Advanced Exam (Written Boards) 2017

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Sep 1, 2011
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Have senior residents started studying for this exam yet? Curious as to if anyone has tried the Pass Machine online course and would suggest it as a good alternative to the Jensen course.

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Planning on using True Learn as well. Not looking forward to being a guinea pig on the OSCE/sim part, but at least with the first wave it'll likely have a very low fail rate.
Using True Learn and if I have time PM question bank and lectures along with ACE if any left over.

Also, they published pass rate for last year, 93%!?!?!
program is letting my buy books for oral / advanced boards. any specific focused board prep books stand out? I currenly own miller, m and m, barash, pre-existing disease
On a recommendation from this board I got Yao and Artusio's text and it's great, just a bit heavy. I also have Faust, the newest edition is OK in my opinion but several of my classmates use it.
How many weeks do most people take to prepare for this?
Have senior residents started studying for this exam yet? Curious as to if anyone has tried the Pass Machine online course and would suggest it as a good alternative to the Jensen course.

I am a current CA-3 and ordered the Pass Machine. I would recommend to Pass on their review course. The lectures are too superficial and don't provide the level of detail needed to answer practice questions that I see on true learn, ACE, or our ITE's.
How many weeks do most people take to prepare for this?

3 years of residency. Read about your patients/cases the night before and you will pass.