admissions committee meeting postponed

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i am now supposed to call this friday to find out finch's final decision.

my reasons why i should get accepted: my stats (GPA, total mcat) are higher than the average at this school, good rapport with interviewers, overall positive feeling i get from this school.

denial: my verbal reasoning on mcat is lower than the school's average, institutional action on amcas.

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what is the "institutional action on amcas"?

hopefully verbal won't be a problem ... i was actually kind of worried about my VR score as well, however, i think as long as you've proven your verbal/written/oral communication skills through several extracurricular activities (such as serving as a TA, co-authoring publications, giving numerous scientific related talks/seminars ... etc), it will help somewhat .

best of luck on friday.
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i'm still kind of uncomfortable explaining my institutional action, but here it goes:

my freshman year i bad tripped on lsd and got arrested for battery. i was suspended for one year, plus i was on academic probation.

thanks for the reply talk2me. i am counting the hours: 62 left until i call.
I think if you were able to get past that little hiccup and achieve such a great GPA and MCAT, then you should be fine come admissions time! You've obviously worked hard and shown the adcom that you've grown and matured. :clap:
Dang, I can imagine how uncomfortable you must feel! I have my own share of drug-related indescretion stories, but I was EXTREMELY fortunate that none of them were discovered. Don't feel're not the only one who's done this type of thing.
Originally posted by indigoblue
i am now supposed to call this friday to find out finch's final decision.
Any Good News? You mentioned that today was the day you'll find out. Hopefully everything worked out...

How's the school by the way? Any advice as to how to prepare for interview day? Did you ejoy your interview visit? I'm interviewing there at the end of April.
Originally posted by indigoblue
i'm still kind of uncomfortable explaining my institutional action, but here it goes:

my freshman year i bad tripped on lsd and got arrested for battery. i was suspended for one year, plus i was on academic probation.

thanks for the reply talk2me. i am counting the hours: 62 left until i call.

God Bless on the great turnaround!!
found out friday that the admissions committee was not able to get to my application... the secretary made it sound like there were just too many applications to go through... the committee is supposed to meet again next month...

talk2me: the following is some advice given to me, it helped me get through the interview:

prepare for interview questions, do mock interviews, get a calling card in case you lose your cell phone on the way, bring the admissions office phone number, carry your suit with you on the plane in case your baggae gets lost, bring an extra shirt and tie (if you are a guy) in case you spill something on yourself on the way, take a notepad and write down things that went positively about the interview afterwards as well as things that went negatively...