Am I using the Medical School Headquarters GPA calculator correctly?

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2+ Year Member
May 15, 2021
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So I am trying to calculate my AACOMAS GPA using the Medical School Headquarters GPA calculator. I want to make sure I am logging repeated courses correctly. For instances there were two courses where I received a WF and one where I received an F. So, I listed those courses accordingly. Later down the log I then input those same three courses with A's. Is that the correct way to log a repeated course? Or am I supposed average out the original grade and the final grade before I log it? I didn't think that would make sense because it would not account for attempted hours vs completed hours, etc.

The yellow shows where I logged my F and WFs and the blue shows where I logged my second attempt at that course.

If I did this correctly it means that my GPA is significantly higher than previously believed which would be a great way to end my day.

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