I'm not here to ask for any sympathy of any sort.
I'm just curious on what you guys think of my current situation. I'm a freshman in college, and am currently following a roadmap to double major in biology and business. Business is easy, because any ****** can do it. But when it comes to science classes, I absolutely suck. I mean, we just had our first General Chemistry exam. I studied for hours for about 2 weeks straight and what happened? I bombed the exam. Ever since high school I've sucked ass in chemistry....I mean, yeah, I'll probably get through the class. But it'll be a drag. I'm really slow at understanding things, and I never learn anything from lectures in any of my classes. If I skipped, it wouldn't make a difference, cause I'll end up self studying and learning from youtube videos. I always feel like I have to scramble through my phone book and get help from others when I can't figure out a simple concept. I use all my avalaible resources, and no matter how hard I try, I'm either a High C or low B person.
I'm starting to have doubts about my success in the future. I mean, what the hell, how in the world will I pass organic chemistry if I think general chemistry is hard as hell? And how in the world will I even pass the MCAT if I suck at science?
And to be honest, I feel like I never have any charisma to do anything. I feel like if I go to medical school, I won't be able to handle the stress, and I'll kill myself, or fall into a deep depression.
Maybe being a doctor isn't for me? Honestly, it's not a DREAM for me to become one. It's just to satisfy my family, and so that I can be bankin'. I have an outgoing, almost entertaning funny personality, and I feel as if Medschool will oppose it and destroy it. I always dreamed of being an actor, but seriously, lol, an actor? Who knows if I can even become successful being an actor...But yeah, in all honesty guys....Can anyone relate to my situation? I think I'm going to be a 3.0 GPA graduate from college....I work hard, but still feel slow and not as talented as others.
I'm just curious on what you guys think of my current situation. I'm a freshman in college, and am currently following a roadmap to double major in biology and business. Business is easy, because any ****** can do it. But when it comes to science classes, I absolutely suck. I mean, we just had our first General Chemistry exam. I studied for hours for about 2 weeks straight and what happened? I bombed the exam. Ever since high school I've sucked ass in chemistry....I mean, yeah, I'll probably get through the class. But it'll be a drag. I'm really slow at understanding things, and I never learn anything from lectures in any of my classes. If I skipped, it wouldn't make a difference, cause I'll end up self studying and learning from youtube videos. I always feel like I have to scramble through my phone book and get help from others when I can't figure out a simple concept. I use all my avalaible resources, and no matter how hard I try, I'm either a High C or low B person.
I'm starting to have doubts about my success in the future. I mean, what the hell, how in the world will I pass organic chemistry if I think general chemistry is hard as hell? And how in the world will I even pass the MCAT if I suck at science?
And to be honest, I feel like I never have any charisma to do anything. I feel like if I go to medical school, I won't be able to handle the stress, and I'll kill myself, or fall into a deep depression.
Maybe being a doctor isn't for me? Honestly, it's not a DREAM for me to become one. It's just to satisfy my family, and so that I can be bankin'. I have an outgoing, almost entertaning funny personality, and I feel as if Medschool will oppose it and destroy it. I always dreamed of being an actor, but seriously, lol, an actor? Who knows if I can even become successful being an actor...But yeah, in all honesty guys....Can anyone relate to my situation? I think I'm going to be a 3.0 GPA graduate from college....I work hard, but still feel slow and not as talented as others.