Academic General Cardiologist

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Sep 7, 2019
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Hello! I'm wondering what people know about niches within general academic cardiology.

I am hoping to be an academic general cardiologist, though can't close the door completely yet on IC, EP, HF, etc. just yet. As I have seen at my academic program even general cardiologists have niches that they fit into, for example, prevention or echo.

What are some of the niches people have seen within general cardiology? I'm hoping to explore this further. Thanks!

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Within general cardiology - interventional echo, cardiac imaging (CT/MRI), cardiooncology, cardiac critical care, cardiogenetics, pulmonary hypertension, prevention, women's cardiology
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100% of the work for 40% of the pay but if that's what you want more power to you
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Adding to above: sports cardiology, congenital, amyloid, HCM, nuclear, epidemiology/socioeconomics, lipidology.

And it's more like 70% of the work for 60% the pay unless you're at a Harvard tier place.
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