An LOR from a professor

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10+ Year Member
May 18, 2012
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I have a questions about an LOR, but let me give you some background first.

Went to college X for undergrad. College X has a med school and teaching hospital associated with it.

I work with a doctor at hospital Y, have known/worked with him for years (in an ER setting). The doc happens to be a professor at college/med school X.

Here is my question: If I have this doc write me a LOR on a professional level, will it be looked at as an LOR from a professor because he holds that title at the same place that I did my undergrad? I know that an LOR from a professor typically reflects an academic relationship, so is this going to confuse things? Are Ad-coms going to think I'm trying to be sneeky?


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I have a questions about an LOR, but let me give you some background first.

Went to college X for undergrad. College X has a med school and teaching hospital associated with it.

I work with a doctor at hospital Y, have known/worked with him for years (in an ER setting). The doc happens to be a professor at college/med school X.

Here is my question: If I have this doc write me a LOR on a professional level, will it be looked at as an LOR from a professor because he holds that title at the same place that I did my undergrad? I know that an LOR from a professor typically reflects an academic relationship, so is this going to confuse things? Are Ad-coms going to think I'm trying to be sneeky?


LORs typically start with "I know student X because of Y." So, while this guy is a professor at your undergrad, he isn't going to write that he was your professor. He probably won't even mention that he teaches at that school. I doubt it will be counted as a professor LOR assuming you haven't taken any of his classes.