Advice on Step 2 drop from Step 1

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5+ Year Member
Mar 15, 2017
Reaction score
I just got my step 2 score today (245) which is a drop in percentage from my step 1 score (242). I'm disappointed because my UWSA's were both in the 260s and I had hopes of being competitive for academic or academic/community programs in California. Interested in Internal Medicine.

I understand that my step 2 score doesn't help me but what I'm wondering is how badly it affect my application and whether the doors to the programs I was interested in have been closed?

I have a few publications/posters and have been doing research throughout undergrad and medical school. Some volunteering here and there. Leadership position on state medical committee

I appreciate input. thanks again, everyone

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You'll be fine. You still increased numerically, which is what I've been explicitly told is all that PD's care about. This is in addition to this cycle in particular, where I doubt PD's will care all that much about Step 2 scores given the known delays and scheduling issues regarding the exam.