ABEM Oral Boards Prep 2022

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I made a mistake entering this profession. It’s just disappointment after disappointment. I was looking forward to celebrating 11 years of higher education the past two weeks and nope. I don’t even like medicine anymore.
There are options to get out if you really dislike EM. Unfortunately they require at least some time investment, but you can dip if it's really not for you. I did and (at least so far) I think it's the best professional decision I've made.
It’s not just EM, it’s healthcare in general. Medicine was interesting at first until all the red tape ruined it for me. It’s like the hot ex girlfriend who loses her appeal after several months of incessant demands and complaining despite all your best efforts.
Yeah that's fair. The admin and corporate masters are pretty ubiquitous across specialties. Do you see yourself doing an alternate career or trying to FIRE?
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It’s not just EM, it’s healthcare in general. Medicine was interesting at first until all the red tape ruined it for me. It’s like the hot ex girlfriend who loses her appeal after several months of incessant demands and complaining despite all your best efforts.
Like when you finally see the admin suite and it’s covered in herpetic lesions?
I'll stick with EM. At least it pays well. I also like the people I work with, so that makes the job tolerable. To be honest, I'm not sure about the retirement number. I just turned 30 and I save most of my paycheck and do alright with investments. My mom did very well with her own investments, so she helps me manage my finances. Ideally, I'd like to hit 10-15 million in assets before I retire, but we'll see.

That's not the most outrageous number I've heard, but I am curious, do you anticipate needing to spend >300k (conservatively) per year in perpetuity in retirement, or are you trying to build generational wealth? I'd be happy with 3-5 MM.
Anyone have updates on when test scores for May 2023 being released? Tried to call and got the busy/disconnected tone
I've given up on ever receiving scores. I'm half expecting there to be some kind of data loss or something and we're gonna have to retake the entire thing.
Pass rate better be like 99% at this point lolol
Yup it changed and said congrats for me! FINALLY after 8 weeks of waiting, passed 🙂
Same, we can finally move on with our lives lol

Anyone reading this who is prepping for oral boards: play the game. Read Okuda/First Aid, practice daily, take a prep course, COMMUNICATE EVERYTHING TO THE ROLE-PLAYED PATIENT, it’s free points. Hopefully this dumb test goes the way of the dodo someday.
If you’re having problem with the exam, make sure that you’re stabilizing the patient with oxygen, a monitor and IVs before going into the history. Many people will introduce themselves and go into the history, which will be an automatical failure.
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I personally highly recommend the ICEP course, and for those that feel they need some extra attention, the one-on-one cases with Dr. Weber (also with ICEP) were very helpful.

Full disclosure: I never failed a single thing in medical school/residency/licensure/etc but failed the oral boards by 0.05 points. I passed comfortably after the ICEP review. There are a ton of points that can be overlooked, and the boards are no longer a case of “everybody gets iv access, o2, cardiac monitor, advanced airway equipment to the bedside, etc.” Resource utilization and pt communication can give you a LOT of points on the exam. Anybody struggling can pm me for more details or advice if they want.
Anyone else ever used the one on one prep with Dr. Weber?
Failed by such a small margin, I’m devastated. Never failed a single board exam in my life and now at the very end…this happened. The problem with this test is I honestly do not know where I ****ed up. I practiced, ran cases with a colleague and my spouse. Did the AAEM course and was told by the proctor I’d “pass without a doubt”. No feedback report on the real thing so wtf happened. Now I’m scrambling to find a way if I can take it this year.
I did nt pass as well and I am also devastated. I felt very comfortable with 6 out of the 7 cases and stumbled on 1 case. Not sure if Abem is purposefully failing people to give the exam relevance but I can’t dwell on that. I’m open to suggestions on how to make sure I pass the exam the next go round. I plan on taking every prep course.

also there must be a reason it took 2 months to score the exam. Abem should be more transparent.
Failed by such a small margin, I’m devastated. Never failed a single board exam in my life and now at the very end…this happened. The problem with this test is I honestly do not know where I ****ed up. I practiced, ran cases with a colleague and my spouse. Did the AAEM course and was told by the proctor I’d “pass without a doubt”. No feedback report on the real thing so wtf happened. Now I’m scrambling to find a way if I can take it this year.
I’m so sorry. I always found it so insane that they don’t give you a breakdown of your scores in the different domains. I think it’s yet another tell of how this test is a shameless shakedown. I’m rooting for you. I remember at the ICEP course they said something like 99% of test takers pass after their second attempt, I’m sure you’ll make it.
Of course they aren’t going to have a 100% pass rate or else it’d show how worthless this test is. For a majority of the people who didn’t pass, you could almost assuredly do the exact same thing you did and pass next time.
This test SHOULD have an apprecoable fail rate. As should the written exam.

Its the only way to keep these expansion residencies from tanking our specialty.
Sorry to necrobump this thread but has anyone received their abem certificates in the mail? The email 2 months ago mentioned they’d be sending them out.
Sorry to necrobump this thread but has anyone received their abem certificates in the mail? The email 2 months ago mentioned they’d be sending them out.
Ya know what? Good question. After your post I just realized that I have the digital record but nothing to “hang on the wall” even months later. I was expecting something in my mailbox, but when it didn’t come, I basically forgot since my job didn’t care anymore as long as they had the official results.
Ya know what? Good question. After your post I just realized that I have the digital record but nothing to “hang on the wall” even months later. I was expecting something in my mailbox, but when it didn’t come, I basically forgot since my job didn’t care anymore as long as they had the official results.
I just received it today. Came with a couple other things, one of them which is a hospital badge add-on that's says, "Board Certified Doctor." Who would actually wear that on their badge?? I would feel like a complete tool.
Out of curiosity, is there anybody who felt like they bombed one case yet still managed to pass by making up for it on the other ? Or is the consensus that you have to do well on every case to pass the exam?

Supposedly over 90% of people pass, but I honestly would like to see the percentage higher. I think anybody who makes it through a quality residency at a good hospital, and passes the written test should, in theory, be able to pass the oral test.

I suspect part of the problem is just the weird role playing format of the test. Some people do well with with, but some people struggle.

I suspect some people who struggle with the test do just fine with real patients.
Out of curiosity, is there anybody who felt like they bombed one case yet still managed to pass by making up for it on the other ? Or is the consensus that you have to do well on every case to pass the exam?

Supposedly over 90% of people pass, but I honestly would like to see the percentage higher. I think anybody who makes it through a quality residency at a good hospital, and passes the written test should, in theory, be able to pass the oral test.

I suspect part of the problem is just the weird role playing format of the test. Some people do well with with, but some people struggle.

I suspect some people who struggle with the test do just fine with real patients.
I spectacularly screwed up my last case. Did a painful procedure without consent or pain meds, failed to manage one of the multiple acute pathologies identified, ultimately ran out of time. Felt pretty good about the rest of the cases though and ultimately passed, but barely.

The role playing is super unnatural. Stuff you would do by muscle memory in real life can be easily forgotten when you’re playing pretend and have no real patient or even a sim mannequin in front of you. Obviously I’m not gonna place a central line in a real, awake person without at least a brief talk about it, but when you’re just talking and pretending it can be overlooked.
Hey guys,

Just got my 2022 date for the oral boards. Going to take it in late September. Does anyone want to partner up these next few months to do some zoom practice runs? For those that took it in 2021, how did you study for it? I'm a bit anxious about this new structure interview thing, how did you guys prepare for that portion of it? Main resources I have right now is the latest Okuda book and I just signed up for the Illinois CEP virtual oral board review course. I had heard some good things about it from previous people. Anyways, I really appreciate all your sage advice and help! Thanks!
I used Okuda and Critical Cases (criticalcases.com). Both are excellent and tons of overlap and basically all the cases I had on my exam were identical with the exception of one case. Our PD got us a discount for CC (some promo since it's a newer thing as of last year) and for Okuda there was an online PDF floating around that I ended up downloading for free. I highly recommend both.

I do NOT recommend taking it without studying. Someone above said the exam was "needlessly stressful" and I agree. You're already so far into your career - just ace this thing and get it over with.
I used Okuda and Critical Cases (criticalcases.com). Both are excellent and tons of overlap and basically all the cases I had on my exam were identical with the exception of one case. Our PD got us a discount for CC (some promo since it's a newer thing as of last year) and for Okuda there was an online PDF floating around that I ended up downloading for free. I highly recommend both.

I do NOT recommend taking it without studying. Someone above said the exam was "needlessly stressful" and I agree. You're already so far into your career - just ace this thing and get it over with.
Okuda was a snoozefest for me. I literally could not get myself to read it after a shift. I did a few critical cases after most shifts, was an easy way to keep studying and not get bored. But I agree - don't NOT study lol. Just do a few CC each night the month or two leading up to it and I think you'll be more than set.