3.75 cGPA, 3.82 BCPM gpa ...but Canadian

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Apr 29, 2015
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I'm a junior at a top 100 small-ish liberal arts school that's known for its international relations programme (I came here on scholarship to study IR/french and switched out to Public Health after I realized politics/international/foreign policy wasn't my thing). I'm finishing up my degree in Public Health with minors in IR and Biochemistry.

Current BCPM GPA: 3.82
Current cumulative GPA: 3.75
Haven't taken MCAT yet.

Campus involvement:
- TA for General Chemistry, two years
- Sorority president, 1 year
- Model United Nations Director, 2 years
- Research assistant in the biology lab, 1 year
- Alternative Breaks programme (service-learning programme) coordinator/leader, 2 years
- Internships with 2 public health organizations
- Volunteering abroad during the summers / year off teaching English and medical translation since I was 12. This also prompted me to do an honors capstone project which will hopefully lead to the publication of my creative nonfiction memoir on the perils and triumphs of volunteering abroad, especially around medical brigades, etc.

I'm really interested in preventative health care, and I think working in primary care or paediatrics is what I intend on doing...additionally, I'm interested in combining in CAM (alternative medicine) with traditional medical approaches, having grown up in a family of doctors who also practiced acupuncture, etc.

My dream school is Brown (Warren Alpert). From what I've seen — I've been to their campus — and from what I've read, they really seem to emphasize a well-rounded approach to medical school — and life — and are looking for holistic medical students who may not necessarily come from a hard science background. I"ve got a couple friends in undergrad and I really like the vibes I get there.

Stumbling blocks: Canadian. Not enough medical-y work? GPA puts me in a "good" spot but is it good enough? Also, haven't taken the MCAT (2015) yet.

Thoughts? Recommendations? Anything is MUCH appreciated! Any other schools I should visit and take a look at?

Thank you :)

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I'm a junior at a top 100 small-ish liberal arts school that's known for its international relations programme (I came here on scholarship to study IR/french and switched out to Public Health after I realized politics/international/foreign policy wasn't my thing). I'm finishing up my degree in Public Health with minors in IR and Biochemistry.

Current BCPM GPA: 3.82
Current cumulative GPA: 3.75
Haven't taken MCAT yet.

Campus involvement:
- TA for General Chemistry, two years
- Sorority president, 1 year
- Model United Nations Director, 2 years
- Research assistant in the biology lab, 1 year
- Alternative Breaks programme (service-learning programme) coordinator/leader, 2 years
- Internships with 2 public health organizations
- Volunteering abroad during the summers / year off teaching English and medical translation since I was 12. This also prompted me to do an honors capstone project which will hopefully lead to the publication of my creative nonfiction memoir on the perils and triumphs of volunteering abroad, especially around medical brigades, etc.

I'm really interested in preventative health care, and I think working in primary care or paediatrics is what I intend on doing...additionally, I'm interested in combining in CAM (alternative medicine) with traditional medical approaches, having grown up in a family of doctors who also practiced acupuncture, etc.

My dream school is Brown (Warren Alpert). From what I've seen — I've been to their campus — and from what I've read, they really seem to emphasize a well-rounded approach to medical school — and life — and are looking for holistic medical students who may not necessarily come from a hard science background. I"ve got a couple friends in undergrad and I really like the vibes I get there.

Stumbling blocks: Canadian. Not enough medical-y work? GPA puts me in a "good" spot but is it good enough? Also, haven't taken the MCAT (2015) yet.

Thoughts? Recommendations? Anything is MUCH appreciated! Any other schools I should visit and take a look at?

Thank you :)
Depending on your MCAT you may be a candidate for any of the 62 MD schools that accept applications from internationals.
Most of them require/prefer a significant amount of US undergraduate or graduate study and expect more domestic clinical experience than you describe. You can find their specific requirements/expectations in the MSAR.
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