2017 exam of special competence transesophageal echo

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7+ Year Member
May 13, 2017
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Ok it's over. Tough test, handful of questions I still can't sort out even afterwards with google. The pass rate last year was 80%, I hope its better this year. Less physics than I was warned about. And my perception was there was less mitral valve anatomy also. Here is a thread to share experiences.

How far back did you pull the impella??

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2 cm but I had my mouse over the 4 cm option for a while. If there was a 3 cm option I'd have chosen that. :)

I thought there was a lot of physics and knobology.

Handful of really WTF questions. Overall fair I think.

I thought some of the images they used could've been, well, better examples of the demonstrated phenomenon. But maybe part of the "test" is interpreting suboptimal images.

Hooray for the last test I'll ever take in my life! (Assuming I don't take it again next year. ;))

MOCA doesn't count.
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More of the esoteric US manipulation/knobology for image optimization than I expected, but otherwise I felt it was mostly fair. Agree mitral valve wasn't hit as hard as I expected.

I did feel like there were a handful of questions where you had to just use the omniplane angle, context clues, and spectral tracing profile to figure out what they were even examining, but I guess that's partly the point.
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Good lord what test did i just take? You could probably know ptemasters and mathew cold and there would still be a ton of wtfffffs

Fyi I went with the 2cm after a long deliberation
2 cm but I had my mouse over the 4 cm option for a while. If there was a 3 cm option I'd have chosen that. :)

I thought there was a lot of physics and knobology.

Handful of really WTF questions. Overall fair I think.

I thought some of the images they used could've been, well, better examples of the demonstrated phenomenon. But maybe part of the "test" is interpreting suboptimal images.

Hooray for the last test I'll ever take in my life! (Assuming I don't take it again next year. ;))

MOCA doesn't count.

Hey man... big shout out to you.
You a smart mofo for many reasons.
Glad you went back and did the fellowship.
Glad you are done with all the tests.
Glad you are entering a new space in your life.
It's been a long run for sure.
Wish you the very best. :horns:
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Just fyi for current fellows, ptemasters is running their deal where you sign up now and it's $365 for the whole year. I wish i could say it was a totally comprehensive resource but it's about as close as you could get without knowing the crazy minutiae the actual test writers will put on the exam.
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