Accepting an offer

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Like father, like son.
2+ Year Member
Mar 26, 2019
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I had this weird, stupid question but I couldn't find an answer to it.
I applied to 2 med schools in Ireland, and their offers come different times. I wanted to know if one offer came before the other, and the deadline for that offer ends before the offer of the second med school is sent out. Does it that mean I am forced to accept the first offer? If I accept it and then I receive an offer from another med school, can I still go to the other one? or that's it, I'm stuck since I accepted it.

I'm asking this because I'm worried that my prioritized med school won't send their offer first (if they did) and I receive an offer from the other med school and I'm just stuck.

Please tell me what you know about this.

Thanks in advance.

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Yes, if the acceptance periods don’t overlap you have to make a choice. You could in theory still cancel your acceptance but you would lose your rather large deposit.
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