3.92 cGPA / 3.79 sGPA / 28P MCAT

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10+ Year Member
Jun 5, 2011
Reaction score
3.92 cGPA / 3.79 sGPA / 28P MCAT
*100+ hours as volunteer in hospital ICU
*50+ Hours Md Shadowing
*45+ Hours DO shadowing
*Restaurant manager for 4+ years while in high school. Saved all my money to avoid having to work in college.
*Eagle Scout. Project was building a playground for a church
*Little bit of research. Did a field study for an Ornithology class where I designed and carried out a full semester of field research. Paper did not get published :(
*I am verified with both AMCAS and AACOMAS.

I want MD or DO. I am a VA resident.
So, what do you think? Thanks everyone! I really appreciate it.

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Hopefully your "field study" was longer than a few months. Your clinical experiences, research, and MCAT are lacking. Work on those and send schools update letters.

Now is a bit late to apply for MD schools, but there's still a glimmer of hope. DO schools are a bit more lenient and you have a good chance to get into them... if you applied in June. Now, your chances are a bit lower (but still ok).

To get better chances and better schools, study and re-take the MCAT, then apply DO and MD next year. With a better MCAT (30+) and more clinical hours, your application will be more well-rounded.

I would also mention the restaurant management since that's a big commitment for a high school student. You are already good on volunteerism, but you need more clinical experience (try for triple-digit hours). Your research is lacking and now isn't the time to do much about it, but I would also consider clinical / basic science research (clinical preferred) to be worth it.

If you decide to study for the MCAT and work on your clinical + research experiences this year, it wouldn't be hard because you won't have to take classes.

All of the above are if you want a "guarantee" and more "reach" schools. If you are fine with (any) DO or MD school, just apply now. Do note that the application process cost a lot of time and money and it'll be hard to do extracurriculars or work on your MCAT at the same time.
Thank for the response! I have already sent my applications in to schools (Mid august all secondaries were complete except DO). I was just wondering what you think my chances might be because I am getting the post secondary jitters. I really don't care which school I attend I just want to be a physician. Thanks a bunch!
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Thank for the response! I have already sent my applications in to schools (Mid august all secondaries were complete except DO). I was just wondering what you think my chances might be because I am getting the post secondary jitters. I really don't care which school I attend I just want to be a physician. Thanks a bunch!

Oh, there's nothing that we can do on SDN that will influence your chances. However, you should be continuing with EC's and sending update letters.
You're really good for DO, and somewhat competitive for MD. The MCAT is just average and ECs are lacking nonmedical community service, and perhaps some extra clinical, research is also on the lower side. However GPA is great, so hopefully that could make up for the slightly lower MCAT. Overall, (assuming you applied to VCU) you are really competitive for VCU being instate and all.
3.92 cGPA / 3.79 sGPA / 28P MCAT
*100+ hours as volunteer in hospital ICU
*50+ Hours Md Shadowing
*45+ Hours DO shadowing
*Restaurant manager for 4+ years while in high school. Saved all my money to avoid having to work in college.
*Eagle Scout. Project was building a playground for a church
*Little bit of research. Did a field study for an Ornithology class where I designed and carried out a full semester of field research. Paper did not get published :(
*I am verified with both AMCAS and AACOMAS.

I want MD or DO. I am a VA resident.
So, what do you think? Thanks everyone! I really appreciate it.
Stats-wise, your chances for DO are excellent and for MD are decent. But EC-wise, I agree that you should continue building Experiences, advising schools about it via update letters in the hope of pushing a positive decision on your file. Besides more clinical volunteering, rather than more research, I'd suggest some nonmedical, hands-on community service. For example, why not re-engage with a local troop of Boy Scouts, teaching badges or leading outings on a regular basis.
Thank you so much everyone for your quick and informative responses. I think I will call a local Boy Scout troop and try to get involved. Thanks again I really appreciate it.