MD Activities like writing and physician interviewing: would they count for residency?

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Jun 1, 2017
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Greetings all,

I am an Img from India. I shall be taking my Step 1 exam this october and wish to apply for the 2019 match. My interest is psychiatry.
I wanted to know if my activities related to writing and interviewing physicians could add value to my profile as a residency applicant. Over the last couple of years I've written about 50 opinion/perspective articles for a number of acclaimed medical magazines and websites like the BMJ as well as mainstream news portals, on topics like medical educational reforms, primary care, and mental healthcare in the country. My articles have also been translated to regional languages. I am also an active Huffpost blogger.
I also have some experience interviewing physicians. I am currently involved with an Indian CME journal(Section Editor) where we conduct monthly interviews of renowned psychiatrists for educating general practitioners on how to deal with fundamental psychiatric issues in their practice. I have also conducted a series of interviews on the state of mental healthcare in India with nationally/internationally acclaimed psychiatrists/mental health experts/policy experts, including some of the biggest names in the field, with a popular medical news portal. Plus a few freelance interviews with other journals on mental health.
I know anything other than research is of little academic significance, but I'm curious if the above activities can make my CV look better, and where in my CV is it worth to include them without being obtrusive.

Responses awaited,

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Yeah i would think that is highly significant. Especially if you are an IMG publishing english opinion pieces.
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I think you need to focus on also having step 1, 2cs, 2ck, and 3 all passed, preferably with very high scores in before september 2019, when eras opens for that cycle

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Side note: There's also a section on ERAS where you can list hobbies- put your actual interests and hobbies! Residents like to see what makes you different and interesting. So if your hobbies are taking your dog Elvis to the park and trying the newest restaurants in the area because you're obsessed with food... list those! It helps having conversation starters during interviews. So if you have things that you can't find another place for them on your application, list them there.

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How did you get involved in medical writing like this? I know this is off-topic, but I'm quite curious.
How did you get involved in medical writing like this? I know this is off-topic, but I'm quite curious.
While in medical school I felt strongly about some much needed reforms in medical education, until one day, I decided to write a piece and sent it to a popular medical publishing house, which btw was approved for publication. I then started writing regularly for a number of other portals on a range of other topics I felt strongly about,it was fun and still is.
While in medical school I felt strongly about some much needed reforms in medical education, until one day, I decided to write a piece and sent it to a popular medical publishing house, which btw was approved for publication. I then started writing regularly for a number of other portals on a range of other topics I felt strongly about,it was fun and still is.
That's really cool. I'll just have to keep an open eye for topics to write about. Thanks for your response!