Another MS1 Summer Research Thread

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7+ Year Member
Dec 22, 2014
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I value research for it's CV-building ability like any other medical student, but I also have an objective interest in pursuing research throughout my time in medical school. My school offers a funded summer research program and I'm having some difficulty deciding what kind of research to pursue.

There are a number of projects that seem like straightforward chart reviews that have a high probability of being published.

At the same time, I'm weighing the advantage of looking at a basic science or more longitudinal project, thinking that it may be beneficial to get a research mentor and invest more heavily.

Basically, I can't decide between going for the low-hanging fruit and getting publications versus doing more significant and interesting research while cultivating my own interests.

Any advice?

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Why can't you get a research mentor and do something you find interesting from the clinical research side? Unless you have no objective interest in clinical research, that is.
My school has a similar program. I currently intend to do the summer program with the PI I have selected and then do more long term work with them during the semester as well.