aapmr - san diego

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Apr 6, 2007
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who's going?

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Just arrived and stoked to get away from the Chicago winter for a few days!
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During residency, I went every year. I went for two or three years after, and found the meeting less and less useful. So I am curious - if you went this year, did you learn anything?

Specifically, to those who do spine and pain - would you go again next year? Or just go to ISIS?
During residency, I went every year. I went for two or three years after, and found the meeting less and less useful. So I am curious - if you went this year, did you learn anything?

Specifically, to those who do spine and pain - would you go again next year? Or just go to ISIS?

I have found them more useful lately. The networking is good as well. I have found most of the Spine talks to be lacking, but the sports stuff is excellent. But I also do not do interventional spine.
During residency, I went every year. I went for two or three years after, and found the meeting less and less useful. So I am curious - if you went this year, did you learn anything?

Specifically, to those who do spine and pain - would you go again next year? Or just go to ISIS?

I went for the Stem Cell-State of the Evidence pre-course. I tend to go when it's geographically convenient, more for networking purposes. Much of the new educational content now requires additional work-shop ticket fees to attend.

I don't know, for educational purposes I might start doing ISIS/American Med. Society for Sports Med combo.
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I have found most of the Spine talks to be lacking, but the sports stuff is excellent.

I would agree. There are some holdovers and new blood, but it seems like most of the Spine guys have left the building.