2013-2014 UCSF Alternate List Thread

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Waiting and hoping for some news soon! Other threads definitely have shown movement so my guess is they haven't sent anything out yet.
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I just called and was told not to expect movement until "next week or so."
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Ahhh congrats!!!!

Hopefully this wasn't already the wave of acceptances that go out! Haven't received anything here.... Anyone else get in?

Not me. I'm hoping it was only 1 or 2 acceptances today and a boat load next week!
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Accepted by email 30 mins ago! MATRICULATING. Good luck you all.
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Also accepted via email!!!! Good luck to everyone!
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Accepted as well!! Congrats everyone!
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Accepted via email last night. :)
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Hi everyone. I am currently choosing between UCSF and WashU, something I never thought would take much thought only a short while ago, and wanted to hear some of your opinions on UCSF (as well as UC in general). Something that is very disconcerting to me is faculty moral at UCSF, and I guess it runs across the UC system. From a UCSF community report that glossed over this very quickly:"43 percent of all faculty members and 37 percent of all staff members said they seriously considered leaving UCSF in the past year. These numbers are consistent with systemwide [UC] rates." http://www.ucsf.edu/news/2014/03/112586/ucsf-community-reports-positive-work-and-study-climate

That same survey found a majority of faculty had an increase in workload due to Operation Excellence. All of this was sent to the chancellor in early May. While the above article addresses how UCSF will work on other issues, it doesn't seem say anything about working on this, rather than that is just the norm.

This is really throwing me a curveball. UCSF was my dream school, but in the last year or so I personally know professors who have left UCSF, and am afraid that if those faculty members who stay and are both busier and dissatisfied, that it will lead to less opportunities for students, and lower quality instruction (I was employed by an overworked UC professor teaching a 2nd year rotation and can guarantee his ability to teach to his fullest potential was compromised by a lack of time).

I feel the opposite is true at WashU, where students and faculty boast how finding research mentors (and compensation) is as easy as sending a few emails, and am sure the same goes for many other medical schools.

So, I'd like to hear your opinions SDN. Should I worry?
Interesting... I've actually never heard about Operation Excellence until now. I googled and all I found so far is that UCSF is trying to "achieve both administrative excellence and financial savings." Is this just more bureaucracy? It seems like Operation Excellence is brought about by financial burdens?

In any case, I don't know if posting on SDN will help you with these questions... Have you talked with the professors that you know who have left UCSF? What have they said? These professors seem to be your best resource, as they are the ones who have lived their experiences and know why they left (and/or why they were unhappy).

Correct, at least in part this bureaucracy is brought on by financial woes. The professors who I've spoken to have said pay has decreased and work has increased. They didn't give me much other than they are afraid the decline will continue. I'll try and have a more in depth chat. I bring this up on sdn as I thought others may have considered this in their decision making, as well as to stir the pot and let others know this is happening.
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Since this seems to be a relatively new phenomenon (Operational Excellence), I feel like not many people know about it. Thank you for letting us know!

Also, I guess this shouldn't come as that much of a surprise since UCSF is a public school and funding for education in California always gets cut more and more... >.<

While you'd think that was the source of the financial issues only ~5% comes from the state. It's poor management of endowment, poor administrative decisions (pouring money into losses), and a decrease in NIH dollars that is causing the shortage. After talking with a prof I've also heard the moral is low because a small inner circle seems to make the decisions without much faculty input as well as other reasons that has made them feel like they have no respect. Basically summed up one said they didn't feel like it was the same university/community they started at, and that who knows where they will be in 5/10 years (issues have been slowly building for at least 5 years)
Sounds like the same typical situation in all healthcare - decreasing reimbursements and heavier workload on physicians; it's universal
For those who checked the pattern of waitlist movement last year, was there a week long increment between the first 2 waves? Or was one purely after the 15th and the second during the last week of May?
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Anyone else out there feeling anxious and hopeful? Or have you all given up hope? Where is everyone? :(
I have a feeling that some acceptances were handed out yesterday even though nobody reported it here.. I haven't lost hope but @lalalapartay012 is right: what's meant to be is meant to be. This is probably the best mindset to have at this point as hard as it may be to let go of our dream school. Hopefully we get lucky with the remaining trickles.
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Hi everyone,

I'm brand new to SDN. I found this thread and thought I'd let you all know that I got accepted off of the alternate list yesterday (5/30) via email, and I'm matriculating!

Good luck to everyone! Go Class of 2018!
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I was accepted off of the waitlist this morning (6/6/14, 9AM by email)! Good luck to everyone still waiting and keep hope alive!!!!
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I was accepted off of the waitlist this morning (6/6/14, 9AM by email)! Good luck to everyone still waiting and keep hope alive!!!!

Yay! Congratulations!

From what I've noticed from this thread, it looks as if they're notifying people that they pull off of the alternate list exclusively on Fridays (5/16, 5/30, 6/6...)
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