3rd year plan

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2+ Year Member
Jun 25, 2018
Reaction score
I'm looking for advice on how to score >90th percentile on step 2 and level 2. I get Comquest and Uworld for free from my school but thinking of adding Amboss and the CMS forms in as well. My school for the most part has 4 week rotations except for FM and IM (8 weeks). Is this doable or way too many questions? Honestly would rather hammer questions instead of a step 2 anki deck, but, if removing a qbank in favor of flash cards is the way to go, I'm open to suggestions. Thanks!

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I'm looking for advice on how to score >90th percentile on step 2 and level 2. I get Comquest and Uworld for free from my school but thinking of adding Amboss and the CMS forms in as well. My school for the most part has 4 week rotations except for FM and IM (8 weeks). Is this doable or way too many questions? Honestly would rather hammer questions instead of a step 2 anki deck, but, if removing a qbank in favor of flash cards is the way to go, I'm open to suggestions. Thanks!
