Am I too stupid to become a doctor?

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Aug 31, 2011
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I'm not here to ask for any sympathy of any sort.

I'm just curious on what you guys think of my current situation. I'm a freshman in college, and am currently following a roadmap to double major in biology and business. Business is easy, because any ****** can do it. But when it comes to science classes, I absolutely suck. I mean, we just had our first General Chemistry exam. I studied for hours for about 2 weeks straight and what happened? I bombed the exam. Ever since high school I've sucked ass in chemistry....I mean, yeah, I'll probably get through the class. But it'll be a drag. I'm really slow at understanding things, and I never learn anything from lectures in any of my classes. If I skipped, it wouldn't make a difference, cause I'll end up self studying and learning from youtube videos. I always feel like I have to scramble through my phone book and get help from others when I can't figure out a simple concept. I use all my avalaible resources, and no matter how hard I try, I'm either a High C or low B person.

I'm starting to have doubts about my success in the future. I mean, what the hell, how in the world will I pass organic chemistry if I think general chemistry is hard as hell? And how in the world will I even pass the MCAT if I suck at science?

And to be honest, I feel like I never have any charisma to do anything. I feel like if I go to medical school, I won't be able to handle the stress, and I'll kill myself, or fall into a deep depression.

Maybe being a doctor isn't for me? Honestly, it's not a DREAM for me to become one. It's just to satisfy my family, and so that I can be bankin'. I have an outgoing, almost entertaning funny personality, and I feel as if Medschool will oppose it and destroy it. I always dreamed of being an actor, but seriously, lol, an actor? Who knows if I can even become successful being an actor...But yeah, in all honesty guys....Can anyone relate to my situation? I think I'm going to be a 3.0 GPA graduate from college....I work hard, but still feel slow and not as talented as others.

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You'll be stupid if you do attempt medical school with this motivation. Do what you like in life, it's too short.

Yeah but everyone in my damn family is pushing me to become a doctor. EVERYONE. Mom, dad, brother, uncles, cousins. They all think I'll become a failure if i dont. Seriously, wtf? Now, I'm sitting here all confused on whether to do this or not....Not to mention, all of them already told me that I will only be able to get into the medical school at the Carribeans cause it's the "easiest" one to get into. Implying that I AM dumb.
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If it's not something you really want, it's going to make you miserable.

That being said, I'll touch on a few points you spoke about.

1. You do NOT (repeat, do NOT) have to be a science-minded person to get into medical school. I'm not. I had to work my ass off in undergrad in science classes. I think I had something like a 3.4 science GPA and a 4.0 non-science GPA.

2. You're a freshmen in college - now is not the time to worry about anything. Have fun and enjoy it while you can.

3. Med school isn't that depressing. But, if your heart is not in it, you will definitely be miserable.

4. To me, it seems like you don't really want to be a doctor. It seems like your family wants you to be a doctor. If that's the case, don't listen to them. Do what you want to do.

I once spoke to a doctor when I was a freshmen in college. He asked me what I wanted to do for a career. I responded, "I think I want to be a doctor." He said, "You can't think you want to be a doctor. You have to know you want to be a doctor."
how many of them are doctors?

None of them are...They're all immigrants and want me to be successful, because they never had the opportunity.

I think the problem is that I'm confused and can't decide on a damn career.
Follow your dreams. You still have some time to figure out what you want to do. Don't pursue medicine if you'd rather be doing something else. And definitely don't doing it for someone else.
unless something changes, medicine doesn't seem to be the career for you
You'll be stupid if you do attempt medical school with this motivation. Do what you like in life, it's too short.

plus uno

with your outgoing and charismatic personality and your natural talent in business, it seems like you would be a much better fit for business. i'm pretty sure i wouldn't do really well if i were a business major. i recommend other pathways... you are only a freshman so you have plenty of time.
You'll be stupid if you do attempt medical school with this motivation. Do what you like in life, it's too short.


Your family might be disappointed if you don't go to medical school, but they'll be much more disappointed if you leave medical school because you don't have the motivation to get through it. I think as you spend time in college you'll find yourself being able to break away from your family's expectations and live your life on your own terms.
The streets of America are lined with dropped out pre meds.
As are the streets of Hollywood lined with failed actors.
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I envy people who have a knack for math, because I don't. And be honest with can't have studied ALL day and not have gotten a decent grade.

Don't spend 4 hours calling people and trying to get a solution for a problem. That 4 hours is better spent working it out yourself, and failing and failing until you finally get it, because that builds Confidence. Once you have that, you can pretty much do anything.
I saw a fair amount of premeds in my school who really struggled in science classes. It makes me sometimes suspect they chose a career without honestly assessing their own abilities. Of those who struggled with science, some do make it to medical schools with enough efforts but A LOT of them just gave up half way. It ultimately comes down to you whether to follow this path but think about the effort vs. rewards. You will have to put in a lot of work to get into a career that you are not truly passionate about while you can use your strengths in business to make an enjoyable career.
Yeah but everyone in my damn family is pushing me to become a doctor. EVERYONE. Mom, dad, brother, uncles, cousins. They all think I'll become a failure if i dont. Seriously, wtf? Now, I'm sitting here all confused on whether to do this or not....Not to mention, all of them already told me that I will only be able to get into the medical school at the Carribeans cause it's the "easiest" one to get into. Implying that I AM dumb.

That is a really tough situation for you that a) your parents are pressuring you to pursue medicine, essentially and that b) they're also telling you that you can't get into a US med school.

You need to step back and try to realize what it is that you want to become. If you are not happy in science, then choose something else. I know it may seem difficult for you, but I've talked to many premeds that have had incredible depression because they pursued something that was way over their heads. And it's only lead to negative consequences.

Is it your dream to become a doctor? And if so, why? To please your family?
Just like many others have mentioned, do what will make you happy. It's your life, and it is not worth it to sacrifice it for someone else's dreams.
Don't go into it if you don't love it. I'm struggling with motivation in medical school with the intention of medical research (still related to some of the course content). Save yourself the misery, and go into something you love. It sounds like business might be a good idea. Perhaps you could still be involved with the medical profession/health care while in business if you genuinely like some of the medical stuff/biology. I know a few people who dropped pre-med for business or law and have combined the like (but not love or extreme talent) of biology with their professions 🙂
I know a few people who dropped pre-med for business or law and have combined the like (but not love or extreme talent) of biology with their professions 🙂

This is very true! I know some who have done this as well 🙂
If you enjoy the sciences, but you feel like you "suck", then reevaluate the way that you study. Just because you study for two weeks straight doesn't mean you study right. I usually only study about two-three days before an exam and I'll ace it. That's because I've found a way to "study smart" that works for me. Talk to people in your class that are getting A's on your professor's exams and find out what they are doing to study that you are not and adapt your studying techniques. Just a tip. Or if you just flat out hate science, not because you are bad at it, then being a doctor probably isn't for you because....this is a primarily science-based profession 😱
It seems to me that you're heart isn't in medicine, so I suggest you follow where your passion lies, wherever that may be. I can't imagine going into a profession that I have no real motivation for becuase I simply wouldn't be happy. I know medicine is exactly what I want to do because of various reasons; despite that, I still get very frustrated/stressed with my science classes all the time. I can't fathom how frustrated I would be if I knew this isn't what I really want to do. I know a lot of premeds who are miserable because their parents are pushing them into this.

Just my 2 cents. Good luck!! 🙂
I never learn anything from lectures in any of my classes. If I skipped, it wouldn't make a difference

I think that being highly concentrated during every minute of a lecture is the first real step to getting high grades. Doing so, you have already done 50 % of the work IMO since if you consider that getting an A=understanding+memorizing+being able to do problem sets, you'll already have understood pretty much everything and half-memorized it. Pre-read the lecture before you go to class. When the lecture is done, finish memorizing the material the same night and do a few problems (should take 1h), then read your notes again quickly before next the lecture, and do 1h each night of problem sets in the week before the exam is the key to getting at least an A-. It is a lot easier than cramming and the material will stay in your head for ever. Consistency is the key I think.

I think there is no such thing as "stupid" or "smart" people. You just have to pick up the right learning (and testing) techniques.
Wow, you guys offered some great advice. Thank ya'll soo much! I think it'll take me some time to commit on what I want to do. I actually would love to help people out in the future, and help them of their problems. I've always wanted a job with thrill, excitement, and something new.. I was considering joining the US NAVY and become a SEAL since I am physically superior then others...Yes, I feel as if my physical capabilities are gifted, as opposed to my intellectual abilities. However, since I feel as if I have all the opportunities in the world to become what ever I want, I feel I should do something that requires formal education.

I think the only thing that would truly motivate me to become a doctor would be to become those dive doctors in the NAVY...I feel as if it will be an impossible position to ever get to in my life.

Out of curiosity, do you guys know of any high paying careers that do give a sense of thrill and excitement?
Out of curiosity, do you guys know of any high paying careers that do give a sense of thrill and excitement?

Everyone has a different opinion on this one because people become excited by different things. Unfortunately, no one can help you out on this one. YOU need to figure that out for yourself. Heck, if you get a kick out of being a taxi driver, then by all means, do it! 😉
I'm not here to ask for any sympathy of any sort.

I'm just curious on what you guys think of my current situation. I'm a freshman in college, and am currently following a roadmap to double major in biology and business. Business is easy, because any ****** can do it in his situation. But when it comes to science classes, I absolutely suck. I mean, we just had our first General Chemistry exam. I studied for hours for about 2 weeks straight and what happened? I bombed the exam. Ever since high school I've sucked ass in chemistry....I mean, yeah, I'll probably get through the class. But it'll be a drag. I'm really slow at understanding things, and I never learn anything from lectures in any of my classes. If I skipped, it wouldn't make a difference, cause I'll end up self studying and learning from youtube videos. I always feel like I have to scramble through my phone book and get help from others when I can't figure out a simple concept. I use all my avalaible resources, and no matter how hard I try, I'm either a High C or low B person.

I'm starting to have doubts about my success in the future. I mean, what the hell, how in the world will I pass organic chemistry if I think general chemistry is hard as hell? And how in the world will I even pass the MCAT if I suck at science?

And to be honest, I feel like I never have any charisma to do anything. I feel like if I go to medical school, I won't be able to handle the stress, and I'll kill myself, or fall into a deep depression.

Maybe being a doctor isn't for me? Honestly, it's not a DREAM for me to become one. It's just to satisfy my family, and so that I can be bankin'. I have an outgoing, almost entertaning funny personality, and I feel as if Medschool will oppose it and destroy it. I always dreamed of being an actor, but seriously, lol, an actor? Who knows if I can even become successful being an actor...But yeah, in all honesty guys....Can anyone relate to my situation? I think I'm going to be a 3.0 GPA graduate from college....I work hard, but still feel slow and not as talented as others.

I read until that bolded sentence and stopped and was like this dude is not mature enough to get a reply. Dude, really any ****** can do it? You know business is one of the majors where class work is only a small portion of the success in that major? I mean come on, you could ace your classes because you are a nerd but business requires a good personality and a good way of communicating with people. If you don't have these characteristics, forget business. So it actually needs smart, well-rounded individuals. BTW, I'm not even a business major but seriously this sentence pissed me off.
Wow, you guys offered some great advice. Thank ya'll soo much! I think it'll take me some time to commit on what I want to do. I actually would love to help people out in the future, and help them of their problems. I've always wanted a job with thrill, excitement, and something new.. I was considering joining the US NAVY and become a SEAL since I am physically superior then others...Yes, I feel as if my physical capabilities are gifted, as opposed to my intellectual abilities. However, since I feel as if I have all the opportunities in the world to become what ever I want, I feel I should do something that requires formal education.

I think the only thing that would truly motivate me to become a doctor would be to become those dive doctors in the NAVY...I feel as if it will be an impossible position to ever get to in my life.

Out of curiosity, do you guys know of any high paying careers that do give a sense of thrill and excitement?

I wouldn't dismiss the armed forces entirely, if that interests you -- I can't imagine your family wouldn't be impressed if you pursued a special forces MOS. If you really do have the fortitude and the physical chops, something like a Special Forces Medical Sergeant (18D) might be up your alley, which would definitely give you all the "thrill and excitement" you could want.
Read more books and watch more movies.

Read more SDN.
i didn't know that i wanted to be a doctor when i was a freshman
give it time but know that money is a bad motivation for medicine
learn good study habits and how to focus on what you need to work on, whether it is something like recalling facts or critical thinking

you don't need to be the smartest or most talented to be a great doctor
I'm not here to ask for any sympathy of any sort.

I'm just curious on what you guys think of my current situation. I'm a freshman in college, and am currently following a roadmap to double major in biology and business. Business is easy, because any ****** can do it. But when it comes to science classes, I absolutely suck. I mean, we just had our first General Chemistry exam. I studied for hours for about 2 weeks straight and what happened? I bombed the exam. Ever since high school I've sucked ass in chemistry....I mean, yeah, I'll probably get through the class. But it'll be a drag. I'm really slow at understanding things, and I never learn anything from lectures in any of my classes. If I skipped, it wouldn't make a difference, cause I'll end up self studying and learning from youtube videos. I always feel like I have to scramble through my phone book and get help from others when I can't figure out a simple concept. I use all my avalaible resources, and no matter how hard I try, I'm either a High C or low B person.

I'm starting to have doubts about my success in the future. I mean, what the hell, how in the world will I pass organic chemistry if I think general chemistry is hard as hell? And how in the world will I even pass the MCAT if I suck at science?

And to be honest, I feel like I never have any charisma to do anything. I feel like if I go to medical school, I won't be able to handle the stress, and I'll kill myself, or fall into a deep depression.

Maybe being a doctor isn't for me? Honestly, it's not a DREAM for me to become one. It's just to satisfy my family, and so that I can be bankin'. I have an outgoing, almost entertaning funny personality, and I feel as if Medschool will oppose it and destroy it. I always dreamed of being an actor, but seriously, lol, an actor? Who knows if I can even become successful being an actor...But yeah, in all honesty guys....Can anyone relate to my situation? I think I'm going to be a 3.0 GPA graduate from college....I work hard, but still feel slow and not as talented as others.

quit now.
you don't need to have dreamed of becoming a doctor in order to make a good doctor. wanting to make money and to make your family happy are motivations that should not be discounted. just work hard, and you will know in the coming years whether or not your grades are on par.
Most people whose parents usher them into medicine usually still have a good amount of interest in medicine, although it may not be as much as the student whose father went through multiple heart surgeries and lived. So yeah, if you can't find ANYthing in you, it's probably not your thing.
I didn't realize that being a doctor meant you have to be good at Physics, Inorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry. I guess they must use it on the floors when I'm not looking.
I was an English major my first year in school, and while I love writing, I didn't have the passion. I had to ask myself what path in my life I would most regret not following.

Take some theater courses, see if it's really your passion. Your heart doesn't seem to be in either medicine or business. Taking a half-arsed approach to being a doctor, even if you make it through medical school and interning and residency, isn't safe-other people's lives are in your hands. You need to do what makes you happy, not what pleases your parents.
I didn't realize that being a doctor meant you have to be good at Physics, Inorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry. I guess they must use it on the floors when I'm not looking.

You don't have to be good at any of that crap to be a doctor. You have to be good in those classes, which then allows you to get into medical school. I couldn't do organic chem right now to save my life.

It's a hoop. You jump through it.
Things like physics and chemistry (some aspects) go out the window once you're in med school. They're not going to test you on the henderson-hasselbach equation, or ask you to figure out electrochem,. You just have to grit you teeth and grind through it.

Go there, watch his vids. They will help you if you're struggling on a concept.
Im sorry to say this but yes, you are.
Yeah, going down this road would be a really bad idea for you. Doing something just because your parents want you to is a terrible, terrible idea. It's YOUR life - when you are on your deathbed, the only thing you will have is your experiences. Your parents will be gone, and you'll only have yourself to blame if you threw your life away trying to please someone else.

Sorry to be macabre haha, but you know, take a step back once in a while.
None of them are...They're all immigrants and want me to be successful, because they never had the opportunity.

I think the problem is that I'm confused and can't decide on a damn career.

Medicine is not THEway to success.
Success is often found in what you find value in.
If you feel you can't enjoy it, then that's not success.

It's your life and you only get one. So make choices for yourself; don't let others make them for you.
That's the first step towards success.
If your heart is not in it, don't do it. Plus, it's a bit too early to really tell if you 'suck' in science. It sounds like it doesn't come naturally, but my advice: stop you tubing crap and phoning your friends and go and get a tutor. My guess is you don't really know how to study. If after you've truly changed your study habits and you still suck at definitely want to reconsider your career choice.