Advocacy vs service- did I mess up??

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Full Member
Jun 14, 2024
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One of my main service activities involves working with a specific population that faces a lot of structural barriers. I put it under Social Justice/Advocacy on my AMCAS work/activities because my work does help to "advance the rights, privileges, or opportunities of a person." However, I've been looking at threads here that underline the importance of having non-clinical service hours. The work I do does involve working directly with the population, doing work that may be comparable to helping with taxes or something, and I think I should have put it under non-clinical service instead. This was my main service activity with 400hr, I have 150 other hours at a soup kitchen (now my only hours listed under non-clinical service). I'm now stressing that schools will think I have too few non-clinical service hours.

Should I be worried about being screened out at some schools if they don't view this activity as service? If yes, is there anything I could/should do to try and mitigate this (like emphasizing it in my secondaries)?

Sorry if this is a bit neurotic, and thank you in advance!

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I don't think it matters. Schools recategorize stuff in the way it makes sense to them. Clearly both a non-clinical volunteering anyway, one may or may not additionally be advocacy work.

Tbh, I probably would have categorized it as non-clinical volunteering myself. Advocacy/SJ means more like, doing protests, working with legislators, coming up with policies for your school, etc, imo.
Tbh, I probably would have categorized it as non-clinical volunteering myself. Advocacy/SJ means more like, doing protests, working with legislators, coming up with policies for your school, etc, imo.

Yeah I realized that after the fact sadly, but hopefully it’ll be fine