A Few Questions


10+ Year Member
Jan 4, 2009
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I am currently a high school senior. I am planning on going to the University of Iowa next fall, majoring in Bio-Chemistry and minoring in Spanish. I was just wondering how many classes you guys take each semester? I was thinking about 5, going to school Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays. Is that too much? Also..
I am currently taking Pre-Calc and I don't really like it.. I was thinking about dropping it.. But am I going to need anything from Pre-Calc in order to try to be a doctor? If I do I can stick it out.
And one more thing.. I'm taking College Bio-Technology and College Anatomy and Physiology.. I got an A on my first Bio-Tech test.. but we just took the Anatomy one Friday.. and I don't think I did too well.. Do you guys have any studying tips?

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I take 4 classes right now and I go to class Mon-Fri. Very busy.

Some medical schools require calc, but most don't. Precalc as a class is ok, Calc class just sucks.
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Oops, I meant every day of the week except Sat and Sun, of course. ><
I have six classes right now and I go Mon-Fri. Very, very tiring 😴
I am currently a high school senior. I am planning on going to the University of Iowa next fall, majoring in Bio-Chemistry and minoring in Spanish. I was just wondering how many classes you guys take each semester? I was thinking about 5, going to school Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays. Is that too much? Also..
I am currently taking Pre-Calc and I don't really like it.. I was thinking about dropping it.. But am I going to need anything from Pre-Calc in order to try to be a doctor? If I do I can stick it out.
And one more thing.. I'm taking College Bio-Technology and College Anatomy and Physiology.. I got an A on my first Bio-Tech test.. but we just took the Anatomy one Friday.. and I don't think I did too well.. Do you guys have any studying tips?
As a biochemistry major I had to take up to Calc III.
Is 6 classes the norm for a would be medical school student? How hard is it exactly?

thanks, and by the way you're not alone I'm asian and I happen to be quite horrible at math too 🙂
the norm for first year freshmen is 4 classes. 5 is fine if you can handle it but be sure to keep your grades up. as for pre-calc, most medical school require calculus so you have to stick it through pre-clac because its a pre-req for calc. you could drop pre-calc now if u dont like it but you'll have to take it sooner or later because pre-calc is a pre-req for calc. also, you dont want too many withdrawals on your transcript so dont make dropping classes you dont like routine
the norm for first year freshmen is 4 classes. 5 is fine if you can handle it but be sure to keep your grades up. as for pre-calc, most medical school require calculus so you have to stick it through pre-clac because its a pre-req for calc. you could drop pre-calc now if u dont like it but you'll have to take it sooner or later because pre-calc is a pre-req for calc. also, you dont want too many withdrawals on your transcript so dont make dropping classes you dont like routine
INCORRECT! that is just not so, there are only a handful that require calculus--- the majority of med schools DO NOT REQUIRE CALCULUS
I agree, most schools definitely do not require calculus.
INCORRECT! that is just not so, there are only a handful that require calculus--- the majority of med schools DO NOT REQUIRE CALCULUS

ok perhaps i was mistaken but as a biochemistry major, im sure you'll still have to take calculus anyways
many schools do not require calculus, however it's not a bad idea to take it up through calc I at least. You will make sure you're not limiting your options and you'll have a broader base of schools you can apply to.

If you take Calc I and Statistics, you'll meet the requirements for all but a handful of schools.
Sorry for intruding your thread, but I have a question regarding the math requirement as well. One of the dumbest mistakes of my life: I took pre calc over the summer because I knew if I passed I would be able to take calc the next year which I wanted, so I went ahead and took the class. However, I did not know that my grade(s) in the class would follow me through college. So I ended up gettig 2 b's in trig 21 and 22. What my question is: can you opt out of taking math in college that may be required for medical school/to graduate. I got a 5 on the calc an exam and hope to get another 4-5 this year in stats. Will I be able to use ap credit or the college credits to fulfill the requirements? Is it frowned upon to use ap credit to fulfill the requirements?
Thank you for all the feedback! I will probably just try and stick it out.. I just don't want the class to hurt my GPA or college GPA since we get college credit for it now.. I guess its still kind of early though, we've only have two quizzes.

Thanks everyone!
4 classes is about average in college. Some semesters you'll take more. Your first semester should be as light as possible because it's often a difficult transition period.