08)
Case Western Reserve - plumazul (C: 7/20, II: 8/7, I: 12/12-13); Solarium90 (C: 7/9,II: 8/10, I:9/26); zippyziggy (C: 8/8, II: 8/29, I: 12/12-13); Member011 (C: 8/19, II: 9/4, I: 10/24-25);
Columbia University - plumazul (C: 7/13, II: 8/23, I: 10/23); Reckoner (C: 7/17, II: 8/23, I: 10/8); ytterium (C: 8/16, II: 9/11, I:11/22)
Dartmouth - jumbo91 (C: 7/30, II: 10/16, I: 10/30-31)
Duke University - zippyziggy (C: 7/15, II: 8/29, I: 11/7-8); plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 8/29, I: 11/7-8); quebaldy (C: 7/28, II: 9/9, I: 11/14-15); NigelVermooth (C: 7/24, II: 9/9, I: 10/24-25); ytterium (C: 8/16, II: 9/27, I: 12/5-6)
Emory - pittpanther (C:7/21, II:9/30, I:11/7-8); zippyziggy (C: 7/13, II: 10/2, I: 12/5-6); jumbo91 (C: 8/23, II: 10/8, I:12/5-6); Orokami (C 8/23, II: 10/12, I: 12/5-6)
Harvard University- NigelVermooth (C: 8/20, II: 10/8, I: ?);
Hofstra University- Yuyukachoo (C: 9/4, II: 10/16, I: 1/8)
Indiana University- mooser0956 (C:7/12, II: 8/9, I:TBD); regeneration (C:7/11, II: 8/12, I:TBD); TheShaker (C: 7/19, II: 9/5, I: 11/13); gogosart (C:7/24, II:8/21, I:TBD), cpi89 (C: 8/19, II: 10/7, I: ?)
Jefferson - mynameistoolong (C: 8/28, II: 9/9, I: 11/19-20); cpi89 (C: 9/17, II: 9/20, I: 11/19-20) Penguino92 (C: 08/09, II: 09/05, I: 11/13)
Johns Hopkins - plumazul (C: 7/23, II: 8/29, I: 9/25-26); BarcaFan (C: 8/28, II: 9/11, I: 10/23-24); ytterium (C: 8/21; II: 10/21, I: 11/20-11/21)
Medical University of South Carolina - Reckoner (C: 8/8, II: 8/23, I: 10/11); Member011 (C: 8/19, II: 9/7, I: 10/11); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 9/27, I: 10/18)
Miller School of Medicine, Miami - Orokami (C: 8/1, II: 10/3, I: 11/1), Vitor1192 (C: 8/8, II: 10/2, I: 11/1)
Mount Sinai - zippyziggy (C: 7/17, II: 9/6, I: 11/4-5); Member011 (C: 8/12, II: 9/6, I: 10/28-29); plumazul (C: 7/23, II: 9/12, I: 10/28-29); mynameistoolong (C: 7/25, II: 9/16, I: 11/4-5); Solarium90 (C: 8/3,II: 9/12, I:10/28-29); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/18, I: 12/2-3)
New Jersey Medical School - Otsdarva (C: 7/20, II: 9/24, I: 10/15)
Northwestern - BigFatCat (C: 8/26, II: 9/9, I: ?); Solarium90 (C: 8/28,II: 9/10, I:11/6-7);
NYU - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); Reckoner (C: 7/17, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); BigFatCat (C: 8/1, II: 8/28, I: 10/18); oxfordian (C: 9/9, II: 9/16, I: 11/8)
Ohio State University - Solarium90(C: 7/9, II:8/14, I: 10/10); zippyziggy (C: 7/27, II: 8/20, I: 10/10-12); Otsdarva(C: 7/30, II: 8/29, I: 10/31);
Oregon Health and Science University - zippyziggy (C: 9/16, II: 9/17, I: 12/18-19);
Penn State - TheShaker (C: 8/10, II: 10/1, I: 12/9); mynameistoolong (C: 8/8, II: 10/2, I: 11/18)
Robert Wood Johnson - pittpanther (C: ~7/23, II:8/9 I:9/16); Otsdarva(C: 7/25, II: 8/9, I: 9/16)
Rochester University - regeneration (C: ~7/19, II:8/23 I:9/26); Orokami (C:~7/30, II: 8/25 I: 10/17); mTORC (C: 8/19, II: 8/29, I: ?)
Stanford - NigelVermooth (C: 8/3, II: 8/15, I:10/2-3); quebaldy (C:8/4, II: 8/15, I: 10/2-3); ytterium (C:8/16, II:9/6, I:10/2-3);
Stony Brook University - Reckoner (C: 7/31, II: 9/25, I: 10/23); plumazul (C: 7/25, II: 9/25, I: --)
SUNY Upstate - mynameistoolong (C: 9/4, II: 9/2x, I: ?);
Texas A&M HSC - NigelVermooth (C: 7/1, II: 7/29, I: 9/11-12);
Texas Tech HSC - NigelVermooth (C: 7/18, II: 8/19, I: 9/6);
Tri-Institutional(C/R/SK) - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 8/21, I: 10/31); Solarium90 (C: 7/4, II: 8/21, I: 10/31); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/9, I: 11/21)
Tufts- penguino92 (C: 08/21, II, 10/04,I:?), Member011 (C: 8/9, II: 10/4, I: 11/13), jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 10/4, I: 11/13)
University of Alabama, Birmingham - mTORC (C:8/28/13, II: 9/12/13, I: 12/4-12/6); zippyziggy (C: 8/2, II: 9/12, I: 12/3-5); pittpanther (C: 8/6, II: 9/12, I: ?); Solarium90 (C: 8/15,II: 9/18, I:12/4-6); oxfordian (C:9/15, II: 10/15, I: 12/11-13)
University of California, Davis - jla1985 (C: 10/08, II: 10/17, I: ?)
University of California, Irvine - TheShaker (C: 7/25, II: 9/7, I: 10/21), regeneration (C: 7/25, II: 9/07, I: 10/21), Vitor1192 (C:8/12, II: 9/22, I: 10/21)
University of California, Los Angeles - quebaldy (C: 8/11, II: 9/26, I: ??), Vitor1192 (C:8/10, II: 9/26, I: 10/24), ytterium (C: 8/24, II: 9/26, I: 11/14);
University of California, San Diego - mTORC (C: 9/2, II: 10/7, I: 1/16), Vitor1192 (C: 8/15, II: 10/16, I: 1/16-1/17), Orokami (C: 8/02, II: 10/18, I: 1/16-17)
University of California, San Francisco - ytterium (C: 9/20, II: 10/8, I: ??);
University of Chicago Pritzker - plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 7/23, I: 10/8-9); NigelVermooth (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: 10/8-9); quebaldy (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: 10/8-10/9); jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 8/9, I: 10/8-10/9); leish63(C:~8/5, II: 8/9, I: ?); oxfordian (C: 9/3?, II: 9/6, I: 12/9-12/11);
University of Cincinnati - Cpi89 (C: 8/26, II: 10/2, I: 10/17-19); zippyziggy (C: 7/10, II: 10/4, I: ?)
University of Colorado - zippyziggy (C: 9/18, II: 10/3, I: 1/23-24);
University of Illinois at Chicago - jumbo91 (C: ~7/30, II: 9/18, I: 11/4); Reckoner (C: 7/30, II 9/18, I: 11/4); Member011 (C: ~8/5, II: 10/16, I: 1/13)
University of Iowa - TheShaker (C: ~7/20, II: 10/2, I: 10/31 - 11/1); Reckoner (C: 8/8, II: 10/2, I: 10/31-11/1)
University of Kentucky- Penguino92 (C: 08/06, II: 09/30, I: 10/21)
University of Louisville - mooser0956 (C:8/21, II: 9/12, I:10/9); Penguino92 (C: 8/20, II: 09/02, I: 11/04-05); BarcaFan (C: 9/10, II: 9/17, I: 11/4)
University of Maryland - plumazul (C: 7/25, II: 9/13, I: 1/8-9); Member011 (C: 8/16, II: 9/13, I: 11/20-21)
University of Massachusetts - NigelVermooth (C: 7/22, II: 9/13, I:?);
University of Michigan mooser0956 (C:7/29, II:8/26, I:11/14-15); gogosart (C:8/4, II:8/23, I:10/24-25); Reckoner (C: 7/16, II: 9/27, I: 11/14-15)
University of Minnesota regeneration (C: 8/15 II: 9/23, I: TBD)
University of Nebraska gogosart (C:7/24, II:8/5, I:11/20)
University of Pennsylvania - NigelVermooth (C: 7/2, II: 9/4, I: 11/7-8); plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 9/4, I: 12/5-6); Regeneration (C:8/19; II: 9/8; I: 11/22); mTORC (C: 9/2, II: 9/10, I: 11/7); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/2, I: 12/5-6); ytterium (C: 8/16; II: 9/6; I: 1/9);
University of Pittsburgh - leish63 (C: ~7/25, II: 8/5, I: 8/22-8/23); pittpanther (C:7/23, II: 8/8, I:8/26-8/27); mooser0956 (C:8/15, II:8/23, I:9/26-27); mTORC (C:~8/20, II: 9/9, I: 10/10-10/11)
University of Southern California - Orokami (C:~8/1; II:9/5; I: 10/24), jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 9/5; I: 1/9-10), BigFatCat (C:8/7, II: 9/5, I: 9/26-27);
University of Texas Houston - NigelVermooth (C: 7/23, II: 9/16, I: 12/19);
University of Texas HSCSA - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 7/15, I: 8/25-27); NigelVermooth (C: 7/23, II 7/28, I: 9/9-10); TheShaker (C: 7/23, II: 8/5/13, I: 9/23-24); Orokami (C: 7/16, II: 8/5, I: 8/25-27); mTORC (C: 8/15, II: 8/16, I: 8/25-27); cpi89 (C: 8/19, II: 8/22, I: 10/7-8)
University of Texas Medical Branch- cpi89 (C: 8/19, II: 10/7, I: ?)
University of Texas Southwestern - Reckoner (C: 8/9, II: 8/23, I: 9/27); BigFatCat (C: 7/23, II: 8/23, I: 10/11); NigelVermooth (C: 8/12, II: 9/4, I: 11/2);
University of Virginia - plumazul (C: 7/22, II: 8/23, I: 9/19-20); zippyziggy (C: 7/6, II: 8/23, I: 9/19-20); mTORC (C: 9:5, II: 9:14, I: ?)
University of Wisconsin-Madison pittpanther (C:7/18, II:8/27, I:10/3-6); TheShaker (C:7/19, II: 8/27, I: 10/3-6); mTORC (C: 8/22, II: 9/25, I: ??); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/11, I: 1/9-12)
University of Washington-Seattle pittpanther (C:~8/3, II:9/9 I:1/9-11); mTORC (C: 9/6, II: 9/30, I: ??);
Wake Forest University - Orokami (C: 8/10, II: 10/18, I:??)
Washington University - premed660 (C: ~7/30 II: 8/7 I:9/26-9/28); leish63 (C: 8/2, II: 8/20, I:9/26-9/28); NigelVermooth (C: 8/2, II: 8/21, I:9/26-28); quebaldy (C: 8/6, II: 8/21, I: 10/10-12); plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 8/29, I: 10/10-12); mTORC (C: 8/16, II: 9/14, I: 10/31-11/2); BigFatCat (C: 8/9, II: 9/23, I: 11/7-9); oxfordian (C: 8/30?, II: 9/30, I: 11/14-16), cpi89 (C: 8/19, II: 10/10, I: 11/7)
Yale University - Prion13 (C: 8/13, II: 9/13, I:12/9-10); mTORC (C: 9/9, II: 9/25, I: ??); ytterium (C: 8/16, II: 9/13, I: ??); NigelVermooth (C: 8/23, II: 10/3, I: 11/4-5); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/14, I: 1/13-14); BarcaFan (C: 8/16, II: 9/13, I: 12/9-10)

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4) Enter the name(s) of the school(s) where you are adding data into the "Title" box (at the top) so that your changes can be easily located.
5) Enter Submit and prepare for your interviews

Albert Einstein - BigFatCat (C: 8/5, II: 9/10, I:?); Member011 (C: 8/5, II: 9/10, I:10/18); jumbo91 (C: 8/6, II: 9/11, I: 11/22); mTORC (C: 8/23, II: 9/11, I: 10/18); Orokami (C: 8/1, II: 9/16, I: 11/22); oxfordian (C: 8/30, II: 10/2, I: 11/22)
Baylor - NigelVermooth (C: 8/2, II: 9/18, I: ?); pittpanter (C: 7/15, II: 9/18, I: 10/17-19); mTORC (C: 8/21, II: 10/8, I:?)
Boston University - pittpanther (C: 7/15, II: 9/10, I:?); NigelVermooth (C: 7/29, II: 9/10, I: 10/18); Otsdarva(C: 7/26, II: 9/13, I: 10/18); mynameistoolong (C: 7/26, II: 9/16, I: 11/1); Regeneration (C: 8/20, II:9/20, I: TBD); gogosart (C:7/20, II:10/1, I:10/18); Orokami (C:8/10; II: 10/1; I 1/10); Penguino92 (C: 8/20, II: 09/30, I: 11/08)
Case Western Reserve - plumazul (C: 7/20, II: 8/7, I: 12/12-13); Solarium90 (C: 7/9,II: 8/10, I:9/26); zippyziggy (C: 8/8, II: 8/29, I: 12/12-13); Member011 (C: 8/19, II: 9/4, I: 10/24-25);
Columbia University - plumazul (C: 7/13, II: 8/23, I: 10/23); Reckoner (C: 7/17, II: 8/23, I: 10/8); ytterium (C: 8/16, II: 9/11, I:11/22)
Dartmouth - jumbo91 (C: 7/30, II: 10/16, I: 10/30-31)
Duke University - zippyziggy (C: 7/15, II: 8/29, I: 11/7-8); plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 8/29, I: 11/7-8); quebaldy (C: 7/28, II: 9/9, I: 11/14-15); NigelVermooth (C: 7/24, II: 9/9, I: 10/24-25); ytterium (C: 8/16, II: 9/27, I: 12/5-6)
Emory - pittpanther (C:7/21, II:9/30, I:11/7-8); zippyziggy (C: 7/13, II: 10/2, I: 12/5-6); jumbo91 (C: 8/23, II: 10/8, I:12/5-6); Orokami (C 8/23, II: 10/12, I: 12/5-6)
Harvard University- NigelVermooth (C: 8/20, II: 10/8, I: ?);
Hofstra University- Yuyukachoo (C: 9/4, II: 10/16, I: 1/8)
Indiana University- mooser0956 (C:7/12, II: 8/9, I:TBD); regeneration (C:7/11, II: 8/12, I:TBD); TheShaker (C: 7/19, II: 9/5, I: 11/13); gogosart (C:7/24, II:8/21, I:TBD), cpi89 (C: 8/19, II: 10/7, I: ?)
Jefferson - mynameistoolong (C: 8/28, II: 9/9, I: 11/19-20); cpi89 (C: 9/17, II: 9/20, I: 11/19-20) Penguino92 (C: 08/09, II: 09/05, I: 11/13)
Johns Hopkins - plumazul (C: 7/23, II: 8/29, I: 9/25-26); BarcaFan (C: 8/28, II: 9/11, I: 10/23-24); ytterium (C: 8/21; II: 10/21, I: 11/20-11/21)
Medical University of South Carolina - Reckoner (C: 8/8, II: 8/23, I: 10/11); Member011 (C: 8/19, II: 9/7, I: 10/11); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 9/27, I: 10/18)
Miller School of Medicine, Miami - Orokami (C: 8/1, II: 10/3, I: 11/1), Vitor1192 (C: 8/8, II: 10/2, I: 11/1)
Mount Sinai - zippyziggy (C: 7/17, II: 9/6, I: 11/4-5); Member011 (C: 8/12, II: 9/6, I: 10/28-29); plumazul (C: 7/23, II: 9/12, I: 10/28-29); mynameistoolong (C: 7/25, II: 9/16, I: 11/4-5); Solarium90 (C: 8/3,II: 9/12, I:10/28-29); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/18, I: 12/2-3)
New Jersey Medical School - Otsdarva (C: 7/20, II: 9/24, I: 10/15)
Northwestern - BigFatCat (C: 8/26, II: 9/9, I: ?); Solarium90 (C: 8/28,II: 9/10, I:11/6-7);
NYU - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); Reckoner (C: 7/17, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); BigFatCat (C: 8/1, II: 8/28, I: 10/18); oxfordian (C: 9/9, II: 9/16, I: 11/8)
Ohio State University - Solarium90(C: 7/9, II:8/14, I: 10/10); zippyziggy (C: 7/27, II: 8/20, I: 10/10-12); Otsdarva(C: 7/30, II: 8/29, I: 10/31);
Oregon Health and Science University - zippyziggy (C: 9/16, II: 9/17, I: 12/18-19);
Penn State - TheShaker (C: 8/10, II: 10/1, I: 12/9); mynameistoolong (C: 8/8, II: 10/2, I: 11/18)
Robert Wood Johnson - pittpanther (C: ~7/23, II:8/9 I:9/16); Otsdarva(C: 7/25, II: 8/9, I: 9/16)
Rochester University - regeneration (C: ~7/19, II:8/23 I:9/26); Orokami (C:~7/30, II: 8/25 I: 10/17); mTORC (C: 8/19, II: 8/29, I: ?)
Stanford - NigelVermooth (C: 8/3, II: 8/15, I:10/2-3); quebaldy (C:8/4, II: 8/15, I: 10/2-3); ytterium (C:8/16, II:9/6, I:10/2-3);
Stony Brook University - Reckoner (C: 7/31, II: 9/25, I: 10/23); plumazul (C: 7/25, II: 9/25, I: --)
SUNY Upstate - mynameistoolong (C: 9/4, II: 9/2x, I: ?);
Texas A&M HSC - NigelVermooth (C: 7/1, II: 7/29, I: 9/11-12);
Texas Tech HSC - NigelVermooth (C: 7/18, II: 8/19, I: 9/6);
Tri-Institutional(C/R/SK) - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 8/21, I: 10/31); Solarium90 (C: 7/4, II: 8/21, I: 10/31); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/9, I: 11/21)
Tufts- penguino92 (C: 08/21, II, 10/04,I:?), Member011 (C: 8/9, II: 10/4, I: 11/13), jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 10/4, I: 11/13)
University of Alabama, Birmingham - mTORC (C:8/28/13, II: 9/12/13, I: 12/4-12/6); zippyziggy (C: 8/2, II: 9/12, I: 12/3-5); pittpanther (C: 8/6, II: 9/12, I: ?); Solarium90 (C: 8/15,II: 9/18, I:12/4-6); oxfordian (C:9/15, II: 10/15, I: 12/11-13)
University of California, Davis - jla1985 (C: 10/08, II: 10/17, I: ?)
University of California, Irvine - TheShaker (C: 7/25, II: 9/7, I: 10/21), regeneration (C: 7/25, II: 9/07, I: 10/21), Vitor1192 (C:8/12, II: 9/22, I: 10/21)
University of California, Los Angeles - quebaldy (C: 8/11, II: 9/26, I: ??), Vitor1192 (C:8/10, II: 9/26, I: 10/24), ytterium (C: 8/24, II: 9/26, I: 11/14);
University of California, San Diego - mTORC (C: 9/2, II: 10/7, I: 1/16), Vitor1192 (C: 8/15, II: 10/16, I: 1/16-1/17), Orokami (C: 8/02, II: 10/18, I: 1/16-17)
University of California, San Francisco - ytterium (C: 9/20, II: 10/8, I: ??);
University of Chicago Pritzker - plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 7/23, I: 10/8-9); NigelVermooth (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: 10/8-9); quebaldy (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: 10/8-10/9); jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 8/9, I: 10/8-10/9); leish63(C:~8/5, II: 8/9, I: ?); oxfordian (C: 9/3?, II: 9/6, I: 12/9-12/11);
University of Cincinnati - Cpi89 (C: 8/26, II: 10/2, I: 10/17-19); zippyziggy (C: 7/10, II: 10/4, I: ?)
University of Colorado - zippyziggy (C: 9/18, II: 10/3, I: 1/23-24);
University of Illinois at Chicago - jumbo91 (C: ~7/30, II: 9/18, I: 11/4); Reckoner (C: 7/30, II 9/18, I: 11/4); Member011 (C: ~8/5, II: 10/16, I: 1/13)
University of Iowa - TheShaker (C: ~7/20, II: 10/2, I: 10/31 - 11/1); Reckoner (C: 8/8, II: 10/2, I: 10/31-11/1); Louly (C: 10/21/13, II: 10/21/13, I: 10/31-11/1)
University of Kentucky- Penguino92 (C: 08/06, II: 09/30, I: 10/21)
University of Louisville - mooser0956 (C:8/21, II: 9/12, I:10/9); Penguino92 (C: 8/20, II: 09/02, I: 11/04-05); BarcaFan (C: 9/10, II: 9/17, I: 11/4)
University of Maryland - plumazul (C: 7/25, II: 9/13, I: 1/8-9); Member011 (C: 8/16, II: 9/13, I: 11/20-21)
University of Massachusetts - NigelVermooth (C: 7/22, II: 9/13, I:?);
University of Michigan mooser0956 (C:7/29, II:8/26, I:11/14-15); gogosart (C:8/4, II:8/23, I:10/24-25); Reckoner (C: 7/16, II: 9/27, I: 11/14-15)
University of Minnesota regeneration (C: 8/15 II: 9/23, I: TBD)
University of Nebraska gogosart (C:7/24, II:8/5, I:11/20)
University of Pennsylvania - NigelVermooth (C: 7/2, II: 9/4, I: 11/7-8); plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 9/4, I: 12/5-6); Regeneration (C:8/19; II: 9/8; I: 11/22); mTORC (C: 9/2, II: 9/10, I: 11/7); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/2, I: 12/5-6); ytterium (C: 8/16; II: 9/6; I: 1/9);
University of Pittsburgh - leish63 (C: ~7/25, II: 8/5, I: 8/22-8/23); pittpanther (C:7/23, II: 8/8, I:8/26-8/27); mooser0956 (C:8/15, II:8/23, I:9/26-27); mTORC (C:~8/20, II: 9/9, I: 10/10-10/11)
University of Southern California - Orokami (C:~8/1; II:9/5; I: 10/24), jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 9/5; I: 1/9-10), BigFatCat (C:8/7, II: 9/5, I: 9/26-27);
University of Texas Houston - NigelVermooth (C: 7/23, II: 9/16, I: 12/19);
University of Texas HSCSA - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 7/15, I: 8/25-27); NigelVermooth (C: 7/23, II 7/28, I: 9/9-10); TheShaker (C: 7/23, II: 8/5/13, I: 9/23-24); Orokami (C: 7/16, II: 8/5, I: 8/25-27); mTORC (C: 8/15, II: 8/16, I: 8/25-27); cpi89 (C: 8/19, II: 8/22, I: 10/7-8)
University of Texas Medical Branch- cpi89 (C: 8/19, II: 10/7, I: ?)
University of Texas Southwestern - Reckoner (C: 8/9, II: 8/23, I: 9/27); BigFatCat (C: 7/23, II: 8/23, I: 10/11); NigelVermooth (C: 8/12, II: 9/4, I: 11/2);
University of Virginia - plumazul (C: 7/22, II: 8/23, I: 9/19-20); zippyziggy (C: 7/6, II: 8/23, I: 9/19-20); mTORC (C: 9:5, II: 9:14, I: ?)
University of Wisconsin-Madison pittpanther (C:7/18, II:8/27, I:10/3-6); TheShaker (C:7/19, II: 8/27, I: 10/3-6); mTORC (C: 8/22, II: 9/25, I: ??); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/11, I: 1/9-12)
University of Washington-Seattle pittpanther (C:~8/3, II:9/9 I:1/9-11); mTORC (C: 9/6, II: 9/30, I: ??);
Wake Forest University - Orokami (C: 8/10, II: 10/18, I:??)
Washington University - premed660 (C: ~7/30 II: 8/7 I:9/26-9/28); leish63 (C: 8/2, II: 8/20, I:9/26-9/28); NigelVermooth (C: 8/2, II: 8/21, I:9/26-28); quebaldy (C: 8/6, II: 8/21, I: 10/10-12); plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 8/29, I: 10/10-12); mTORC (C: 8/16, II: 9/14, I: 10/31-11/2); BigFatCat (C: 8/9, II: 9/23, I: 11/7-9); oxfordian (C: 8/30?, II: 9/30, I: 11/14-16), cpi89 (C: 8/19, II: 10/10, I: 11/7)
Yale University - Prion13 (C: 8/13, II: 9/13, I:12/9-10); mTORC (C: 9/9, II: 9/25, I: ??); ytterium (C: 8/16, II: 9/13, I: ??); NigelVermooth (C: 8/23, II: 10/3, I: 11/4-5); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/14, I: 1/13-14); BarcaFan (C: 8/16, II: 9/13, I: 12/9-10)

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" tags on the top and bottom
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5) Enter Submit and prepare for your interviews

Albert Einstein - BigFatCat (C: 8/5, II: 9/10, I:?); Member011 (C: 8/5, II: 9/10, I:10/18); jumbo91 (C: 8/6, II: 9/11, I: 11/22); mTORC (C: 8/23, II: 9/11, I: 10/18); Orokami (C: 8/1, II: 9/16, I: 11/22); oxfordian (C: 8/30, II: 10/2, I: 11/22)
Baylor - NigelVermooth (C: 8/2, II: 9/18, I: ?); pittpanter (C: 7/15, II: 9/18, I: 10/17-19); mTORC (C: 8/21, II: 10/8, I:?)
Boston University - pittpanther (C: 7/15, II: 9/10, I:?); NigelVermooth (C: 7/29, II: 9/10, I: 10/18); Otsdarva(C: 7/26, II: 9/13, I: 10/18); mynameistoolong (C: 7/26, II: 9/16, I: 11/1); Regeneration (C: 8/20, II:9/20, I: TBD); gogosart (C:7/20, II:10/1, I:10/18); Orokami (C:8/10; II: 10/1; I 1/10); Penguino92 (C: 8/20, II: 09/30, I: 11/08)
Case Western Reserve - plumazul (C: 7/20, II: 8/7, I: 12/12-13); Solarium90 (C: 7/9,II: 8/10, I:9/26); zippyziggy (C: 8/8, II: 8/29, I: 12/12-13); Member011 (C: 8/19, II: 9/4, I: 10/24-25);
Columbia University - plumazul (C: 7/13, II: 8/23, I: 10/23); Reckoner (C: 7/17, II: 8/23, I: 10/8); ytterium (C: 8/16, II: 9/11, I:11/22)
Dartmouth - jumbo91 (C: 7/30, II: 10/16, I: 10/30-31)
Duke University - zippyziggy (C: 7/15, II: 8/29, I: 11/7-8); plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 8/29, I: 11/7-8); quebaldy (C: 7/28, II: 9/9, I: 11/14-15); NigelVermooth (C: 7/24, II: 9/9, I: 10/24-25); ytterium (C: 8/16, II: 9/27, I: 12/5-6)
Emory - pittpanther (C:7/21, II:9/30, I:11/7-8); zippyziggy (C: 7/13, II: 10/2, I: 12/5-6); jumbo91 (C: 8/23, II: 10/8, I:12/5-6); Orokami (C 8/23, II: 10/12, I: 12/5-6)
Harvard University- NigelVermooth (C: 8/20, II: 10/8, I: ?);
Hofstra University- Yuyukachoo (C: 9/4, II: 10/16, I: 1/8)
Indiana University- mooser0956 (C:7/12, II: 8/9, I:TBD); regeneration (C:7/11, II: 8/12, I:TBD); TheShaker (C: 7/19, II: 9/5, I: 11/13); gogosart (C:7/24, II:8/21, I:TBD), cpi89 (C: 8/19, II: 10/7, I: ?)
Jefferson - mynameistoolong (C: 8/28, II: 9/9, I: 11/19-20); cpi89 (C: 9/17, II: 9/20, I: 11/19-20) Penguino92 (C: 08/09, II: 09/05, I: 11/13)
Johns Hopkins - plumazul (C: 7/23, II: 8/29, I: 9/25-26); BarcaFan (C: 8/28, II: 9/11, I: 10/23-24); ytterium (C: 8/21; II: 10/21, I: 11/20-11/21)
Medical University of South Carolina - Reckoner (C: 8/8, II: 8/23, I: 10/11); Member011 (C: 8/19, II: 9/7, I: 10/11); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 9/27, I: 10/18)
Miller School of Medicine, Miami - Orokami (C: 8/1, II: 10/3, I: 11/1), Vitor1192 (C: 8/8, II: 10/2, I: 11/1)
Mount Sinai - zippyziggy (C: 7/17, II: 9/6, I: 11/4-5); Member011 (C: 8/12, II: 9/6, I: 10/28-29); plumazul (C: 7/23, II: 9/12, I: 10/28-29); mynameistoolong (C: 7/25, II: 9/16, I: 11/4-5); Solarium90 (C: 8/3,II: 9/12, I:10/28-29); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/18, I: 12/2-3)
New Jersey Medical School - Otsdarva (C: 7/20, II: 9/24, I: 10/15)
Northwestern - BigFatCat (C: 8/26, II: 9/9, I: ?); Solarium90 (C: 8/28,II: 9/10, I:11/6-7);
NYU - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); Reckoner (C: 7/17, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); BigFatCat (C: 8/1, II: 8/28, I: 10/18); oxfordian (C: 9/9, II: 9/16, I: 11/8)
Ohio State University - Solarium90(C: 7/9, II:8/14, I: 10/10); zippyziggy (C: 7/27, II: 8/20, I: 10/10-12); Otsdarva(C: 7/30, II: 8/29, I: 10/31);
Oregon Health and Science University - zippyziggy (C: 9/16, II: 9/17, I: 12/18-19);
Penn State - TheShaker (C: 8/10, II: 10/1, I: 12/9); mynameistoolong (C: 8/8, II: 10/2, I: 11/18)
Robert Wood Johnson - pittpanther (C: ~7/23, II:8/9 I:9/16); Otsdarva(C: 7/25, II: 8/9, I: 9/16)
Rochester University - regeneration (C: ~7/19, II:8/23 I:9/26); Orokami (C:~7/30, II: 8/25 I: 10/17); mTORC (C: 8/19, II: 8/29, I: ?)
Stanford - NigelVermooth (C: 8/3, II: 8/15, I:10/2-3); quebaldy (C:8/4, II: 8/15, I: 10/2-3); ytterium (C:8/16, II:9/6, I:10/2-3);
Stony Brook University - Reckoner (C: 7/31, II: 9/25, I: 10/23); plumazul (C: 7/25, II: 9/25, I: --)
SUNY Upstate - mynameistoolong (C: 9/4, II: 9/2x, I: ?);
Texas A&M HSC - NigelVermooth (C: 7/1, II: 7/29, I: 9/11-12);
Texas Tech HSC - NigelVermooth (C: 7/18, II: 8/19, I: 9/6);
Tri-Institutional(C/R/SK) - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 8/21, I: 10/31); Solarium90 (C: 7/4, II: 8/21, I: 10/31); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/9, I: 11/21)
Tufts- penguino92 (C: 08/21, II, 10/04,I:?), Member011 (C: 8/9, II: 10/4, I: 11/13), jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 10/4, I: 11/13)
University of Alabama, Birmingham - mTORC (C:8/28/13, II: 9/12/13, I: 12/4-12/6); zippyziggy (C: 8/2, II: 9/12, I: 12/3-5); pittpanther (C: 8/6, II: 9/12, I: ?); Solarium90 (C: 8/15,II: 9/18, I:12/4-6); oxfordian (C:9/15, II: 10/15, I: 12/11-13)
University of California, Davis - jla1985 (C: 10/08, II: 10/17, I: ?)
University of California, Irvine - TheShaker (C: 7/25, II: 9/7, I: 10/21), regeneration (C: 7/25, II: 9/07, I: 10/21), Vitor1192 (C:8/12, II: 9/22, I: 10/21)
University of California, Los Angeles - quebaldy (C: 8/11, II: 9/26, I: ??), Vitor1192 (C:8/10, II: 9/26, I: 10/24), ytterium (C: 8/24, II: 9/26, I: 11/14);
University of California, San Diego - mTORC (C: 9/2, II: 10/7, I: 1/16), Vitor1192 (C: 8/15, II: 10/16, I: 1/16-1/17), Orokami (C: 8/02, II: 10/18, I: 1/16-17)
University of California, San Francisco - ytterium (C: 9/20, II: 10/8, I: ??);
University of Chicago Pritzker - plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 7/23, I: 10/8-9); NigelVermooth (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: 10/8-9); quebaldy (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: 10/8-10/9); jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 8/9, I: 10/8-10/9); leish63(C:~8/5, II: 8/9, I: ?); oxfordian (C: 9/3?, II: 9/6, I: 12/9-12/11);
University of Cincinnati - Cpi89 (C: 8/26, II: 10/2, I: 10/17-19); zippyziggy (C: 7/10, II: 10/4, I: ?)
University of Colorado - zippyziggy (C: 9/18, II: 10/3, I: 1/23-24);
University of Florida - orokami (C: 8/1; II: 10/25; I: To Be Scheduled)
University of Illinois at Chicago - jumbo91 (C: ~7/30, II: 9/18, I: 11/4); Reckoner (C: 7/30, II 9/18, I: 11/4); Member011 (C: ~8/5, II: 10/16, I: 1/13)
University of Iowa - TheShaker (C: ~7/20, II: 10/2, I: 10/31 - 11/1); Reckoner (C: 8/8, II: 10/2, I: 10/31-11/1); Louly (C: 10/21/13, II: 10/21/13, I: 10/31-11/1)
University of Kentucky- Penguino92 (C: 08/06, II: 09/30, I: 10/21)
University of Louisville - mooser0956 (C:8/21, II: 9/12, I:10/9); Penguino92 (C: 8/20, II: 09/02, I: 11/04-05); BarcaFan (C: 9/10, II: 9/17, I: 11/4)
University of Maryland - plumazul (C: 7/25, II: 9/13, I: 1/8-9); Member011 (C: 8/16, II: 9/13, I: 11/20-21)
University of Massachusetts - NigelVermooth (C: 7/22, II: 9/13, I:?);
University of Michigan mooser0956 (C:7/29, II:8/26, I:11/14-15); gogosart (C:8/4, II:8/23, I:10/24-25); Reckoner (C: 7/16, II: 9/27, I: 11/14-15)
University of Minnesota regeneration (C: 8/15 II: 9/23, I: TBD)
University of Nebraska gogosart (C:7/24, II:8/5, I:11/20)
University of Pennsylvania - NigelVermooth (C: 7/2, II: 9/4, I: 11/7-8); plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 9/4, I: 12/5-6); Regeneration (C:8/19; II: 9/8; I: 11/22); mTORC (C: 9/2, II: 9/10, I: 11/7); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/2, I: 12/5-6); ytterium (C: 8/16; II: 9/6; I: 1/9);
University of Pittsburgh - leish63 (C: ~7/25, II: 8/5, I: 8/22-8/23); pittpanther (C:7/23, II: 8/8, I:8/26-8/27); mooser0956 (C:8/15, II:8/23, I:9/26-27); mTORC (C:~8/20, II: 9/9, I: 10/10-10/11)
University of Southern California - Orokami (C:~8/1; II:9/5; I: 10/24), jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 9/5; I: 1/9-10), BigFatCat (C:8/7, II: 9/5, I: 9/26-27);
University of Texas Houston - NigelVermooth (C: 7/23, II: 9/16, I: 12/19);
University of Texas HSCSA - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 7/15, I: 8/25-27); NigelVermooth (C: 7/23, II 7/28, I: 9/9-10); TheShaker (C: 7/23, II: 8/5/13, I: 9/23-24); Orokami (C: 7/16, II: 8/5, I: 8/25-27); mTORC (C: 8/15, II: 8/16, I: 8/25-27); cpi89 (C: 8/19, II: 8/22, I: 10/7-8)
University of Texas Medical Branch- cpi89 (C: 8/19, II: 10/7, I: ?)
University of Texas Southwestern - Reckoner (C: 8/9, II: 8/23, I: 9/27); BigFatCat (C: 7/23, II: 8/23, I: 10/11); NigelVermooth (C: 8/12, II: 9/4, I: 11/2);
University of Virginia - plumazul (C: 7/22, II: 8/23, I: 9/19-20); zippyziggy (C: 7/6, II: 8/23, I: 9/19-20); mTORC (C: 9:5, II: 9:14, I: ?)
University of Wisconsin-Madison pittpanther (C:7/18, II:8/27, I:10/3-6); TheShaker (C:7/19, II: 8/27, I: 10/3-6); mTORC (C: 8/22, II: 9/25, I: ??); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/11, I: 1/9-12)
University of Washington-Seattle pittpanther (C:~8/3, II:9/9 I:1/9-11); mTORC (C: 9/6, II: 9/30, I: ??);
Wake Forest University - Orokami (C: 8/10, II: 10/18, I: APP Withdrawn - Conflict)
Washington University - premed660 (C: ~7/30 II: 8/7 I:9/26-9/28); leish63 (C: 8/2, II: 8/20, I:9/26-9/28); NigelVermooth (C: 8/2, II: 8/21, I:9/26-28); quebaldy (C: 8/6, II: 8/21, I: 10/10-12); plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 8/29, I: 10/10-12); mTORC (C: 8/16, II: 9/14, I: 10/31-11/2); BigFatCat (C: 8/9, II: 9/23, I: 11/7-9); oxfordian (C: 8/30?, II: 9/30, I: 11/14-16), cpi89 (C: 8/19, II: 10/10, I: 11/7)
Yale University - Prion13 (C: 8/13, II: 9/13, I:12/9-10); mTORC (C: 9/9, II: 9/25, I: ??); ytterium (C: 8/16, II: 9/13, I: ??); NigelVermooth (C: 8/23, II: 10/3, I: 11/4-5); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/14, I: 1/13-14); BarcaFan (C: 8/16, II: 9/13, I: 12/9-10)

C: Complete
II: Interview Invite date
I: Interview date
New Platform, New INSTRUCTIONS!
1) Copy and Paste the Instructions, Data, and Legend (the new platform no longer strips formatting)
2) add your user name, ( complete date, interview invite date, interview date, any other pertinent info, and if needed, add the school name to the list
3) Enter the name(s) of the school(s) where you are adding data and any other comments, ABOVE the INSTRUCTIONS (at the top) so that your changes can be easily located.

Albert Einstein - BigFatCat (C: 8/5, II: 9/10, I:?); Member011 (C: 8/5, II: 9/10, I:10/18); jumbo91 (C: 8/6, II: 9/11, I: 11/22); mTORC (C: 8/23, II: 9/11, I: 10/18); Orokami (C: 8/1, II: 9/16, I: 11/22); oxfordian (C: 8/30, II: 10/2, I: 11/22)
Baylor - NigelVermooth (C: 8/2, II: 9/18, I: ?); pittpanter (C: 7/15, II: 9/18, I: 10/17-19); mTORC (C: 8/21, II: 10/8, I:?)
Boston University - pittpanther (C: 7/15, II: 9/10, I:?); NigelVermooth (C: 7/29, II: 9/10, I: 10/18); Otsdarva(C: 7/26, II: 9/13, I: 10/18); mynameistoolong (C: 7/26, II: 9/16, I: 11/1); Regeneration (C: 8/20, II:9/20, I: TBD); gogosart (C:7/20, II:10/1, I:10/18); Orokami (C:8/10; II: 10/1; I 1/10); Penguino92 (C: 8/20, II: 09/30, I: 11/08)
Case Western Reserve - plumazul (C: 7/20, II: 8/7, I: 12/12-13); Solarium90 (C: 7/9,II: 8/10, I:9/26); zippyziggy (C: 8/8, II: 8/29, I: 12/12-13); Member011 (C: 8/19, II: 9/4, I: 10/24-25);
Columbia University - plumazul (C: 7/13, II: 8/23, I: 10/23); Reckoner (C: 7/17, II: 8/23, I: 10/8); ytterium (C: 8/16, II: 9/11, I:11/22)
Dartmouth - jumbo91 (C: 7/30, II: 10/16, I: 10/30-31)
Duke University - zippyziggy (C: 7/15, II: 8/29, I: 11/7-8); plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 8/29, I: 11/7-8); quebaldy (C: 7/28, II: 9/9, I: 11/14-15); NigelVermooth (C: 7/24, II: 9/9, I: 10/24-25); ytterium (C: 8/16, II: 9/27, I: 12/5-6)
Emory - pittpanther (C:7/21, II:9/30, I:11/7-8); zippyziggy (C: 7/13, II: 10/2, I: 12/5-6); jumbo91 (C: 8/23, II: 10/8, I:12/5-6); Orokami (C 8/23, II: 10/12, I: 12/5-6)
Harvard University- NigelVermooth (C: 8/20, II: 10/8, I: ?);
Hofstra University- Yuyukachoo (C: 9/4, II: 10/16, I: 1/8)
Indiana University- mooser0956 (C:7/12, II: 8/9, I:TBD); regeneration (C:7/11, II: 8/12, I:TBD); TheShaker (C: 7/19, II: 9/5, I: 11/13); gogosart (C:7/24, II:8/21, I:TBD), cpi89 (C: 8/19, II: 10/7, I: ?)
Jefferson - mynameistoolong (C: 8/28, II: 9/9, I: 11/19-20); cpi89 (C: 9/17, II: 9/20, I: 11/19-20) Penguino92 (C: 08/09, II: 09/05, I: 11/13)
Johns Hopkins - plumazul (C: 7/23, II: 8/29, I: 9/25-26); BarcaFan (C: 8/28, II: 9/11, I: 10/23-24); ytterium (C: 8/21; II: 10/21, I: 11/20-11/21)
Medical University of South Carolina - Reckoner (C: 8/8, II: 8/23, I: 10/11); Member011 (C: 8/19, II: 9/7, I: 10/11); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 9/27, I: 10/18)
Miller School of Medicine, Miami - Orokami (C: 8/1, II: 10/3, I: 11/1), Vitor1192 (C: 8/8, II: 10/2, I: 11/1)
Mount Sinai - zippyziggy (C: 7/17, II: 9/6, I: 11/4-5); Member011 (C: 8/12, II: 9/6, I: 10/28-29); plumazul (C: 7/23, II: 9/12, I: 10/28-29); mynameistoolong (C: 7/25, II: 9/16, I: 11/4-5); Solarium90 (C: 8/3,II: 9/12, I:10/28-29); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/18, I: 12/2-3)
New Jersey Medical School - Otsdarva (C: 7/20, II: 9/24, I: 10/15)
Northwestern - BigFatCat (C: 8/26, II: 9/9, I: ?); Solarium90 (C: 8/28,II: 9/10, I:11/6-7);
NYU - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); Reckoner (C: 7/17, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); BigFatCat (C: 8/1, II: 8/28, I: 10/18); oxfordian (C: 9/9, II: 9/16, I: 11/8)
Ohio State University - Solarium90(C: 7/9, II:8/14, I: 10/10); zippyziggy (C: 7/27, II: 8/20, I: 10/10-12); Otsdarva(C: 7/30, II: 8/29, I: 10/31);
Oregon Health and Science University - zippyziggy (C: 9/16, II: 9/17, I: 12/18-19);
Penn State - TheShaker (C: 8/10, II: 10/1, I: 12/9); mynameistoolong (C: 8/8, II: 10/2, I: 11/18)
Robert Wood Johnson - pittpanther (C: ~7/23, II:8/9 I:9/16); Otsdarva(C: 7/25, II: 8/9, I: 9/16)
Rochester University - regeneration (C: ~7/19, II:8/23 I:9/26); Orokami (C:~7/30, II: 8/25 I: 10/17); mTORC (C: 8/19, II: 8/29, I: ?)
Stanford - NigelVermooth (C: 8/3, II: 8/15, I:10/2-3); quebaldy (C:8/4, II: 8/15, I: 10/2-3); ytterium (C:8/16, II:9/6, I:10/2-3);
Stony Brook University - Reckoner (C: 7/31, II: 9/25, I: 10/23); plumazul (C: 7/25, II: 9/25, I: --)
SUNY Upstate - mynameistoolong (C: 9/4, II: 9/2x, I: ?);
Texas A&M HSC - NigelVermooth (C: 7/1, II: 7/29, I: 9/11-12);
Texas Tech HSC - NigelVermooth (C: 7/18, II: 8/19, I: 9/6);
Tri-Institutional(C/R/SK) - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 8/21, I: 10/31); Solarium90 (C: 7/4, II: 8/21, I: 10/31); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/9, I: 11/21)
Tufts- penguino92 (C: 08/21, II, 10/04,I:?), Member011 (C: 8/9, II: 10/4, I: 11/13), jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 10/4, I: 11/13)
University of Alabama, Birmingham - mTORC (C:8/28/13, II: 9/12/13, I: 12/4-12/6); zippyziggy (C: 8/2, II: 9/12, I: 12/3-5); pittpanther (C: 8/6, II: 9/12, I: ?); Solarium90 (C: 8/15,II: 9/18, I:12/4-6); oxfordian (C:9/15, II: 10/15, I: 12/11-13)
University of California, Davis - jla1985 (C: 10/08, II: 10/17, I: ?)
University of California, Irvine - TheShaker (C: 7/25, II: 9/7, I: 10/21), regeneration (C: 7/25, II: 9/07, I: 10/21), Vitor1192 (C:8/12, II: 9/22, I: 10/21)
University of California, Los Angeles - quebaldy (C: 8/11, II: 9/26, I: ??), Vitor1192 (C:8/10, II: 9/26, I: 10/24), ytterium (C: 8/24, II: 9/26, I: 11/14);
University of California, San Diego - mTORC (C: 9/2, II: 10/7, I: 1/16), Vitor1192 (C: 8/15, II: 10/16, I: 1/16-1/17), Orokami (C: 8/02, II: 10/18, I: 1/16-17)
University of California, San Francisco - ytterium (C: 9/20, II: 10/8, I: ??);
University of Chicago Pritzker - plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 7/23, I: 10/8-9); NigelVermooth (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: 10/8-9); quebaldy (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: 10/8-10/9); jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 8/9, I: 10/8-10/9); leish63(C:~8/5, II: 8/9, I: ?); oxfordian (C: 9/3?, II: 9/6, I: 12/9-12/11);
University of Cincinnati - Cpi89 (C: 8/26, II: 10/2, I: 10/17-19); zippyziggy (C: 7/10, II: 10/4, I: ?)
University of Colorado - zippyziggy (C: 9/18, II: 10/3, I: 1/23-24);
University of Florida - orokami (C: 8/1; II: 10/25; I: To Be Scheduled)
University of Illinois at Chicago - jumbo91 (C: ~7/30, II: 9/18, I: 11/4); Reckoner (C: 7/30, II 9/18, I: 11/4); Member011 (C: ~8/5, II: 10/16, I: 1/13)
University of Iowa - TheShaker (C: ~7/20, II: 10/2, I: 10/31 - 11/1); Reckoner (C: 8/8, II: 10/2, I: 10/31-11/1); Louly (C: 10/21/13, II: 10/21/13, I: 10/31-11/1)
University of Kentucky- Penguino92 (C: 08/06, II: 09/30, I: 10/21)
University of Louisville - mooser0956 (C:8/21, II: 9/12, I:10/9); Penguino92 (C: 8/20, II: 09/02, I: 11/04-05); BarcaFan (C: 9/10, II: 9/17, I: 11/4)
University of Maryland - plumazul (C: 7/25, II: 9/13, I: 1/8-9); Member011 (C: 8/16, II: 9/13, I: 11/20-21)
University of Massachusetts - NigelVermooth (C: 7/22, II: 9/13, I:?);
University of Michigan mooser0956 (C:7/29, II:8/26, I:11/14-15); gogosart (C:8/4, II:8/23, I:10/24-25); Reckoner (C: 7/16, II: 9/27, I: 11/14-15)
University of Minnesota regeneration (C: 8/15 II: 9/23, I: TBD)
University of Nebraska gogosart (C:7/24, II:8/5, I:11/20)
University of Pennsylvania - NigelVermooth (C: 7/2, II: 9/4, I: 11/7-8); plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 9/4, I: 12/5-6); Regeneration (C:8/19; II: 9/8; I: 11/22); mTORC (C: 9/2, II: 9/10, I: 11/7); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/2, I: 12/5-6); ytterium (C: 8/16; II: 9/6; I: 1/9);
University of Pittsburgh - leish63 (C: ~7/25, II: 8/5, I: 8/22-8/23); pittpanther (C:7/23, II: 8/8, I:8/26-8/27); mooser0956 (C:8/15, II:8/23, I:9/26-27); mTORC (C:~8/20, II: 9/9, I: 10/10-10/11)
University of Southern California - Orokami (C:~8/1; II:9/5; I: 10/24), jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 9/5; I: 1/9-10), BigFatCat (C:8/7, II: 9/5, I: 9/26-27);
University of Texas Houston - NigelVermooth (C: 7/23, II: 9/16, I: 12/19);
University of Texas HSCSA - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 7/15, I: 8/25-27); NigelVermooth (C: 7/23, II 7/28, I: 9/9-10); TheShaker (C: 7/23, II: 8/5/13, I: 9/23-24); Orokami (C: 7/16, II: 8/5, I: 8/25-27); mTORC (C: 8/15, II: 8/16, I: 8/25-27); cpi89 (C: 8/19, II: 8/22, I: 10/7-8)
University of Texas Medical Branch- cpi89 (C: 8/19, II: 10/7, I: ?)
University of Texas Southwestern - Reckoner (C: 8/9, II: 8/23, I: 9/27); BigFatCat (C: 7/23, II: 8/23, I: 10/11); NigelVermooth (C: 8/12, II: 9/4, I: 11/2);
University of Virginia - plumazul (C: 7/22, II: 8/23, I: 9/19-20); zippyziggy (C: 7/6, II: 8/23, I: 9/19-20); mTORC (C: 9:5, II: 9:14, I: ?)
University of Wisconsin-Madison pittpanther (C:7/18, II:8/27, I:10/3-6); TheShaker (C:7/19, II: 8/27, I: 10/3-6); mTORC (C: 8/22, II: 9/25, I: ??); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/11, I: 1/9-12)
University of Washington-Seattle pittpanther (C:~8/3, II:9/9 I:1/9-11); mTORC (C: 9/6, II: 9/30, I: ??);
Wake Forest University - Orokami (C: 8/10, II: 10/18, I: APP Withdrawn - Conflict)
Washington University - premed660 (C: ~7/30 II: 8/7 I:9/26-9/28); leish63 (C: 8/2, II: 8/20, I:9/26-9/28); NigelVermooth (C: 8/2, II: 8/21, I:9/26-28); quebaldy (C: 8/6, II: 8/21, I: 10/10-12); plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 8/29, I: 10/10-12); mTORC (C: 8/16, II: 9/14, I: 10/31-11/2); BigFatCat (C: 8/9, II: 9/23, I: 11/7-9); oxfordian (C: 8/30?, II: 9/30, I: 11/14-16), cpi89 (C: 8/19, II: 10/10, I: 11/7)
Yale University - Prion13 (C: 8/13, II: 9/13, I:12/9-10); mTORC (C: 9/9, II: 9/25, I: ??); ytterium (C: 8/16, II: 9/13, I: ??); NigelVermooth (C: 8/23, II: 10/3, I: 11/4-5); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/14, I: 1/13-14); BarcaFan (C: 8/16, II: 9/13, I: 12/9-10)

C: Complete
II: Interview Invite date
I: Interview date
Thanks for posting. I'm assuming it's not imposing a 10,000 character limit anymore then? It was this morning when I tried to do this.

No, 😡 the limit is still there. I had to shorten the instructions to make it fit. 😵
I'll ask Lee if he can fix this.
Tufts University

New Platform, New INSTRUCTIONS!
1) Copy and Paste the Instructions, Data, and Legend (the new platform no longer strips formatting)
2) add your user name, ( complete date, interview invite date, interview date, any other pertinent info, and if needed, add the school name to the list
3) Enter the name(s) of the school(s) where you are adding data and any other comments, ABOVE the INSTRUCTIONS

Albert Einstein - BigFatCat (C: 8/5, II: 9/10, I:?); Member011 (C: 8/5, II: 9/10, I:10/18); jumbo91 (C: 8/6, II: 9/11, I: 11/22); mTORC (C: 8/23, II: 9/11, I: 10/18); Orokami (C: 8/1, II: 9/16, I: 11/22); oxfordian (C: 8/30, II: 10/2, I: 11/22)
Baylor - NigelVermooth (C: 8/2, II: 9/18, I: ?); pittpanter (C: 7/15, II: 9/18, I: 10/17-19); mTORC (C: 8/21, II: 10/8, I:?)
Boston University - pittpanther (C: 7/15, II: 9/10, I:?); NigelVermooth (C: 7/29, II: 9/10, I: 10/18); Otsdarva(C: 7/26, II: 9/13, I: 10/18); mynameistoolong (C: 7/26, II: 9/16, I: 11/1); Regeneration (C: 8/20, II:9/20, I: TBD); gogosart (C:7/20, II:10/1, I:10/18); Orokami (C:8/10; II: 10/1; I 1/10); Penguino92 (C: 8/20, II: 09/30, I: 11/08)
Case Western Reserve - plumazul (C: 7/20, II: 8/7, I: 12/12-13); Solarium90 (C: 7/9,II: 8/10, I:9/26); zippyziggy (C: 8/8, II: 8/29, I: 12/12-13); Member011 (C: 8/19, II: 9/4, I: 10/24-25);
Columbia University - plumazul (C: 7/13, II: 8/23, I: 10/23); Reckoner (C: 7/17, II: 8/23, I: 10/8); ytterium (C: 8/16, II: 9/11, I:11/22)
Dartmouth - jumbo91 (C: 7/30, II: 10/16, I: 10/30-31)
Duke University - zippyziggy (C: 7/15, II: 8/29, I: 11/7-8); plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 8/29, I: 11/7-8); quebaldy (C: 7/28, II: 9/9, I: 11/14-15); NigelVermooth (C: 7/24, II: 9/9, I: 10/24-25); ytterium (C: 8/16, II: 9/27, I: 12/5-6)
Emory - pittpanther (C:7/21, II:9/30, I:11/7-8); zippyziggy (C: 7/13, II: 10/2, I: 12/5-6); jumbo91 (C: 8/23, II: 10/8, I:12/5-6); Orokami (C 8/23, II: 10/12, I: 12/5-6)
Harvard University- NigelVermooth (C: 8/20, II: 10/8, I: ?);
Hofstra University- Yuyukachoo (C: 9/4, II: 10/16, I: 1/8)
Indiana University- mooser0956 (C:7/12, II: 8/9, I:TBD); regeneration (C:7/11, II: 8/12, I:TBD); TheShaker (C: 7/19, II: 9/5, I: 11/13); gogosart (C:7/24, II:8/21, I:TBD), cpi89 (C: 8/19, II: 10/7, I: ?)
Jefferson - mynameistoolong (C: 8/28, II: 9/9, I: 11/19-20); cpi89 (C: 9/17, II: 9/20, I: 11/19-20) Penguino92 (C: 08/09, II: 09/05, I: 11/13)
Johns Hopkins - plumazul (C: 7/23, II: 8/29, I: 9/25-26); BarcaFan (C: 8/28, II: 9/11, I: 10/23-24); ytterium (C: 8/21; II: 10/21, I: 11/20-11/21)
Medical University of South Carolina - Reckoner (C: 8/8, II: 8/23, I: 10/11); Member011 (C: 8/19, II: 9/7, I: 10/11); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 9/27, I: 10/18)
Miller School of Medicine, Miami - Orokami (C: 8/1, II: 10/3, I: 11/1), Vitor1192 (C: 8/8, II: 10/2, I: 11/1)
Mount Sinai - zippyziggy (C: 7/17, II: 9/6, I: 11/4-5); Member011 (C: 8/12, II: 9/6, I: 10/28-29); plumazul (C: 7/23, II: 9/12, I: 10/28-29); mynameistoolong (C: 7/25, II: 9/16, I: 11/4-5); Solarium90 (C: 8/3,II: 9/12, I:10/28-29); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/18, I: 12/2-3)
New Jersey Medical School - Otsdarva (C: 7/20, II: 9/24, I: 10/15)
Northwestern - BigFatCat (C: 8/26, II: 9/9, I: ?); Solarium90 (C: 8/28,II: 9/10, I:11/6-7);
NYU - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); Reckoner (C: 7/17, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); BigFatCat (C: 8/1, II: 8/28, I: 10/18); oxfordian (C: 9/9, II: 9/16, I: 11/8)
Ohio State University - Solarium90(C: 7/9, II:8/14, I: 10/10); zippyziggy (C: 7/27, II: 8/20, I: 10/10-12); Otsdarva(C: 7/30, II: 8/29, I: 10/31);
Oregon Health and Science University - zippyziggy (C: 9/16, II: 9/17, I: 12/18-19);
Penn State - TheShaker (C: 8/10, II: 10/1, I: 12/9); mynameistoolong (C: 8/8, II: 10/2, I: 11/18)
Robert Wood Johnson - pittpanther (C: ~7/23, II:8/9 I:9/16); Otsdarva(C: 7/25, II: 8/9, I: 9/16)
Rochester University - regeneration (C: ~7/19, II:8/23 I:9/26); Orokami (C:~7/30, II: 8/25 I: 10/17); mTORC (C: 8/19, II: 8/29, I: ?)
Stanford - NigelVermooth (C: 8/3, II: 8/15, I:10/2-3); quebaldy (C:8/4, II: 8/15, I: 10/2-3); ytterium (C:8/16, II:9/6, I:10/2-3);
Stony Brook University - Reckoner (C: 7/31, II: 9/25, I: 10/23); plumazul (C: 7/25, II: 9/25, I: --)
SUNY Upstate - mynameistoolong (C: 9/4, II: 9/2x, I: ?);
Texas A&M HSC - NigelVermooth (C: 7/1, II: 7/29, I: 9/11-12);
Texas Tech HSC - NigelVermooth (C: 7/18, II: 8/19, I: 9/6);
Tri-Institutional(C/R/SK) - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 8/21, I: 10/31); Solarium90 (C: 7/4, II: 8/21, I: 10/31); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/9, I: 11/21)
Tufts- penguino92 (C: 08/21, II, 10/04,I:?), Member011 (C: 8/9, II: 10/4, I: 11/13), jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 10/4, I: 11/13), Otsdarva (C: 7/31, II: 10/28, I: 1/8)
University of Alabama, Birmingham - mTORC (C:8/28/13, II: 9/12/13, I: 12/4-12/6); zippyziggy (C: 8/2, II: 9/12, I: 12/3-5); pittpanther (C: 8/6, II: 9/12, I: ?); Solarium90 (C: 8/15,II: 9/18, I:12/4-6); oxfordian (C:9/15, II: 10/15, I: 12/11-13)
University of California, Davis - jla1985 (C: 10/08, II: 10/17, I: ?)
University of California, Irvine - TheShaker (C: 7/25, II: 9/7, I: 10/21), regeneration (C: 7/25, II: 9/07, I: 10/21), Vitor1192 (C:8/12, II: 9/22, I: 10/21)
University of California, Los Angeles - quebaldy (C: 8/11, II: 9/26, I: ??), Vitor1192 (C:8/10, II: 9/26, I: 10/24), ytterium (C: 8/24, II: 9/26, I: 11/14);
University of California, San Diego - mTORC (C: 9/2, II: 10/7, I: 1/16), Vitor1192 (C: 8/15, II: 10/16, I: 1/16-1/17), Orokami (C: 8/02, II: 10/18, I: 1/16-17)
University of California, San Francisco - ytterium (C: 9/20, II: 10/8, I: ??);
University of Chicago Pritzker - plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 7/23, I: 10/8-9); NigelVermooth (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: 10/8-9); quebaldy (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: 10/8-10/9); jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 8/9, I: 10/8-10/9); leish63(C:~8/5, II: 8/9, I: ?); oxfordian (C: 9/3?, II: 9/6, I: 12/9-12/11);
University of Cincinnati - Cpi89 (C: 8/26, II: 10/2, I: 10/17-19); zippyziggy (C: 7/10, II: 10/4, I: ?)
University of Colorado - zippyziggy (C: 9/18, II: 10/3, I: 1/23-24);
University of Florida - orokami (C: 8/1; II: 10/25; I: To Be Scheduled)
University of Illinois at Chicago - jumbo91 (C: ~7/30, II: 9/18, I: 11/4); Reckoner (C: 7/30, II 9/18, I: 11/4); Member011 (C: ~8/5, II: 10/16, I: 1/13)
University of Iowa - TheShaker (C: ~7/20, II: 10/2, I: 10/31 - 11/1); Reckoner (C: 8/8, II: 10/2, I: 10/31-11/1); Louly (C: 10/21/13, II: 10/21/13, I: 10/31-11/1)
University of Kentucky- Penguino92 (C: 08/06, II: 09/30, I: 10/21)
University of Louisville - mooser0956 (C:8/21, II: 9/12, I:10/9); Penguino92 (C: 8/20, II: 09/02, I: 11/04-05); BarcaFan (C: 9/10, II: 9/17, I: 11/4)
University of Maryland - plumazul (C: 7/25, II: 9/13, I: 1/8-9); Member011 (C: 8/16, II: 9/13, I: 11/20-21)
University of Massachusetts - NigelVermooth (C: 7/22, II: 9/13, I:?);
University of Michigan mooser0956 (C:7/29, II:8/26, I:11/14-15); gogosart (C:8/4, II:8/23, I:10/24-25); Reckoner (C: 7/16, II: 9/27, I: 11/14-15)
University of Minnesota regeneration (C: 8/15 II: 9/23, I: TBD)
University of Nebraska gogosart (C:7/24, II:8/5, I:11/20)
University of Pennsylvania - NigelVermooth (C: 7/2, II: 9/4, I: 11/7-8); plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 9/4, I: 12/5-6); Regeneration (C:8/19; II: 9/8; I: 11/22); mTORC (C: 9/2, II: 9/10, I: 11/7); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/2, I: 12/5-6); ytterium (C: 8/16; II: 9/6; I: 1/9);
University of Pittsburgh - leish63 (C: ~7/25, II: 8/5, I: 8/22-8/23); pittpanther (C:7/23, II: 8/8, I:8/26-8/27); mooser0956 (C:8/15, II:8/23, I:9/26-27); mTORC (C:~8/20, II: 9/9, I: 10/10-10/11)
University of Southern California - Orokami (C:~8/1; II:9/5; I: 10/24), jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 9/5; I: 1/9-10), BigFatCat (C:8/7, II: 9/5, I: 9/26-27);
University of Texas Houston - NigelVermooth (C: 7/23, II: 9/16, I: 12/19);
University of Texas HSCSA - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 7/15, I: 8/25-27); NigelVermooth (C: 7/23, II 7/28, I: 9/9-10); TheShaker (C: 7/23, II: 8/5/13, I: 9/23-24); Orokami (C: 7/16, II: 8/5, I: 8/25-27); mTORC (C: 8/15, II: 8/16, I: 8/25-27); cpi89 (C: 8/19, II: 8/22, I: 10/7-8)
University of Texas Medical Branch- cpi89 (C: 8/19, II: 10/7, I: ?)
University of Texas Southwestern - Reckoner (C: 8/9, II: 8/23, I: 9/27); BigFatCat (C: 7/23, II: 8/23, I: 10/11); NigelVermooth (C: 8/12, II: 9/4, I: 11/2);
University of Virginia - plumazul (C: 7/22, II: 8/23, I: 9/19-20); zippyziggy (C: 7/6, II: 8/23, I: 9/19-20); mTORC (C: 9:5, II: 9:14, I: ?)
University of Wisconsin-Madison pittpanther (C:7/18, II:8/27, I:10/3-6); TheShaker (C:7/19, II: 8/27, I: 10/3-6); mTORC (C: 8/22, II: 9/25, I: ??); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/11, I: 1/9-12)
University of Washington-Seattle pittpanther (C:~8/3, II:9/9 I:1/9-11); mTORC (C: 9/6, II: 9/30, I: ??);
Wake Forest University - Orokami (C: 8/10, II: 10/18, I: APP Withdrawn - Conflict)
Washington University - premed660 (C: ~7/30 II: 8/7 I:9/26-9/28); leish63 (C: 8/2, II: 8/20, I:9/26-9/28); NigelVermooth (C: 8/2, II: 8/21, I:9/26-28); quebaldy (C: 8/6, II: 8/21, I: 10/10-12); plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 8/29, I: 10/10-12); mTORC (C: 8/16, II: 9/14, I: 10/31-11/2); BigFatCat (C: 8/9, II: 9/23, I: 11/7-9); oxfordian (C: 8/30?, II: 9/30, I: 11/14-16), cpi89 (C: 8/19, II: 10/10, I: 11/7)
Yale University - Prion13 (C: 8/13, II: 9/13, I:12/9-10); mTORC (C: 9/9, II: 9/25, I: ??); ytterium (C: 8/16, II: 9/13, I: ??); NigelVermooth (C: 8/23, II: 10/3, I: 11/4-5); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/14, I: 1/13-14); BarcaFan (C: 8/16, II: 9/13, I: 12/9-10)

C: Complete
II: Interview Invite date
I: Interview date
U Florida (now scheduled)

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Albert Einstein - BigFatCat (C: 8/5, II: 9/10, I:?); Member011 (C: 8/5, II: 9/10, I:10/18); jumbo91 (C: 8/6, II: 9/11, I: 11/22); mTORC (C: 8/23, II: 9/11, I: 10/18); Orokami (C: 8/1, II: 9/16, I: 11/22); oxfordian (C: 8/30, II: 10/2, I: 11/22)
Baylor - NigelVermooth (C: 8/2, II: 9/18, I: ?); pittpanter (C: 7/15, II: 9/18, I: 10/17-19); mTORC (C: 8/21, II: 10/8, I:?)
Boston University - pittpanther (C: 7/15, II: 9/10, I:?); NigelVermooth (C: 7/29, II: 9/10, I: 10/18); Otsdarva(C: 7/26, II: 9/13, I: 10/18); mynameistoolong (C: 7/26, II: 9/16, I: 11/1); Regeneration (C: 8/20, II:9/20, I: TBD); gogosart (C:7/20, II:10/1, I:10/18); Orokami (C:8/10; II: 10/1; I 1/10); Penguino92 (C: 8/20, II: 09/30, I: 11/08)
Case Western Reserve - plumazul (C: 7/20, II: 8/7, I: 12/12-13); Solarium90 (C: 7/9,II: 8/10, I:9/26); zippyziggy (C: 8/8, II: 8/29, I: 12/12-13); Member011 (C: 8/19, II: 9/4, I: 10/24-25);
Columbia University - plumazul (C: 7/13, II: 8/23, I: 10/23); Reckoner (C: 7/17, II: 8/23, I: 10/8); ytterium (C: 8/16, II: 9/11, I:11/22)
Dartmouth - jumbo91 (C: 7/30, II: 10/16, I: 10/30-31)
Duke University - zippyziggy (C: 7/15, II: 8/29, I: 11/7-8); plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 8/29, I: 11/7-8); quebaldy (C: 7/28, II: 9/9, I: 11/14-15); NigelVermooth (C: 7/24, II: 9/9, I: 10/24-25); ytterium (C: 8/16, II: 9/27, I: 12/5-6)
Emory - pittpanther (C:7/21, II:9/30, I:11/7-8); zippyziggy (C: 7/13, II: 10/2, I: 12/5-6); jumbo91 (C: 8/23, II: 10/8, I:12/5-6); Orokami (C 8/23, II: 10/12, I: 12/5-6)
Harvard University- NigelVermooth (C: 8/20, II: 10/8, I: ?);
Hofstra University- Yuyukachoo (C: 9/4, II: 10/16, I: 1/8)
Indiana University- mooser0956 (C:7/12, II: 8/9, I:TBD); regeneration (C:7/11, II: 8/12, I:TBD); TheShaker (C: 7/19, II: 9/5, I: 11/13); gogosart (C:7/24, II:8/21, I:TBD), cpi89 (C: 8/19, II: 10/7, I: ?)
Jefferson - mynameistoolong (C: 8/28, II: 9/9, I: 11/19-20); cpi89 (C: 9/17, II: 9/20, I: 11/19-20) Penguino92 (C: 08/09, II: 09/05, I: 11/13)
Johns Hopkins - plumazul (C: 7/23, II: 8/29, I: 9/25-26); BarcaFan (C: 8/28, II: 9/11, I: 10/23-24); ytterium (C: 8/21; II: 10/21, I: 11/20-11/21)
Medical University of South Carolina - Reckoner (C: 8/8, II: 8/23, I: 10/11); Member011 (C: 8/19, II: 9/7, I: 10/11); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 9/27, I: 10/18)
Miller School of Medicine, Miami - Orokami (C: 8/1, II: 10/3, I: 11/1), Vitor1192 (C: 8/8, II: 10/2, I: 11/1)
Mount Sinai - zippyziggy (C: 7/17, II: 9/6, I: 11/4-5); Member011 (C: 8/12, II: 9/6, I: 10/28-29); plumazul (C: 7/23, II: 9/12, I: 10/28-29); mynameistoolong (C: 7/25, II: 9/16, I: 11/4-5); Solarium90 (C: 8/3,II: 9/12, I:10/28-29); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/18, I: 12/2-3)
New Jersey Medical School - Otsdarva (C: 7/20, II: 9/24, I: 10/15)
Northwestern - BigFatCat (C: 8/26, II: 9/9, I: ?); Solarium90 (C: 8/28,II: 9/10, I:11/6-7);
NYU - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); Reckoner (C: 7/17, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); BigFatCat (C: 8/1, II: 8/28, I: 10/18); oxfordian (C: 9/9, II: 9/16, I: 11/8)
Ohio State University - Solarium90(C: 7/9, II:8/14, I: 10/10); zippyziggy (C: 7/27, II: 8/20, I: 10/10-12); Otsdarva(C: 7/30, II: 8/29, I: 10/31);
Oregon Health and Science University - zippyziggy (C: 9/16, II: 9/17, I: 12/18-19);
Penn State - TheShaker (C: 8/10, II: 10/1, I: 12/9); mynameistoolong (C: 8/8, II: 10/2, I: 11/18)
Robert Wood Johnson - pittpanther (C: ~7/23, II:8/9 I:9/16); Otsdarva(C: 7/25, II: 8/9, I: 9/16)
Rochester University - regeneration (C: ~7/19, II:8/23 I:9/26); Orokami (C:~7/30, II: 8/25 I: 10/17); mTORC (C: 8/19, II: 8/29, I: ?)
Stanford - NigelVermooth (C: 8/3, II: 8/15, I:10/2-3); quebaldy (C:8/4, II: 8/15, I: 10/2-3); ytterium (C:8/16, II:9/6, I:10/2-3);
Stony Brook University - Reckoner (C: 7/31, II: 9/25, I: 10/23); plumazul (C: 7/25, II: 9/25, I: --)
SUNY Upstate - mynameistoolong (C: 9/4, II: 9/2x, I: ?);
Texas A&M HSC - NigelVermooth (C: 7/1, II: 7/29, I: 9/11-12);
Texas Tech HSC - NigelVermooth (C: 7/18, II: 8/19, I: 9/6);
Tri-Institutional(C/R/SK) - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 8/21, I: 10/31); Solarium90 (C: 7/4, II: 8/21, I: 10/31); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/9, I: 11/21)
Tufts- penguino92 (C: 08/21, II, 10/04,I:?), Member011 (C: 8/9, II: 10/4, I: 11/13), jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 10/4, I: 11/13), Otsdarva (C: 7/31, II: 10/28, I: 1/8)
University of Alabama, Birmingham - mTORC (C:8/28/13, II: 9/12/13, I: 12/4-12/6); zippyziggy (C: 8/2, II: 9/12, I: 12/3-5); pittpanther (C: 8/6, II: 9/12, I: ?); Solarium90 (C: 8/15,II: 9/18, I:12/4-6); oxfordian (C:9/15, II: 10/15, I: 12/11-13)
University of California, Davis - jla1985 (C: 10/08, II: 10/17, I: ?)
University of California, Irvine - TheShaker (C: 7/25, II: 9/7, I: 10/21), regeneration (C: 7/25, II: 9/07, I: 10/21), Vitor1192 (C:8/12, II: 9/22, I: 10/21)
University of California, Los Angeles - quebaldy (C: 8/11, II: 9/26, I: ??), Vitor1192 (C:8/10, II: 9/26, I: 10/24), ytterium (C: 8/24, II: 9/26, I: 11/14);
University of California, San Diego - mTORC (C: 9/2, II: 10/7, I: 1/16), Vitor1192 (C: 8/15, II: 10/16, I: 1/16-1/17), Orokami (C: 8/02, II: 10/18, I: 1/16-17)
University of California, San Francisco - ytterium (C: 9/20, II: 10/8, I: ??);
University of Chicago Pritzker - plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 7/23, I: 10/8-9); NigelVermooth (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: 10/8-9); quebaldy (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: 10/8-10/9); jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 8/9, I: 10/8-10/9); leish63(C:~8/5, II: 8/9, I: ?); oxfordian (C: 9/3?, II: 9/6, I: 12/9-12/11);
University of Cincinnati - Cpi89 (C: 8/26, II: 10/2, I: 10/17-19); zippyziggy (C: 7/10, II: 10/4, I: ?)
University of Colorado - zippyziggy (C: 9/18, II: 10/3, I: 1/23-24);
University of Florida - orokami (C: 8/1; II: 10/25; I: 1/23-24)
University of Illinois at Chicago - jumbo91 (C: ~7/30, II: 9/18, I: 11/4); Reckoner (C: 7/30, II 9/18, I: 11/4); Member011 (C: ~8/5, II: 10/16, I: 1/13)
University of Iowa - TheShaker (C: ~7/20, II: 10/2, I: 10/31 - 11/1); Reckoner (C: 8/8, II: 10/2, I: 10/31-11/1); Louly (C: 10/21/13, II: 10/21/13, I: 10/31-11/1)
University of Kentucky- Penguino92 (C: 08/06, II: 09/30, I: 10/21)
University of Louisville - mooser0956 (C:8/21, II: 9/12, I:10/9); Penguino92 (C: 8/20, II: 09/02, I: 11/04-05); BarcaFan (C: 9/10, II: 9/17, I: 11/4)
University of Maryland - plumazul (C: 7/25, II: 9/13, I: 1/8-9); Member011 (C: 8/16, II: 9/13, I: 11/20-21)
University of Massachusetts - NigelVermooth (C: 7/22, II: 9/13, I:?);
University of Michigan mooser0956 (C:7/29, II:8/26, I:11/14-15); gogosart (C:8/4, II:8/23, I:10/24-25); Reckoner (C: 7/16, II: 9/27, I: 11/14-15)
University of Minnesota regeneration (C: 8/15 II: 9/23, I: TBD)
University of Nebraska gogosart (C:7/24, II:8/5, I:11/20)
University of Pennsylvania - NigelVermooth (C: 7/2, II: 9/4, I: 11/7-8); plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 9/4, I: 12/5-6); Regeneration (C:8/19; II: 9/8; I: 11/22); mTORC (C: 9/2, II: 9/10, I: 11/7); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/2, I: 12/5-6); ytterium (C: 8/16; II: 9/6; I: 1/9);
University of Pittsburgh - leish63 (C: ~7/25, II: 8/5, I: 8/22-8/23); pittpanther (C:7/23, II: 8/8, I:8/26-8/27); mooser0956 (C:8/15, II:8/23, I:9/26-27); mTORC (C:~8/20, II: 9/9, I: 10/10-10/11)
University of Southern California - Orokami (C:~8/1; II:9/5; I: 10/24), jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 9/5; I: 1/9-10), BigFatCat (C:8/7, II: 9/5, I: 9/26-27);
University of Texas Houston - NigelVermooth (C: 7/23, II: 9/16, I: 12/19);
University of Texas HSCSA - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 7/15, I: 8/25-27); NigelVermooth (C: 7/23, II 7/28, I: 9/9-10); TheShaker (C: 7/23, II: 8/5/13, I: 9/23-24); Orokami (C: 7/16, II: 8/5, I: 8/25-27); mTORC (C: 8/15, II: 8/16, I: 8/25-27); cpi89 (C: 8/19, II: 8/22, I: 10/7-8)
University of Texas Medical Branch- cpi89 (C: 8/19, II: 10/7, I: ?)
University of Texas Southwestern - Reckoner (C: 8/9, II: 8/23, I: 9/27); BigFatCat (C: 7/23, II: 8/23, I: 10/11); NigelVermooth (C: 8/12, II: 9/4, I: 11/2);
University of Virginia - plumazul (C: 7/22, II: 8/23, I: 9/19-20); zippyziggy (C: 7/6, II: 8/23, I: 9/19-20); mTORC (C: 9:5, II: 9:14, I: ?)
University of Wisconsin-Madison pittpanther (C:7/18, II:8/27, I:10/3-6); TheShaker (C:7/19, II: 8/27, I: 10/3-6); mTORC (C: 8/22, II: 9/25, I: ??); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/11, I: 1/9-12)
University of Washington-Seattle pittpanther (C:~8/3, II:9/9 I:1/9-11); mTORC (C: 9/6, II: 9/30, I: ??);
Wake Forest University - Orokami (C: 8/10, II: 10/18, I: APP Withdrawn - Conflict)
Washington University - premed660 (C: ~7/30 II: 8/7 I:9/26-9/28); leish63 (C: 8/2, II: 8/20, I:9/26-9/28); NigelVermooth (C: 8/2, II: 8/21, I:9/26-28); quebaldy (C: 8/6, II: 8/21, I: 10/10-12); plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 8/29, I: 10/10-12); mTORC (C: 8/16, II: 9/14, I: 10/31-11/2); BigFatCat (C: 8/9, II: 9/23, I: 11/7-9); oxfordian (C: 8/30?, II: 9/30, I: 11/14-16), cpi89 (C: 8/19, II: 10/10, I: 11/7)
Yale University - Prion13 (C: 8/13, II: 9/13, I:12/9-10); mTORC (C: 9/9, II: 9/25, I: ??); ytterium (C: 8/16, II: 9/13, I: ??); NigelVermooth (C: 8/23, II: 10/3, I: 11/4-5); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/14, I: 1/13-14); BarcaFan (C: 8/16, II: 9/13, I: 12/9-10)

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1) Copy and Paste the Instructions, Data, and Legend (the new platform no longer strips formatting)
2) add your user name, ( complete date, interview invite date, interview date, any other pertinent info, and if needed, add the school name to the list
3) Enter the name(s) of the school(s) where you are adding data and any other comments, ABOVE the INSTRUCTIONS

Albert Einstein - BigFatCat (C: 8/5, II: 9/10, I:?); Member011 (C: 8/5, II: 9/10, I:10/18); jumbo91 (C: 8/6, II: 9/11, I: 11/22); mTORC (C: 8/23, II: 9/11, I: 10/18); Orokami (C: 8/1, II: 9/16, I: 11/22); oxfordian (C: 8/30, II: 10/2, I: 11/22)
Baylor - NigelVermooth (C: 8/2, II: 9/18, I: ?); pittpanter (C: 7/15, II: 9/18, I: 10/17-19); mTORC (C: 8/21, II: 10/8, I:?)
Boston University - pittpanther (C: 7/15, II: 9/10, I:?); NigelVermooth (C: 7/29, II: 9/10, I: 10/18); Otsdarva(C: 7/26, II: 9/13, I: 10/18); mynameistoolong (C: 7/26, II: 9/16, I: 11/1); Regeneration (C: 8/20, II:9/20, I: TBD); gogosart (C:7/20, II:10/1, I:10/18); Orokami (C:8/10; II: 10/1; I 1/10); Penguino92 (C: 8/20, II: 09/30, I: 11/08)
Case Western Reserve - plumazul (C: 7/20, II: 8/7, I: 12/12-13); Solarium90 (C: 7/9,II: 8/10, I:9/26); zippyziggy (C: 8/8, II: 8/29, I: 12/12-13); Member011 (C: 8/19, II: 9/4, I: 10/24-25);
Columbia University - plumazul (C: 7/13, II: 8/23, I: 10/23); Reckoner (C: 7/17, II: 8/23, I: 10/8); ytterium (C: 8/16, II: 9/11, I:11/22)
Dartmouth - jumbo91 (C: 7/30, II: 10/16, I: 10/30-31)
Duke University - zippyziggy (C: 7/15, II: 8/29, I: 11/7-8); plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 8/29, I: 11/7-8); quebaldy (C: 7/28, II: 9/9, I: 11/14-15); NigelVermooth (C: 7/24, II: 9/9, I: 10/24-25); ytterium (C: 8/16, II: 9/27, I: 12/5-6)
Emory - pittpanther (C:7/21, II:9/30, I:11/7-8); zippyziggy (C: 7/13, II: 10/2, I: 12/5-6); jumbo91 (C: 8/23, II: 10/8, I:12/5-6); Orokami (C 8/23, II: 10/12, I: 12/5-6)
Harvard University- NigelVermooth (C: 8/20, II: 10/8, I: ?);
Hofstra University- Yuyukachoo (C: 9/4, II: 10/16, I: 1/8)
Indiana University- mooser0956 (C:7/12, II: 8/9, I:TBD); regeneration (C:7/11, II: 8/12, I:TBD); TheShaker (C: 7/19, II: 9/5, I: 11/13); gogosart (C:7/24, II:8/21, I:TBD), cpi89 (C: 8/19, II: 10/7, I: ?)
Jefferson - mynameistoolong (C: 8/28, II: 9/9, I: 11/19-20); cpi89 (C: 9/17, II: 9/20, I: 11/19-20) Penguino92 (C: 08/09, II: 09/05, I: 11/13)
Johns Hopkins - plumazul (C: 7/23, II: 8/29, I: 9/25-26); BarcaFan (C: 8/28, II: 9/11, I: 10/23-24); ytterium (C: 8/21; II: 10/21, I: 11/20-11/21)
Medical University of South Carolina - Reckoner (C: 8/8, II: 8/23, I: 10/11); Member011 (C: 8/19, II: 9/7, I: 10/11); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 9/27, I: 10/18)
Miller School of Medicine, Miami - Orokami (C: 8/1, II: 10/3, I: 11/1), Vitor1192 (C: 8/8, II: 10/2, I: 11/1)
Mount Sinai - zippyziggy (C: 7/17, II: 9/6, I: 11/4-5); Member011 (C: 8/12, II: 9/6, I: 10/28-29); plumazul (C: 7/23, II: 9/12, I: 10/28-29); mynameistoolong (C: 7/25, II: 9/16, I: 11/4-5); Solarium90 (C: 8/3,II: 9/12, I:10/28-29); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/18, I: 12/2-3)
New Jersey Medical School - Otsdarva (C: 7/20, II: 9/24, I: 10/15)
Northwestern - BigFatCat (C: 8/26, II: 9/9, I: ?); Solarium90 (C: 8/28,II: 9/10, I:11/6-7);
NYU - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); Reckoner (C: 7/17, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); BigFatCat (C: 8/1, II: 8/28, I: 10/18); oxfordian (C: 9/9, II: 9/16, I: 11/8)
Ohio State University - Solarium90(C: 7/9, II:8/14, I: 10/10); zippyziggy (C: 7/27, II: 8/20, I: 10/10-12); Otsdarva(C: 7/30, II: 8/29, I: 10/31);
Oregon Health and Science University - zippyziggy (C: 9/16, II: 9/17, I: 12/18-19); yuyukachoo (C:10/8, II:10/29, I:12/18-19)
Penn State - TheShaker (C: 8/10, II: 10/1, I: 12/9); mynameistoolong (C: 8/8, II: 10/2, I: 11/18)
Robert Wood Johnson - pittpanther (C: ~7/23, II:8/9 I:9/16); Otsdarva(C: 7/25, II: 8/9, I: 9/16)
Rochester University - regeneration (C: ~7/19, II:8/23 I:9/26); Orokami (C:~7/30, II: 8/25 I: 10/17); mTORC (C: 8/19, II: 8/29, I: ?)
Stanford - NigelVermooth (C: 8/3, II: 8/15, I:10/2-3); quebaldy (C:8/4, II: 8/15, I: 10/2-3); ytterium (C:8/16, II:9/6, I:10/2-3);
Stony Brook University - Reckoner (C: 7/31, II: 9/25, I: 10/23); plumazul (C: 7/25, II: 9/25, I: --)
SUNY Upstate - mynameistoolong (C: 9/4, II: 9/2x, I: ?);
Texas A&M HSC - NigelVermooth (C: 7/1, II: 7/29, I: 9/11-12);
Texas Tech HSC - NigelVermooth (C: 7/18, II: 8/19, I: 9/6);
Tri-Institutional(C/R/SK) - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 8/21, I: 10/31); Solarium90 (C: 7/4, II: 8/21, I: 10/31); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/9, I: 11/21)
Tufts- penguino92 (C: 08/21, II, 10/04,I:?), Member011 (C: 8/9, II: 10/4, I: 11/13), jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 10/4, I: 11/13), Otsdarva (C: 7/31, II: 10/28, I: 1/8)
University of Alabama, Birmingham - mTORC (C:8/28/13, II: 9/12/13, I: 12/4-12/6); zippyziggy (C: 8/2, II: 9/12, I: 12/3-5); pittpanther (C: 8/6, II: 9/12, I: ?); Solarium90 (C: 8/15,II: 9/18, I:12/4-6); oxfordian (C:9/15, II: 10/15, I: 12/11-13)
University of California, Davis - jla1985 (C: 10/08, II: 10/17, I: ?)
University of California, Irvine - TheShaker (C: 7/25, II: 9/7, I: 10/21), regeneration (C: 7/25, II: 9/07, I: 10/21), Vitor1192 (C:8/12, II: 9/22, I: 10/21)
University of California, Los Angeles - quebaldy (C: 8/11, II: 9/26, I: ??), Vitor1192 (C:8/10, II: 9/26, I: 10/24), ytterium (C: 8/24, II: 9/26, I: 11/14);
University of California, San Diego - mTORC (C: 9/2, II: 10/7, I: 1/16), Vitor1192 (C: 8/15, II: 10/16, I: 1/16-1/17), Orokami (C: 8/02, II: 10/18, I: 1/16-17)
University of California, San Francisco - ytterium (C: 9/20, II: 10/8, I: ??);
University of Chicago Pritzker - plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 7/23, I: 10/8-9); NigelVermooth (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: 10/8-9); quebaldy (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: 10/8-10/9); jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 8/9, I: 10/8-10/9); leish63(C:~8/5, II: 8/9, I: ?); oxfordian (C: 9/3?, II: 9/6, I: 12/9-12/11);
University of Cincinnati - Cpi89 (C: 8/26, II: 10/2, I: 10/17-19); zippyziggy (C: 7/10, II: 10/4, I: ?)
University of Colorado - zippyziggy (C: 9/18, II: 10/3, I: 1/23-24);
University of Florida - orokami (C: 8/1; II: 10/25; I: 1/23-24)
University of Illinois at Chicago - jumbo91 (C: ~7/30, II: 9/18, I: 11/4); Reckoner (C: 7/30, II 9/18, I: 11/4); Member011 (C: ~8/5, II: 10/16, I: 1/13)
University of Iowa - TheShaker (C: ~7/20, II: 10/2, I: 10/31 - 11/1); Reckoner (C: 8/8, II: 10/2, I: 10/31-11/1); Louly (C: 10/21/13, II: 10/21/13, I: 10/31-11/1)
University of Kentucky- Penguino92 (C: 08/06, II: 09/30, I: 10/21)
University of Louisville - mooser0956 (C:8/21, II: 9/12, I:10/9); Penguino92 (C: 8/20, II: 09/02, I: 11/04-05); BarcaFan (C: 9/10, II: 9/17, I: 11/4)
University of Maryland - plumazul (C: 7/25, II: 9/13, I: 1/8-9); Member011 (C: 8/16, II: 9/13, I: 11/20-21)
University of Massachusetts - NigelVermooth (C: 7/22, II: 9/13, I:?);
University of Michigan mooser0956 (C:7/29, II:8/26, I:11/14-15); gogosart (C:8/4, II:8/23, I:10/24-25); Reckoner (C: 7/16, II: 9/27, I: 11/14-15)
University of Minnesota regeneration (C: 8/15 II: 9/23, I: TBD)
University of Nebraska gogosart (C:7/24, II:8/5, I:11/20)
University of Pennsylvania - NigelVermooth (C: 7/2, II: 9/4, I: 11/7-8); plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 9/4, I: 12/5-6); Regeneration (C:8/19; II: 9/8; I: 11/22); mTORC (C: 9/2, II: 9/10, I: 11/7); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/2, I: 12/5-6); ytterium (C: 8/16; II: 9/6; I: 1/9);
University of Pittsburgh - leish63 (C: ~7/25, II: 8/5, I: 8/22-8/23); pittpanther (C:7/23, II: 8/8, I:8/26-8/27); mooser0956 (C:8/15, II:8/23, I:9/26-27); mTORC (C:~8/20, II: 9/9, I: 10/10-10/11)
University of Southern California - Orokami (C:~8/1; II:9/5; I: 10/24), jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 9/5; I: 1/9-10), BigFatCat (C:8/7, II: 9/5, I: 9/26-27);
University of Texas Houston - NigelVermooth (C: 7/23, II: 9/16, I: 12/19);
University of Texas HSCSA - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 7/15, I: 8/25-27); NigelVermooth (C: 7/23, II 7/28, I: 9/9-10); TheShaker (C: 7/23, II: 8/5/13, I: 9/23-24); Orokami (C: 7/16, II: 8/5, I: 8/25-27); mTORC (C: 8/15, II: 8/16, I: 8/25-27); cpi89 (C: 8/19, II: 8/22, I: 10/7-8)
University of Texas Medical Branch- cpi89 (C: 8/19, II: 10/7, I: ?)
University of Texas Southwestern - Reckoner (C: 8/9, II: 8/23, I: 9/27); BigFatCat (C: 7/23, II: 8/23, I: 10/11); NigelVermooth (C: 8/12, II: 9/4, I: 11/2);
University of Virginia - plumazul (C: 7/22, II: 8/23, I: 9/19-20); zippyziggy (C: 7/6, II: 8/23, I: 9/19-20); mTORC (C: 9:5, II: 9:14, I: ?)
University of Wisconsin-Madison pittpanther (C:7/18, II:8/27, I:10/3-6); TheShaker (C:7/19, II: 8/27, I: 10/3-6); mTORC (C: 8/22, II: 9/25, I: ??); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/11, I: 1/9-12)
University of Washington-Seattle pittpanther (C:~8/3, II:9/9 I:1/9-11); mTORC (C: 9/6, II: 9/30, I: ??);
Wake Forest University - Orokami (C: 8/10, II: 10/18, I: APP Withdrawn - Conflict)
Washington University - premed660 (C: ~7/30 II: 8/7 I:9/26-9/28); leish63 (C: 8/2, II: 8/20, I:9/26-9/28); NigelVermooth (C: 8/2, II: 8/21, I:9/26-28); quebaldy (C: 8/6, II: 8/21, I: 10/10-12); plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 8/29, I: 10/10-12); mTORC (C: 8/16, II: 9/14, I: 10/31-11/2); BigFatCat (C: 8/9, II: 9/23, I: 11/7-9); oxfordian (C: 8/30?, II: 9/30, I: 11/14-16), cpi89 (C: 8/19, II: 10/10, I: 11/7)
Yale University - Prion13 (C: 8/13, II: 9/13, I:12/9-10); mTORC (C: 9/9, II: 9/25, I: ??); ytterium (C: 8/16, II: 9/13, I: ??); NigelVermooth (C: 8/23, II: 10/3, I: 11/4-5); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/14, I: 1/13-14); BarcaFan (C: 8/16, II: 9/13, I: 12/9-10)

New Platform, New INSTRUCTIONS!
1) Copy and Paste the Instructions, Data, and Legend (the new platform no longer strips formatting)
2) add your user name, ( complete date, interview invite date, interview date, any other pertinent info, and if needed, add the school name to the list
3) Enter the name(s) of the school(s) where you are adding data and any other comments, ABOVE the INSTRUCTIONS

Albert Einstein - BigFatCat (C: 8/5, II: 9/10, I:?); Member011 (C: 8/5, II: 9/10, I:10/18); jumbo91 (C: 8/6, II: 9/11, I: 11/22); mTORC (C: 8/23, II: 9/11, I: 10/18); Orokami (C: 8/1, II: 9/16, I: 11/22); oxfordian (C: 8/30, II: 10/2, I: 11/22)
Baylor - NigelVermooth (C: 8/2, II: 9/18, I: ?); pittpanter (C: 7/15, II: 9/18, I: 10/17-19); mTORC (C: 8/21, II: 10/8, I:?)
Boston University - pittpanther (C: 7/15, II: 9/10, I:?); NigelVermooth (C: 7/29, II: 9/10, I: 10/18); Otsdarva(C: 7/26, II: 9/13, I: 10/18); mynameistoolong (C: 7/26, II: 9/16, I: 11/1); Regeneration (C: 8/20, II:9/20, I: TBD); gogosart (C:7/20, II:10/1, I:10/18); Orokami (C:8/10; II: 10/1; I 1/10); Penguino92 (C: 8/20, II: 09/30, I: 11/08)
Case Western Reserve - plumazul (C: 7/20, II: 8/7, I: 12/12-13); Solarium90 (C: 7/9,II: 8/10, I:9/26); zippyziggy (C: 8/8, II: 8/29, I: 12/12-13); Member011 (C: 8/19, II: 9/4, I: 10/24-25);
Columbia University - plumazul (C: 7/13, II: 8/23, I: 10/23); Reckoner (C: 7/17, II: 8/23, I: 10/8); ytterium (C: 8/16, II: 9/11, I:11/22)
Dartmouth - jumbo91 (C: 7/30, II: 10/16, I: 10/30-31)
Duke University - zippyziggy (C: 7/15, II: 8/29, I: 11/7-8); plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 8/29, I: 11/7-8); quebaldy (C: 7/28, II: 9/9, I: 11/14-15); NigelVermooth (C: 7/24, II: 9/9, I: 10/24-25); ytterium (C: 8/16, II: 9/27, I: 12/5-6)
Emory - pittpanther (C:7/21, II:9/30, I:11/7-8); zippyziggy (C: 7/13, II: 10/2, I: 12/5-6); jumbo91 (C: 8/23, II: 10/8, I:12/5-6); Orokami (C 8/23, II: 10/12, I: 12/5-6)
Harvard University- NigelVermooth (C: 8/20, II: 10/8, I: ?);
Hofstra University- Yuyukachoo (C: 9/4, II: 10/16, I: 1/8)
Indiana University- mooser0956 (C:7/12, II: 8/9, I:TBD); regeneration (C:7/11, II: 8/12, I:TBD); TheShaker (C: 7/19, II: 9/5, I: 11/13); gogosart (C:7/24, II:8/21, I:TBD), cpi89 (C: 8/19, II: 10/7, I: ?)
Jefferson - mynameistoolong (C: 8/28, II: 9/9, I: 11/19-20); cpi89 (C: 9/17, II: 9/20, I: 11/19-20) Penguino92 (C: 08/09, II: 09/05, I: 11/13)
Johns Hopkins - plumazul (C: 7/23, II: 8/29, I: 9/25-26); BarcaFan (C: 8/28, II: 9/11, I: 10/23-24); ytterium (C: 8/21; II: 10/21, I: 11/20-11/21)
Medical University of South Carolina - Reckoner (C: 8/8, II: 8/23, I: 10/11); Member011 (C: 8/19, II: 9/7, I: 10/11); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 9/27, I: 10/18)
Miller School of Medicine, Miami - Orokami (C: 8/1, II: 10/3, I: 11/1), Vitor1192 (C: 8/8, II: 10/2, I: 11/1)
Mount Sinai - zippyziggy (C: 7/17, II: 9/6, I: 11/4-5); Member011 (C: 8/12, II: 9/6, I: 10/28-29); plumazul (C: 7/23, II: 9/12, I: 10/28-29); mynameistoolong (C: 7/25, II: 9/16, I: 11/4-5); Solarium90 (C: 8/3,II: 9/12, I:10/28-29); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/18, I: 12/2-3)
New Jersey Medical School - Otsdarva (C: 7/20, II: 9/24, I: 10/15)
Northwestern - BigFatCat (C: 8/26, II: 9/9, I: ?); Solarium90 (C: 8/28,II: 9/10, I:11/6-7);
NYU - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); Reckoner (C: 7/17, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); BigFatCat (C: 8/1, II: 8/28, I: 10/18); oxfordian (C: 9/9, II: 9/16, I: 11/8)
Ohio State University - Solarium90(C: 7/9, II:8/14, I: 10/10); zippyziggy (C: 7/27, II: 8/20, I: 10/10-12); Otsdarva(C: 7/30, II: 8/29, I: 10/31);
Oregon Health and Science University - zippyziggy (C: 9/16, II: 9/17, I: 12/18-19); yuyukachoo (C:10/8, II:10/29, I:12/18-19); jla1985 (C: 10/11, II: 10/29, I: 12/18-19 or 01/22-23)
Penn State - TheShaker (C: 8/10, II: 10/1, I: 12/9); mynameistoolong (C: 8/8, II: 10/2, I: 11/18)
Robert Wood Johnson - pittpanther (C: ~7/23, II:8/9 I:9/16); Otsdarva(C: 7/25, II: 8/9, I: 9/16)
Rochester University - regeneration (C: ~7/19, II:8/23 I:9/26); Orokami (C:~7/30, II: 8/25 I: 10/17); mTORC (C: 8/19, II: 8/29, I: ?)
Stanford - NigelVermooth (C: 8/3, II: 8/15, I:10/2-3); quebaldy (C:8/4, II: 8/15, I: 10/2-3); ytterium (C:8/16, II:9/6, I:10/2-3);
Stony Brook University - Reckoner (C: 7/31, II: 9/25, I: 10/23); plumazul (C: 7/25, II: 9/25, I: --)
SUNY Upstate - mynameistoolong (C: 9/4, II: 9/2x, I: ?);
Texas A&M HSC - NigelVermooth (C: 7/1, II: 7/29, I: 9/11-12);
Texas Tech HSC - NigelVermooth (C: 7/18, II: 8/19, I: 9/6);
Tri-Institutional(C/R/SK) - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 8/21, I: 10/31); Solarium90 (C: 7/4, II: 8/21, I: 10/31); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/9, I: 11/21)
Tufts- penguino92 (C: 08/21, II, 10/04,I:?), Member011 (C: 8/9, II: 10/4, I: 11/13), jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 10/4, I: 11/13), Otsdarva (C: 7/31, II: 10/28, I: 1/8)
University of Alabama, Birmingham - mTORC (C:8/28/13, II: 9/12/13, I: 12/4-12/6); zippyziggy (C: 8/2, II: 9/12, I: 12/3-5); pittpanther (C: 8/6, II: 9/12, I: ?); Solarium90 (C: 8/15,II: 9/18, I:12/4-6); oxfordian (C:9/15, II: 10/15, I: 12/11-13)
University of California, Davis - jla1985 (C: 10/08, II: 10/17, I: ?)
University of California, Irvine - TheShaker (C: 7/25, II: 9/7, I: 10/21), regeneration (C: 7/25, II: 9/07, I: 10/21), Vitor1192 (C:8/12, II: 9/22, I: 10/21)
University of California, Los Angeles - quebaldy (C: 8/11, II: 9/26, I: ??), Vitor1192 (C:8/10, II: 9/26, I: 10/24), ytterium (C: 8/24, II: 9/26, I: 11/14);
University of California, San Diego - mTORC (C: 9/2, II: 10/7, I: 1/16), Vitor1192 (C: 8/15, II: 10/16, I: 1/16-1/17), Orokami (C: 8/02, II: 10/18, I: 1/16-17)
University of California, San Francisco - ytterium (C: 9/20, II: 10/8, I: ??);
University of Chicago Pritzker - plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 7/23, I: 10/8-9); NigelVermooth (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: 10/8-9); quebaldy (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: 10/8-10/9); jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 8/9, I: 10/8-10/9); leish63(C:~8/5, II: 8/9, I: ?); oxfordian (C: 9/3?, II: 9/6, I: 12/9-12/11);
University of Cincinnati - Cpi89 (C: 8/26, II: 10/2, I: 10/17-19); zippyziggy (C: 7/10, II: 10/4, I: ?)
University of Colorado - zippyziggy (C: 9/18, II: 10/3, I: 1/23-24);
University of Florida - orokami (C: 8/1; II: 10/25; I: 1/23-24)
University of Illinois at Chicago - jumbo91 (C: ~7/30, II: 9/18, I: 11/4); Reckoner (C: 7/30, II 9/18, I: 11/4); Member011 (C: ~8/5, II: 10/16, I: 1/13)
University of Iowa - TheShaker (C: ~7/20, II: 10/2, I: 10/31 - 11/1); Reckoner (C: 8/8, II: 10/2, I: 10/31-11/1); Louly (C: 10/21/13, II: 10/21/13, I: 10/31-11/1)
University of Kentucky- Penguino92 (C: 08/06, II: 09/30, I: 10/21)
University of Louisville - mooser0956 (C:8/21, II: 9/12, I:10/9); Penguino92 (C: 8/20, II: 09/02, I: 11/04-05); BarcaFan (C: 9/10, II: 9/17, I: 11/4)
University of Maryland - plumazul (C: 7/25, II: 9/13, I: 1/8-9); Member011 (C: 8/16, II: 9/13, I: 11/20-21)
University of Massachusetts - NigelVermooth (C: 7/22, II: 9/13, I:?);
University of Michigan mooser0956 (C:7/29, II:8/26, I:11/14-15); gogosart (C:8/4, II:8/23, I:10/24-25); Reckoner (C: 7/16, II: 9/27, I: 11/14-15)
University of Minnesota regeneration (C: 8/15 II: 9/23, I: TBD)
University of Nebraska gogosart (C:7/24, II:8/5, I:11/20)
University of Pennsylvania - NigelVermooth (C: 7/2, II: 9/4, I: 11/7-8); plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 9/4, I: 12/5-6); Regeneration (C:8/19; II: 9/8; I: 11/22); mTORC (C: 9/2, II: 9/10, I: 11/7); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/2, I: 12/5-6); ytterium (C: 8/16; II: 9/6; I: 1/9);
University of Pittsburgh - leish63 (C: ~7/25, II: 8/5, I: 8/22-8/23); pittpanther (C:7/23, II: 8/8, I:8/26-8/27); mooser0956 (C:8/15, II:8/23, I:9/26-27); mTORC (C:~8/20, II: 9/9, I: 10/10-10/11)
University of Southern California - Orokami (C:~8/1; II:9/5; I: 10/24), jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 9/5; I: 1/9-10), BigFatCat (C:8/7, II: 9/5, I: 9/26-27);
University of Texas Houston - NigelVermooth (C: 7/23, II: 9/16, I: 12/19);
University of Texas HSCSA - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 7/15, I: 8/25-27); NigelVermooth (C: 7/23, II 7/28, I: 9/9-10); TheShaker (C: 7/23, II: 8/5/13, I: 9/23-24); Orokami (C: 7/16, II: 8/5, I: 8/25-27); mTORC (C: 8/15, II: 8/16, I: 8/25-27); cpi89 (C: 8/19, II: 8/22, I: 10/7-8)
University of Texas Medical Branch- cpi89 (C: 8/19, II: 10/7, I: ?)
University of Texas Southwestern - Reckoner (C: 8/9, II: 8/23, I: 9/27); BigFatCat (C: 7/23, II: 8/23, I: 10/11); NigelVermooth (C: 8/12, II: 9/4, I: 11/2);
University of Virginia - plumazul (C: 7/22, II: 8/23, I: 9/19-20); zippyziggy (C: 7/6, II: 8/23, I: 9/19-20); mTORC (C: 9:5, II: 9:14, I: ?)
University of Wisconsin-Madison pittpanther (C:7/18, II:8/27, I:10/3-6); TheShaker (C:7/19, II: 8/27, I: 10/3-6); mTORC (C: 8/22, II: 9/25, I: ??); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/11, I: 1/9-12)
University of Washington-Seattle pittpanther (C:~8/3, II:9/9 I:1/9-11); mTORC (C: 9/6, II: 9/30, I: ??);
Wake Forest University - Orokami (C: 8/10, II: 10/18, I: APP Withdrawn - Conflict)
Washington University - premed660 (C: ~7/30 II: 8/7 I:9/26-9/28); leish63 (C: 8/2, II: 8/20, I:9/26-9/28); NigelVermooth (C: 8/2, II: 8/21, I:9/26-28); quebaldy (C: 8/6, II: 8/21, I: 10/10-12); plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 8/29, I: 10/10-12); mTORC (C: 8/16, II: 9/14, I: 10/31-11/2); BigFatCat (C: 8/9, II: 9/23, I: 11/7-9); oxfordian (C: 8/30?, II: 9/30, I: 11/14-16), cpi89 (C: 8/19, II: 10/10, I: 11/7)
Yale University - Prion13 (C: 8/13, II: 9/13, I:12/9-10); mTORC (C: 9/9, II: 9/25, I: ??); ytterium (C: 8/16, II: 9/13, I: ??); NigelVermooth (C: 8/23, II: 10/3, I: 11/4-5); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/14, I: 1/13-14); BarcaFan (C: 8/16, II: 9/13, I: 12/9-10)
Emory, Vanderbilt

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Albert Einstein - BigFatCat (C: 8/5, II: 9/10, I:?); Member011 (C: 8/5, II: 9/10, I:10/18); jumbo91 (C: 8/6, II: 9/11, I: 11/22); mTORC (C: 8/23, II: 9/11, I: 10/18); Orokami (C: 8/1, II: 9/16, I: 11/22); oxfordian (C: 8/30, II: 10/2, I: 11/22)
Baylor - NigelVermooth (C: 8/2, II: 9/18, I: ?); pittpanter (C: 7/15, II: 9/18, I: 10/17-19); mTORC (C: 8/21, II: 10/8, I:?)
Boston University - pittpanther (C: 7/15, II: 9/10, I:?); NigelVermooth (C: 7/29, II: 9/10, I: 10/18); Otsdarva(C: 7/26, II: 9/13, I: 10/18); mynameistoolong (C: 7/26, II: 9/16, I: 11/1); Regeneration (C: 8/20, II:9/20, I: TBD); gogosart (C:7/20, II:10/1, I:10/18); Orokami (C:8/10; II: 10/1; I 1/10); Penguino92 (C: 8/20, II: 09/30, I: 11/08)
Case Western Reserve - plumazul (C: 7/20, II: 8/7, I: 12/12-13); Solarium90 (C: 7/9,II: 8/10, I:9/26); zippyziggy (C: 8/8, II: 8/29, I: 12/12-13); Member011 (C: 8/19, II: 9/4, I: 10/24-25);
Columbia University - plumazul (C: 7/13, II: 8/23, I: 10/23); Reckoner (C: 7/17, II: 8/23, I: 10/8); ytterium (C: 8/16, II: 9/11, I:11/22)
Dartmouth - jumbo91 (C: 7/30, II: 10/16, I: 10/30-31)
Duke University - zippyziggy (C: 7/15, II: 8/29, I: 11/7-8); plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 8/29, I: 11/7-8); quebaldy (C: 7/28, II: 9/9, I: 11/14-15); NigelVermooth (C: 7/24, II: 9/9, I: 10/24-25); ytterium (C: 8/16, II: 9/27, I: 12/5-6)
Emory - pittpanther (C:7/21, II:9/30, I:11/7-8); zippyziggy (C: 7/13, II: 10/2, I: 12/5-6); jumbo91 (C: 8/23, II: 10/8, I:12/5-6); Orokami (C 8/23, II: 10/12, I: 12/5-6); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/29, I: ?)
Harvard University- NigelVermooth (C: 8/20, II: 10/8, I: ?);
Hofstra University- Yuyukachoo (C: 9/4, II: 10/16, I: 1/8)
Indiana University- mooser0956 (C:7/12, II: 8/9, I:TBD); regeneration (C:7/11, II: 8/12, I:TBD); TheShaker (C: 7/19, II: 9/5, I: 11/13); gogosart (C:7/24, II:8/21, I:TBD), cpi89 (C: 8/19, II: 10/7, I: ?)
Jefferson - mynameistoolong (C: 8/28, II: 9/9, I: 11/19-20); cpi89 (C: 9/17, II: 9/20, I: 11/19-20) Penguino92 (C: 08/09, II: 09/05, I: 11/13)
Johns Hopkins - plumazul (C: 7/23, II: 8/29, I: 9/25-26); BarcaFan (C: 8/28, II: 9/11, I: 10/23-24); ytterium (C: 8/21; II: 10/21, I: 11/20-11/21)
Medical University of South Carolina - Reckoner (C: 8/8, II: 8/23, I: 10/11); Member011 (C: 8/19, II: 9/7, I: 10/11); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 9/27, I: 10/18)
Miller School of Medicine, Miami - Orokami (C: 8/1, II: 10/3, I: 11/1), Vitor1192 (C: 8/8, II: 10/2, I: 11/1)
Mount Sinai - zippyziggy (C: 7/17, II: 9/6, I: 11/4-5); Member011 (C: 8/12, II: 9/6, I: 10/28-29); plumazul (C: 7/23, II: 9/12, I: 10/28-29); mynameistoolong (C: 7/25, II: 9/16, I: 11/4-5); Solarium90 (C: 8/3,II: 9/12, I:10/28-29); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/18, I: 12/2-3)
New Jersey Medical School - Otsdarva (C: 7/20, II: 9/24, I: 10/15)
Northwestern - BigFatCat (C: 8/26, II: 9/9, I: ?); Solarium90 (C: 8/28,II: 9/10, I:11/6-7);
NYU - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); Reckoner (C: 7/17, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); BigFatCat (C: 8/1, II: 8/28, I: 10/18); oxfordian (C: 9/9, II: 9/16, I: 11/8)
Ohio State University - Solarium90(C: 7/9, II:8/14, I: 10/10); zippyziggy (C: 7/27, II: 8/20, I: 10/10-12); Otsdarva(C: 7/30, II: 8/29, I: 10/31);
Oregon Health and Science University - zippyziggy (C: 9/16, II: 9/17, I: 12/18-19); yuyukachoo (C:10/8, II:10/29, I:12/18-19); jla1985 (C: 10/11, II: 10/29, I: 12/18-19 or 01/22-23)
Penn State - TheShaker (C: 8/10, II: 10/1, I: 12/9); mynameistoolong (C: 8/8, II: 10/2, I: 11/18)
Robert Wood Johnson - pittpanther (C: ~7/23, II:8/9 I:9/16); Otsdarva(C: 7/25, II: 8/9, I: 9/16)
Rochester University - regeneration (C: ~7/19, II:8/23 I:9/26); Orokami (C:~7/30, II: 8/25 I: 10/17); mTORC (C: 8/19, II: 8/29, I: ?)
Stanford - NigelVermooth (C: 8/3, II: 8/15, I:10/2-3); quebaldy (C:8/4, II: 8/15, I: 10/2-3); ytterium (C:8/16, II:9/6, I:10/2-3);
Stony Brook University - Reckoner (C: 7/31, II: 9/25, I: 10/23); plumazul (C: 7/25, II: 9/25, I: --)
SUNY Upstate - mynameistoolong (C: 9/4, II: 9/2x, I: ?);
Texas A&M HSC - NigelVermooth (C: 7/1, II: 7/29, I: 9/11-12);
Texas Tech HSC - NigelVermooth (C: 7/18, II: 8/19, I: 9/6);
Tri-Institutional(C/R/SK) - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 8/21, I: 10/31); Solarium90 (C: 7/4, II: 8/21, I: 10/31); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/9, I: 11/21)
Tufts- penguino92 (C: 08/21, II, 10/04,I:?), Member011 (C: 8/9, II: 10/4, I: 11/13), jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 10/4, I: 11/13), Otsdarva (C: 7/31, II: 10/28, I: 1/8)
University of Alabama, Birmingham - mTORC (C:8/28/13, II: 9/12/13, I: 12/4-12/6); zippyziggy (C: 8/2, II: 9/12, I: 12/3-5); pittpanther (C: 8/6, II: 9/12, I: ?); Solarium90 (C: 8/15,II: 9/18, I:12/4-6); oxfordian (C:9/15, II: 10/15, I: 12/11-13)
University of California, Davis - jla1985 (C: 10/08, II: 10/17, I: ?)
University of California, Irvine - TheShaker (C: 7/25, II: 9/7, I: 10/21), regeneration (C: 7/25, II: 9/07, I: 10/21), Vitor1192 (C:8/12, II: 9/22, I: 10/21)
University of California, Los Angeles - quebaldy (C: 8/11, II: 9/26, I: ??), Vitor1192 (C:8/10, II: 9/26, I: 10/24), ytterium (C: 8/24, II: 9/26, I: 11/14);
University of California, San Diego - mTORC (C: 9/2, II: 10/7, I: 1/16), Vitor1192 (C: 8/15, II: 10/16, I: 1/16-1/17), Orokami (C: 8/02, II: 10/18, I: 1/16-17)
University of California, San Francisco - ytterium (C: 9/20, II: 10/8, I: ??);
University of Chicago Pritzker - plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 7/23, I: 10/8-9); NigelVermooth (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: 10/8-9); quebaldy (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: 10/8-10/9); jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 8/9, I: 10/8-10/9); leish63(C:~8/5, II: 8/9, I: ?); oxfordian (C: 9/3?, II: 9/6, I: 12/9-12/11);
University of Cincinnati - Cpi89 (C: 8/26, II: 10/2, I: 10/17-19); zippyziggy (C: 7/10, II: 10/4, I: ?)
University of Colorado - zippyziggy (C: 9/18, II: 10/3, I: 1/23-24);
University of Florida - orokami (C: 8/1; II: 10/25; I: 1/23-24)
University of Illinois at Chicago - jumbo91 (C: ~7/30, II: 9/18, I: 11/4); Reckoner (C: 7/30, II 9/18, I: 11/4); Member011 (C: ~8/5, II: 10/16, I: 1/13)
University of Iowa - TheShaker (C: ~7/20, II: 10/2, I: 10/31 - 11/1); Reckoner (C: 8/8, II: 10/2, I: 10/31-11/1); Louly (C: 10/21/13, II: 10/21/13, I: 10/31-11/1)
University of Kentucky- Penguino92 (C: 08/06, II: 09/30, I: 10/21)
University of Louisville - mooser0956 (C:8/21, II: 9/12, I:10/9); Penguino92 (C: 8/20, II: 09/02, I: 11/04-05); BarcaFan (C: 9/10, II: 9/17, I: 11/4)
University of Maryland - plumazul (C: 7/25, II: 9/13, I: 1/8-9); Member011 (C: 8/16, II: 9/13, I: 11/20-21)
University of Massachusetts - NigelVermooth (C: 7/22, II: 9/13, I:?);
University of Michigan mooser0956 (C:7/29, II:8/26, I:11/14-15); gogosart (C:8/4, II:8/23, I:10/24-25); Reckoner (C: 7/16, II: 9/27, I: 11/14-15)
University of Minnesota regeneration (C: 8/15 II: 9/23, I: TBD)
University of Nebraska gogosart (C:7/24, II:8/5, I:11/20)
University of Pennsylvania - NigelVermooth (C: 7/2, II: 9/4, I: 11/7-8); plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 9/4, I: 12/5-6); Regeneration (C:8/19; II: 9/8; I: 11/22); mTORC (C: 9/2, II: 9/10, I: 11/7); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/2, I: 12/5-6); ytterium (C: 8/16; II: 9/6; I: 1/9);
University of Pittsburgh - leish63 (C: ~7/25, II: 8/5, I: 8/22-8/23); pittpanther (C:7/23, II: 8/8, I:8/26-8/27); mooser0956 (C:8/15, II:8/23, I:9/26-27); mTORC (C:~8/20, II: 9/9, I: 10/10-10/11)
University of Southern California - Orokami (C:~8/1; II:9/5; I: 10/24), jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 9/5; I: 1/9-10), BigFatCat (C:8/7, II: 9/5, I: 9/26-27);
University of Texas Houston - NigelVermooth (C: 7/23, II: 9/16, I: 12/19);
University of Texas HSCSA - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 7/15, I: 8/25-27); NigelVermooth (C: 7/23, II 7/28, I: 9/9-10); TheShaker (C: 7/23, II: 8/5/13, I: 9/23-24); Orokami (C: 7/16, II: 8/5, I: 8/25-27); mTORC (C: 8/15, II: 8/16, I: 8/25-27); cpi89 (C: 8/19, II: 8/22, I: 10/7-8)
University of Texas Medical Branch- cpi89 (C: 8/19, II: 10/7, I: ?)
University of Texas Southwestern - Reckoner (C: 8/9, II: 8/23, I: 9/27); BigFatCat (C: 7/23, II: 8/23, I: 10/11); NigelVermooth (C: 8/12, II: 9/4, I: 11/2);
University of Virginia - plumazul (C: 7/22, II: 8/23, I: 9/19-20); zippyziggy (C: 7/6, II: 8/23, I: 9/19-20); mTORC (C: 9:5, II: 9:14, I: ?)
University of Wisconsin-Madison pittpanther (C:7/18, II:8/27, I:10/3-6); TheShaker (C:7/19, II: 8/27, I: 10/3-6); mTORC (C: 8/22, II: 9/25, I: ??); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/11, I: 1/9-12)
University of Washington-Seattle pittpanther (C:~8/3, II:9/9 I:1/9-11); mTORC (C: 9/6, II: 9/30, I: ??);
Vanderbilt University - oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/30, I: 1/17)
Wake Forest University - Orokami (C: 8/10, II: 10/18, I: APP Withdrawn - Conflict)
Washington University - premed660 (C: ~7/30 II: 8/7 I:9/26-9/28); leish63 (C: 8/2, II: 8/20, I:9/26-9/28); NigelVermooth (C: 8/2, II: 8/21, I:9/26-28); quebaldy (C: 8/6, II: 8/21, I: 10/10-12); plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 8/29, I: 10/10-12); mTORC (C: 8/16, II: 9/14, I: 10/31-11/2); BigFatCat (C: 8/9, II: 9/23, I: 11/7-9); oxfordian (C: 8/30?, II: 9/30, I: 11/14-16), cpi89 (C: 8/19, II: 10/10, I: 11/7)
Yale University - Prion13 (C: 8/13, II: 9/13, I:12/9-10); mTORC (C: 9/9, II: 9/25, I: ??); ytterium (C: 8/16, II: 9/13, I: ??); NigelVermooth (C: 8/23, II: 10/3, I: 11/4-5); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/14, I: 1/13-14); BarcaFan (C: 8/16, II: 9/13, I: 12/9-10)

New Platform, New INSTRUCTIONS!
1) Copy and Paste the Instructions, Data, and Legend (the new platform no longer strips formatting)
2) add your user name, ( complete date, interview invite date, interview date, any other pertinent info, and if needed, add the school name to the list
3) Enter the name(s) of the school(s) where you are adding data and any other comments, ABOVE the INSTRUCTIONS

Albert Einstein - BigFatCat (C: 8/5, II: 9/10, I:?); Member011 (C: 8/5, II: 9/10, I:10/18); jumbo91 (C: 8/6, II: 9/11, I: 11/22); mTORC (C: 8/23, II: 9/11, I: 10/18); Orokami (C: 8/1, II: 9/16, I: 11/22); oxfordian (C: 8/30, II: 10/2, I: 11/22)
Baylor - NigelVermooth (C: 8/2, II: 9/18, I: ?); pittpanter (C: 7/15, II: 9/18, I: 10/17-19); mTORC (C: 8/21, II: 10/8, I:?)
Boston University - pittpanther (C: 7/15, II: 9/10, I:?); NigelVermooth (C: 7/29, II: 9/10, I: 10/18); Otsdarva(C: 7/26, II: 9/13, I: 10/18); mynameistoolong (C: 7/26, II: 9/16, I: 11/1); Regeneration (C: 8/20, II:9/20, I: TBD); gogosart (C:7/20, II:10/1, I:10/18); Orokami (C:8/10; II: 10/1; I 1/10); Penguino92 (C: 8/20, II: 09/30, I: 11/08)
Case Western Reserve - plumazul (C: 7/20, II: 8/7, I: 12/12-13); Solarium90 (C: 7/9,II: 8/10, I:9/26); zippyziggy (C: 8/8, II: 8/29, I: 12/12-13); Member011 (C: 8/19, II: 9/4, I: 10/24-25);
Columbia University - plumazul (C: 7/13, II: 8/23, I: 10/23); Reckoner (C: 7/17, II: 8/23, I: 10/8); ytterium (C: 8/16, II: 9/11, I:11/22)
Dartmouth - jumbo91 (C: 7/30, II: 10/16, I: 10/30-31)
Duke University - zippyziggy (C: 7/15, II: 8/29, I: 11/7-8); plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 8/29, I: 11/7-8); quebaldy (C: 7/28, II: 9/9, I: 11/14-15); NigelVermooth (C: 7/24, II: 9/9, I: 10/24-25); ytterium (C: 8/16, II: 9/27, I: 12/5-6)
Emory - pittpanther (C:7/21, II:9/30, I:11/7-8); zippyziggy (C: 7/13, II: 10/2, I: 12/5-6); jumbo91 (C: 8/23, II: 10/8, I:12/5-6); Orokami (C 8/23, II: 10/12, I: 12/5-6); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/29, I: ?)
Harvard University- NigelVermooth (C: 8/20, II: 10/8, I: ?);
Hofstra University- Yuyukachoo (C: 9/4, II: 10/16, I: 1/8)
Indiana University- mooser0956 (C:7/12, II: 8/9, I:TBD); regeneration (C:7/11, II: 8/12, I:TBD); TheShaker (C: 7/19, II: 9/5, I: 11/13); gogosart (C:7/24, II:8/21, I:TBD), cpi89 (C: 8/19, II: 10/7, I: ?)
Jefferson - mynameistoolong (C: 8/28, II: 9/9, I: 11/19-20); cpi89 (C: 9/17, II: 9/20, I: 11/19-20) Penguino92 (C: 08/09, II: 09/05, I: 11/13)
Johns Hopkins - plumazul (C: 7/23, II: 8/29, I: 9/25-26); BarcaFan (C: 8/28, II: 9/11, I: 10/23-24); ytterium (C: 8/21; II: 10/21, I: 11/20-11/21)
Medical University of South Carolina - Reckoner (C: 8/8, II: 8/23, I: 10/11); Member011 (C: 8/19, II: 9/7, I: 10/11); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 9/27, I: 10/18)
Miller School of Medicine, Miami - Orokami (C: 8/1, II: 10/3, I: 11/1), Vitor1192 (C: 8/8, II: 10/2, I: 11/1)
Mount Sinai - zippyziggy (C: 7/17, II: 9/6, I: 11/4-5); Member011 (C: 8/12, II: 9/6, I: 10/28-29); plumazul (C: 7/23, II: 9/12, I: 10/28-29); mynameistoolong (C: 7/25, II: 9/16, I: 11/4-5); Solarium90 (C: 8/3,II: 9/12, I:10/28-29); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/18, I: 12/2-3)
New Jersey Medical School - Otsdarva (C: 7/20, II: 9/24, I: 10/15)
Northwestern - BigFatCat (C: 8/26, II: 9/9, I: ?); Solarium90 (C: 8/28,II: 9/10, I:11/6-7);
NYU - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); Reckoner (C: 7/17, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); BigFatCat (C: 8/1, II: 8/28, I: 10/18); oxfordian (C: 9/9, II: 9/16, I: 11/8)
Ohio State University - Solarium90(C: 7/9, II:8/14, I: 10/10); zippyziggy (C: 7/27, II: 8/20, I: 10/10-12); Otsdarva(C: 7/30, II: 8/29, I: 10/31);
Oregon Health and Science University - zippyziggy (C: 9/16, II: 9/17, I: 12/18-19); yuyukachoo (C:10/8, II:10/29, I:12/18-19); jla1985 (C: 10/11, II: 10/29, I: 12/18-19 or 01/22-23)
Penn State - TheShaker (C: 8/10, II: 10/1, I: 12/9); mynameistoolong (C: 8/8, II: 10/2, I: 11/18)
Robert Wood Johnson - pittpanther (C: ~7/23, II:8/9 I:9/16); Otsdarva(C: 7/25, II: 8/9, I: 9/16)
Rochester University - regeneration (C: ~7/19, II:8/23 I:9/26); Orokami (C:~7/30, II: 8/25 I: 10/17); mTORC (C: 8/19, II: 8/29, I: ?)
Stanford - NigelVermooth (C: 8/3, II: 8/15, I:10/2-3); quebaldy (C:8/4, II: 8/15, I: 10/2-3); ytterium (C:8/16, II:9/6, I:10/2-3);
Stony Brook University - Reckoner (C: 7/31, II: 9/25, I: 10/23); plumazul (C: 7/25, II: 9/25, I: --)
SUNY Upstate - mynameistoolong (C: 9/4, II: 9/2x, I: ?);
Texas A&M HSC - NigelVermooth (C: 7/1, II: 7/29, I: 9/11-12);
Texas Tech HSC - NigelVermooth (C: 7/18, II: 8/19, I: 9/6);
Tri-Institutional(C/R/SK) - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 8/21, I: 10/31); Solarium90 (C: 7/4, II: 8/21, I: 10/31); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/9, I: 11/21)
Tufts- penguino92 (C: 08/21, II, 10/04,I:?), Member011 (C: 8/9, II: 10/4, I: 11/13), jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 10/4, I: 11/13), Otsdarva (C: 7/31, II: 10/28, I: 1/8)
University of Alabama, Birmingham - mTORC (C:8/28/13, II: 9/12/13, I: 12/4-12/6); zippyziggy (C: 8/2, II: 9/12, I: 12/3-5); pittpanther (C: 8/6, II: 9/12, I: ?); Solarium90 (C: 8/15,II: 9/18, I:12/4-6); oxfordian (C:9/15, II: 10/15, I: 12/11-13)
University of California, Davis - jla1985 (C: 10/08, II: 10/17, I: ?)
University of California, Irvine - TheShaker (C: 7/25, II: 9/7, I: 10/21), regeneration (C: 7/25, II: 9/07, I: 10/21), Vitor1192 (C:8/12, II: 9/22, I: 10/21)
University of California, Los Angeles - quebaldy (C: 8/11, II: 9/26, I: ??), Vitor1192 (C:8/10, II: 9/26, I: 10/24), ytterium (C: 8/24, II: 9/26, I: 11/14);
University of California, San Diego - mTORC (C: 9/2, II: 10/7, I: 1/16), Vitor1192 (C: 8/15, II: 10/16, I: 1/16-1/17), Orokami (C: 8/02, II: 10/18, I: 1/16-17)
University of California, San Francisco - ytterium (C: 9/20, II: 10/8, I: ??);
University of Chicago Pritzker - plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 7/23, I: 10/8-9); NigelVermooth (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: 10/8-9); quebaldy (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: 10/8-10/9); jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 8/9, I: 10/8-10/9); leish63(C:~8/5, II: 8/9, I: ?); oxfordian (C: 9/3?, II: 9/6, I: 12/9-12/11);
University of Cincinnati - Cpi89 (C: 8/26, II: 10/2, I: 10/17-19); zippyziggy (C: 7/10, II: 10/4, I: ?)
University of Colorado - zippyziggy (C: 9/18, II: 10/3, I: 1/23-24);
University of Florida - orokami (C: 8/1; II: 10/25; I: 1/23-24)
University of Illinois at Chicago - jumbo91 (C: ~7/30, II: 9/18, I: 11/4); Reckoner (C: 7/30, II 9/18, I: 11/4); Member011 (C: ~8/5, II: 10/16, I: 1/13)
University of Iowa - TheShaker (C: ~7/20, II: 10/2, I: 10/31 - 11/1); Reckoner (C: 8/8, II: 10/2, I: 10/31-11/1); Louly (C: 10/21/13, II: 10/21/13, I: 10/31-11/1)
University of Kentucky- Penguino92 (C: 08/06, II: 09/30, I: 10/21)
University of Louisville - mooser0956 (C:8/21, II: 9/12, I:10/9); Penguino92 (C: 8/20, II: 09/02, I: 11/04-05); BarcaFan (C: 9/10, II: 9/17, I: 11/4)
University of Maryland - plumazul (C: 7/25, II: 9/13, I: 1/8-9); Member011 (C: 8/16, II: 9/13, I: 11/20-21)
University of Massachusetts - NigelVermooth (C: 7/22, II: 9/13, I:?);
University of Michigan mooser0956 (C:7/29, II:8/26, I:11/14-15); gogosart (C:8/4, II:8/23, I:10/24-25); Reckoner (C: 7/16, II: 9/27, I: 11/14-15)
University of Minnesota regeneration (C: 8/15 II: 9/23, I: TBD)
University of Nebraska gogosart (C:7/24, II:8/5, I:11/20)
University of Pennsylvania - NigelVermooth (C: 7/2, II: 9/4, I: 11/7-8); plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 9/4, I: 12/5-6); Regeneration (C:8/19; II: 9/8; I: 11/22); mTORC (C: 9/2, II: 9/10, I: 11/7); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/2, I: 12/5-6); ytterium (C: 8/16; II: 9/6; I: 1/9);
University of Pittsburgh - leish63 (C: ~7/25, II: 8/5, I: 8/22-8/23); pittpanther (C:7/23, II: 8/8, I:8/26-8/27); mooser0956 (C:8/15, II:8/23, I:9/26-27); mTORC (C:~8/20, II: 9/9, I: 10/10-10/11)
University of Southern California - Orokami (C:~8/1; II:9/5; I: 10/24), jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 9/5; I: 1/9-10), BigFatCat (C:8/7, II: 9/5, I: 9/26-27);
University of Texas Houston - NigelVermooth (C: 7/23, II: 9/16, I: 12/19);
University of Texas HSCSA - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 7/15, I: 8/25-27); NigelVermooth (C: 7/23, II 7/28, I: 9/9-10); TheShaker (C: 7/23, II: 8/5/13, I: 9/23-24); Orokami (C: 7/16, II: 8/5, I: 8/25-27); mTORC (C: 8/15, II: 8/16, I: 8/25-27); cpi89 (C: 8/19, II: 8/22, I: 10/7-8)
University of Texas Medical Branch- cpi89 (C: 8/19, II: 10/7, I: ?)
University of Texas Southwestern - Reckoner (C: 8/9, II: 8/23, I: 9/27); BigFatCat (C: 7/23, II: 8/23, I: 10/11); NigelVermooth (C: 8/12, II: 9/4, I: 11/2);
University of Virginia - plumazul (C: 7/22, II: 8/23, I: 9/19-20); zippyziggy (C: 7/6, II: 8/23, I: 9/19-20); mTORC (C: 9:5, II: 9:14, I: ?)
University of Wisconsin-Madison pittpanther (C:7/18, II:8/27, I:10/3-6); TheShaker (C:7/19, II: 8/27, I: 10/3-6); mTORC (C: 8/22, II: 9/25, I: ??); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/11, I: 1/9-12)
University of Washington-Seattle pittpanther (C:~8/3, II:9/9 I:1/9-11); mTORC (C: 9/6, II: 9/30, I: ??);
Vanderbilt University - oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/30, I: 1/17); mTORC (C: 9/11, II: 10/30, I: ?)
Wake Forest University - Orokami (C: 8/10, II: 10/18, I: APP Withdrawn - Conflict)
Washington University - premed660 (C: ~7/30 II: 8/7 I:9/26-9/28); leish63 (C: 8/2, II: 8/20, I:9/26-9/28); NigelVermooth (C: 8/2, II: 8/21, I:9/26-28); quebaldy (C: 8/6, II: 8/21, I: 10/10-12); plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 8/29, I: 10/10-12); mTORC (C: 8/16, II: 9/14, I: 10/31-11/2); BigFatCat (C: 8/9, II: 9/23, I: 11/7-9); oxfordian (C: 8/30?, II: 9/30, I: 11/14-16), cpi89 (C: 8/19, II: 10/10, I: 11/7)
Yale University - Prion13 (C: 8/13, II: 9/13, I:12/9-10); mTORC (C: 9/9, II: 9/25, I: ??); ytterium (C: 8/16, II: 9/13, I: ??); NigelVermooth (C: 8/23, II: 10/3, I: 11/4-5); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/14, I: 1/13-14); BarcaFan (C: 8/16, II: 9/13, I: 12/9-10)

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Albert Einstein - BigFatCat (C: 8/5, II: 9/10, I:?); Member011 (C: 8/5, II: 9/10, I:10/18); jumbo91 (C: 8/6, II: 9/11, I: 11/22); mTORC (C: 8/23, II: 9/11, I: 10/18); Orokami (C: 8/1, II: 9/16, I: 11/22); oxfordian (C: 8/30, II: 10/2, I: 11/22)
Baylor - NigelVermooth (C: 8/2, II: 9/18, I: ?); pittpanter (C: 7/15, II: 9/18, I: 10/17-19); mTORC (C: 8/21, II: 10/8, I:?)
Boston University - pittpanther (C: 7/15, II: 9/10, I:?); NigelVermooth (C: 7/29, II: 9/10, I: 10/18); Otsdarva(C: 7/26, II: 9/13, I: 10/18); mynameistoolong (C: 7/26, II: 9/16, I: 11/1); Regeneration (C: 8/20, II:9/20, I: TBD); gogosart (C:7/20, II:10/1, I:10/18); Orokami (C:8/10; II: 10/1; I 1/10); Penguino92 (C: 8/20, II: 09/30, I: 11/08)
Case Western Reserve - plumazul (C: 7/20, II: 8/7, I: 12/12-13); Solarium90 (C: 7/9,II: 8/10, I:9/26); zippyziggy (C: 8/8, II: 8/29, I: 12/12-13); Member011 (C: 8/19, II: 9/4, I: 10/24-25);
Columbia University - plumazul (C: 7/13, II: 8/23, I: 10/23); Reckoner (C: 7/17, II: 8/23, I: 10/8); ytterium (C: 8/16, II: 9/11, I:11/22)
Dartmouth - jumbo91 (C: 7/30, II: 10/16, I: 10/30-31)
Duke University - zippyziggy (C: 7/15, II: 8/29, I: 11/7-8); plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 8/29, I: 11/7-8); quebaldy (C: 7/28, II: 9/9, I: 11/14-15); NigelVermooth (C: 7/24, II: 9/9, I: 10/24-25); ytterium (C: 8/16, II: 9/27, I: 12/5-6)
Emory - pittpanther (C:7/21, II:9/30, I:11/7-8); zippyziggy (C: 7/13, II: 10/2, I: 12/5-6); jumbo91 (C: 8/23, II: 10/8, I:12/5-6); Orokami (C 8/23, II: 10/12, I: 12/5-6); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/29, I: ?)
Harvard University- NigelVermooth (C: 8/20, II: 10/8, I: ?);
Hofstra University- Yuyukachoo (C: 9/4, II: 10/16, I: 1/8)
Indiana University- mooser0956 (C:7/12, II: 8/9, I:TBD); regeneration (C:7/11, II: 8/12, I:TBD); TheShaker (C: 7/19, II: 9/5, I: 11/13); gogosart (C:7/24, II:8/21, I:TBD), cpi89 (C: 8/19, II: 10/7, I: ?)
Jefferson - mynameistoolong (C: 8/28, II: 9/9, I: 11/19-20); cpi89 (C: 9/17, II: 9/20, I: 11/19-20) Penguino92 (C: 08/09, II: 09/05, I: 11/13)
Johns Hopkins - plumazul (C: 7/23, II: 8/29, I: 9/25-26); BarcaFan (C: 8/28, II: 9/11, I: 10/23-24); ytterium (C: 8/21; II: 10/21, I: 11/20-11/21)
Medical University of South Carolina - Reckoner (C: 8/8, II: 8/23, I: 10/11); Member011 (C: 8/19, II: 9/7, I: 10/11); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 9/27, I: 10/18)
Miller School of Medicine, Miami - Orokami (C: 8/1, II: 10/3, I: 11/1), Vitor1192 (C: 8/8, II: 10/2, I: 11/1)
Mount Sinai - zippyziggy (C: 7/17, II: 9/6, I: 11/4-5); Member011 (C: 8/12, II: 9/6, I: 10/28-29); plumazul (C: 7/23, II: 9/12, I: 10/28-29); mynameistoolong (C: 7/25, II: 9/16, I: 11/4-5); Solarium90 (C: 8/3,II: 9/12, I:10/28-29); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/18, I: 12/2-3)
New Jersey Medical School - Otsdarva (C: 7/20, II: 9/24, I: 10/15)
Northwestern - BigFatCat (C: 8/26, II: 9/9, I: ?); Solarium90 (C: 8/28,II: 9/10, I:11/6-7);
NYU - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); Reckoner (C: 7/17, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); BigFatCat (C: 8/1, II: 8/28, I: 10/18); oxfordian (C: 9/9, II: 9/16, I: 11/8)
Ohio State University - Solarium90(C: 7/9, II:8/14, I: 10/10); zippyziggy (C: 7/27, II: 8/20, I: 10/10-12); Otsdarva(C: 7/30, II: 8/29, I: 10/31);
Oregon Health and Science University - zippyziggy (C: 9/16, II: 9/17, I: 12/18-19); yuyukachoo (C:10/8, II:10/29, I:12/18-19); jla1985 (C: 10/11, II: 10/29, I: 12/18-19 or 01/22-23)
Penn State - TheShaker (C: 8/10, II: 10/1, I: 12/9); mynameistoolong (C: 8/8, II: 10/2, I: 11/18)
Robert Wood Johnson - pittpanther (C: ~7/23, II:8/9 I:9/16); Otsdarva(C: 7/25, II: 8/9, I: 9/16)
Rochester University - regeneration (C: ~7/19, II:8/23 I:9/26); Orokami (C:~7/30, II: 8/25 I: 10/17); mTORC (C: 8/19, II: 8/29, I: ?)
Stanford - NigelVermooth (C: 8/3, II: 8/15, I:10/2-3); quebaldy (C:8/4, II: 8/15, I: 10/2-3); ytterium (C:8/16, II:9/6, I:10/2-3);
Stony Brook University - Reckoner (C: 7/31, II: 9/25, I: 10/23); plumazul (C: 7/25, II: 9/25, I: --)
SUNY Upstate - mynameistoolong (C: 9/4, II: 9/2x, I: ?);
Texas A&M HSC - NigelVermooth (C: 7/1, II: 7/29, I: 9/11-12);
Texas Tech HSC - NigelVermooth (C: 7/18, II: 8/19, I: 9/6);
Tri-Institutional(C/R/SK) - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 8/21, I: 10/31); Solarium90 (C: 7/4, II: 8/21, I: 10/31); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/9, I: 11/21)
Tufts- penguino92 (C: 08/21, II, 10/04,I:?), Member011 (C: 8/9, II: 10/4, I: 11/13), jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 10/4, I: 11/13), Otsdarva (C: 7/31, II: 10/28, I: 1/8)
University of Alabama, Birmingham - mTORC (C:8/28/13, II: 9/12/13, I: 12/4-12/6); zippyziggy (C: 8/2, II: 9/12, I: 12/3-5); pittpanther (C: 8/6, II: 9/12, I: ?); Solarium90 (C: 8/15,II: 9/18, I:12/4-6); oxfordian (C:9/15, II: 10/15, I: 12/11-13)
University of California, Davis - jla1985 (C: 10/08, II: 10/17, I: ?)
University of California, Irvine - TheShaker (C: 7/25, II: 9/7, I: 10/21), regeneration (C: 7/25, II: 9/07, I: 10/21), Vitor1192 (C:8/12, II: 9/22, I: 10/21)
University of California, Los Angeles - quebaldy (C: 8/11, II: 9/26, I: ??), Vitor1192 (C:8/10, II: 9/26, I: 10/24), ytterium (C: 8/24, II: 9/26, I: 11/14);
University of California, San Diego - mTORC (C: 9/2, II: 10/7, I: 1/16), Vitor1192 (C: 8/15, II: 10/16, I: 1/16-1/17), Orokami (C: 8/02, II: 10/18, I: 1/16-17)
University of California, San Francisco - ytterium (C: 9/20, II: 10/8, I: ??);
University of Chicago Pritzker - plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 7/23, I: 10/8-9); NigelVermooth (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: 10/8-9); quebaldy (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: 10/8-10/9); jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 8/9, I: 10/8-10/9); leish63(C:~8/5, II: 8/9, I: ?); oxfordian (C: 9/3?, II: 9/6, I: 12/9-12/11);
University of Cincinnati - Cpi89 (C: 8/26, II: 10/2, I: 10/17-19); zippyziggy (C: 7/10, II: 10/4, I: ?) Louly (C: 10/13, II: 10/28, I: 11/7-9)
University of Colorado - zippyziggy (C: 9/18, II: 10/3, I: 1/23-24);
University of Florida - orokami (C: 8/1; II: 10/25; I: 1/23-24)
University of Illinois at Chicago - jumbo91 (C: ~7/30, II: 9/18, I: 11/4); Reckoner (C: 7/30, II 9/18, I: 11/4); Member011 (C: ~8/5, II: 10/16, I: 1/13)
University of Iowa - TheShaker (C: ~7/20, II: 10/2, I: 10/31 - 11/1); Reckoner (C: 8/8, II: 10/2, I: 10/31-11/1); Louly (C: 10/21/13, II: 10/21/13, I: 10/31-11/1)
University of Kentucky- Penguino92 (C: 08/06, II: 09/30, I: 10/21)
University of Louisville - mooser0956 (C:8/21, II: 9/12, I:10/9); Penguino92 (C: 8/20, II: 09/02, I: 11/04-05); BarcaFan (C: 9/10, II: 9/17, I: 11/4)
University of Maryland - plumazul (C: 7/25, II: 9/13, I: 1/8-9); Member011 (C: 8/16, II: 9/13, I: 11/20-21)
University of Massachusetts - NigelVermooth (C: 7/22, II: 9/13, I:?);
University of Michigan mooser0956 (C:7/29, II:8/26, I:11/14-15); gogosart (C:8/4, II:8/23, I:10/24-25); Reckoner (C: 7/16, II: 9/27, I: 11/14-15)
University of Minnesota regeneration (C: 8/15 II: 9/23, I: TBD)
University of Nebraska gogosart (C:7/24, II:8/5, I:11/20)
University of Pennsylvania - NigelVermooth (C: 7/2, II: 9/4, I: 11/7-8); plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 9/4, I: 12/5-6); Regeneration (C:8/19; II: 9/8; I: 11/22); mTORC (C: 9/2, II: 9/10, I: 11/7); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/2, I: 12/5-6); ytterium (C: 8/16; II: 9/6; I: 1/9);
University of Pittsburgh - leish63 (C: ~7/25, II: 8/5, I: 8/22-8/23); pittpanther (C:7/23, II: 8/8, I:8/26-8/27); mooser0956 (C:8/15, II:8/23, I:9/26-27); mTORC (C:~8/20, II: 9/9, I: 10/10-10/11)
University of Southern California - Orokami (C:~8/1; II:9/5; I: 10/24), jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 9/5; I: 1/9-10), BigFatCat (C:8/7, II: 9/5, I: 9/26-27);
University of Texas Houston - NigelVermooth (C: 7/23, II: 9/16, I: 12/19);
University of Texas HSCSA - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 7/15, I: 8/25-27); NigelVermooth (C: 7/23, II 7/28, I: 9/9-10); TheShaker (C: 7/23, II: 8/5/13, I: 9/23-24); Orokami (C: 7/16, II: 8/5, I: 8/25-27); mTORC (C: 8/15, II: 8/16, I: 8/25-27); cpi89 (C: 8/19, II: 8/22, I: 10/7-8)
University of Texas Medical Branch- cpi89 (C: 8/19, II: 10/7, I: ?)
University of Texas Southwestern - Reckoner (C: 8/9, II: 8/23, I: 9/27); BigFatCat (C: 7/23, II: 8/23, I: 10/11); NigelVermooth (C: 8/12, II: 9/4, I: 11/2);
University of Virginia - plumazul (C: 7/22, II: 8/23, I: 9/19-20); zippyziggy (C: 7/6, II: 8/23, I: 9/19-20); mTORC (C: 9:5, II: 9:14, I: ?)
University of Wisconsin-Madison pittpanther (C:7/18, II:8/27, I:10/3-6); TheShaker (C:7/19, II: 8/27, I: 10/3-6); mTORC (C: 8/22, II: 9/25, I: ??); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/11, I: 1/9-12)
University of Washington-Seattle pittpanther (C:~8/3, II:9/9 I:1/9-11); mTORC (C: 9/6, II: 9/30, I: ??);
Vanderbilt University - oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/30, I: 1/17); mTORC (C: 9/11, II: 10/30, I: ?)
Wake Forest University - Orokami (C: 8/10, II: 10/18, I: APP Withdrawn - Conflict)
Washington University - premed660 (C: ~7/30 II: 8/7 I:9/26-9/28); leish63 (C: 8/2, II: 8/20, I:9/26-9/28); NigelVermooth (C: 8/2, II: 8/21, I:9/26-28); quebaldy (C: 8/6, II: 8/21, I: 10/10-12); plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 8/29, I: 10/10-12); mTORC (C: 8/16, II: 9/14, I: 10/31-11/2); BigFatCat (C: 8/9, II: 9/23, I: 11/7-9); oxfordian (C: 8/30?, II: 9/30, I: 11/14-16), cpi89 (C: 8/19, II: 10/10, I: 11/7)
Yale University - Prion13 (C: 8/13, II: 9/13, I:12/9-10); mTORC (C: 9/9, II: 9/25, I: ??); ytterium (C: 8/16, II: 9/13, I: ??); NigelVermooth (C: 8/23, II: 10/3, I: 11/4-5); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/14, I: 1/13-14); BarcaFan (C: 8/16, II: 9/13, I: 12/9-10)

C: Complete
II: Interview Invite date
I: Interview date
University of Kentucky, Loyola, Michigan State, University of Toledo

New Platform, New INSTRUCTIONS!
1) Copy and Paste the Instructions, Data, and Legend (the new platform no longer strips formatting)
2) add your user name, ( complete date, interview invite date, interview date, any other pertinent info, and if needed, add the school name to the list
3) Enter the name(s) of the school(s) where you are adding data and any other comments, ABOVE the INSTRUCTIONS

Albert Einstein - BigFatCat (C: 8/5, II: 9/10, I:?); Member011 (C: 8/5, II: 9/10, I:10/18); jumbo91 (C: 8/6, II: 9/11, I: 11/22); mTORC (C: 8/23, II: 9/11, I: 10/18); Orokami (C: 8/1, II: 9/16, I: 11/22); oxfordian (C: 8/30, II: 10/2, I: 11/22)
Baylor - NigelVermooth (C: 8/2, II: 9/18, I: ?); pittpanter (C: 7/15, II: 9/18, I: 10/17-19); mTORC (C: 8/21, II: 10/8, I:?)
Boston University - pittpanther (C: 7/15, II: 9/10, I:?); NigelVermooth (C: 7/29, II: 9/10, I: 10/18); Otsdarva(C: 7/26, II: 9/13, I: 10/18); mynameistoolong (C: 7/26, II: 9/16, I: 11/1); Regeneration (C: 8/20, II:9/20, I: TBD); gogosart (C:7/20, II:10/1, I:10/18); Orokami (C:8/10; II: 10/1; I 1/10); Penguino92 (C: 8/20, II: 09/30, I: 11/08)
Case Western Reserve - plumazul (C: 7/20, II: 8/7, I: 12/12-13); Solarium90 (C: 7/9,II: 8/10, I:9/26); zippyziggy (C: 8/8, II: 8/29, I: 12/12-13); Member011 (C: 8/19, II: 9/4, I: 10/24-25);
Columbia University - plumazul (C: 7/13, II: 8/23, I: 10/23); Reckoner (C: 7/17, II: 8/23, I: 10/8); ytterium (C: 8/16, II: 9/11, I:11/22)
Dartmouth - jumbo91 (C: 7/30, II: 10/16, I: 10/30-31)
Duke University - zippyziggy (C: 7/15, II: 8/29, I: 11/7-8); plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 8/29, I: 11/7-8); quebaldy (C: 7/28, II: 9/9, I: 11/14-15); NigelVermooth (C: 7/24, II: 9/9, I: 10/24-25); ytterium (C: 8/16, II: 9/27, I: 12/5-6)
Emory - pittpanther (C:7/21, II:9/30, I:11/7-8); zippyziggy (C: 7/13, II: 10/2, I: 12/5-6); jumbo91 (C: 8/23, II: 10/8, I:12/5-6); Orokami (C 8/23, II: 10/12, I: 12/5-6); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/29, I: ?)
Harvard University- NigelVermooth (C: 8/20, II: 10/8, I: ?);
Hofstra University- Yuyukachoo (C: 9/4, II: 10/16, I: 1/8)
Indiana University- mooser0956 (C:7/12, II: 8/9, I:TBD); regeneration (C:7/11, II: 8/12, I:TBD); TheShaker (C: 7/19, II: 9/5, I: 11/13); gogosart (C:7/24, II:8/21, I:TBD), cpi89 (C: 8/19, II: 10/7, I: ?)
Jefferson - mynameistoolong (C: 8/28, II: 9/9, I: 11/19-20); cpi89 (C: 9/17, II: 9/20, I: 11/19-20) Penguino92 (C: 08/09, II: 09/05, I: 11/13)
Johns Hopkins - plumazul (C: 7/23, II: 8/29, I: 9/25-26); BarcaFan (C: 8/28, II: 9/11, I: 10/23-24); ytterium (C: 8/21; II: 10/21, I: 11/20-11/21)
Loyola-Stritch - mooser0956 (C:9/19 II: 10:29, I: 1/9-10)
Medical University of South Carolina - Reckoner (C: 8/8, II: 8/23, I: 10/11); Member011 (C: 8/19, II: 9/7, I: 10/11); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 9/27, I: 10/18)
Michigan state- mooser0956 (C:7/29 II:10/24, I: 11/22)
Miller School of Medicine, Miami - Orokami (C: 8/1, II: 10/3, I: 11/1), Vitor1192 (C: 8/8, II: 10/2, I: 11/1)
Mount Sinai - zippyziggy (C: 7/17, II: 9/6, I: 11/4-5); Member011 (C: 8/12, II: 9/6, I: 10/28-29); plumazul (C: 7/23, II: 9/12, I: 10/28-29); mynameistoolong (C: 7/25, II: 9/16, I: 11/4-5); Solarium90 (C: 8/3,II: 9/12, I:10/28-29); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/18, I: 12/2-3)
New Jersey Medical School - Otsdarva (C: 7/20, II: 9/24, I: 10/15)
Northwestern - BigFatCat (C: 8/26, II: 9/9, I: ?); Solarium90 (C: 8/28,II: 9/10, I:11/6-7);
NYU - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); Reckoner (C: 7/17, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); BigFatCat (C: 8/1, II: 8/28, I: 10/18); oxfordian (C: 9/9, II: 9/16, I: 11/8)
Ohio State University - Solarium90(C: 7/9, II:8/14, I: 10/10); zippyziggy (C: 7/27, II: 8/20, I: 10/10-12); Otsdarva(C: 7/30, II: 8/29, I: 10/31);
Oregon Health and Science University - zippyziggy (C: 9/16, II: 9/17, I: 12/18-19); yuyukachoo (C:10/8, II:10/29, I:12/18-19); jla1985 (C: 10/11, II: 10/29, I: 12/18-19 or 01/22-23)
Penn State - TheShaker (C: 8/10, II: 10/1, I: 12/9); mynameistoolong (C: 8/8, II: 10/2, I: 11/18)
Robert Wood Johnson - pittpanther (C: ~7/23, II:8/9 I:9/16); Otsdarva(C: 7/25, II: 8/9, I: 9/16)
Rochester University - regeneration (C: ~7/19, II:8/23 I:9/26); Orokami (C:~7/30, II: 8/25 I: 10/17); mTORC (C: 8/19, II: 8/29, I: ?)
Stanford - NigelVermooth (C: 8/3, II: 8/15, I:10/2-3); quebaldy (C:8/4, II: 8/15, I: 10/2-3); ytterium (C:8/16, II:9/6, I:10/2-3);
Stony Brook University - Reckoner (C: 7/31, II: 9/25, I: 10/23); plumazul (C: 7/25, II: 9/25, I: --)
SUNY Upstate - mynameistoolong (C: 9/4, II: 9/2x, I: ?);
Texas A&M HSC - NigelVermooth (C: 7/1, II: 7/29, I: 9/11-12);
Texas Tech HSC - NigelVermooth (C: 7/18, II: 8/19, I: 9/6);
Tri-Institutional(C/R/SK) - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 8/21, I: 10/31); Solarium90 (C: 7/4, II: 8/21, I: 10/31); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/9, I: 11/21)
Tufts- penguino92 (C: 08/21, II, 10/04,I:?), Member011 (C: 8/9, II: 10/4, I: 11/13), jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 10/4, I: 11/13), Otsdarva (C: 7/31, II: 10/28, I: 1/8)
University of Alabama, Birmingham - mTORC (C:8/28/13, II: 9/12/13, I: 12/4-12/6); zippyziggy (C: 8/2, II: 9/12, I: 12/3-5); pittpanther (C: 8/6, II: 9/12, I: ?); Solarium90 (C: 8/15,II: 9/18, I:12/4-6); oxfordian (C:9/15, II: 10/15, I: 12/11-13)
University of California, Davis - jla1985 (C: 10/08, II: 10/17, I: ?)
University of California, Irvine - TheShaker (C: 7/25, II: 9/7, I: 10/21), regeneration (C: 7/25, II: 9/07, I: 10/21), Vitor1192 (C:8/12, II: 9/22, I: 10/21)
University of California, Los Angeles - quebaldy (C: 8/11, II: 9/26, I: ??), Vitor1192 (C:8/10, II: 9/26, I: 10/24), ytterium (C: 8/24, II: 9/26, I: 11/14);
University of California, San Diego - mTORC (C: 9/2, II: 10/7, I: 1/16), Vitor1192 (C: 8/15, II: 10/16, I: 1/16-1/17), Orokami (C: 8/02, II: 10/18, I: 1/16-17)
University of California, San Francisco - ytterium (C: 9/20, II: 10/8, I: ??);
University of Chicago Pritzker - plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 7/23, I: 10/8-9); NigelVermooth (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: 10/8-9); quebaldy (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: 10/8-10/9); jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 8/9, I: 10/8-10/9); leish63(C:~8/5, II: 8/9, I: ?); oxfordian (C: 9/3?, II: 9/6, I: 12/9-12/11);
University of Cincinnati - Cpi89 (C: 8/26, II: 10/2, I: 10/17-19); zippyziggy (C: 7/10, II: 10/4, I: ?) Louly (C: 10/13, II: 10/28, I: 11/7-9)
University of Colorado - zippyziggy (C: 9/18, II: 10/3, I: 1/23-24);
University of Florida - orokami (C: 8/1; II: 10/25; I: 1/23-24)
University of Illinois at Chicago - jumbo91 (C: ~7/30, II: 9/18, I: 11/4); Reckoner (C: 7/30, II 9/18, I: 11/4); Member011 (C: ~8/5, II: 10/16, I: 1/13)
University of Iowa - TheShaker (C: ~7/20, II: 10/2, I: 10/31 - 11/1); Reckoner (C: 8/8, II: 10/2, I: 10/31-11/1); Louly (C: 10/21/13, II: 10/21/13, I: 10/31-11/1)
University of Kentucky- Penguino92 (C: 08/06, II: 09/30, I: 10/21), mooser0956 (C: 9/28, II: 9/30, I: 11/3-11/4)
University of Louisville - mooser0956 (C:8/21, II: 9/12, I:10/9); Penguino92 (C: 8/20, II: 09/02, I: 11/04-05); BarcaFan (C: 9/10, II: 9/17, I: 11/4)
University of Maryland - plumazul (C: 7/25, II: 9/13, I: 1/8-9); Member011 (C: 8/16, II: 9/13, I: 11/20-21)
University of Massachusetts - NigelVermooth (C: 7/22, II: 9/13, I:?);
University of Michigan mooser0956 (C:7/29, II:8/26, I:11/14-15); gogosart (C:8/4, II:8/23, I:10/24-25); Reckoner (C: 7/16, II: 9/27, I: 11/14-15)
University of Minnesota regeneration (C: 8/15 II: 9/23, I: TBD)
University of Nebraska gogosart (C:7/24, II:8/5, I:11/20)
University of Pennsylvania - NigelVermooth (C: 7/2, II: 9/4, I: 11/7-8); plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 9/4, I: 12/5-6); Regeneration (C:8/19; II: 9/8; I: 11/22); mTORC (C: 9/2, II: 9/10, I: 11/7); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/2, I: 12/5-6); ytterium (C: 8/16; II: 9/6; I: 1/9);
University of Pittsburgh - leish63 (C: ~7/25, II: 8/5, I: 8/22-8/23); pittpanther (C:7/23, II: 8/8, I:8/26-8/27); mooser0956 (C:8/15, II:8/23, I:9/26-27); mTORC (C:~8/20, II: 9/9, I: 10/10-10/11)
University of Southern California - Orokami (C:~8/1; II:9/5; I: 10/24), jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 9/5; I: 1/9-10), BigFatCat (C:8/7, II: 9/5, I: 9/26-27);
University of Texas Houston - NigelVermooth (C: 7/23, II: 9/16, I: 12/19);
University of Texas HSCSA - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 7/15, I: 8/25-27); NigelVermooth (C: 7/23, II 7/28, I: 9/9-10); TheShaker (C: 7/23, II: 8/5/13, I: 9/23-24); Orokami (C: 7/16, II: 8/5, I: 8/25-27); mTORC (C: 8/15, II: 8/16, I: 8/25-27); cpi89 (C: 8/19, II: 8/22, I: 10/7-8)
University of Texas Medical Branch- cpi89 (C: 8/19, II: 10/7, I: ?)
University of Texas Southwestern - Reckoner (C: 8/9, II: 8/23, I: 9/27); BigFatCat (C: 7/23, II: 8/23, I: 10/11); NigelVermooth (C: 8/12, II: 9/4, I: 11/2);
University of Toledo- mooser0956 (C: 8/15, II: 10/29, I: 1/13)
University of Virginia - plumazul (C: 7/22, II: 8/23, I: 9/19-20); zippyziggy (C: 7/6, II: 8/23, I: 9/19-20); mTORC (C: 9:5, II: 9:14, I: ?)
University of Wisconsin-Madison pittpanther (C:7/18, II:8/27, I:10/3-6); TheShaker (C:7/19, II: 8/27, I: 10/3-6); mTORC (C: 8/22, II: 9/25, I: ??); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/11, I: 1/9-12)
University of Washington-Seattle pittpanther (C:~8/3, II:9/9 I:1/9-11); mTORC (C: 9/6, II: 9/30, I: ??);
Vanderbilt University - oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/30, I: 1/17); mTORC (C: 9/11, II: 10/30, I: ?)
Wake Forest University - Orokami (C: 8/10, II: 10/18, I: APP Withdrawn - Conflict)
Washington University - premed660 (C: ~7/30 II: 8/7 I:9/26-9/28); leish63 (C: 8/2, II: 8/20, I:9/26-9/28); NigelVermooth (C: 8/2, II: 8/21, I:9/26-28); quebaldy (C: 8/6, II: 8/21, I: 10/10-12); plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 8/29, I: 10/10-12); mTORC (C: 8/16, II: 9/14, I: 10/31-11/2); BigFatCat (C: 8/9, II: 9/23, I: 11/7-9); oxfordian (C: 8/30?, II: 9/30, I: 11/14-16), cpi89 (C: 8/19, II: 10/10, I: 11/7)
Yale University - Prion13 (C: 8/13, II: 9/13, I:12/9-10); mTORC (C: 9/9, II: 9/25, I: ??); ytterium (C: 8/16, II: 9/13, I: ??); NigelVermooth (C: 8/23, II: 10/3, I: 11/4-5); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/14, I: 1/13-14); BarcaFan (C: 8/16, II: 9/13, I: 12/9-10)

C: Complete
II: Interview Invite date
I: Interview date
Penn, Duke, and Emory!!

New Platform, New INSTRUCTIONS!
1) Copy and Paste the Instructions, Data, and Legend (the new platform no longer strips formatting)
2) add your user name, ( complete date, interview invite date, interview date, any other pertinent info, and if needed, add the school name to the list
3) Enter the name(s) of the school(s) where you are adding data and any other comments, ABOVE the INSTRUCTIONS

Albert Einstein - BigFatCat (C: 8/5, II: 9/10, I:?); Member011 (C: 8/5, II: 9/10, I:10/18); jumbo91 (C: 8/6, II: 9/11, I: 11/22); mTORC (C: 8/23, II: 9/11, I: 10/18); Orokami (C: 8/1, II: 9/16, I: 11/22); oxfordian (C: 8/30, II: 10/2, I: 11/22)
Baylor - NigelVermooth (C: 8/2, II: 9/18, I: ?); pittpanter (C: 7/15, II: 9/18, I: 10/17-19); mTORC (C: 8/21, II: 10/8, I:?)
Boston University - pittpanther (C: 7/15, II: 9/10, I:?); NigelVermooth (C: 7/29, II: 9/10, I: 10/18); Otsdarva(C: 7/26, II: 9/13, I: 10/18); mynameistoolong (C: 7/26, II: 9/16, I: 11/1); Regeneration (C: 8/20, II:9/20, I: TBD); gogosart (C:7/20, II:10/1, I:10/18); Orokami (C:8/10; II: 10/1; I 1/10); Penguino92 (C: 8/20, II: 09/30, I: 11/08)
Case Western Reserve - plumazul (C: 7/20, II: 8/7, I: 12/12-13); Solarium90 (C: 7/9,II: 8/10, I:9/26); zippyziggy (C: 8/8, II: 8/29, I: 12/12-13); Member011 (C: 8/19, II: 9/4, I: 10/24-25);
Columbia University - plumazul (C: 7/13, II: 8/23, I: 10/23); Reckoner (C: 7/17, II: 8/23, I: 10/8); ytterium (C: 8/16, II: 9/11, I:11/22)
Dartmouth - jumbo91 (C: 7/30, II: 10/16, I: 10/30-31)
Duke University - zippyziggy (C: 7/15, II: 8/29, I: 11/7-8); plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 8/29, I: 11/7-8); quebaldy (C: 7/28, II: 9/9, I: 11/14-15); NigelVermooth (C: 7/24, II: 9/9, I: 10/24-25); ytterium (C: 8/16, II: 9/27, I: 12/5-6); jel34 (C: 9/16; II: 11/1; I: 1/16-17);
Emory - pittpanther (C:7/21, II:9/30, I:11/7-8); zippyziggy (C: 7/13, II: 10/2, I: 12/5-6); jumbo91 (C: 8/23, II: 10/8, I:12/5-6); Orokami (C 8/23, II: 10/12, I: 12/5-6); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/29, I: ?); jel34 (C: 9/20; II: 10/29; I: 12/5-6);
Harvard University- NigelVermooth (C: 8/20, II: 10/8, I: ?);
Hofstra University- Yuyukachoo (C: 9/4, II: 10/16, I: 1/8)
Indiana University- mooser0956 (C:7/12, II: 8/9, I:TBD); regeneration (C:7/11, II: 8/12, I:TBD); TheShaker (C: 7/19, II: 9/5, I: 11/13); gogosart (C:7/24, II:8/21, I:TBD), cpi89 (C: 8/19, II: 10/7, I: ?)
Jefferson - mynameistoolong (C: 8/28, II: 9/9, I: 11/19-20); cpi89 (C: 9/17, II: 9/20, I: 11/19-20) Penguino92 (C: 08/09, II: 09/05, I: 11/13)
Johns Hopkins - plumazul (C: 7/23, II: 8/29, I: 9/25-26); BarcaFan (C: 8/28, II: 9/11, I: 10/23-24); ytterium (C: 8/21; II: 10/21, I: 11/20-11/21)
Loyola-Stritch - mooser0956 (C:9/19 II: 10:29, I: 1/9-10)
Medical University of South Carolina - Reckoner (C: 8/8, II: 8/23, I: 10/11); Member011 (C: 8/19, II: 9/7, I: 10/11); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 9/27, I: 10/18)
Michigan state- mooser0956 (C:7/29 II:10/24, I: 11/22)
Miller School of Medicine, Miami - Orokami (C: 8/1, II: 10/3, I: 11/1), Vitor1192 (C: 8/8, II: 10/2, I: 11/1)
Mount Sinai - zippyziggy (C: 7/17, II: 9/6, I: 11/4-5); Member011 (C: 8/12, II: 9/6, I: 10/28-29); plumazul (C: 7/23, II: 9/12, I: 10/28-29); mynameistoolong (C: 7/25, II: 9/16, I: 11/4-5); Solarium90 (C: 8/3,II: 9/12, I:10/28-29); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/18, I: 12/2-3)
New Jersey Medical School - Otsdarva (C: 7/20, II: 9/24, I: 10/15)
Northwestern - BigFatCat (C: 8/26, II: 9/9, I: ?); Solarium90 (C: 8/28,II: 9/10, I:11/6-7);
NYU - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); Reckoner (C: 7/17, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); BigFatCat (C: 8/1, II: 8/28, I: 10/18); oxfordian (C: 9/9, II: 9/16, I: 11/8)
Ohio State University - Solarium90(C: 7/9, II:8/14, I: 10/10); zippyziggy (C: 7/27, II: 8/20, I: 10/10-12); Otsdarva(C: 7/30, II: 8/29, I: 10/31);
Oregon Health and Science University - zippyziggy (C: 9/16, II: 9/17, I: 12/18-19); yuyukachoo (C:10/8, II:10/29, I:12/18-19); jla1985 (C: 10/11, II: 10/29, I: 12/18-19 or 01/22-23)
Penn State - TheShaker (C: 8/10, II: 10/1, I: 12/9); mynameistoolong (C: 8/8, II: 10/2, I: 11/18)
Robert Wood Johnson - pittpanther (C: ~7/23, II:8/9 I:9/16); Otsdarva(C: 7/25, II: 8/9, I: 9/16)
Rochester University - regeneration (C: ~7/19, II:8/23 I:9/26); Orokami (C:~7/30, II: 8/25 I: 10/17); mTORC (C: 8/19, II: 8/29, I: ?)
Stanford - NigelVermooth (C: 8/3, II: 8/15, I:10/2-3); quebaldy (C:8/4, II: 8/15, I: 10/2-3); ytterium (C:8/16, II:9/6, I:10/2-3);
Stony Brook University - Reckoner (C: 7/31, II: 9/25, I: 10/23); plumazul (C: 7/25, II: 9/25, I: --)
SUNY Upstate - mynameistoolong (C: 9/4, II: 9/2x, I: ?);
Texas A&M HSC - NigelVermooth (C: 7/1, II: 7/29, I: 9/11-12);
Texas Tech HSC - NigelVermooth (C: 7/18, II: 8/19, I: 9/6);
Tri-Institutional(C/R/SK) - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 8/21, I: 10/31); Solarium90 (C: 7/4, II: 8/21, I: 10/31); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/9, I: 11/21)
Tufts- penguino92 (C: 08/21, II, 10/04,I:?), Member011 (C: 8/9, II: 10/4, I: 11/13), jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 10/4, I: 11/13), Otsdarva (C: 7/31, II: 10/28, I: 1/8)
University of Alabama, Birmingham - mTORC (C:8/28/13, II: 9/12/13, I: 12/4-12/6); zippyziggy (C: 8/2, II: 9/12, I: 12/3-5); pittpanther (C: 8/6, II: 9/12, I: ?); Solarium90 (C: 8/15,II: 9/18, I:12/4-6); oxfordian (C:9/15, II: 10/15, I: 12/11-13)
University of California, Davis - jla1985 (C: 10/08, II: 10/17, I: ?)
University of California, Irvine - TheShaker (C: 7/25, II: 9/7, I: 10/21), regeneration (C: 7/25, II: 9/07, I: 10/21), Vitor1192 (C:8/12, II: 9/22, I: 10/21)
University of California, Los Angeles - quebaldy (C: 8/11, II: 9/26, I: ??), Vitor1192 (C:8/10, II: 9/26, I: 10/24), ytterium (C: 8/24, II: 9/26, I: 11/14);
University of California, San Diego - mTORC (C: 9/2, II: 10/7, I: 1/16), Vitor1192 (C: 8/15, II: 10/16, I: 1/16-1/17), Orokami (C: 8/02, II: 10/18, I: 1/16-17)
University of California, San Francisco - ytterium (C: 9/20, II: 10/8, I: ??);
University of Chicago Pritzker - plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 7/23, I: 10/8-9); NigelVermooth (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: 10/8-9); quebaldy (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: 10/8-10/9); jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 8/9, I: 10/8-10/9); leish63(C:~8/5, II: 8/9, I: ?); oxfordian (C: 9/3?, II: 9/6, I: 12/9-12/11);
University of Cincinnati - Cpi89 (C: 8/26, II: 10/2, I: 10/17-19); zippyziggy (C: 7/10, II: 10/4, I: ?) Louly (C: 10/13, II: 10/28, I: 11/7-9)
University of Colorado - zippyziggy (C: 9/18, II: 10/3, I: 1/23-24);
University of Florida - orokami (C: 8/1; II: 10/25; I: 1/23-24)
University of Illinois at Chicago - jumbo91 (C: ~7/30, II: 9/18, I: 11/4); Reckoner (C: 7/30, II 9/18, I: 11/4); Member011 (C: ~8/5, II: 10/16, I: 1/13)
University of Iowa - TheShaker (C: ~7/20, II: 10/2, I: 10/31 - 11/1); Reckoner (C: 8/8, II: 10/2, I: 10/31-11/1); Louly (C: 10/21/13, II: 10/21/13, I: 10/31-11/1)
University of Kentucky- Penguino92 (C: 08/06, II: 09/30, I: 10/21), mooser0956 (C: 9/28, II: 9/30, I: 11/3-11/4)
University of Louisville - mooser0956 (C:8/21, II: 9/12, I:10/9); Penguino92 (C: 8/20, II: 09/02, I: 11/04-05); BarcaFan (C: 9/10, II: 9/17, I: 11/4)
University of Maryland - plumazul (C: 7/25, II: 9/13, I: 1/8-9); Member011 (C: 8/16, II: 9/13, I: 11/20-21)
University of Massachusetts - NigelVermooth (C: 7/22, II: 9/13, I:?);
University of Michigan mooser0956 (C:7/29, II:8/26, I:11/14-15); gogosart (C:8/4, II:8/23, I:10/24-25); Reckoner (C: 7/16, II: 9/27, I: 11/14-15)
University of Minnesota regeneration (C: 8/15 II: 9/23, I: TBD)
University of Nebraska gogosart (C:7/24, II:8/5, I:11/20)
University of Pennsylvania - NigelVermooth (C: 7/2, II: 9/4, I: 11/7-8); plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 9/4, I: 12/5-6); Regeneration (C:8/19; II: 9/8; I: 11/22); mTORC (C: 9/2, II: 9/10, I: 11/7); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/2, I: 12/5-6); ytterium (C: 8/16; II: 9/6; I: 1/9); jel34 (C: 9/17; II: 10/30; I: 11/21-22);
University of Pittsburgh - leish63 (C: ~7/25, II: 8/5, I: 8/22-8/23); pittpanther (C:7/23, II: 8/8, I:8/26-8/27); mooser0956 (C:8/15, II:8/23, I:9/26-27); mTORC (C:~8/20, II: 9/9, I: 10/10-10/11)
University of Southern California - Orokami (C:~8/1; II:9/5; I: 10/24), jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 9/5; I: 1/9-10), BigFatCat (C:8/7, II: 9/5, I: 9/26-27);
University of Texas Houston - NigelVermooth (C: 7/23, II: 9/16, I: 12/19);
University of Texas HSCSA - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 7/15, I: 8/25-27); NigelVermooth (C: 7/23, II 7/28, I: 9/9-10); TheShaker (C: 7/23, II: 8/5/13, I: 9/23-24); Orokami (C: 7/16, II: 8/5, I: 8/25-27); mTORC (C: 8/15, II: 8/16, I: 8/25-27); cpi89 (C: 8/19, II: 8/22, I: 10/7-8)
University of Texas Medical Branch- cpi89 (C: 8/19, II: 10/7, I: ?)
University of Texas Southwestern - Reckoner (C: 8/9, II: 8/23, I: 9/27); BigFatCat (C: 7/23, II: 8/23, I: 10/11); NigelVermooth (C: 8/12, II: 9/4, I: 11/2);
University of Toledo- mooser0956 (C: 8/15, II: 10/29, I: 1/13)
University of Virginia - plumazul (C: 7/22, II: 8/23, I: 9/19-20); zippyziggy (C: 7/6, II: 8/23, I: 9/19-20); mTORC (C: 9:5, II: 9:14, I: ?)
University of Wisconsin-Madison pittpanther (C:7/18, II:8/27, I:10/3-6); TheShaker (C:7/19, II: 8/27, I: 10/3-6); mTORC (C: 8/22, II: 9/25, I: ??); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/11, I: 1/9-12)
University of Washington-Seattle pittpanther (C:~8/3, II:9/9 I:1/9-11); mTORC (C: 9/6, II: 9/30, I: ??);
Vanderbilt University - oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/30, I: 1/17); mTORC (C: 9/11, II: 10/30, I: ?)
Wake Forest University - Orokami (C: 8/10, II: 10/18, I: APP Withdrawn - Conflict)
Washington University - premed660 (C: ~7/30 II: 8/7 I:9/26-9/28); leish63 (C: 8/2, II: 8/20, I:9/26-9/28); NigelVermooth (C: 8/2, II: 8/21, I:9/26-28); quebaldy (C: 8/6, II: 8/21, I: 10/10-12); plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 8/29, I: 10/10-12); mTORC (C: 8/16, II: 9/14, I: 10/31-11/2); BigFatCat (C: 8/9, II: 9/23, I: 11/7-9); oxfordian (C: 8/30?, II: 9/30, I: 11/14-16), cpi89 (C: 8/19, II: 10/10, I: 11/7)
Yale University - Prion13 (C: 8/13, II: 9/13, I:12/9-10); mTORC (C: 9/9, II: 9/25, I: ??); ytterium (C: 8/16, II: 9/13, I: ??); NigelVermooth (C: 8/23, II: 10/3, I: 11/4-5); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/14, I: 1/13-14); BarcaFan (C: 8/16, II: 9/13, I: 12/9-10)

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Wake Forest, Tufts, UMass

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Albert Einstein - BigFatCat (C: 8/5, II: 9/10, I:?); Member011 (C: 8/5, II: 9/10, I:10/18); jumbo91 (C: 8/6, II: 9/11, I: 11/22); mTORC (C: 8/23, II: 9/11, I: 10/18); Orokami (C: 8/1, II: 9/16, I: 11/22); oxfordian (C: 8/30, II: 10/2, I: 11/22)
Baylor - NigelVermooth (C: 8/2, II: 9/18, I: ?); pittpanter (C: 7/15, II: 9/18, I: 10/17-19); mTORC (C: 8/21, II: 10/8, I:?)
Boston University - pittpanther (C: 7/15, II: 9/10, I:?); NigelVermooth (C: 7/29, II: 9/10, I: 10/18); Otsdarva(C: 7/26, II: 9/13, I: 10/18); mynameistoolong (C: 7/26, II: 9/16, I: 11/1); Regeneration (C: 8/20, II:9/20, I: TBD); gogosart (C:7/20, II:10/1, I:10/18); Orokami (C:8/10; II: 10/1; I 1/10); Penguino92 (C: 8/20, II: 09/30, I: 11/08)
Case Western Reserve - plumazul (C: 7/20, II: 8/7, I: 12/12-13); Solarium90 (C: 7/9,II: 8/10, I:9/26); zippyziggy (C: 8/8, II: 8/29, I: 12/12-13); Member011 (C: 8/19, II: 9/4, I: 10/24-25);
Columbia University - plumazul (C: 7/13, II: 8/23, I: 10/23); Reckoner (C: 7/17, II: 8/23, I: 10/8); ytterium (C: 8/16, II: 9/11, I:11/22)
Dartmouth - jumbo91 (C: 7/30, II: 10/16, I: 10/30-31)
Duke University - zippyziggy (C: 7/15, II: 8/29, I: 11/7-8); plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 8/29, I: 11/7-8); quebaldy (C: 7/28, II: 9/9, I: 11/14-15); NigelVermooth (C: 7/24, II: 9/9, I: 10/24-25); ytterium (C: 8/16, II: 9/27, I: 12/5-6); jel34 (C: 9/16; II: 11/1; I: 1/16-17);
Emory - pittpanther (C:7/21, II:9/30, I:11/7-8); zippyziggy (C: 7/13, II: 10/2, I: 12/5-6); jumbo91 (C: 8/23, II: 10/8, I:12/5-6); Orokami (C 8/23, II: 10/12, I: 12/5-6); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/29, I: ?); jel34 (C: 9/20; II: 10/29; I: 12/5-6);
Harvard University- NigelVermooth (C: 8/20, II: 10/8, I: ?);
Hofstra University- Yuyukachoo (C: 9/4, II: 10/16, I: 1/8)
Indiana University- mooser0956 (C:7/12, II: 8/9, I:TBD); regeneration (C:7/11, II: 8/12, I:TBD); TheShaker (C: 7/19, II: 9/5, I: 11/13); gogosart (C:7/24, II:8/21, I:TBD), cpi89 (C: 8/19, II: 10/7, I: ?)
Jefferson - mynameistoolong (C: 8/28, II: 9/9, I: 11/19-20); cpi89 (C: 9/17, II: 9/20, I: 11/19-20) Penguino92 (C: 08/09, II: 09/05, I: 11/13)
Johns Hopkins - plumazul (C: 7/23, II: 8/29, I: 9/25-26); BarcaFan (C: 8/28, II: 9/11, I: 10/23-24); ytterium (C: 8/21; II: 10/21, I: 11/20-11/21)
Loyola-Stritch - mooser0956 (C:9/19 II: 10:29, I: 1/9-10)
Medical University of South Carolina - Reckoner (C: 8/8, II: 8/23, I: 10/11); Member011 (C: 8/19, II: 9/7, I: 10/11); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 9/27, I: 10/18)
Michigan state- mooser0956 (C:7/29 II:10/24, I: 11/22)
Miller School of Medicine, Miami - Orokami (C: 8/1, II: 10/3, I: 11/1), Vitor1192 (C: 8/8, II: 10/2, I: 11/1)
Mount Sinai - zippyziggy (C: 7/17, II: 9/6, I: 11/4-5); Member011 (C: 8/12, II: 9/6, I: 10/28-29); plumazul (C: 7/23, II: 9/12, I: 10/28-29); mynameistoolong (C: 7/25, II: 9/16, I: 11/4-5); Solarium90 (C: 8/3,II: 9/12, I:10/28-29); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/18, I: 12/2-3)
New Jersey Medical School - Otsdarva (C: 7/20, II: 9/24, I: 10/15)
Northwestern - BigFatCat (C: 8/26, II: 9/9, I: ?); Solarium90 (C: 8/28,II: 9/10, I:11/6-7);
NYU - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); Reckoner (C: 7/17, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); BigFatCat (C: 8/1, II: 8/28, I: 10/18); oxfordian (C: 9/9, II: 9/16, I: 11/8)
Ohio State University - Solarium90(C: 7/9, II:8/14, I: 10/10); zippyziggy (C: 7/27, II: 8/20, I: 10/10-12); Otsdarva(C: 7/30, II: 8/29, I: 10/31);
Oregon Health and Science University - zippyziggy (C: 9/16, II: 9/17, I: 12/18-19); yuyukachoo (C:10/8, II:10/29, I:12/18-19); jla1985 (C: 10/11, II: 10/29, I: 12/18-19 or 01/22-23)
Penn State - TheShaker (C: 8/10, II: 10/1, I: 12/9); mynameistoolong (C: 8/8, II: 10/2, I: 11/18)
Robert Wood Johnson - pittpanther (C: ~7/23, II:8/9 I:9/16); Otsdarva(C: 7/25, II: 8/9, I: 9/16)
Rochester University - regeneration (C: ~7/19, II:8/23 I:9/26); Orokami (C:~7/30, II: 8/25 I: 10/17); mTORC (C: 8/19, II: 8/29, I: ?)
Stanford - NigelVermooth (C: 8/3, II: 8/15, I:10/2-3); quebaldy (C:8/4, II: 8/15, I: 10/2-3); ytterium (C:8/16, II:9/6, I:10/2-3);
Stony Brook University - Reckoner (C: 7/31, II: 9/25, I: 10/23); plumazul (C: 7/25, II: 9/25, I: --)
SUNY Upstate - mynameistoolong (C: 9/4, II: 9/2x, I: ?);
Texas A&M HSC - NigelVermooth (C: 7/1, II: 7/29, I: 9/11-12);
Texas Tech HSC - NigelVermooth (C: 7/18, II: 8/19, I: 9/6);
Tri-Institutional(C/R/SK) - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 8/21, I: 10/31); Solarium90 (C: 7/4, II: 8/21, I: 10/31); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/9, I: 11/21)
Tufts- penguino92 (C: 08/21, II, 10/04,I:?), Member011 (C: 8/9, II: 10/4, I: 11/13), jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 10/4, I: 11/13), Otsdarva (C: 7/31, II: 10/28, I: 1/8), slamesh (C: 8/26, II: 10/21, I: 11/13)
University of Alabama, Birmingham - mTORC (C:8/28/13, II: 9/12/13, I: 12/4-12/6); zippyziggy (C: 8/2, II: 9/12, I: 12/3-5); pittpanther (C: 8/6, II: 9/12, I: ?); Solarium90 (C: 8/15,II: 9/18, I:12/4-6); oxfordian (C:9/15, II: 10/15, I: 12/11-13)
University of California, Davis - jla1985 (C: 10/08, II: 10/17, I: ?)
University of California, Irvine - TheShaker (C: 7/25, II: 9/7, I: 10/21), regeneration (C: 7/25, II: 9/07, I: 10/21), Vitor1192 (C:8/12, II: 9/22, I: 10/21)
University of California, Los Angeles - quebaldy (C: 8/11, II: 9/26, I: ??), Vitor1192 (C:8/10, II: 9/26, I: 10/24), ytterium (C: 8/24, II: 9/26, I: 11/14);
University of California, San Diego - mTORC (C: 9/2, II: 10/7, I: 1/16), Vitor1192 (C: 8/15, II: 10/16, I: 1/16-1/17), Orokami (C: 8/02, II: 10/18, I: 1/16-17)
University of California, San Francisco - ytterium (C: 9/20, II: 10/8, I: ??);
University of Chicago Pritzker - plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 7/23, I: 10/8-9); NigelVermooth (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: 10/8-9); quebaldy (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: 10/8-10/9); jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 8/9, I: 10/8-10/9); leish63(C:~8/5, II: 8/9, I: ?); oxfordian (C: 9/3?, II: 9/6, I: 12/9-12/11);
University of Cincinnati - Cpi89 (C: 8/26, II: 10/2, I: 10/17-19); zippyziggy (C: 7/10, II: 10/4, I: ?) Louly (C: 10/13, II: 10/28, I: 11/7-9)
University of Colorado - zippyziggy (C: 9/18, II: 10/3, I: 1/23-24);
University of Florida - orokami (C: 8/1; II: 10/25; I: 1/23-24)
University of Illinois at Chicago - jumbo91 (C: ~7/30, II: 9/18, I: 11/4); Reckoner (C: 7/30, II 9/18, I: 11/4); Member011 (C: ~8/5, II: 10/16, I: 1/13)
University of Iowa - TheShaker (C: ~7/20, II: 10/2, I: 10/31 - 11/1); Reckoner (C: 8/8, II: 10/2, I: 10/31-11/1); Louly (C: 10/21/13, II: 10/21/13, I: 10/31-11/1)
University of Kentucky- Penguino92 (C: 08/06, II: 09/30, I: 10/21), mooser0956 (C: 9/28, II: 9/30, I: 11/3-11/4)
University of Louisville - mooser0956 (C:8/21, II: 9/12, I:10/9); Penguino92 (C: 8/20, II: 09/02, I: 11/04-05); BarcaFan (C: 9/10, II: 9/17, I: 11/4)
University of Maryland - plumazul (C: 7/25, II: 9/13, I: 1/8-9); Member011 (C: 8/16, II: 9/13, I: 11/20-21)
University of Massachusetts - NigelVermooth (C: 7/22, II: 9/13, I:?); slamesh (C: 9/23, II: 10/4, I: 12/5-7)
University of Michigan mooser0956 (C:7/29, II:8/26, I:11/14-15); gogosart (C:8/4, II:8/23, I:10/24-25); Reckoner (C: 7/16, II: 9/27, I: 11/14-15)
University of Minnesota regeneration (C: 8/15 II: 9/23, I: TBD)
University of Nebraska gogosart (C:7/24, II:8/5, I:11/20)
University of Pennsylvania - NigelVermooth (C: 7/2, II: 9/4, I: 11/7-8); plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 9/4, I: 12/5-6); Regeneration (C:8/19; II: 9/8; I: 11/22); mTORC (C: 9/2, II: 9/10, I: 11/7); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/2, I: 12/5-6); ytterium (C: 8/16; II: 9/6; I: 1/9); jel34 (C: 9/17; II: 10/30; I: 11/21-22);
University of Pittsburgh - leish63 (C: ~7/25, II: 8/5, I: 8/22-8/23); pittpanther (C:7/23, II: 8/8, I:8/26-8/27); mooser0956 (C:8/15, II:8/23, I:9/26-27); mTORC (C:~8/20, II: 9/9, I: 10/10-10/11)
University of Southern California - Orokami (C:~8/1; II:9/5; I: 10/24), jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 9/5; I: 1/9-10), BigFatCat (C:8/7, II: 9/5, I: 9/26-27);
University of Texas Houston - NigelVermooth (C: 7/23, II: 9/16, I: 12/19);
University of Texas HSCSA - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 7/15, I: 8/25-27); NigelVermooth (C: 7/23, II 7/28, I: 9/9-10); TheShaker (C: 7/23, II: 8/5/13, I: 9/23-24); Orokami (C: 7/16, II: 8/5, I: 8/25-27); mTORC (C: 8/15, II: 8/16, I: 8/25-27); cpi89 (C: 8/19, II: 8/22, I: 10/7-8)
University of Texas Medical Branch- cpi89 (C: 8/19, II: 10/7, I: ?)
University of Texas Southwestern - Reckoner (C: 8/9, II: 8/23, I: 9/27); BigFatCat (C: 7/23, II: 8/23, I: 10/11); NigelVermooth (C: 8/12, II: 9/4, I: 11/2);
University of Toledo- mooser0956 (C: 8/15, II: 10/29, I: 1/13)
University of Virginia - plumazul (C: 7/22, II: 8/23, I: 9/19-20); zippyziggy (C: 7/6, II: 8/23, I: 9/19-20); mTORC (C: 9:5, II: 9:14, I: ?)
University of Wisconsin-Madison pittpanther (C:7/18, II:8/27, I:10/3-6); TheShaker (C:7/19, II: 8/27, I: 10/3-6); mTORC (C: 8/22, II: 9/25, I: ??); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/11, I: 1/9-12)
University of Washington-Seattle pittpanther (C:~8/3, II:9/9 I:1/9-11); mTORC (C: 9/6, II: 9/30, I: ??);
Vanderbilt University - oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/30, I: 1/17); mTORC (C: 9/11, II: 10/30, I: ?)
Wake Forest University - Orokami (C: 8/10, II: 10/18, I: APP Withdrawn - Conflict), slamesh (C: 9/24, II: 10/28, I: 11/6-7)
Washington University - premed660 (C: ~7/30 II: 8/7 I:9/26-9/28); leish63 (C: 8/2, II: 8/20, I:9/26-9/28); NigelVermooth (C: 8/2, II: 8/21, I:9/26-28); quebaldy (C: 8/6, II: 8/21, I: 10/10-12); plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 8/29, I: 10/10-12); mTORC (C: 8/16, II: 9/14, I: 10/31-11/2); BigFatCat (C: 8/9, II: 9/23, I: 11/7-9); oxfordian (C: 8/30?, II: 9/30, I: 11/14-16), cpi89 (C: 8/19, II: 10/10, I: 11/7)
Yale University - Prion13 (C: 8/13, II: 9/13, I:12/9-10); mTORC (C: 9/9, II: 9/25, I: ??); ytterium (C: 8/16, II: 9/13, I: ??); NigelVermooth (C: 8/23, II: 10/3, I: 11/4-5); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/14, I: 1/13-14); BarcaFan (C: 8/16, II: 9/13, I: 12/9-10)

C: Complete
II: Interview Invite date
I: Interview date
UT Southwestern—2nd MSTP II!!!

New Platform, New INSTRUCTIONS!
1) Copy and Paste the Instructions, Data, and Legend (the new platform no longer strips formatting)
2) add your user name, ( complete date, interview invite date, interview date, any other pertinent info, and if needed, add the school name to the list
3) Enter the name(s) of the school(s) where you are adding data and any other comments, ABOVE the INSTRUCTIONS

Albert Einstein - BigFatCat (C: 8/5, II: 9/10, I:?); Member011 (C: 8/5, II: 9/10, I:10/18); jumbo91 (C: 8/6, II: 9/11, I: 11/22); mTORC (C: 8/23, II: 9/11, I: 10/18); Orokami (C: 8/1, II: 9/16, I: 11/22); oxfordian (C: 8/30, II: 10/2, I: 11/22)
Baylor - NigelVermooth (C: 8/2, II: 9/18, I: ?); pittpanter (C: 7/15, II: 9/18, I: 10/17-19); mTORC (C: 8/21, II: 10/8, I:?)
Boston University - pittpanther (C: 7/15, II: 9/10, I:?); NigelVermooth (C: 7/29, II: 9/10, I: 10/18); Otsdarva(C: 7/26, II: 9/13, I: 10/18); mynameistoolong (C: 7/26, II: 9/16, I: 11/1); Regeneration (C: 8/20, II:9/20, I: TBD); gogosart (C:7/20, II:10/1, I:10/18); Orokami (C:8/10; II: 10/1; I 1/10); Penguino92 (C: 8/20, II: 09/30, I: 11/08)
Case Western Reserve - plumazul (C: 7/20, II: 8/7, I: 12/12-13); Solarium90 (C: 7/9,II: 8/10, I:9/26); zippyziggy (C: 8/8, II: 8/29, I: 12/12-13); Member011 (C: 8/19, II: 9/4, I: 10/24-25);
Columbia University - plumazul (C: 7/13, II: 8/23, I: 10/23); Reckoner (C: 7/17, II: 8/23, I: 10/8); ytterium (C: 8/16, II: 9/11, I:11/22)
Dartmouth - jumbo91 (C: 7/30, II: 10/16, I: 10/30-31)
Duke University - zippyziggy (C: 7/15, II: 8/29, I: 11/7-8); plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 8/29, I: 11/7-8); quebaldy (C: 7/28, II: 9/9, I: 11/14-15); NigelVermooth (C: 7/24, II: 9/9, I: 10/24-25); ytterium (C: 8/16, II: 9/27, I: 12/5-6); jel34 (C: 9/16; II: 11/1; I: 1/16-17);
Emory - pittpanther (C:7/21, II:9/30, I:11/7-8); zippyziggy (C: 7/13, II: 10/2, I: 12/5-6); jumbo91 (C: 8/23, II: 10/8, I:12/5-6); Orokami (C 8/23, II: 10/12, I: 12/5-6); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/29, I: ?); jel34 (C: 9/20; II: 10/29; I: 12/5-6);
Harvard University- NigelVermooth (C: 8/20, II: 10/8, I: ?);
Hofstra University- Yuyukachoo (C: 9/4, II: 10/16, I: 1/8)
Indiana University- mooser0956 (C:7/12, II: 8/9, I:TBD); regeneration (C:7/11, II: 8/12, I:TBD); TheShaker (C: 7/19, II: 9/5, I: 11/13); gogosart (C:7/24, II:8/21, I:TBD), cpi89 (C: 8/19, II: 10/7, I: ?)
Jefferson - mynameistoolong (C: 8/28, II: 9/9, I: 11/19-20); cpi89 (C: 9/17, II: 9/20, I: 11/19-20) Penguino92 (C: 08/09, II: 09/05, I: 11/13)
Johns Hopkins - plumazul (C: 7/23, II: 8/29, I: 9/25-26); BarcaFan (C: 8/28, II: 9/11, I: 10/23-24); ytterium (C: 8/21; II: 10/21, I: 11/20-11/21)
Loyola-Stritch - mooser0956 (C:9/19 II: 10:29, I: 1/9-10)
Medical University of South Carolina - Reckoner (C: 8/8, II: 8/23, I: 10/11); Member011 (C: 8/19, II: 9/7, I: 10/11); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 9/27, I: 10/18)
Michigan state- mooser0956 (C:7/29 II:10/24, I: 11/22)
Miller School of Medicine, Miami - Orokami (C: 8/1, II: 10/3, I: 11/1), Vitor1192 (C: 8/8, II: 10/2, I: 11/1)
Mount Sinai - zippyziggy (C: 7/17, II: 9/6, I: 11/4-5); Member011 (C: 8/12, II: 9/6, I: 10/28-29); plumazul (C: 7/23, II: 9/12, I: 10/28-29); mynameistoolong (C: 7/25, II: 9/16, I: 11/4-5); Solarium90 (C: 8/3,II: 9/12, I:10/28-29); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/18, I: 12/2-3)
New Jersey Medical School - Otsdarva (C: 7/20, II: 9/24, I: 10/15)
Northwestern - BigFatCat (C: 8/26, II: 9/9, I: ?); Solarium90 (C: 8/28,II: 9/10, I:11/6-7);
NYU - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); Reckoner (C: 7/17, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); BigFatCat (C: 8/1, II: 8/28, I: 10/18); oxfordian (C: 9/9, II: 9/16, I: 11/8)
Ohio State University - Solarium90(C: 7/9, II:8/14, I: 10/10); zippyziggy (C: 7/27, II: 8/20, I: 10/10-12); Otsdarva(C: 7/30, II: 8/29, I: 10/31);
Oregon Health and Science University - zippyziggy (C: 9/16, II: 9/17, I: 12/18-19); yuyukachoo (C:10/8, II:10/29, I:12/18-19); jla1985 (C: 10/11, II: 10/29, I: 12/18-19 or 01/22-23)
Penn State - TheShaker (C: 8/10, II: 10/1, I: 12/9); mynameistoolong (C: 8/8, II: 10/2, I: 11/18)
Robert Wood Johnson - pittpanther (C: ~7/23, II:8/9 I:9/16); Otsdarva(C: 7/25, II: 8/9, I: 9/16)
Rochester University - regeneration (C: ~7/19, II:8/23 I:9/26); Orokami (C:~7/30, II: 8/25 I: 10/17); mTORC (C: 8/19, II: 8/29, I: ?)
Stanford - NigelVermooth (C: 8/3, II: 8/15, I:10/2-3); quebaldy (C:8/4, II: 8/15, I: 10/2-3); ytterium (C:8/16, II:9/6, I:10/2-3);
Stony Brook University - Reckoner (C: 7/31, II: 9/25, I: 10/23); plumazul (C: 7/25, II: 9/25, I: --)
SUNY Upstate - mynameistoolong (C: 9/4, II: 9/2x, I: ?);
Texas A&M HSC - NigelVermooth (C: 7/1, II: 7/29, I: 9/11-12);
Texas Tech HSC - NigelVermooth (C: 7/18, II: 8/19, I: 9/6);
Tri-Institutional(C/R/SK) - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 8/21, I: 10/31); Solarium90 (C: 7/4, II: 8/21, I: 10/31); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/9, I: 11/21)
Tufts- penguino92 (C: 08/21, II, 10/04,I:?), Member011 (C: 8/9, II: 10/4, I: 11/13), jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 10/4, I: 11/13), Otsdarva (C: 7/31, II: 10/28, I: 1/8), slamesh (C: 8/26, II: 10/21, I: 11/13)
University of Alabama, Birmingham - mTORC (C:8/28/13, II: 9/12/13, I: 12/4-12/6); zippyziggy (C: 8/2, II: 9/12, I: 12/3-5); pittpanther (C: 8/6, II: 9/12, I: ?); Solarium90 (C: 8/15,II: 9/18, I:12/4-6); oxfordian (C:9/15, II: 10/15, I: 12/11-13)
University of California, Davis - jla1985 (C: 10/08, II: 10/17, I: ?)
University of California, Irvine - TheShaker (C: 7/25, II: 9/7, I: 10/21), regeneration (C: 7/25, II: 9/07, I: 10/21), Vitor1192 (C:8/12, II: 9/22, I: 10/21)
University of California, Los Angeles - quebaldy (C: 8/11, II: 9/26, I: ??), Vitor1192 (C:8/10, II: 9/26, I: 10/24), ytterium (C: 8/24, II: 9/26, I: 11/14);
University of California, San Diego - mTORC (C: 9/2, II: 10/7, I: 1/16), Vitor1192 (C: 8/15, II: 10/16, I: 1/16-1/17), Orokami (C: 8/02, II: 10/18, I: 1/16-17)
University of California, San Francisco - ytterium (C: 9/20, II: 10/8, I: ??);
University of Chicago Pritzker - plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 7/23, I: 10/8-9); NigelVermooth (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: 10/8-9); quebaldy (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: 10/8-10/9); jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 8/9, I: 10/8-10/9); leish63(C:~8/5, II: 8/9, I: ?); oxfordian (C: 9/3?, II: 9/6, I: 12/9-12/11);
University of Cincinnati - Cpi89 (C: 8/26, II: 10/2, I: 10/17-19); zippyziggy (C: 7/10, II: 10/4, I: ?) Louly (C: 10/13, II: 10/28, I: 11/7-9)
University of Colorado - zippyziggy (C: 9/18, II: 10/3, I: 1/23-24);
University of Florida - orokami (C: 8/1; II: 10/25; I: 1/23-24)
University of Illinois at Chicago - jumbo91 (C: ~7/30, II: 9/18, I: 11/4); Reckoner (C: 7/30, II 9/18, I: 11/4); Member011 (C: ~8/5, II: 10/16, I: 1/13)
University of Iowa - TheShaker (C: ~7/20, II: 10/2, I: 10/31 - 11/1); Reckoner (C: 8/8, II: 10/2, I: 10/31-11/1); Louly (C: 10/21/13, II: 10/21/13, I: 10/31-11/1)
University of Kentucky- Penguino92 (C: 08/06, II: 09/30, I: 10/21), mooser0956 (C: 9/28, II: 9/30, I: 11/3-11/4)
University of Louisville - mooser0956 (C:8/21, II: 9/12, I:10/9); Penguino92 (C: 8/20, II: 09/02, I: 11/04-05); BarcaFan (C: 9/10, II: 9/17, I: 11/4)
University of Maryland - plumazul (C: 7/25, II: 9/13, I: 1/8-9); Member011 (C: 8/16, II: 9/13, I: 11/20-21)
University of Massachusetts - NigelVermooth (C: 7/22, II: 9/13, I:?); slamesh (C: 9/23, II: 10/4, I: 12/5-7)
University of Michigan mooser0956 (C:7/29, II:8/26, I:11/14-15); gogosart (C:8/4, II:8/23, I:10/24-25); Reckoner (C: 7/16, II: 9/27, I: 11/14-15)
University of Minnesota regeneration (C: 8/15 II: 9/23, I: TBD)
University of Nebraska gogosart (C:7/24, II:8/5, I:11/20)
University of Pennsylvania - NigelVermooth (C: 7/2, II: 9/4, I: 11/7-8); plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 9/4, I: 12/5-6); Regeneration (C:8/19; II: 9/8; I: 11/22); mTORC (C: 9/2, II: 9/10, I: 11/7); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/2, I: 12/5-6); ytterium (C: 8/16; II: 9/6; I: 1/9); jel34 (C: 9/17; II: 10/30; I: 11/21-22);
University of Pittsburgh - leish63 (C: ~7/25, II: 8/5, I: 8/22-8/23); pittpanther (C:7/23, II: 8/8, I:8/26-8/27); mooser0956 (C:8/15, II:8/23, I:9/26-27); mTORC (C:~8/20, II: 9/9, I: 10/10-10/11)
University of Southern California - Orokami (C:~8/1; II:9/5; I: 10/24), jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 9/5; I: 1/9-10), BigFatCat (C:8/7, II: 9/5, I: 9/26-27);
University of Texas Houston - NigelVermooth (C: 7/23, II: 9/16, I: 12/19);
University of Texas HSCSA - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 7/15, I: 8/25-27); NigelVermooth (C: 7/23, II 7/28, I: 9/9-10); TheShaker (C: 7/23, II: 8/5/13, I: 9/23-24); Orokami (C: 7/16, II: 8/5, I: 8/25-27); mTORC (C: 8/15, II: 8/16, I: 8/25-27); cpi89 (C: 8/19, II: 8/22, I: 10/7-8)
University of Texas Medical Branch- cpi89 (C: 8/19, II: 10/7, I: ?)
University of Texas Southwestern - Reckoner (C: 8/9, II: 8/23, I: 9/27); BigFatCat (C: 7/23, II: 8/23, I: 10/11); NigelVermooth (C: 8/12, II: 9/4, I: 11/2); mynameistoolong (C: 7/8 , II: 11/12, I: 12/6)
University of Toledo- mooser0956 (C: 8/15, II: 10/29, I: 1/13)
University of Virginia - plumazul (C: 7/22, II: 8/23, I: 9/19-20); zippyziggy (C: 7/6, II: 8/23, I: 9/19-20); mTORC (C: 9:5, II: 9:14, I: ?)
University of Wisconsin-Madison pittpanther (C:7/18, II:8/27, I:10/3-6); TheShaker (C:7/19, II: 8/27, I: 10/3-6); mTORC (C: 8/22, II: 9/25, I: ??); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/11, I: 1/9-12)
University of Washington-Seattle pittpanther (C:~8/3, II:9/9 I:1/9-11); mTORC (C: 9/6, II: 9/30, I: ??);
Vanderbilt University - oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/30, I: 1/17); mTORC (C: 9/11, II: 10/30, I: ?)
Wake Forest University - Orokami (C: 8/10, II: 10/18, I: APP Withdrawn - Conflict), slamesh (C: 9/24, II: 10/28, I: 11/6-7)
Washington University - premed660 (C: ~7/30 II: 8/7 I:9/26-9/28); leish63 (C: 8/2, II: 8/20, I:9/26-9/28); NigelVermooth (C: 8/2, II: 8/21, I:9/26-28); quebaldy (C: 8/6, II: 8/21, I: 10/10-12); plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 8/29, I: 10/10-12); mTORC (C: 8/16, II: 9/14, I: 10/31-11/2); BigFatCat (C: 8/9, II: 9/23, I: 11/7-9); oxfordian (C: 8/30?, II: 9/30, I: 11/14-16), cpi89 (C: 8/19, II: 10/10, I: 11/7)
Yale University - Prion13 (C: 8/13, II: 9/13, I:12/9-10); mTORC (C: 9/9, II: 9/25, I: ??); ytterium (C: 8/16, II: 9/13, I: ??); NigelVermooth (C: 8/23, II: 10/3, I: 11/4-5); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/14, I: 1/13-14); BarcaFan (C: 8/16, II: 9/13, I: 12/9-10)

C: Complete
II: Interview Invite date
I: Interview date
UT Southwestern—2nd MSTP II!!!

Sweet! :highfive: So much nicer to be going to Texas in the Fall/Winter than when I went. :flame: Whew!
BTW, I hope you found your way to the Newark Airport without too much difficulty!
Last edited:
Thanks! Yeah, I made my flight just barely :naughty: living on the edge... Hope Duke was fun!

New Platform, New INSTRUCTIONS!
1) Copy and Paste the Instructions, Data, and Legend (the new platform no longer strips formatting)
2) add your user name, ( complete date, interview invite date, interview date, any other pertinent info, and if needed, add the school name to the list
3) Enter the name(s) of the school(s) where you are adding data and any other comments, ABOVE the INSTRUCTIONS

Albert Einstein - BigFatCat (C: 8/5, II: 9/10, I:?); Member011 (C: 8/5, II: 9/10, I:10/18); jumbo91 (C: 8/6, II: 9/11, I: 11/22); mTORC (C: 8/23, II: 9/11, I: 10/18); Orokami (C: 8/1, II: 9/16, I: 11/22); oxfordian (C: 8/30, II: 10/2, I: 11/22)
Baylor - NigelVermooth (C: 8/2, II: 9/18, I: ?); pittpanter (C: 7/15, II: 9/18, I: 10/17-19); mTORC (C: 8/21, II: 10/8, I:?)
Boston University - pittpanther (C: 7/15, II: 9/10, I:?); NigelVermooth (C: 7/29, II: 9/10, I: 10/18); Otsdarva(C: 7/26, II: 9/13, I: 10/18); mynameistoolong (C: 7/26, II: 9/16, I: 11/1); Regeneration (C: 8/20, II:9/20, I: TBD); gogosart (C:7/20, II:10/1, I:10/18); Orokami (C:8/10; II: 10/1; I 1/10); Penguino92 (C: 8/20, II: 09/30, I: 11/08)
Case Western Reserve - plumazul (C: 7/20, II: 8/7, I: 12/12-13); Solarium90 (C: 7/9,II: 8/10, I:9/26); zippyziggy (C: 8/8, II: 8/29, I: 12/12-13); Member011 (C: 8/19, II: 9/4, I: 10/24-25);
Columbia University - plumazul (C: 7/13, II: 8/23, I: 10/23); Reckoner (C: 7/17, II: 8/23, I: 10/8); ytterium (C: 8/16, II: 9/11, I:11/22)
Dartmouth - jumbo91 (C: 7/30, II: 10/16, I: 10/30-31)
Duke University - zippyziggy (C: 7/15, II: 8/29, I: 11/7-8); plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 8/29, I: 11/7-8); quebaldy (C: 7/28, II: 9/9, I: 11/14-15); NigelVermooth (C: 7/24, II: 9/9, I: 10/24-25); ytterium (C: 8/16, II: 9/27, I: 12/5-6); jel34 (C: 9/16; II: 11/1; I: 1/16-17);
Emory - pittpanther (C:7/21, II:9/30, I:11/7-8); zippyziggy (C: 7/13, II: 10/2, I: 12/5-6); jumbo91 (C: 8/23, II: 10/8, I:12/5-6); Orokami (C 8/23, II: 10/12, I: 12/5-6); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/29, I: ?); jel34 (C: 9/20; II: 10/29; I: 12/5-6);
Harvard University- NigelVermooth (C: 8/20, II: 10/8, I: ?);
Hofstra University- Yuyukachoo (C: 9/4, II: 10/16, I: 1/8)
Indiana University- mooser0956 (C:7/12, II: 8/9, I:TBD); regeneration (C:7/11, II: 8/12, I:TBD); TheShaker (C: 7/19, II: 9/5, I: 11/13); gogosart (C:7/24, II:8/21, I:TBD), cpi89 (C: 8/19, II: 10/7, I: ?)
Jefferson - mynameistoolong (C: 8/28, II: 9/9, I: 11/19-20); cpi89 (C: 9/17, II: 9/20, I: 11/19-20) Penguino92 (C: 08/09, II: 09/05, I: 11/13)
Johns Hopkins - plumazul (C: 7/23, II: 8/29, I: 9/25-26); BarcaFan (C: 8/28, II: 9/11, I: 10/23-24); ytterium (C: 8/21; II: 10/21, I: 11/20-11/21)
Loyola-Stritch - mooser0956 (C:9/19 II: 10:29, I: 1/9-10)
Medical University of South Carolina - Reckoner (C: 8/8, II: 8/23, I: 10/11); Member011 (C: 8/19, II: 9/7, I: 10/11); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 9/27, I: 10/18)
Michigan state- mooser0956 (C:7/29 II:10/24, I: 11/22)
Miller School of Medicine, Miami - Orokami (C: 8/1, II: 10/3, I: 11/1), Vitor1192 (C: 8/8, II: 10/2, I: 11/1)
Mount Sinai - zippyziggy (C: 7/17, II: 9/6, I: 11/4-5); Member011 (C: 8/12, II: 9/6, I: 10/28-29); plumazul (C: 7/23, II: 9/12, I: 10/28-29); mynameistoolong (C: 7/25, II: 9/16, I: 11/4-5); Solarium90 (C: 8/3,II: 9/12, I:10/28-29); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/18, I: 12/2-3)
New Jersey Medical School - Otsdarva (C: 7/20, II: 9/24, I: 10/15)
Northwestern - BigFatCat (C: 8/26, II: 9/9, I: ?); Solarium90 (C: 8/28,II: 9/10, I:11/6-7);
NYU - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); Reckoner (C: 7/17, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); BigFatCat (C: 8/1, II: 8/28, I: 10/18); oxfordian (C: 9/9, II: 9/16, I: 11/8)
Ohio State University - Solarium90(C: 7/9, II:8/14, I: 10/10); zippyziggy (C: 7/27, II: 8/20, I: 10/10-12); Otsdarva(C: 7/30, II: 8/29, I: 10/31);
Oregon Health and Science University - zippyziggy (C: 9/16, II: 9/17, I: 12/18-19); yuyukachoo (C:10/8, II:10/29, I:12/18-19); jla1985 (C: 10/11, II: 10/29, I: 12/18-19 or 01/22-23)
Penn State - TheShaker (C: 8/10, II: 10/1, I: 12/9); mynameistoolong (C: 8/8, II: 10/2, I: 11/18)
Robert Wood Johnson - pittpanther (C: ~7/23, II:8/9 I:9/16); Otsdarva(C: 7/25, II: 8/9, I: 9/16)
Rochester University - regeneration (C: ~7/19, II:8/23 I:9/26); Orokami (C:~7/30, II: 8/25 I: 10/17); mTORC (C: 8/19, II: 8/29, I: ?)
Stanford - NigelVermooth (C: 8/3, II: 8/15, I:10/2-3); quebaldy (C:8/4, II: 8/15, I: 10/2-3); ytterium (C:8/16, II:9/6, I:10/2-3);
Stony Brook University - Reckoner (C: 7/31, II: 9/25, I: 10/23); plumazul (C: 7/25, II: 9/25, I: --)
SUNY Upstate - mynameistoolong (C: 9/4, II: 9/2x, I: ?);
Texas A&M HSC - NigelVermooth (C: 7/1, II: 7/29, I: 9/11-12);
Texas Tech HSC - NigelVermooth (C: 7/18, II: 8/19, I: 9/6);
Tri-Institutional(C/R/SK) - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 8/21, I: 10/31); Solarium90 (C: 7/4, II: 8/21, I: 10/31); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/9, I: 11/21)
Tufts- penguino92 (C: 08/21, II, 10/04,I:?), Member011 (C: 8/9, II: 10/4, I: 11/13), jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 10/4, I: 11/13), Otsdarva (C: 7/31, II: 10/28, I: 1/8), slamesh (C: 8/26, II: 10/21, I: 11/13)
University of Alabama, Birmingham - mTORC (C:8/28/13, II: 9/12/13, I: 12/4-12/6); zippyziggy (C: 8/2, II: 9/12, I: 12/3-5); pittpanther (C: 8/6, II: 9/12, I: ?); Solarium90 (C: 8/15,II: 9/18, I:12/4-6); oxfordian (C:9/15, II: 10/15, I: 12/11-13)
University of California, Davis - jla1985 (C: 10/08, II: 10/17, I: ?)
University of California, Irvine - TheShaker (C: 7/25, II: 9/7, I: 10/21), regeneration (C: 7/25, II: 9/07, I: 10/21), Vitor1192 (C:8/12, II: 9/22, I: 10/21)
University of California, Los Angeles - quebaldy (C: 8/11, II: 9/26, I: ??), Vitor1192 (C:8/10, II: 9/26, I: 10/24), ytterium (C: 8/24, II: 9/26, I: 11/14);
University of California, San Diego - mTORC (C: 9/2, II: 10/7, I: 1/16), Vitor1192 (C: 8/15, II: 10/16, I: 1/16-1/17), Orokami (C: 8/02, II: 10/18, I: 1/16-17), oxfordian (C: 9/20?, II: 11/5, I: 1/30-31)
University of California, San Francisco - ytterium (C: 9/20, II: 10/8, I: ??);
University of Chicago Pritzker - plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 7/23, I: 10/8-9); NigelVermooth (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: 10/8-9); quebaldy (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: 10/8-10/9); jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 8/9, I: 10/8-10/9); leish63(C:~8/5, II: 8/9, I: ?); oxfordian (C: 9/3?, II: 9/6, I: 12/9-12/11);
University of Cincinnati - Cpi89 (C: 8/26, II: 10/2, I: 10/17-19); zippyziggy (C: 7/10, II: 10/4, I: ?) Louly (C: 10/13, II: 10/28, I: 11/7-9)
University of Colorado - zippyziggy (C: 9/18, II: 10/3, I: 1/23-24);
University of Florida - orokami (C: 8/1; II: 10/25; I: 1/23-24)
University of Illinois at Chicago - jumbo91 (C: ~7/30, II: 9/18, I: 11/4); Reckoner (C: 7/30, II 9/18, I: 11/4); Member011 (C: ~8/5, II: 10/16, I: 1/13)
University of Iowa - TheShaker (C: ~7/20, II: 10/2, I: 10/31 - 11/1); Reckoner (C: 8/8, II: 10/2, I: 10/31-11/1); Louly (C: 10/21/13, II: 10/21/13, I: 10/31-11/1)
University of Kentucky- Penguino92 (C: 08/06, II: 09/30, I: 10/21), mooser0956 (C: 9/28, II: 9/30, I: 11/3-11/4)
University of Louisville - mooser0956 (C:8/21, II: 9/12, I:10/9); Penguino92 (C: 8/20, II: 09/02, I: 11/04-05); BarcaFan (C: 9/10, II: 9/17, I: 11/4)
University of Maryland - plumazul (C: 7/25, II: 9/13, I: 1/8-9); Member011 (C: 8/16, II: 9/13, I: 11/20-21)
University of Massachusetts - NigelVermooth (C: 7/22, II: 9/13, I:?); slamesh (C: 9/23, II: 10/4, I: 12/5-7)
University of Michigan mooser0956 (C:7/29, II:8/26, I:11/14-15); gogosart (C:8/4, II:8/23, I:10/24-25); Reckoner (C: 7/16, II: 9/27, I: 11/14-15)
University of Minnesota regeneration (C: 8/15 II: 9/23, I: TBD)
University of Nebraska gogosart (C:7/24, II:8/5, I:11/20)
University of Pennsylvania - NigelVermooth (C: 7/2, II: 9/4, I: 11/7-8); plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 9/4, I: 12/5-6); Regeneration (C:8/19; II: 9/8; I: 11/22); mTORC (C: 9/2, II: 9/10, I: 11/7); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/2, I: 12/5-6); ytterium (C: 8/16; II: 9/6; I: 1/9); jel34 (C: 9/17; II: 10/30; I: 11/21-22);
University of Pittsburgh - leish63 (C: ~7/25, II: 8/5, I: 8/22-8/23); pittpanther (C:7/23, II: 8/8, I:8/26-8/27); mooser0956 (C:8/15, II:8/23, I:9/26-27); mTORC (C:~8/20, II: 9/9, I: 10/10-10/11)
University of Southern California - Orokami (C:~8/1; II:9/5; I: 10/24), jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 9/5; I: 1/9-10), BigFatCat (C:8/7, II: 9/5, I: 9/26-27);
University of Texas Houston - NigelVermooth (C: 7/23, II: 9/16, I: 12/19);
University of Texas HSCSA - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 7/15, I: 8/25-27); NigelVermooth (C: 7/23, II 7/28, I: 9/9-10); TheShaker (C: 7/23, II: 8/5/13, I: 9/23-24); Orokami (C: 7/16, II: 8/5, I: 8/25-27); mTORC (C: 8/15, II: 8/16, I: 8/25-27); cpi89 (C: 8/19, II: 8/22, I: 10/7-8)
University of Texas Medical Branch- cpi89 (C: 8/19, II: 10/7, I: ?)
University of Texas Southwestern - Reckoner (C: 8/9, II: 8/23, I: 9/27); BigFatCat (C: 7/23, II: 8/23, I: 10/11); NigelVermooth (C: 8/12, II: 9/4, I: 11/2); mynameistoolong (C: 7/8 , II: 11/12, I: 12/6)
University of Toledo- mooser0956 (C: 8/15, II: 10/29, I: 1/13)
University of Virginia - plumazul (C: 7/22, II: 8/23, I: 9/19-20); zippyziggy (C: 7/6, II: 8/23, I: 9/19-20); mTORC (C: 9:5, II: 9:14, I: ?)
University of Wisconsin-Madison pittpanther (C:7/18, II:8/27, I:10/3-6); TheShaker (C:7/19, II: 8/27, I: 10/3-6); mTORC (C: 8/22, II: 9/25, I: ??); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/11, I: 1/9-12)
University of Washington-Seattle pittpanther (C:~8/3, II:9/9 I:1/9-11); mTORC (C: 9/6, II: 9/30, I: ??);
Vanderbilt University - oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/30, I: 1/17); mTORC (C: 9/11, II: 10/30, I: ?)
Wake Forest University - Orokami (C: 8/10, II: 10/18, I: APP Withdrawn - Conflict), slamesh (C: 9/24, II: 10/28, I: 11/6-7)
Washington University - premed660 (C: ~7/30 II: 8/7 I:9/26-9/28); leish63 (C: 8/2, II: 8/20, I:9/26-9/28); NigelVermooth (C: 8/2, II: 8/21, I:9/26-28); quebaldy (C: 8/6, II: 8/21, I: 10/10-12); plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 8/29, I: 10/10-12); mTORC (C: 8/16, II: 9/14, I: 10/31-11/2); BigFatCat (C: 8/9, II: 9/23, I: 11/7-9); oxfordian (C: 8/30?, II: 9/30, I: 11/14-16), cpi89 (C: 8/19, II: 10/10, I: 11/7)
Yale University - Prion13 (C: 8/13, II: 9/13, I:12/9-10); mTORC (C: 9/9, II: 9/25, I: ??); ytterium (C: 8/16, II: 9/13, I: ??); NigelVermooth (C: 8/23, II: 10/3, I: 11/4-5); oxfordian (C: 9/15, II: 10/14, I: 1/13-14); BarcaFan (C: 8/16, II: 9/13, I: 12/9-10)

C: Complete
II: Interview Invite date
I: Interview date