Advice for elective choices

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10+ Year Member
Aug 11, 2010
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Two quick questions seeing that people on SDN always give apt advice.


IMG from a Carribean school currently doing cores in the UK. Step 1 - 99. Wanting to get a residency in psychiatry. Am only doing 4 electives in the state i order to get 4 good LORs. I want to do one of the electives at SUNY Upstate leaving me three more to figure out.

Question 1 - For my second psychiatry elective. Is it better to do it at an IMG friendly place or just try and get anywhere good that will accept me. I have a contact who works in Chicago and has links to program directors. Would it be better to undertake an elective with her and use her LOR for other programs or head straight to an IMG friendly program?

Question 2 - My other two electives will be done in either IM or maybe paeds. (endocrinology or maybe paediatric oncology). How important is it for me to do a sub-internship? My only fear of doing one is the fact that I haven't even been to the states yet and don't want to be overwhelmed with a new hospital/healthcare system etc...

So my basic plan is 1. Elective (Endocrine)
2. Sub-I in IM (doing it second will hopefully have
given me time to get used to the States)
3. Psych at SUNY
4. Psych subspecialty.

Any advice would be gratefully accepted

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So first let me congratulate you on your great step I score-- well done! My first it of advice would be to gain as much US clinical experience as you possibly can to maximize your chances. You already have two strikes against you-- 1. you're a Caribbean grad (although if you come from Ross or SGU this helps) and 2. you did your core rotations in the UK.

I would consider starting out your year with an easier elective in IM-- endocrinology may not be bad just to get your footing. I would also consider doing a sub-i ward rotation in internal medicine, and possibly gain a lor there. I would also do a couple away rotations in psych, particularly if you do well on the wards. This is your chance to shine on aways-- they're devastating if you blow them, but great if you do well.

Apply early and broadly; definitely apply to some reaches as well as IMG friendly programs-- you never know what may happen.
Thanks, the Step 1 was so long ago and no one in the UK mentions it so it hasn't really helped boost my confidence during cores.

I'm not from the big two and yes i've done my cores in the UK which might be offset by giving me more time to study for the Step 2.

I guess I'm just being a worry wort as I don't really know what my fellow students have been doing during their rotations. I know that you guys have more exposure but it would be nice to get a breakdown of a usual day for example in a normal IM placement.

I found out the other day that during my friends Gynae rotation they take patient histories using forms whilst in the UK we just get bits of paper and have to memorise the parts of the history.

I know it sounds trivial but I just wouldnt mind knowing where I stand in comparison to the US students at this stage so at least I can prepare myself etc...

Would anyone know of any good threads or blogs on this matter?

Thanks again for the advice. So yes I'll do two IM electives first and then shine on my final psych ones. (kinda makes common sense but always good to get a second opinion)