3.7 Nurse haven’t Taken MCAT Yet

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May 21, 2021
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I haven’t been on here before! What are my chances of getting in right now and what could be better?

cGPA: 3.7
sGPA: 3.6
Patient exposure:
- 1 year as CNA
-1 year as MA
-1.5 years as nurse working in medical ICU
-100 hours in ED
-200 hours with my fraternity
-150 hours hospital end of life program
-120 hours medical internship to Kenya
-was president of nursing school student council for 1.5 years
-was executive committee member of fraternity
-1 year with not a ton of hours definitely weakest part of app
-50 hours with several different MDs

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Cant advise without an mcat, it’s a substantial part of your application
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Obviously your clinical experiences are fine. Do you have 200+ hours of nonclinical volunteering to the unserved/underserved in your community? How about dedicated shadowing? You need 50 hours of physician shadowing with several hours with a primary care doc. Do you have all of the prerequisites for medical school? How about you LORs? And no MCAT so we can’t predict anything at all.

Every year only about 42% of ALL applicants are accepted to any school at all. And of that number about half are accepted to one school. That means about 58% of ALL applicants are outright rejected. This includes applicants with stellar applications.

I see that you are very new to SDN so spend some time reading the forums. There are serveral threads about Nursing -> MD/DO that you might find interesting. Surprisingly that transition isn’t as easy as you might expect.
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