2021-2022 Graduate School Admissions

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Feb 11, 2020
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Hi all, I hope I am doing this right lol. An e-mail from the DCT of a program reminded me that, oh man, application reviews, interview invites, and heartaches (rejections) are coming soon. I am terrified lol. I have also seen on another forum that some people have already heard back from some programs (that's fast!), so I supposed we'd get this up and going soon?

Here's the typical format I've seen used;

Type of Program (i.e., PhD, PsyD):
Date Invitation Received
Method of Invitation (Phone call, personal/mass email, Snapchat):
Interview Dates Offered:
(In honor of years past) If & How you're staying sane

Good luck to you all!
I'm excited and terrified!

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Hi all, I hope I am doing this right lol. An e-mail from the DCT of a program reminded me that, oh man, application reviews, interview invites, and heartaches (rejections) are coming soon. I am terrified lol. I have also seen on another forum that some people have already heard back from some programs (that's fast!), so I supposed we'd get this up and going soon?

Here's the typical format I've seen used;

Type of Program (i.e., PhD, PsyD):
Date Invitation Received
Method of Invitation (Phone call, personal/mass email, Snapchat):
Interview Dates Offered:
(In honor of years past) If & How you're staying sane

Good luck to you all!
I'm excited and terrified!

Hi. See the APPIC Invitation thread that’s already been started. Good luck!
Hi. See the APPIC Invitation thread that’s already been started. Good luck!
Oh, sorry! I meant this as a thread for individuals applying to get into a program, not for internship. For some reason, though, I silently creep that thread.
Can the title be changed to something like "21-22 Graduate School Admissions?"
Ah, thank you!! I could not for the life of me think of a more brief title. It's like my brain stopped working when I made this.

It has been changed.
Oh, sorry! I meant this as a thread for individuals applying to get into a program, not for internship. For some reason, though, I silently creep that thread.
No worries! Good luck to you.
Best of luck to everyone applying! I strongly recommend practicing using Zoom as much as you can, using as many of its available features as you can, before interviews start if only so you have peace of mind during an already stressful meeting. The last thing you want is to discover during an interview day that Zoom kicks you out if you are sent to a breakout room or if you are sent to a waiting room. If this happens, it's not actually a big deal, but knowing this in advance can help you resume the rest of the event with less stress than if it were to come as a surprise.
Hi everyone!

Did anybody have an issue submitting applications on 12/1 after 11:00 CST? The school I applied to is in the Midwest, as am I, and their system would not accept my application at 11:40 pm. I was triple checking my uploads and information and was surprised at the early submission time. I emailed the director of graduate studies to ask if they could still review my application, but they haven't responded yet.
Hi everyone!

Did anybody have an issue submitting applications on 12/1 after 11:00 CST? The school I applied to is in the Midwest, as am I, and their system would not accept my application at 11:40 pm. I was triple checking my uploads and information and was surprised at the early submission time. I emailed the director of graduate studies to ask if they could still review my application, but they haven't responded yet.
It's possible the portal closed. This is why applying well before the deadline is super important!
Hi everyone!

Did anybody have an issue submitting applications on 12/1 after 11:00 CST? The school I applied to is in the Midwest, as am I, and their system would not accept my application at 11:40 pm. I was triple checking my uploads and information and was surprised at the early submission time. I emailed the director of graduate studies to ask if they could still review my application, but they haven't responded yet.
I live in the Midwest, and we're on Eastern time . . . Is it possible this school is on Eastern time? That'd put the time you were trying to submit as 12:40am, which would make sense.
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I live in the Midwest, and we're on Eastern time . . . Is it possible this school is on Eastern time? That'd put the time you were trying to submit as 12:40am, which would make sense.
Hi! The school is in Chicago and on central time.
Not sure if there's that many applicants active on here, but wanted to get this going if so. Really grateful to have heard something after no responses my first year of applying and proud of the work I've done in improving my application.

Program/School: Texas Tech
Type of Program (i.e., PhD, PsyD): PhD
Date Invitation Received
: 12/9
Method of Invitation (Phone call, personal/mass email, Snapchat): Email about initial phone screen from POI
Interview Dates Offered: Friday or next week
(In honor of years past) If & How you're staying sane: Nintendo Switch. Lots of Switch.
Not sure if there's that many applicants active on here, but wanted to get this going if so. Really grateful to have heard something after no responses my first year of applying and proud of the work I've done in improving my application.

Program/School: Texas Tech
Type of Program (i.e., PhD, PsyD): PhD
Date Invitation Received: 12/9
Method of Invitation (Phone call, personal/mass email, Snapchat): Email about initial phone screen from POI
Interview Dates Offered: Friday or next week
(In honor of years past) If & How you're staying sane: Nintendo Switch. Lots of Switch.
Clinical, counseling, or School?
FYI for applicants that invites might be a fair bit later than prior years for many schools. In prior years we had rushed to review in Dec so that applicants could book flights and hotels well in advance, but since interviews will be virtual we are not rushing and are not meeting to discuss invites until Jan.
Good luck everyone! I created my SDN account when I was applying to grad school. I didn’t use it much after that, but fast forward 5 years and I’m in the midst of interviewing for internship sites. I can vividly remember what it felt like being in your shoes. Be kind to yourself, try to be mindful of when you’re falling into negative thought spirals, and have backup plans in case things don’t work out this cycle. It’s never too early to plan for alternatives, and it won’t “jinx” your chances if you plan while you wait to hear back.
FYI for applicants that invites might be a fair bit later than prior years for many schools. In prior years we had rushed to review in Dec so that applicants could book flights and hotels well in advance, but since interviews will be virtual we are not rushing and are not meeting to discuss invites until Jan.
I wondered if this would be the case, so I'm glad to get some confirmation! I figured there wouldn't be such a sense of urgency.
I wondered if this would be the case, so I'm glad to get some confirmation! I figured there wouldn't be such a sense of urgency.
This will also depends on the school. We, for instance, pushed ahead as usual in order to meet deadlines to ensure additional fellowships were available to our applicants through the grad school. So reasons cut both ways.
Not an invite, but Indiana State’s DCT notified me that my app was forwarded for further review. That’s cool! My first app cycle and the little wins are neat. Here’s to hoping they like what they see lol
Hearing about folks receiving interviews already is not anxiety provoking in the least for me. :wideyed: I'm having flashbacks to the last time I applied, 10 years ago, and receiving standard rejection emails across the board. Anxious thoughts include but are not limited to: did the rec letters turn out well, did I approach the SOP appropriately, do I have too much clinical experience at the expense of relevant research, are the years of private sector non-clinical research I did to pay the bills a red flag, am I too old, do I read internet forums too much... :wacky:
Hearing about folks receiving interviews already is not anxiety provoking in the least for me. :wideyed: I'm having flashbacks to the last time I applied, 10 years ago, and receiving standard rejection emails across the board. Anxious thoughts include but are not limited to: did the rec letters turn out well, did I approach the SOP appropriately, do I have too much clinical experience at the expense of relevant research, are the years of private sector non-clinical research I did to pay the bills a red flag, am I too old, do I read internet forums too much... :wacky:

I have noticed a HUGE amount o invites being "preliminary" invites. I'm not entirely sure what that means. I'm trying not to freak out yet as 99% of schools I applied to don't (historically, according to websites and GradCafe) notify until early-mid January.

Don't worry, though, my mind has done the same to me. For some weird, nonsense reason, one my brain keeps going to is, "am I too ugly?" LOL as if they know or as if it matters! 🤣
Program/School: University of Kentucky School Psychology
Type of Program (i.e., PhD, PsyD): PhD
Date Invitation Received: 12/15/2020
Method of Invitation (Phone call, personal/mass email, Snapchat): personal email
Interview Dates Offered: January 29th, 2020
(In honor of years past) If & How you're staying sane: I’m not ! 🙂
What a great start to the new year!!

Program/School: Washington State
Type of Program (i.e., PhD, PsyD): Ph.D.
Date Invitation Received: 1/1/2021
Method of Invitation: Email for preliminary zoom interview from POI
Interview Dates Offered: next two weeks
(In honor of years past) If & How you're staying sane: Even more Nintendo Switch. And being out of service every other week...
Program/School: UF
Type of Program (i.e., PhD, PsyD):
Date Invitation Received: 12/16/2020
Method of Invitation: General email for formal interview weekend in Feb
Interview Dates Offered: Feb 11-13
(In honor of years past) If & How you're staying sane
: I'm not lol.

Program/School: UWM
Type of Program (i.e., PhD, PsyD):
Date Invitation Received: 12/22/2020
Method of Invitation: Email from POI
Interview Dates Offered: Jan 29 for formal interview. Informal week of Jan 4
(In honor of years past) If & How you're staying sane
: I'm not lol.

Also can someone explain the preliminary interview invite vs a formal one? For UWM, I got both at the same time it seems. So just a bit confused about that. Thank you!!
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Preliminary interviews depend on school and PI. Generally, they are used as a way to narrow the pool further and help the PI decide who they want to invite for formal interviews. From what I've seen, they can range from a pretty informal confirming program interest and fit, to a more structured interview designed to evaluate between candidates. Can't speak specifically to your situation at UWM, but receiving any sort of interview is exciting and shows the program's interest in you, so congrats!
Preliminary interviews depend on school and PI. Generally, they are used as a way to narrow the pool further and help the PI decide who they want to invite for formal interviews. From what I've seen, they can range from a pretty informal confirming program interest and fit, to a more structured interview designed to evaluate between candidates. Can't speak specifically to your situation at UWM, but receiving any sort of interview is exciting and shows the program's interest in you, so congrats!
Thanks so much for your help! 🙂
Program/School: Baylor University
Type of Program: PsyD
Date Invitation Received:
Method of Invitation: Email
Interview Dates Offered: 1/22, 1/29

Program/School: Northern Illinois University
Type of Program: PhD
Date Invitation Received:
Method of Invitation: Email
Interview Dates Offered: Week of 2/15

If & How you're staying sane: Jumping back into classes and enjoying the rest of my senior year!

Thank you guys for making this thread, I wish you all the best and hope your interviews go well! It's nice to know we're all in this together. 🙂
I know this thread isn't always super active, but just in case it's helpful here is what I have so far:

Program/School: University of Missouri, St. Louis
Type of Program (i.e., PhD, PsyD): PhD
Date Invitation Received:
Method of Invitation (Phone call, personal/mass email, Snapchat): Email from department
Interview Dates Offered: 1/29/2021
(In honor of years past) If & How you're staying sane: Debatable if I'm staying sane or not

Northern Illinois University
Type of Program (i.e., PhD, PsyD): PhD
Date Invitation Received:
Method of Invitation (Phone call, personal/mass email, Snapchat): Email from PI
Interview Dates Offered: 2/15 - 2/18
(In honor of years past) If & How you're staying sane: Definitely debatable if I'm still sane

I've also heard from Kent State and Notre Dame for prelims. Did not advance for Notre Dame (but not rejected yet) and haven't heard back from Kent State.
Hope everyone is hanging in there!
Program/School: University of Kansas
Type of Program (i.e., PhD, PsyD): Ph.D.
Date Invitation Received: 1/11/21
Method of Invitation (Phone call, personal/mass email, Snapchat): Email from POI
Interview Dates Offered: Prelim interview offered for 1/19/21

Program/School: Drexel University
Type of Program (i.e., PhD, PsyD): Ph.D.
Date Invitation Received: 1/12/21
Method of Invitation (Phone call, personal/mass email, Snapchat): Call from Program Director
Interview Dates Offered: Official interview offered for 2/10/21-2/11/21
Hi all! It's my first app cycle and I applied to about 8 schools for PhD programs. At what point should I start to worry that I haven't heard anything at all?? Is it good to hear nothing because that means I'm still in consideration, or do schools typically not send out "regret to inform you..." rejection emails? SOS losing sanity 1 day at a time (PS. Not seeing any of the schools I've applied to be mentioned above so that is giving me some hope?)
Hi all! It's my first app cycle and I applied to about 8 schools for PhD programs. At what point should I start to worry that I haven't heard anything at all?? Is it good to hear nothing because that means I'm still in consideration, or do schools typically not send out "regret to inform you..." rejection emails? SOS losing sanity 1 day at a time (PS. Not seeing any of the schools I've applied to be mentioned above so that is giving me some hope?)
Check out gradcafe: Clinical Psychology • thegradcafe.com & Psychology

Take everything you see here with a grain of salt; there have been fake posters and fake results. However, we do know that some schools have already sent out rejections. I tend to think that a lot of programs are "late" with this application cycle due to COVID. Hang in there.
Program/School: Texas Tech
Type of Program (i.e., PhD, PsyD): Ph.D.
Date Invitation Received: 1/11/21
Method of Invitation (Phone call, personal/mass email, Snapchat): Call from POI
Interview Dates Offered: Formal interview offered for 2/5/21

Program/School: Drexel University
Type of Program (i.e., PhD, PsyD): Ph.D.
Date Invitation Received: 1/13/21
Method of Invitation (Phone call, personal/mass email, Snapchat): Call from Program Director
Interview Dates Offered: Formal interview offered for 2/10/21-2/11/21

Program/School: Washington State University
Type of Program (i.e., PhD, PsyD): Ph.D.
Date Invitation Received: 1/14/21
Method of Invitation (Phone call, personal/mass email, Snapchat): Email from POI
Interview Dates Offered: Formal interview offered for 2/25
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Figured I'd post here in addition, for those who don't check gradcafe 🙂

Program/School: Eastern Michigan
Type of Program (i.e., PhD, PsyD): Ph.D.
Date Invitation Received: 1/10/21
Method of Invitation (Phone call, personal/mass email, Snapchat): Email from DCT
Interview Dates Offered: Formal interview offered for 2/12/21

Program/School: Virginia Commonwealth
Type of Program (i.e., PhD, PsyD): Ph.D.
Date Invitation Received: 1/10/21
Method of Invitation (Phone call, personal/mass email, Snapchat): Email directly from POI
Interview Dates Offered: Formal interview offered for 2/5/12
Program/School: Florida International University
Type of Program (i.e., PhD, PsyD): PhD in Clinical Psychology
Date Invitation Received: 12/15
Method of Invitation (Phone call, personal/mass email, Snapchat): email from 2 POI's
Interview Dates Offered: 12/23 (informal) and 1/22 (formal)

Program/School: Oregon Health & Science University
Type of Program (i.e., PhD, PsyD): PhD in Clinical Psychology
Date Invitation Received: 12/18
Method of Invitation (Phone call, personal/mass email, Snapchat): email from department
Interview Dates Offered: 2/1

(In honor of years past) If & How you're staying sane: Bridgerton, coffee, and cats
Program/School: Chatham University
Type of Program (i.e., PhD, PsyD): PsyD
Date Invitation Received: 1/8/21
Method of Invitation (Phone call, personal/mass email, Snapchat): Email
Interview Dates Offered: 2/5/21, 2/6/21 and 2/12/21. I accepted for 2/6/21
Hi all! It's my first app cycle and I applied to about 8 schools for PhD programs. At what point should I start to worry that I haven't heard anything at all?? Is it good to hear nothing because that means I'm still in consideration, or do schools typically not send out "regret to inform you..." rejection emails? SOS losing sanity 1 day at a time (PS. Not seeing any of the schools I've applied to be mentioned above so that is giving me some hope?)
I have very similar concerns!! I’ve heard from one school but I’m so nervous about the other schools. On grad cafe I saw that some people have heard from the schools (interviews and rejections) so I’m wondering what it means that I haven’t heard anything at all
It can vary a lot from program to program. Some are very conscientious and let you know at each stage if you're invited to interview (my program is like this), are an alternate/waitlisted, or have been rejected from consideration. others may leave you hanging and only contact you to interview or give you a generic rejection message in April. And then there's every program on the spectrum between them.

If you see that other people have received interview on grad cafe or elsewhere and it's getting close to the interview date but you've heard nothing, then it's likely that you're at least not a first round draft pick. This doesn't mean you're completely out of consideration, but rather that even if it's your dream program, you should probably not try to hold that interview date especially if you get an interview offer from another program on the same date.
Hi all, I hope I am doing this right lol. An e-mail from the DCT of a program reminded me that, oh man, application reviews, interview invites, and heartaches (rejections) are coming soon. I am terrified lol. I have also seen on another forum that some people have already heard back from some programs (that's fast!), so I supposed we'd get this up and going soon?

Here's the typical format I've seen used;

Type of Program (i.e., PhD, PsyD):
Date Invitation Received
Method of Invitation (Phone call, personal/mass email, Snapchat):
Interview Dates Offered:
(In honor of years past) If & How you're staying sane

Good luck to you all!
I'm excited and terrified!
I also hope I am doing this right! If anyone else applied to the GWU PsyD I'd love love love to hear your experience and what's happening regarding the application for you (interview invites/acceptances... etc). I'm really anxious, I've looked high and low for information about when to possibly expect an interview, if I am so lucky. I'm the type of person to plan for things that haven't even happened yet and I get super stressed out because of it so if anyone has any information regarding the GWU process or is hearing anything about upcoming interviews, I'd be eternally grateful. Essentially, I put all my eggs in one basket, very stupid I know, but it was for a good reason so that just adds to my stress (which is my own fault but here we are). In the past, I've seen others on this forum discuss interview invites happing around Jan. 19th, AKA tomorrow and onward, and I'm dyinggggggg to know if anyone knows if that pattern is likely for this year.

Program/School: George Washington University
Type of Program (i.e., PhD, PsyD): PsyD Professional (Clinical) Psychology
Date Invitation Received: awaiting
Method of Invitation (Phone call, personal/mass email, Snapchat): awaiting
Interview Dates Offered: awaiting
(In honor of years past) If & How you're staying sane: my dog (his name is Soleil) and tv shows


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Program/School: George Washington University
Type of Program (i.e., PhD, PsyD): Psyd
Date Invitation Received: undecided
Method of Invitation (Phone call, personal/mass email, Snapchat): Email from POI
Interview Dates Offered: Formal interview offered for 1/29, 2/5, and 2/12
@qyzhu98 Not yet but now I’m terrified, do you think that’s a bad sign? My application on the portal still says “congratulations! Your application is under review”
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Program/School: CUNY (HPCS)
Type of Program (i.e., PhD, PsyD): PhD in Health Psychology and Clinical Science
Date Invitation Received: 1/20
Method of Invitation (Phone call, personal/mass email, Snapchat): Email from admissions committee
Interview Dates Offered: Week of 1/25 (self-scheduling all meetings)