Albany Med Class of 2010 Thread

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centralline said:
Hey all-
Just accepted off of the waiting list on July 25th, and I couldn't be more excited to be joining all of you on August 23rd. I've been really busy, but I will post back in a little while. Anyone have any open rooms in apartments? I'm desperate to find housing now, while quiting my job and trying to figure out how to move across the country in a few days. I'm looking forward to meeting all of you!

hey centralline, congrats on the acceptance. you can check out the student profiles for people who are looking for roommates up at albany.

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centralline said:
Hey all-
Just accepted off of the waiting list on July 25th, and I couldn't be more excited to be joining all of you on August 23rd. I've been really busy, but I will post back in a little while. Anyone have any open rooms in apartments? I'm desperate to find housing now, while quiting my job and trying to figure out how to move across the country in a few days. I'm looking forward to meeting all of you!


Congrats and welcome! Check out 619 Providence; I'll be living upstairs with 2 other first-years, but there is a one-bedroom available on the ground floor. The area is nice - well insulated from the not-so-nice area. Rent is $590 not including utilities, I believe, but am not sure. Sent me a private message or join the Yahoo Group (check backward in this thread) and e-mail me directly for more info.

Take care.

centralline said:
Hey all-
Just accepted off of the waiting list on July 25th, and I couldn't be more excited to be joining all of you on August 23rd. I've been really busy, but I will post back in a little while. Anyone have any open rooms in apartments? I'm desperate to find housing now, while quiting my job and trying to figure out how to move across the country in a few days. I'm looking forward to meeting all of you!
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Nice to hear that people are still coming off the dreaded waitlist. Congrats and see you in a couple of weeks!

centralline said:
Hey all-
Just accepted off of the waiting list on July 25th, and I couldn't be more excited to be joining all of you on August 23rd. I've been really busy, but I will post back in a little while. Anyone have any open rooms in apartments? I'm desperate to find housing now, while quiting my job and trying to figure out how to move across the country in a few days. I'm looking forward to meeting all of you!
centralline - congrats. See you in a few weeks. By the way, you can take down that "Class of 2011" link! Doesn't it feel good to not have to apply again?

zahque - about the name thing, I believe I had it before you did, so I think you should be called "the other one." "Number 2," "Second," and "Ditto" are also acceptable.
RxnMan said:
centralline - congrats. See you in a few weeks. By the way, you can take down that "Class of 2011" link! Doesn't it feel good to not have to apply again?

zahque - about the name thing, I believe I had it before you did, so I think you should be called "the other one." "Number 2," "Second," and "Ditto" are also acceptable.

Haha, I will take it down with pleasure. I have been waiting a long time for that.
RxnMan said:
centralline - congrats. See you in a few weeks. By the way, you can take down that "Class of 2011" link! Doesn't it feel good to not have to apply again?

zahque - about the name thing, I believe I had it before you did, so I think you should be called "the other one." "Number 2," "Second," and "Ditto" are also acceptable.

actually you had zaCH before i had zack.. so it's all yours. just be sure to enunciate the ch. :cool:
zahque said:
actually you had zaCH before i had zack.. so it's all yours. just be sure to enunciate the ch. :cool:
Both are derived from the Hebrew Zacharias, which, like other Hebrew words, can change spelling, but not pronunciation, when translated, so don't try to argue the names are different.

Anyone interested in getting a place, PM me. The apartment below mine opened up. 2 BR, off of New Scotland, 0.75 miles from AMC, and rent is something like $700-750/mo.
Congratulations centralline, see you soon.
drdoctor said:
Congratulations centralline, see you soon.

Thanks, I'm looking forward to it, but for now I just have to stay focused and keep packing.
centralline said:
Thanks, I'm looking forward to it, but for now I just have to stay focused and keep packing.
I just sent you a PM about a place.

I just moved out of my place and am currently homeless, living off of the kindness of family, until the big move next week. Anyone else in the same boat?
2 things for everybody:

1. I think the weekend before orientation, we should all hang out...something simple during the day if its nice like exploring Washington Park, getting our bearings looking for restaurants, checking out random alleys, being gangstas ya know?....hell we gotta get to know Albany so after the exams we don't waste time finding places!

2. My friend from Albany is selling a chest of drawers (IKEA - basically new) and a huge nice desk (a few years old, but good condition) for $50 a piece. If you're interested let me know and we can figure it out.
drdoctor said:
2 things for everybody:

1. I think the weekend before orientation, we should all hang out...something simple during the day if its nice like exploring Washington Park, getting our bearings looking for restaurants, checking out random alleys, being gangstas ya know?....hell we gotta get to know Albany so after the exams we don't waste time finding places!

2. My friend from Albany is selling a chest of drawers (IKEA - basically new) and a huge nice desk (a few years old, but good condition) for $50 a piece. If you're interested let me know and we can figure it out.

I wish I was going to be in town, but I'm not going to be around until the 22nd or so. Don't we have a few days between orientation and the start of classes? That seems like an appropriate time to get to know each other.
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centralline said:
I wish I was going to be in town, but I'm not going to be around until the 22nd or so. Don't we have a few days between orientation and the start of classes? That seems like an appropriate time to get to know each other.

ya same, i won't be there till orientation morning and after orientation i'll be back at camp/moving up so i guess i'll just chill with everyone once classes start :D
hey guys, i'll be in albany on the monday before orientation and would like to meet up with some people for a drink or whatever monday night if anyone is aptmt is on morris street so pm me if you will be around and looking for something to do....

Sounds like a great idea, but I won't be there either until a day or two before orientation. But since it seems like our first exam is mid september, we should definitley check out the scene in Albany and claim some bars/clubs before and right after our first exam :D :D :D
DrLizzie said:
Sounds like a great idea, but I won't be there either until a day or two before orientation. But since it seems like our first exam is mid september, we should definitley check out the scene in Albany and claim some bars/clubs before and right after our first exam :D :D :D

haha I guess after orientation is good too, we have some events planned, but most of the weekend is free. Yes we gotta claim.
There'll be events every night after orientation for about the first week, so I don't think we'll have a shortage of places to go to. Speaking of which, did anyone sign up for the Alumni boat party on the Hudson?

- If you really want to plan our first post-exam bash, then I vote for Graney's on New Scotland. Good Irish bar within stumbling distance of my place :D
Hey all, sorry it has been awhile...

I won't get back into albany until the 17th b/c I decided to get away before school starts...Monday or Tuesday day/night the 21st or 22nd...I've lived around Albany Med for the past year but I grew up just outside of Albany...So basically I can show you the bars and the parks or other places if you'd like...let me know if anyone is interested or if a date/time is set up.
RxnMan said:
There'll be events every night after orientation for about the first week, so I don't think we'll have a shortage of places to go to. Speaking of which, did anyone sign up for the Alumni boat party on the Hudson?

- If you really want to plan our first post-exam bash, then I vote for Graney's on New Scotland. Good Irish bar within stumbling distance of my place :D

graney's is actually three blocks from my place too and spitting distance from the medical school.
zahque said:
graney's is actually three blocks from my place too and spitting distance from the medical school.
Cool. When I interviewed everyone raved about the Fountain, but I like Graney's better.

How have you been settling in? Any other campus info we should know?

centralline - did you find a place? Do I have a neighbor?

We'll be packing everything into the trailer tomorrow and leaving early Saturday for Albany!
RxnMan said:
Cool. When I interviewed everyone raved about the Fountain, but I like Graney's better.

How have you been settling in? Any other campus info we should know?

centralline - did you find a place? Do I have a neighbor?

We'll be packing everything into the trailer tomorrow and leaving early Saturday for Albany!

chris (centralline) actually crashed at my place sunday and i think found a place on quail street. i'm settled in alright. no other campus info comes to mind, although i haven't been at the school that much. i mostly just golf, read, and party with friends out of town on the weekends. it's actually a pretty nice prelude to everything coming up.
on a side note, we still need 3 more people to fill my fantasy football league. currently, myself and two other albany pre-meds are playing, along with four other friends of mine. any takers? our draft is in ten days!
It's good that people are finding places.

zahque said:
on a side note, we still need 3 more people to fill my fantasy football league. currently, myself and two other albany pre-meds are playing, along with four other friends of mine. any takers? our draft is in ten days!
Thanks, but I am terrible at those things. Unless you are dying for someone to just fill a spot, count me out.
Hey all,
I need a place to live - does anyone out there have a room to rent out in a nice and clean place within walking distance of campus, with some kind of parking in relative abundance? Short term or long term is fine. I am 24 y/o female first year med student, fun, nice, polite, good roommate, etc. I can't see the student profiles until Wed. 8/16 so hopefully someone can help me out! Please PM me if you have/know of anything. Thanks!
homeless.amc said:
Hey all,
I need a place to live - does anyone out there have a room to rent out in a nice and clean place within walking distance of campus, with some kind of parking in relative abundance? Short term or long term is fine. I am 24 y/o female first year med student, fun, nice, polite, good roommate, etc. I can't see the student profiles until Wed. 8/16 so hopefully someone can help me out! Please PM me if you have/know of anything. Thanks!

hey - welcome aboard. join the yahoo group - there are a few posts about housing. also,
Yeah Graney's is a great place to hang out a lot of med and law students are there, fountain tends to draw more of an older crowd but the food is still good and only 3/4 blocks from the school...the bars on Lark are a good place to hang out as well, Lionheart is usually very popular on the corner by Madison and Lark
Is anyone planning on bringing family members other than spouses (ie. parents) to any of the orientation events -- such as the deans reception or the dinner cruise?
With all the talk of gunners and annoying question askers on the allo forum i'm glad our class is so chill.

(there's really no point to this post, i just want to avoiding reading any more notesets)