7 II-->3 WL...time to start thinking about reapplying?

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Full Member
Jun 23, 2019
Reaction score
GPA 3.94, MCAT 516
white male, CA resident

I can detail more about my app, but in general terms I'll say that I do have the "boxes checked," aside from my research over a 3 year period not resulting in a publication. There is certainly not a lack of clinical experience as both a scribe and EMT. There is a good deal of both clinical and non-clinical volunteering as well. I am a non-science major and integrated this with my interest in medicine in two very distinct ECs that would be considered interesting/topical. I'm non-trad (community college to state school) and took 3 gap years (1 planned, 2 from MCAT false starts), which are somewhat accounted for in my app.

I had 7 IIs (including two T10) resulting in 3 WL (all upper mid-tier) and 4 post-II Rs

I've gone through some personal trauma recently, an untimely death in my immediate family. I tried to keep it together, but it likely impacted my interview performance. My advisor says that given the strength of my application my prospects for getting off WL are good (all 3 schools would be expected to have significant movement), but nothing is assured.

Should I start making moves to reapply now? If so, where should I start? If not, how long should I wait? Thanks

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I'm kind of in the same spot (5 II -> 4 WL & 1 Post-II R with decent chances of coming off the waitlist). I've been preparing to reapply since day 1 of this app cycle. I would revisit your school list, from what I'm gathering about my application I should have applied to more schools (only applied to about 12) and more targeted schools (had 2 public schools that aren't OOS friendly and 2 low yield schools).
Assume you will have to reapply if you dont have an A and start to think about what you're going to do. I'm in a similar spot but on 7 WL and Im trying to plan accordingly after not securing an acceptance much to my disappointment. Im currently leaning towards not applying again this summer but next summer.
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Wow. Your stats are godly though. Holy....
Wow. Your stats are godly though. Holy....
Maybe I'll get off a WL then. Unfortunately, I didn't get safety school interviews for the most part, I"m assuming due to yield protection. So that's part of what has me in this position. At least some of these schools assumed I had acceptances when I did not.

At least being a reapplicant might solve that particular problem...
Maybe I'll get off a WL then. Unfortunately, I didn't get safety school interviews for the most part, I"m assuming due to yield protection. So that's part of what has me in this position. At least some of these schools assumed I had acceptances when I did not.

At least being a reapplicant might solve that particular problem...
Glad i just took the DO acceptance and ran with it. Cus i cant compete with you godly stat ppl for MD.

Should make half or more schools on your list safety schools though. With competition increasing like insane recently, its godly stat vs godly stat i guess for the top stuff.
Assume you will have to reapply if you dont have an A and start to think about what you're going to do. I'm in a similar spot but on 7 WL and Im trying to plan accordingly after not securing an acceptance much to my disappointment. Im currently leaning towards not applying again this summer but next summer.
It's good you're taking such a risk-averse approach. That was me in undergrad and for MCAT, but I"m just really burnt out. You're very likely to get in with that many WL, especially this year, so I'd rest a bit easier.
This is a rough time of year, as sometimes the uncertainty is the worst part. Particularly if you don't have anything specific that you can point to that would explain why you haven't gotten an acceptance.

I agree that everyone should plan to reapply until you get an acceptance, and especially now that we're nearly in April you've got to start coming up with a backup plan at this point. Start figuring out what you would do for a job in another gap year. Expand your school list.
What are you doing to work on your interview skills? Have you worked with your pre-med advisor to do mock interviews? I found that it was really helpful to have someone who didn't know me do a mock interview in the style that the school I was interviewing at utilized.
I'm in a similar spot as OP. I have a 519, 3.9 and find myself with no As and 5 WL at this point. I don't really know what to do.
I'm in a similar spot as OP. I have a 519, 3.9 and find myself with no As and 5 WL at this point. I don't really know what to do.

Most waitlist movement will start to happen in the next few weeks as people drop schools/commit to others. 5 WL is a solid amount and will likely turn into an A. Hang in there.

Also, always be ready to apply again, even if there's a good chance you'll get off one WL.
GPA 3.94, MCAT 516
white male, CA resident

I can detail more about my app, but in general terms I'll say that I do have the "boxes checked," aside from my research over a 3 year period not resulting in a publication. There is certainly not a lack of clinical experience as both a scribe and EMT. There is a good deal of both clinical and non-clinical volunteering as well. I am a non-science major and integrated this with my interest in medicine in two very distinct ECs that would be considered interesting/topical. I'm non-trad (community college to state school) and took 3 gap years (1 planned, 2 from MCAT false starts), which are somewhat accounted for in my app.

I had 7 IIs (including two T10) resulting in 3 WL (all upper mid-tier) and 4 post-II Rs

I've gone through some personal trauma recently, an untimely death in my immediate family. I tried to keep it together, but it likely impacted my interview performance. My advisor says that given the strength of my application my prospects for getting off WL are good (all 3 schools would be expected to have significant movement), but nothing is assured.

Should I start making moves to reapply now? If so, where should I start? If not, how long should I wait? Thanks
You should always be thinking about reapplying until you get that accept in your Inbox, because until that happens, you're rejected.

For starters, work on interview skills.