Advice for applying broadly?

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I have no idea what I'm doing.
10+ Year Member
May 21, 2012
Reaction score
Hi all,
I'm a NYS resident and not an URM. My stats are: 3.54sGPA, 3.7cGPA, 32T MCAT. I also have good ECs (including paid clinical work, AmeriCorps community service, leadership, etc)
If anyone can offer up some schools to apply to to make my list "broader," I'd appreciate it!

So far of course I have all my state schools (SUNY Stony Brook, Downstate, Buffalo- which are pretty much my top choices). Unfortunately, with my stats, most of the private schools in my state (NYU, Columbia, Cornell, Mt Sinai, etc) are likely to be (out of!) reach schools.
But when I look through the MSAR at out-of-state private schools, it seems like a lot of schools I see have stats similar to the SUNY schools, and since I'm not too sure I'm even going to get into one of those, I'm not sure where to even begin adding some OOS-friendly schools. (A few that had average stats below mine, I did some more research and found they do tend to support URM students, of which I am not considered).

Any help/advice would be greatly appreciated! I know the whole acceptance process also depends on interviews and the like, but some guidance just in picking schools would be much appreciated!

Thanks :D

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