ACOM inrweview invite

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2+ Year Member
Jul 29, 2022
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I just got my first II from ACOM and I am super excited! I have a few questions:

1) Whats the best way to prep?

2) I am not from AL so I am chooing to do a virtual interview- will this put me at a disadvantage?

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Just know the basics like why ACOM, why DO, maybe something about leadership skills or time management, have some questions prepared.
It won’t put you at a disadvantage, I am from OOS and they accept a lot from Southeast.
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I just got my first II from ACOM and I am super excited! I have a few questions:

1) Whats the best way to prep?

2) I am not from AL so I am chooing to do a virtual interview- will this put me at a disadvantage?
1. Read my posts on Goro's guide to interviews.

2. Not at all.
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1 disadvantage would be not seeing Dothan. I’m of the mind it doesn’t matter where you live because you’re studying for 2 years straight but Dothan is a smaller town (~60k) that’s slightly isolated (1.5-3h from cities). It has all the staples though and a decent enough place to spend 2 years. Facilities are good.

I do NOT believe this one disadvantage is worth spending the money to travel though