AACOMAS Verification?

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10+ Year Member
Apr 6, 2012
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Hey everyone... I am a bit confused on the verification and processing of the application. I did a masters program in Ireland so am currently waiting for my transcripts to be evaluated, which should be completed by July 24, but I submitted my application to AACOMAS two weeks ago. Will they start the processing without my international transcript evaluation/grades or do they not begin the processing until they have received everything? Basically, even though I submitted my application two weeks ago, when do you think the schools will actually receive my app if AACOMAS gets my transcript around July 26? Thanks for the help! The whole verification process has me really confused...

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Hey everyone... I am a bit confused on the verification and processing of the application. I did a masters program in Ireland so am currently waiting for my transcripts to be evaluated, which should be completed by July 24, but I submitted my application to AACOMAS two weeks ago. Will they start the processing without my international transcript evaluation/grades or do they not begin the processing until they have received everything? Basically, even though I submitted my application two weeks ago, when do you think the schools will actually receive my app if AACOMAS gets my transcript around July 26? Thanks for the help! The whole verification process has me really confused...

Nobody knows if they start the process before you have all your materials in. However, they certainly won't verify you until they receive all transcripts.
Not sure about the transcript issue, but I finished my application on June 27th and got verified on July 16th. That kind of gives you an idea of the turnaround time. I had all my transcripts already submitted when I paid, so again not sure how that will play out in your situation. I'd contact them. They've been very helpful with my questions so far.