8 Feet of Snow at Mammoth

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Breaking Good
20+ Year Member
Mar 13, 2003
Reaction score
And more on the way. Gonna be there Saturday. Haven't been this excited to ride in a long time.

If I was still in the Bay Area I'd be heading to Kirkwood instead- they got 11 feet out of the same storm :scared:


What's crazy about this picture is that it shows maybe 1/8th of the mountain. God I love this place so much...

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Dude.... You are going to have to bust out the wide board if you want to stay afloat. Don't forget to re-adjust your bindings. 8-11 feet is INSANE :eek:

Thoroughly jealous bro.. Thoroughly jealous.

Is Mammoth able to keep up with that kind of snow? I remember going to Whistler back in '99.... Couldn't run the lifts cuz they didn't have the man power to keep the snow from under the lift.

Ride on and have fun. :thumbup:
Yeah, it does fine. They dig like mad sometimes, and it's oh so worth it.

Another view. None of what's in that other shot is visible in this shot.


And yet another 1/4 of the mountain...

Yeah, it does fine. They dig like mad sometimes, and it's oh so worth it.

Another view. None of what's in that other shot is visible in this shot.

And yet another 1/4 of the mountain...

My favorite part about that storm is that when it hit SoCal it was being billed as a "WEATHER EVENT" ... which is known to the rest of the country as a "minor rainstorm."