2023-2024 OMFS Program overview

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Oct 12, 2023
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Hi everyone, thought it was a good idea for an updated thread to compile everyone’s knowledge and learn about the OMFS programs for this cycle and all of our facts, thoughts, and opinions. Please drop any or all information you have on programs and we can all help each other make a mindful rank list.

Even a little bit can be helpful…

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Hi everyone, thought it was a good idea for an updated thread to compile everyone’s knowledge and learn about the OMFS programs for this cycle and all of our facts, thoughts, and opinions. Please drop any or all information you have on programs and we can all help each other make a mindful rank list.

Even a little bit can be helpful…
There is already a thread for program overviews that is very detailed. If you want others personal opinions, it’s best to message them privately.
That thread is definitely helpful for a detailed list, you are right about that. I would also like to see a quick reference that is updated of general thoughts or opinions ... programs are changing this cycle and I would also like to hear from applicants as well as that thread for detailed information from programs themselves.

Anyways here's what I've learned about Denver
- Lots of trauma, Only OMFS program in the area
- Take primary call all four years
- Denver is a nice place to live and near many attractions
- You don't push drugs BUT attendings will give you autonomy to make IV Sedation choices and push them for you
- Used to be mandatory in house call but not anymore, call room looks nice

Correct me if I am wrong on anything at all, this is based on memory and word of mouth.
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That thread is definitely helpful for a detailed list, you are right about that. I would also like to see a quick reference that is updated of general thoughts or opinions ... programs are changing this cycle and I would also like to hear from applicants as well as that thread for detailed information from programs themselves.

Anyways here's what I've learned about Denver
- Lots of trauma, Only OMFS program in the area
- Take primary call all four years
- Denver is a nice place to live and near many attractions
- You don't push drugs BUT attendings will give you autonomy to make IV Sedation choices and push them for you
- Used to be mandatory in house call but not anymore, call room looks nice

Correct me if I am wrong on anything at all, this is based on memory and word of mouth.