annoying spelling mistakes

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Dec 7, 2004
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i'm sorry it just freakin annoys me...anyone else catch any other annoying spelling mistakes??

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nena said:
to get ADVICE

Not: adviced

i'm sorry it just freakin annoys me...anyone else catch any other annoying spelling mistakes??

FreaKING, not freakin :laugh:
Freaking annoying:

there & their
you're & your
than & then

Also apostrophes where they clearly do not belong bother me. :oops:
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It's = it is

Its = possessive

another one:


oh and ya..freaking... :D
One of my biggest pet peeves is the use of quotation marks for emphasis. Like: you "must" pay attention, as opposed to you must pay attention. Even underline or bold is better than quotation marks! The stupid computer lab people at my college were always posting signs with all these random quotation marks like that. For some reason it really bugs me.
Let me say, as an English major and a current editor, that I am very thankful that this has been brought up! Not that it will do any good, ;) but it's nice to know I'm not the only one who gets annoyed when people use the wrong form of "there, their, and they're," or "to, two, and too," plus the apostrophes where possessives don't belong, and "I need advise!" and "its vs. it's" and even the lesser-known "who's vs. whose."

I could go on, but I won't. :p
Also, "choose" vs. "chose."

There really are so many. It's very disheartening. :mad:
Qualifications Summery

(best when underlined and bolded at the top of your resume)
mustangsally65 said:
I could go on, but I wont. :p

Hah...not to nitpick, but I believe it's "won't"

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Ah yes, I know who the culprit is... thelonelyone or something like that, right?

nena said:
to get ADVICE

Not: adviced

i'm sorry it just freakin annoys me...anyone else catch any other annoying spelling mistakes??
Rediculous instead of ridiculous. You don't redicule a person. Sheesh.
Other grammar/spelling errors that are annoying: affect vs. effect, alot, "I could care less"
I definately hate when *******es spell seperate incorectly. I mean, unless you are a foreignor, you should really know how to write in English. Do you feel me?
"for all intensive purposes"

"for all intents and purposes"

Quite a few people I know say this, but if I were to correct them, I'd get slapped in the junk.
DepakoteDude said:
I definately hate when *******es spell seperate incorectly. I mean, unless you are a foreignor, you should really know how to write in English. Do you feel me?
I feel you, man. I also hate those *******es that spell definitely wrong, especially when this word has been brought up various times on SDN.
Does it really matter...? We all have (or supposed to have) horrible handwriting!
Ambs said:
Freaking annoying:

there & their
you're & your
than & then

Also apostrophes where they clearly do not belong bother me. :oops:

ANAL, all posters will fit in very well in medical school ;)

GOSH, these mistakes. These just do not belong, why do people not realize this? I really think people who do this are really dumb, far less superior than I. Spelling is so important. Not like I am going to write orders very sloppy so noone can read what I write. I hope I have spelling mistakes here. Please. Yes! :)

Did I mention apostrophes where the CLEARLY do not belong, excuse me...haha
Not all "spelling" or "mistake," but...

"u" instead of "you" (or "ur" instead of "you're")
"intrasting" instead of "interesting"
"an" instead of "and"

I could go on, but I have a feeling most of you know what I'm talking about...and at least half of you do this, so STOP IT! ARGH! How hard is it to type "you?!?"

FMGP8P said:
I feel you, man. I also hate those *******es that spell definitely wrong, especially when this word has been brought up various times on SDN.

Are you calling me a *******? I am a horrible speller and have to paste everything into word before I make a post/send an email. Spelling is the least of my worries in the scheme of life. I admit I cannot spell. I might still get by with the medical doctorate thing or whatever. Don't listen to me I am a dummy.

BTW I do not like your tone. We are not posting to win a Pullitzer Prize.

*note- sorry for any spelling mistakes that I "spelled definitely wrong"*
wat is teh big deal with speling mistakes? who cares!?!@! your just stating the obvius.

crazy_cavalier said:
wat is teh big deal with speling mistakes? who cares!?!@! your just stating the obvius.


i agre wit wut u say teh r anal nd r u suk speeling is nt impertant as long as teh massage gts acros lso grammer doesnt mater its not neded

The horror!
DepakoteDude said:
I definately hate when *******es spell seperate incorectly. I mean, unless you are a foreignor, you should really know how to write in English. Do you feel me?

That's were trying to be funny, right?
callendm said:
ANAL, all posters will fit in very well in medical school ;)

GOSH, these mistakes. These just do not belong, why do people not realize this? I really think people who do this are really dumb, far less superior than I. Spelling is so important. Not like I am going to write orders very sloppy so noone can read what I write. I hope I have spelling mistakes here. Please. Yes! :)

Did I mention apostrophes where the CLEARLY do not belong, excuse me...haha

That was a really disgraceful attempt at being amusing. Rubbish! :smuggrin:
UCLAstudent said:
Rediculous instead of ridiculous. You don't redicule a person. Sheesh.
Other grammar/spelling errors that are annoying: affect vs. effect, alot, "I could care less"[/QUOTE]

Those annoy me too... a lot.
Everybody makes spelling mistakes sometimes, that's normal. It's the little things over and over that bother people, I think. But there are certainly basics that we should all know about the language, like when it's appropriate to use an apostrophe or quotation marks.

For the most part on a forum like this we can give people the benefit of doubt, and assume mistakes are simply typos. Personally if I don't know how to spell a word I will look it up before using it. I'm sure I have plenty of typos in my posts, though. I do think the tendency to not care about the correctness of the words we write may be unfortunate in the future. People apparently haven't learned how to write properly, but it's a skill we all need. Not that I think an internet forum is exactly the best showcase for how people write, but certain errors are made regularly or by the same person repeatedly. I'm often surprised to read things written by friends who are very intelligent but apparently never learned the rules of grammar.

I know this sounds preachy and sort of like I have a stick up my a$$. Heck, maybe I, I checked, there isn't one there :laugh:

Okay it's 2 a.m., I'm going to sleep.
i feel funny when people say something like "I think I did pretty good " AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!! it drives me crazy! like an an itch i can't quite reach, and the more i pay attention to it, the worse it gets. well . you did well
itnrestignly, tehre has bene a sduty taht sohewd taht selpilng dneost mtaetr to a creitan etenxt :D :p
it. said:
itnrestignly, tehre has bene a sduty taht sohewd taht selpilng dneost mtaetr to a creitan etenxt :D :p

Yes, yes, first and last letters. The mind works in mysterious ways...
No, you do not read quotes.

You read quotations.

As you are reading these quotations, you may quote other authorities if you so choose.

I'm never going to get anywhere with this one. It's a losing battle, but I'm right and everyone else in the universe is wrong.

Another not listed:

the misuse of the word "peruse," which actually means "to study with great attention to detail."
These are different words.

Spelling mistakes and typos don't bother me.

I have a funny story somewhat related to this topic, though.

So, in my graduate thermo class we were talking about molecular interactions and how the pressure\temperature and whatnot change based on these interactions. The prof kept saying how the molecules are having collusion and raise the pressure. He says this over and over, all semester. He is talking about the collusion between the molecules. So, every time he says this I want to just crack up laughing because I am imagining all these molecules in cahoots, forming secret clubs, conspiring to change the pressure.

Of course, really the molcules have collisions. That one letter makes a difference. Maybe you had to be there?
hoberto said:
These are different words.

Spelling mistakes and typos don't bother me.

I have a funny story somewhat related to this topic, though.

So, in my graduate thermo class we were talking about molecular interactions and how the pressure\temperature and whatnot change based on these interactions. The prof kept saying how the molecules are having collusion and raise the pressure. He says this over and over, all semester. He is talking about the collusion between the molecules. So, every time he says this I want to just crack up laughing because I am imagining all these molecules in cahoots, forming secret clubs, conspiring to change the pressure.

Of course, really the molcules have collisions. That one letter makes a difference. Maybe you had to be there?

Along the same lines, in law, most practitioners have come across quite a few dictated letters which indicate that an individual died "on the interstate" rather than "intestate" (without a will)...
tigress said:
Everybody makes spelling mistakes sometimes, that's normal.

Tigress I agree with you. When you're typing fast "what" becomes "hwat" (typing error) and "feeling" may become "feling" (spelling error). BUT, when your post says "I don't know weather I should go to school A or B", you're a dumb as*. There's no excuse... and I actually saw this post a few weeks back.
reggae girl said:
Tigress I agree with you. When you're typing fast "what" becomes "hwat" (typing error) and "feeling" may become "feling" (spelling error). BUT, when your post says "I don't know weather I should go to school A or B", you're a dumb as*. There's no excuse... and I actually saw this post a few weeks back.

I love this thread. All of the consistent misspellers probably don't know what we're talking about, thinking, "I don't know what their talking about."

Seriously, there are enough intelligent people in the world to catch these stupid mistakes. As an intelligent, English-competent patient, I would hope my physician would be smart enough to write an intelligible letter to me:

Dear Mr. Jones,
I know ur having a hard time with this cancer. Your going to make it through allright, 'cuz I'm ur dr and I'll be able to give you advise. This new drug were trying is better then the old one. Its shown to be very affective in alot of trials. You "must" not loose hope. Good luck,

You're dr.
patzan said:
Dear Mr. Jones,
I know ur having a hard time with this cancer. Your going to make it through allright, 'cuz I'm ur dr and I'll be able to give you advise. This new drug were trying is better then the old one. Its shown to be very affective in alot of trials. You "must" not loose hope. Good luck,

You're dr.

:laugh: :thumbup:
patzan said:
I love this thread. All of the consistent misspellers probably don't know what we're talking about, thinking, "I don't know what their talking about."

Seriously, there are enough intelligent people in the world to catch these stupid mistakes. As an intelligent, English-competent patient, I would hope my physician would be smart enough to write an intelligible letter to me:

Dear Mr. Jones,
I know ur having a hard time with this cancer. Your going to make it through allright, 'cuz I'm ur dr and I'll be able to give you advise. This new drug were trying is better then the old one. Its shown to be very affective in alot of trials. You "must" not loose hope. Good luck,

You're dr.

LMAO :laugh: :laugh:
Oh geez, lemme just say dont ever work in an honors level premed group project and try to edit others work, these people make an amazing amount of simple grammatical errors. And most of them are going to med school. I think they missed affect/effect EVERY time. That takes some trying lol..
your retarted.

My biggest pet peeve is when people use "I" instead of "me", "she" instead of "her", etc.

For instance: ....for he and I, because of she and I, let he and I know.

You're supposed to use him, her and me in those situations: for him and me, let her and me know, etc.

It's like they are trying to sound more intelligent but use bad grammar to do it.
it. said:
itnrestignly, tehre has bene a sduty taht sohewd taht selpilng dneost mtaetr to a creitan etenxt :D :p

Yeah, supposedly if the first and last letters are in their correct positions, and the middle letters are at least the correct letters which make up that word, then the human brain is capable of processing the word correctly. That's why "what" misspelled as "hwat" looks so much more wrong than "waht."