AMCAS Course Info (omg) Help (me)

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Apr 29, 2008
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I'm assumin this, but may be wrong - If a course is listed under 2 course numbers by the univ (ie. PSYC/EPSY 420 or PSYC/BIOL 404), I should list it under the transcript name (ie PSYC 404, instead of BIOL 404). Also, with that example, I'm guessing I should dis-count it from the Science GPA...right?

Also, I'm basing all my entries from the unofficial transcript from UIUC's site. I'm assuming that it'll coordinate with the official transcript, no?

...I have the urge to bash something against the wall. My head looks'd feel like apple pie compared with this.

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I'm assumin this, but may be wrong - If a course is listed under 2 course numbers by the univ (ie. PSYC/EPSY 420 or PSYC/BIOL 404), I should list it under the transcript name (ie PSYC 404, instead of BIOL 404). Also, with that example, I'm guessing I should dis-count it from the Science GPA...right?

Also, I'm basing all my entries from the unofficial transcript from UIUC's site. I'm assuming that it'll coordinate with the official transcript, no?

...I have the urge to bash something against the wall. My head looks'd feel like apple pie compared with this.

Use the transcript course number, but you can classify it how you want (BCMP or non-BCMP). Sometimes AMCAS will keep your classification, other times it won't -- but there's no harm in putting the course where you think it should go.

There's no fine for 'misclassifying' a course ;-)

-ly enough, the people around here r givin me the evil eye. I wonder if its because I'm twirling my fu-manchu, mullet-stache mustache...

thanks ~!