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Oct 13, 2002
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Tomorrow is my last test and then I will finally be able to rest for a while two weeks to be exact. I have one concern is that I don't feel like studying for this last test, I am just not motivated.

Merry X-mass to all

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What school are you at? I also have one last test tomorrow and then 2 weeks of vacation. Where I go to school the Pharmacy students have been out for over a week and don't come back until a week after we do!
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I hear ya. Our last exam was yesterday and plus it was biochem, so that made it even better to study for! What sucks was that everyone else in the university here, got out over a week while us lucky med students got to stay till the week before xmas.
Originally posted by Pril
Tomorrow is my last test and then I will finally be able to rest for a while two weeks to be exact. I have one concern is that I don't feel like studying for this last test, I am just not motivated.

Merry X-mass to all

i am in ur situation...i have a physio miniboards manana...and i just odnt have the motivation
wow 2.5 weeks! we're all sooo lucky. Anyone out there get longer than that? I feel like I've been through the grinder and will 2.5 be enough to rejuvenate? I really hope so :)

For our "finals" we had 2.5 weeks of test taking bliss, 7 of them and they were almost all killers...

I hope next semester will be better.
happy holidays all
We get an entire month off. :p

I figure that its just enough time to get out of the school routine, making it more of an adjustment to come back again!
Just finished my last exam for the semester, and it feels great!! I know exactly how you feel, Pril... I've really lost my motivation lately. I feel like I've been in school WAY too long. I'm gonna try to enjoy the 2.5 week vacation and not think about the hell that starts in early January. ;)
We just finished here at Temple too... Had our last real final yesterday and an optionall NBME shelf on anatomy and histo today.

Overall it was an amazing semester, I learned a ton, and as soon as I catch up on some lost sleep and alchohol, Im sure ill be ready for another.

Now to work on that alchohol dehydrogenase upregulation ;)
yah, my neuroscience final is tomorrow then just over 2 weeks off!!:clap: :clap: Now that my parents live in Boston this will be my first X-mas outside of Maryland in 23 years.. Might do some travelling to the Midwest or West (in the latter the trip won't exactly be a party since my grandma's health is failing in Montana and they think she will pass on soon..I feel bad but was never close with her growing up). anyway, no more depressing stuff, enjoy your break! I prob. won't be on here as much since my dial-up networking at home is messed up..
My school is on a block system and I am smack in the middle of biochem. We have a test shortly after we come back from our 2 week break. So basically, I have to study during my christmas break. :( Some christmas this will be. *sniffle*
KyGrl - sorry about biochem! :( I know Temple used to do the same with neuro, but thankfully they recently changed the curriculum so nothing's interrupted during the holidays...

The NBME exams were a pain to take after the counting exams, but it's all over and I know I passed everything (only histo has yet to be "official"). Plus a very surprising honor in embryo, for those who remember my early semester post. And now it's time to go HOME!!!

Life is good. :cool: