3.3 cGPA, 3.35 sGPA 34 MCAT - looking at next cycle

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10+ Year Member
Mar 18, 2013
Reaction score
Graduated May 2012
Currently NIH postbac for 2 years
Was going to go PhD, have decided to switch to MD
Hope to apply next cycle

Asian, but complicated? I'm filipino, low income, have fam hardship, did a research-oriented URM program

34 MCAT (P11/V11/B12)
cGPA 3.3
sGPA 3.35

shadowing (cardiology) - 5 hr/wk
volunteering - 4-8hr/wk
designing promotional/education flyers/pamphlets for a cardiologist i know

cell bio research in undergrad - 1000hr
molecular bio/biochemistry research is current fulltime job - hope to have publication by end of my time here

K-12 Education policy/advocacy thru college

remedial math/reading tutoring 4hr/wk
yoga studio 3hr/wk (err mostly for the free classes)

Lil bit bout me
I went to an Ivy League school and adjusting was hard because I wasn't used to having so much freedom and because I was used to doing well in my classes without trying. Upward trend in GPA from like a 2.5 to a 3.8 (all A-/As in my last semester, ma!). I did much better in my upper level courses than I did in any of my intro courses. I studied Chinese (hard hard hard harder than any other classes I have ever taken) and spent summer after my sophomore year in an immersion program there. It opened my eyes to how big the world is and really put everything in perspective and when I went back to school the academic year after, I was definitely more focused.

Anyway, I'm currently in a postbac program taking some prereqs I didn't take, so hopefully my GPA increases a lil bit more..but it won't a lot.

To make up for it, I want to know if I should retake the MCAT? I know I can do better but am afraid that I won't and don't want that hovering over me in addition to my GPA.

Also, what about LoR? My undergrad lab mentor/PI hold me in high regard, I'm working on buttering up my mentor/PI, and I have a very close almost familial relationship with my undergraduate adviser, who was also dean of admissions while I was attending school. I am also developing relationships at the places that volunteer and at my postbac program.

What schools should I be applying to? While I'd love to go to a top-tier school, let's not bet on that. I'm looking at my state schools (NJ), Tulane, Drexel, Jefferson, and the like. I don't really have a solid list because my application is still in progress, and I've just been working on fulfilling all of the requirements before I think about actual schools!

Anyway, thank you very much!!!! All help is appreciated.

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The GPAs are well below avg for mD schools, so apply only to your state schools, all the lowest of the low tiers, and all the new programs in VA, PA, MI, NY, FL and CT.

You're fine for any DO program, including mine. So check out the NJ COM, PCOM, Touro-NY and NYCOM, because they're all in your backyard.

Graduated May 2012
Currently NIH postbac for 2 years
Was going to go PhD, have decided to switch to MD
Hope to apply next cycle

Asian, but complicated? I'm filipino, low income, have fam hardship, did a research-oriented URM program

34 MCAT (P11/V11/B12)
cGPA 3.3
sGPA 3.35

shadowing (cardiology) - 5 hr/wk
volunteering - 4-8hr/wk
designing promotional/education flyers/pamphlets for a cardiologist i know

cell bio research in undergrad - 1000hr
molecular bio/biochemistry research is current fulltime job - hope to have publication by end of my time here

K-12 Education policy/advocacy thru college

remedial math/reading tutoring 4hr/wk
yoga studio 3hr/wk (err mostly for the free classes)

Lil bit bout me
I went to an Ivy League school and adjusting was hard because I wasn't used to having so much freedom and because I was used to doing well in my classes without trying. Upward trend in GPA from like a 2.5 to a 3.8 (all A-/As in my last semester, ma!). I did much better in my upper level courses than I did in any of my intro courses. I studied Chinese (hard hard hard harder than any other classes I have ever taken) and spent summer after my sophomore year in an immersion program there. It opened my eyes to how big the world is and really put everything in perspective and when I went back to school the academic year after, I was definitely more focused.

Anyway, I'm currently in a postbac program taking some prereqs I didn't take, so hopefully my GPA increases a lil bit more..but it won't a lot.

To make up for it, I want to know if I should retake the MCAT? I know I can do better but am afraid that I won't and don't want that hovering over me in addition to my GPA.

Also, what about LoR? My undergrad lab mentor/PI hold me in high regard, I'm working on buttering up my mentor/PI, and I have a very close almost familial relationship with my undergraduate adviser, who was also dean of admissions while I was attending school. I am also developing relationships at the places that volunteer and at my postbac program.

What schools should I be applying to? While I'd love to go to a top-tier school, let's not bet on that. I'm looking at my state schools (NJ), Tulane, Drexel, Jefferson, and the like. I don't really have a solid list because my application is still in progress, and I've just been working on fulfilling all of the requirements before I think about actual schools!

Anyway, thank you very much!!!! All help is appreciated.
Thanks for the info so far - Does anyone have any other thoughts or thread references as far as DO? I hadn't particularly considered it and don't know much about it. :)