3.65 cGPA- 3.5 sGPA- 33 MCAT- LOR ?

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10+ Year Member
May 15, 2013
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Wondering what MD schools would be advisable to apply to in this upcoming cycle. I'll also be sending out DO applications.


3.65 cGPA
3.5 sGPA
AAMC MCAT average: 33 (11/11/11 sectional breakdown)- took MCAT 5/18/13


Yahoo! Service Desk Tech for 2.5 years
CNA license
ER Scribe for 2.5 years
Phlebotomist- 2 years
Health Risk Assessment Screener + Health Coach- 2 years
Medical Assistant in a men's wellness clinic currently
Tutor and note taker for students with learning disabilities on campus
Collegiate Volleyball for two years
Clinical and non-clinical volunteering
Independent research with publication as primary author
University honors program member and graduate
A random assortment of horse show titles I've won- (not entirely sure how/where to enter these in my application)

Question regarding a LOR I received:

One of the physicians I worked under in the ED wrote a LOR for me. He submitted one to Interfolio digitally and gave me a hard copy to read over, asking me to let him know if it was enough. The letter was good in many ways, but I do have one concern. He took a section and devoted it to explaining the "passion" he sees within me for medicine. He used a couple examples to back this up, but one of the examples included a joke that I am unsure about. Essentially, while working in the ED, I would very often stay late and beyond the time asked for the scribes. The MD would joke that he was "going to call security" if I didn't get going home, and he decided to include this in the letter as an anecdote in the section I described above.

What do you guys think about this? I understand the reference and the humor of the physician, but I don't want admission committees thinking I'm nuts. Any feedback is welcomed!

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Wondering what MD schools would be advisable to apply to in this upcoming cycle. I'll also be sending out DO applications.


3.65 cGPA
3.5 sGPA
AAMC MCAT average: 33 (11/11/11 sectional breakdown)- took MCAT 5/18/13


Yahoo! Service Desk Tech for 2.5 years
CNA license
ER Scribe for 2.5 years
Phlebotomist- 2 years
Health Risk Assessment Screener + Health Coach- 2 years
Medical Assistant in a men's wellness clinic currently
Tutor and note taker for students with learning disabilities on campus
Collegiate Volleyball for two years
Clinical and non-clinical volunteering
Independent research with publication as primary author
University honors program member and graduate
A random assortment of horse show titles I've won- (not entirely sure how/where to enter these in my application)

Question regarding a LOR I received:

One of the physicians I worked under in the ED wrote a LOR for me. He submitted one to Interfolio digitally and gave me a hard copy to read over, asking me to let him know if it was enough. The letter was good in many ways, but I do have one concern. He took a section and devoted it to explaining the "passion" he sees within me for medicine. He used a couple examples to back this up, but one of the examples included a joke that I am unsure about. Essentially, while working in the ED, I would very often stay late and beyond the time asked for the scribes. The MD would joke that he was "going to call security" if I didn't get going home, and he decided to include this in the letter as an anecdote in the section I described above.

What do you guys think about this? I understand the reference and the humor of the physician, but I don't want admission committees thinking I'm nuts. Any feedback is welcomed!

Strong work. I don't think you should be worried, i believe what he is getting at is that you show a lack of commitment to your work. This explains your passion for being in the job and thus, would look quite well to AdComs IMO. If you doubt it however, think hard about explanations as to why you stayed past your scheduled time, these explanations should further defend the MD's point: that you have a drive, determination, and commitement that the other scribes did not have. It shows a genuinely, and self-motivation, and importantly perseverance and endurance through work. Really talk about your passion for the job and as always, don't forget to connect it to why you want to be a physician.

Good luck! I hope you to see you accepted somewhere!
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Oh my terrible typo. "I don't think you should be worried, i believe what he is getting at is that you show a strength of commitment to your work. This explains your passion for being in the job and thus, would look quite well to AdComs IMO"

Sorry about that.
Unless you're a reapplicant, apply to only MD schools. Every DO school you apply to is taking money away from a md application fee. 70% of people like you get into MD, the 30% probably applied late or to too few schools.
Nope, I'm a nervous, first time applicant here. I'm hoping to get applications out within the first two weeks of June, which is when I will also have my MCAT results. I was thinking of applying 70/30 to MD/DO schools, respectively, with only sending out apps to the more highly regarded DO schools (CCOM,DMU,KCOM,etc).
Nope, I'm a nervous, first time applicant here. I'm hoping to get applications out within the first two weeks of June, which is when I will also have my MCAT results. I was thinking of applying 70/30 to MD/DO schools, respectively, with only sending out apps to the more highly regarded DO schools (CCOM,DMU,KCOM,etc).

I would not apply DO first year. The reason being DO schools send out acceptances before oct 15 and have non-refundable deposits that are thousands of dollars. You are throwing away thousands of dollars not just in application fees but deposit money by applying DO.
Save that $1500 and just apply to more MD schools, a much better use of your money. MD schools have deposits that only $100 and are refundable.

For someone with yours stats apply to a around 20 schools, more if you can afford it), you will be fine.
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Are the 5/18/13 MCAT scores posted already?!