Admissions for DVM = Challenging

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Sep 21, 2011
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I have Computer Science for my undergraduate degree and I am looking at U of Guelph's admission requirements. Here:

I took a bunch of Math's and a couple Social Science courses during college... Does this mean I can take the rest of the prerequisites without contributing to a degree?

Biological Sciences - 1.5 credits (with recommended emphasis on animal biology; one course must be a cell biology)
Genetics - 0.5 credits
Biochemistry - 0.5 credits
Statistics - 0.5 credits (requires a Calculus prerequisite to take the Statistics course)
Humanities/Social Sciences - 1.0 credits (In selecting these courses from among those acceptable, the prospective veterinary student should consider topics such as ethics, logic, critical thinking, determinants of human behaviour and human social interaction.)

And looking for volunteering opportunity is tough...

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I have Computer Science for my undergraduate degree and I am looking at U of Guelph's admission requirements. Here:

I took a bunch of Math's and a couple Social Science courses during college... Does this mean I can take the rest of the prerequisites without contributing to a degree?

And looking for volunteering opportunity is tough...

You don't have to be pursuing a degree to take the courses. Double-check with the school that the courses haven't "expired" (taken more than so many years ago) - I'm not sure what Guelph's policy is on older courses.

Also, for future reference, the pre-veterinary forum is a better place to ask these questions, since it's tailored toward people trying to get into vet school :)
I'm not sure what your questions are......Do you mean to ask whether you can take specific courses without being in a degree program? That's a question for the school where you want to take those courses, but generally you can take courses without pursuing a specific degree......for instance, you can apply to the University of Guelph as a non-degree student if you have a previous degree. Or are you asking whether your previous courses in Social Sciences and maths will be acceptable? The link you posted has contact information to ask OVC admissions that specific question.