AAMC is Being Sued Over CARS Section in the MCAT

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Jan 29, 2021
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The AAMC is being sued in California Superior Court for libel.

The lawsuit alleges the AAMC publishes scores about test-taking consumers to third parties (like veterinary, podiatric and osteopathic medical schools) without any standardized process to prove CARS answers as correct or incorrect. The AAMC adopts a best answer on the basis of whatever it feels is the best.

The problem is that making derogatory claims about a person with intentional disregard for the truth (like claiming a test-taker got an answer incorrect without actually proving the answer you adopted as correct and the answer the test-taker chose as incorrect) and then publishing the derogatory claim to a third party (like a veterinary, podiatric or osteopathic medical school) injures the test-takers reputation and is illegal.

The case was just filed. More information shall follow.

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cool. Finally someone fed up with this exam and did something. The mcat is a pos exam that has almost nothing to do with medical success yet determined so much of a person's life. The mcat especially cars is an exam on learning how to suck up to opinionated test writers.
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cool. Finally someone fed up with this exam and did something. The mcat is a pos exam that has almost nothing to do with medical success yet determined so much of a person's life. The mcat especially cars is an exam on learning how to suck up to opinionated test writers.
The awesome thing about suing them for libel is that you do not have to prove too much.

A court filing being posted online the day after it was filed seems sketchy.
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