Acceptance dilemma

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Jul 16, 2008
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so i got accepted yesterday to BUGSDM, which i am excited about, but don't know if i should continue the interview process. i got an interview at UMDNJ and pretty sure i will get one at Dalhousie. do you think it is worth it to interview at these schools and maybe attend a school that is a bit cheaper than BU, or should i just accept. i really liked what BU has to offer, but i keep thinking that maybe i'll like one of these other schools better. i don't know what to do. thanks.

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If you are not sure about the school you got accepted to then go to the other interviews. Only reason to stop now would be because you are 100% sure you are going where you are accepted.
Are you a canadian applying to american schools or an american who applied to Dalhousie. You know Canadian schools interview in march/april right? So you will have put down a deposit at another school anyways (if you are thinking about american schools).
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if you have to let them know soon (without enough time to hear back from the interviews) I would say go for it.. go to the interviews if you can get them done in time, (or if your willing to lose yuor deposit if you get in somewhere else) but for the most part, i'd say any interviews from here out your chances of admittance is lower, and you obviously don't want to take an admission for granted.
Hold your spot at BU and attend your other interviews if you are unsure. The only thing you lose is a deposit if you get accepted and choose to attend elsewhere. A deposit means nothing in the long run if you are at a place where you will be happy for 4 years.