A few questions about volunteering/shadowing/mcat prep

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2+ Year Member
Oct 19, 2020
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Hey guys. I'm a 36-year old army veteran working 2 jobs, with wife and kids, and full-time school. It will be roughly 2-3 years until I'm ready to apply to medical school. I did volunteer work when I was younger, but I don't see how I can make time now that I have a family, 2 jobs, and full-time school. Will they be able to overlook that?

For shadow, I've had a lot of trouble finding anyone to let me shadow. I've asked my doctors, I've done cold calling, and I've not found a single person who will let me shadow. Any advice? How necessary is it for an older nontrad?

Should I get an MCAT book and start studying and taking notes from it now, or wait a couple of years? I did a bit of the MCAT questions on Khan, and I felt like I learned a bit from it, but I'm not sure if it's a good use of my time. Any insight would be greatly appreciated!


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1. It's not about them overlooking something; it's about the competitiveness of the applicant pool. You want to be competitive and everybody else will have volunteer experience.

2. If you want to shadow, you'll find a way to make it happen. Don't say you can't and yes it is necessary. I mean how do you know you want to become a doctor if you don't shadow?

3. Different people will tell you different things about the MCAT on this site. My advice is don't take shortcuts with the MCAT. You said nothing about your educational background so nobody can advise you on how to study for the MCAT other than don't screw it up.
2. If you want to shadow, you'll find a way to make it happen. Don't say you can't and yes it is necessary. I mean how do you know you want to become a doctor if you don't shadow?
Dude, nobody is allowing unnecessary people into their practices or hospitals right now. Med schools are going to adjust their expectations for a few years. Also, I shadowed a primary care doc and that has like 0% to do with my future specialty. It's not necessary, it's just an artificial hurdle.
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Dude, nobody is allowing unnecessary people into their practices or hospitals right now. Med schools are going to adjust their expectations for a few years. Also, I shadowed a primary care doc and that has like 0% to do with my future specialty. It's not necessary, it's just an artificial hurdle.
👍 cool story bro
Thanks, I thought op should hear the advice of someone who actually attends medical school.
Yeah boss you're right. While you're giving him advice can you give me admissions advice too? Am I going to get in?
Yeah boss you're right. While you're giving him advice can you give me admissions advice too? Am I going to get in?
I mean I'd have to know your stats and stuff. Your gpa is better than mine when I started my masters program, so it's certainly possible. Just don't be a know it all.
I mean I'd have to know your stats and stuff. Your gpa is better than mine when I started my masters program, so it's certainly possible. Just don't be a know it all.
I am sorry man that just slipped out. I don't know what got into me. I will be careful next time.